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Everything posted by kbois

  1. Other than a lot of flooded roads to drive through on my way home, things are pretty good. It's nice to hear from you tim, you've been missed. ❤
  2. I'm so grateful that our maintenance guys look out for us. Before they clocked out one of them said I should move my car under the carport, a storm was moving in. Sure enough, I can barely see the house across the street. Now I won't get soaked when I leave work. 🙂☔
  3. Other than a Go To Meeting that was supposed to be an hour and went 45 minutes over, so far so good. I really hate those meetings.
  4. Quiet days are really needed sometimes. Time to reflect. Time to procees. Time to just let go or to try to hang on. My night won't be so quiet, but the intruder is Mother Nature putting on her own light and sound show. My dog might hate thunder, but I love it. I hope everyone's evening brings them some peacefulness.
  5. kbois

    Chapter 16

    I think that TC is at a point where he would willingly bottom for David if asked. They have totally acknowledged the love they have for each other and TC would view it as an expression of that love, not as a penance for screwing up. He has definitely owned up to his mistakes. David is the perfect fit for both TC and Sinclair, they all balance each other out. David occasionally needs TCs domination and he definitely needs Sinclair’s submission. It just works. Thanks for commenting and have a good night!
  6. kbois

    Chapter 16

    Thanks chris!
  7. kbois


    tim, Everyday struggles touch each one of us. I've seen my own son with his hand on the same door knob that you speak of. I can only hope that both you and he will see that what lays beyond the door might not be the solution. @Reader1810 is right, you enrich our lives and thank you for that. I sincerely hope that both you and my son will never turn that door knob.
  8. Relationships were weird. That’s what Sinclair thought to himself as he unpacked the pictures from the boxes they had been shipped in. He never in a million years would have thought that he would be involved in a relationship with two men. Each man attracted Sinclair for different reasons. He was drawn to TC like a magnet. The man exuded pure masculinity and confidence, in his opinion. David provided a steadiness, a sense of balance to counter TC’s sheer force of nature, not to mention that they
  9. So my older son survived his bout with a kidney stone just fine. We got take out Chinese food last night and today he finds the fortune cookies in the bag. His fortune? "That which is troubling you shall pass soon." How appropriate! 🤣
  10. Today was mostly good. My son is fine, just a little sore. It's good to see him. He went to Tennessee last month and brought me two bottles of whiskey. Texas Pecan and Honeysuckle. Love that kid! We scored free parking because our room wasn't ready and we had to wait nearly an hour. We also scored free Chinese donuts because we had to wait 30 min for our takeout which we had called in 20 minutes earlier. So other than having to wait, today gets a 👍. Have a good night everyone.
  11. @MichaelS36 Hope you enjoy you day. Happy Birthday!
  12. kbois

    Chapter 15

    It's an interesting spin for me to write. I like Morgan's character. She gets a little more attention, but she might be one that I come back to in another story. We'll see. I bit off a little more than I could chew with this subject matter. I'd have to do a lot more research before I'd tackle a whole story with a transgender character. So, Maybe. I'm glad you're still enjoying the story Quixo!
  13. I finally had a little happiness today. I picked up my mom early and she wanted to go out for lunch, which we haven't done in awhile. Our favorite place dropped my favorite dish from the menu, which I've known for a while. (we do take out occasionally). So when I told our server that I was disappointed, he went to the manager and asked if they would make it for me. Sweet Thai Chile Chicken...OMG. It was a little thing that finally brightened my day. That cute little waiter got a really good tip too!
  14. kbois

    Chapter 15

    As an author, it's rewarding when I hear that my reader gets what I'm working toward. These three are working things out on their own timeline. I've read a couple of stories lately with transgender characters and they are an overlooked genre. It's nice to be able to explore something outside of the usual expectations. I really try to be as open minded as I can be. I do, however, draw the line at certain situations, especially when it involves children or animals. I lose my shit when I read or hear about either being abused in any way. Thanks for the good wishes. I actually had something go right this afternoon so that's a plus.
  15. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Parents can really suck sometimes. Yes, the playroom is almost ready. Can't wait to see what's gon a happen! And yes. There are a couple of pivotal moments yet to come. (Pun intended 🤭)
  16. kbois

    Chapter 15

    2020 just needs to go. Period. I will never be able to fathom how anyone could shun their child for who they really are. It's mind boggling. It's always good to hear from you empress!
  17. just celebrating together is nice.
  18. I made it out to go get my mom and so far so good... no toilet ice!I 😄
  19. We're going up tomorrow. At this point all I can do is look life straight in the eye and say 'bring it!' Although with the way this week has been I'll probably step outside and get hit in the head with toilet ice falling from a plane. If y'all see a weird news story this weekend that starts with 'Florida woman..' it's most likely me. 🙃🤪
  20. It was late on a Thursday afternoon and David looked once again at the message Lyssa sent him. She had wanted to know if she and a friend could stay at the house this weekend. When David had replied that he had no problem with it, he had been a little puzzled when she asked if he could be there Friday night, she needed to discuss something with him, but it wasn’t urgent. Sinclair would be at an away game down in Naples and wouldn’t be back until late. He told Lyssa that he would be there for din
  21. Good morning all. Not that it's great. Of course it started with an early morning call from my older son. He's in the ER. They think it's a kidney stone. He's doing ok. Texting me updates and feeling no pain. They gave him morphine. At least he has insurance through school. I just can't win this week. 😕
  22. Thank you tim.
  23. Thanks tim, the poem is on your new topic thread.
  24. It's good to hear from you tim. I like your therapist's outlook. We all need someone to stand next to us when we're face down in the mud and offer a hand so we can pick ourselves up. Being hurt and betrayed by someone you loved is always hard. I think many of us have faced some hardships and setbacks the past few weeks. I lost another nephew on Tuesday. A little bird told me to process it however I needed to, so I have. My heart breaks for yet another of my brothers. It just makes no sense. So far they don't know why, only that he collapsed in a parking lot. I took a page from your book tim and tried my hand at poetry and posted it. It did help. The poem is probably shit, but it helped me sort through some emotions, so thank you. I'm heading to Tallahassee on Sunday. My son will be hugged just a little bit more than usual. My wish for everyone for today is that you discover one thing that brings you a moment of joy. Have a good day.
  25. Take whatever time you need tim. We love you too. ❤
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