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Jeff Burton

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    Fort Worth Texas

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  1. I appreciate the praise. I try my best with what I write and as soon as the storm that’s been going on in my brain wears itself out, I’ll be sending the updates to the other, two plus get the other two I’ve been working on published out. All of you are fabulous, I just wanted you to know that.
  2. Yes. lol hopefully this week
  3. I’m going to try this.
  4. Jeff Burton

    Chapter 22

    Damn what a ride.
  5. Jeff Burton

    Chapter 21

    Oh oh oh here we go the count down clock to doomsday is finally ticking. We’re at defcon 2 people!
  6. Jeff Burton

    Chapter 19

    Well damn. This chapter certainly adds to the complication at hand.
  7. Thank you!
  8. There's still a couple of chapters to go before we get to what happened to Chris. I'm trying to get Chapters 11 and 12 both done before Chapter 11 gets posted. I'm also working on the next Chapter of Ben's story, and well I started a new one that I haven't posted yet, if I can make any headway on it without bawling my eyes out because it's personal to me anyway (this is that happy story @weinerdog wanted.) and if I can get it planned a little better this time around I will probably have that one saved with chapters in queue to slid around with the other two.
  9. It was quiet, and peaceful. I enjoyed it.
  10. I don't attention of any kind outside of recognition if someone truly means it, yet I deal with it as politely as I can. It makes me uncomfortable and I can't see why anyone would want to be at the center of it. My birthday was at the beginning of the week thankfully the attention was minimal, and I did thank those that took notice lol.
  11. Jeff Burton

    Chapter 17

    I'm just glad he finally read the journal. I swear if I was Seth Killian would have woken up threatening to be strangled in his sleep if he didn't read the damn thing. As for the who dunnit I have a couple of ideas but I'm gonna wait a little bit lol.
  12. I'm not totally evil.
  13. I spent three days in the hospital. I slept for most of the first one and a half days, and the rest of the time was just for observation. I was told that I had been lucky - no broken bones, no severe lacerations. My head never hit anything, and the helmet I was wearing did its job. I had two bruised ribs, scrapes, and cuts along my arms, but other than that, I was fine. Chris was a different story. When I first saw him in the hospital my heart did eventually break allowing some of that emo
  14. Jeff Burton

    Chapter 28

    What the hell did I just read? 4 books 878,239 words, 48 hours of reading spread over 4 and a half days. I always had a concept in my head of an endless love that would loop through time but my God that was fucking amazing.
  15. They are. No where near the level I need it to be but it’s still there.
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