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  1. RayC

    Chapter 1

    Great beginning to the story, leaving you wanting more. Where was the story posted previously? I will definitely be back for more. Thanks
  2. RayC

    Chapter 5a

    Very well done. We see the similarities coming out between the two men. Andy might be the priest but Marcus is the comforter to the young man who holds so much pain inside. It seems the hard shell and denial is opening to a new acceptance and understanding that all his old feelings and beliefs may have been wrong and a new awakening is about to break through. Marcus begins to see himself differently as so vulnerable to having his heart captured by the young priest who doesn't know he is about to do it. I really hate having to wait and see.
  3. RayC


    Found this story with today's post. Read all eleven chapters and enjoyed your story. Wondering if Melvin is being abused at home which could explain some of his behavior. I will look for your next installment and hope it won't be long in coming.
  4. This is a great beginning to what should be developed into an ongoing story. Please do not let it end here with so much potential that would be a shame.
  5. I have read the other stories whose characters are coming into this story. Have enjoyed all of your stories and look forward to seeing how evil doers disrupt this heretofore uncomplicated developing love story.
  6. RayC

    Chapter twenty

    Great story, look forward to seeing the bad guys get what they deserve. Great love scenes described in details that make you feel the love they have for each other. Impatiently waiting for the next chapter.
  7. RayC

    Chapter 6

    Always happy to see a new chapter, never disappointed. Pauls past very intriguing. A little mystery added to the mix and a clue to who might have had a motive of revenge makes waiting for the next chapter more interesting.
  8. RayC

    Chapter 3

    I read the first three chapters today. Liking the story and the great character development. Will Tom cause trouble? You are off to an interesting start. Where are the other two stories posted?
  9. RayC

    Chapter 18

    I look forward to reading each installment.. Will eagerly await the European adventure. Great story, upbeat ans a fun read.
  10. RayC

    Chapter 1

    Great story, wasn't sure I was going to like it at first but didn't see where it was headed until near the end. Enjoyed it a lot.
  11. RayC

    Chapter 1

    My first time reading your work, enjoyed the first chapter and hoping to see more soon. The story shows lots of potential for a great friendship to develop between the two young men. I always like to see the potential develop in a young man like Shawn.
  12. RayC

    Standing Up

    I found this story today and read all three chapters. I enjoyed the story and want to read more of your work. I will be looking at the site you mentioned to see what has gone on previous to this part of the stories from Sanitarian Springs. Very well written and glad I stayed with it. Having all three chapters here today made it easier for me to complete it. I sometimes loose interest when I have to wait several weeks for a story to complete. I am guessing that stories on your site might already be completed and I won't have to wait for the ending of a good story.
  13. RayC

    Chapter 1

    Wow, what a great beginning to this story. I hate waiting for next installments when I find a great story. The beginning is always the same, man meets man, but you are not wasting years or months of time trying to figure who is gay or not, whether or not it is ok to look at each other's body and touch each other. What a great beginning and what great insight into human nature.
  14. I always enjoy each installment. Hoping Nathan's calls are an indication that he cares for Robbie more than he has demonstrated in the past.
  15. RayC

    Chapter 14

    Your story is interesting and timely considering the current political campaigns. This latest meeting will probably tip the scales to get charges filed against the two young men. Looking forward to your next installment.
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