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  1. I think this is so awesome. Old chalkboards at Emerson High School in Oklahoma City were being removed so they could be replaced with the white dry eraser boards. They found another set of chalkboards underneath that has been untouched since 1917. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/06/06/eerie-chalkboard-drawings-frozen-in-time-for-100-years-discovered-in-oklahoma-school/
  2. I was 21 in 1995 and I worked at an indoor playground called FunDazzle (like Chuck E Cheese) doing kid's birthday parties. The music that played there all day was pretty entertaining. For example I remember hearing 'Eep, Opp, Ork, Ah-ah!' from the Jetsons and Tim Curry's 'Toxic Love' from 'Fern Gully'. Besides that I remember listening to a lot of No Doubt's 'Tragic Kingdom' album and Oasis' '(What's the Story) Morning Glory?' album.
  3. The original Evenfall is around 1,200 pgs. The DC vol 1 & 2 together is around 700 pgs. There weren't a lot of changes but I still prefer the original.
  4. I also highly recommend the "In the Company of Shadow" series co-written by Santino and Ais. They only have book 1 "Evenfall" posted here on GA (I personally prefer the original to the Director's cut of Evenfall) but if you go to Santino's profile page it has links to all the books for free download. It was the first series I read in the M/M genre. All four books are long in length but they suck you in. The story is very well written with intriguing and funny characters that you can't help but care about. I have a mad crush on Agent Hsin Liu Vega:)
  5. Happy Birthday, Rob.
  6. Happy Birthday, Cole.
  7. Happy Birthday, Mark!
  8. Happy belated birthday, Sasha! I thought this birthday cake of books looked cool.
  9. Hero Story: Nepal earthquake: Ex-Pulteney Grammar student saves 55 orphans http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/nepal-earthquake-ex-pulteney-grammar-student-saves-55-orphans/story-fni6uo1m-1227323778484
  10. Happy Belated Birthday, JWolf!
  11. Happy Birthday, Carlos!
  12. "Crosscurrents" by Adam Phillips, who is also my favorite GA author. It was both a HOT and emotional read. What is and who is yours, Atruefan?
  13. School House Rock "Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here". Try getting THAT out of your head.
  14. I like reading the charities on The Chive like this recent one. http://chivecharities.org/story/colton1
  15. I agree with Atruefan, write about your wildest fantasy. I vote for lots of sex and a little kink thrown in.
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