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Everything posted by Myr

  1. Myr


    Thanks! I really appreciate that!
  2. This game is definitely doing better than the beta. It was very freezy then. I'm not sure people are going to tolerate the loot crate stuff. There is a lot of complaining about that.
  3. This is a great game... but it, unfortunately, fell into a zone with a lot of other hot games coming out. And it is extremely stingy with achievements too. I tend to play a game until I hit a couple of achievements and switch. With Shadow of War, it's so long between achievements (hours), I spend more time wondering "are there achievements in this game?" instead of enjoying the story.
  4. Assassin's Creed "the Enzio collection" is a great bargain for people wanting to jump into the series on Xbox One/PS4 generation hardware.
  5. Myr


    The subscription drives me crazy. I paid it for far longer than I care to admin on SWTOR, if for no other reason that I really enjoyed the game when I dropped into it. But I'm not a single game playing kind of gamer. I'll switch between 5 or 6 at any given time, so games that require dedication (Subscription games, multiplayer shoot fests, etc) tend to fall by the wayside.
  6. Please note, I'm going to provide two responses to this thread. The first one is official and the second is personal. Admin response: Story Comments are provided for at all stages of a story's posting. Reviews are provided for when a story is complete. Would it be nice for a review to be in depth? Hell yes. the "Was this useful?" is a subtle way to encourage that. I find reviews that are more detailed of pluses and minuses more helpful and mark them accordingly. As an author though, as covered elsewhere, a star rating and I liked it is still better than nothing. Beta Readers and Editors should be providing these critical reviews to the author... or they aren't really a beta reader or an editor. My personal response: In the fifteen years of running this site, I have tried pretty much everything to get more reader engagement with the authors. This has built the community well enough, but we still lack much in the way of comments and reviews. I've said this in various places... but only about 2% of the site traffic can even do so. Most people reading on Gay Authors are not members at all. Forcing a format does not work. The most it will do is stop people from reviewing at all. If you want more than you are getting, then engage your readers. Ask them in the chapter end note or in the story note to give a detailed response. Tell them you want to know what works and what doesn't. If they like what they are reading enough, they just might do as you ask. Some people certainly aren't going to say something if they are afraid they are going to melt a snowflake. @William King In the interest in providing feedback that you crave, I'm going to say this: you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. Your suggestion that we promote a story a month... we already do this and the amount of effort that goes into it doesn't leave much room for more without more active volunteers. It is still linked on the bottom of the main forum page and in ads running on the site:
  7. Thanks. I am working slowly on it.
  8. Myr

    "Gay" Authors?

    "Gay" authors because 15 years ago when we started "Gay" authors, "gaystories.com/.net/.org" were all taken. And "gay" was pretty much what everything was. Then something called GBLT came along... then LBGT... then today's alphabet soup. All stories are welcome. I just don't think straight ones will have much of an audience here. It is true that our audience skews towards gay teen male stories... but I'm not sure if that is a chicken and egg problem or not.
  9. Myr


    Star Wars: The Old Republic. Fantastic Story. but it's been too long since I've played.
  10. Meh. Half-Life 2 is ancient. Halo has more plot than most FPS's.. but you need the novels to decode it. lol.
  11. All of them. (well, not Nintendo, but they don't do non-kiddie games)
  12. This game is very pretty. I can't wait until my new precious, X Box One X, comes on the 7th and I get to play this in 4k.
  13. It's only Xbox One... I even have it installed, I just haven't wandered back in yet.
  14. There is an achievement for collecting Yaoi art work... *shakes head*
  15. I tried that back when it was in Beta. I couldn't get past the fact that the turbolift doors were 20 ft tall. It struck me as highly irritating break in realism and I left and never went back. Not that I have anything like free time needed to play. lol.
  16. Isn't a First Person Shooter the genre where people trade gameplay for plot? lol
  17. Per our Terms of Service, we do not remove old posts as a general rule. People that request account removal, generally get changed to Former Member. As we've seen, removing content has implications that we try to avoid.
  18. You may
  19. I don't think there is a single thing about this game that isn't taboo of something. Don't watch this trailer if you can't handle a lot of swearing and taboos. It is very very South Park.
  20. When you follow a forum, you only get notified of new topics. You must follow a topic to get notifications of replies. (This single level down of notifications is what has been giving us issues with chapter comment notifications, btw) I'm getting them. Is there a time they stop for you?
  21. Myr


    Thanks Renee!
  22. That is not a built-in capability and we're not really looking to expend our limited resources on creating that (and then maintaining it through updates). We're struggling enough getting the story software updated in a timely manner.
  23. Wow! Great game so far!
  24. This lands tomorrow. I really should finish the story on the first one!
  25. I think it is a factor of chapter size, whether you have it in cache, and how the browser loads the page. Basically, it jumps to the anchor point (ie the comments), then the rest of the page finishes loading, leaving you in the text. I think.
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