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  1. shifterslover

    Chapter 1

    My dear friend, welcome back! I'm so glad to find a new wonderful novel of yours! I was a little worried about you... I'm looking forward to next chapter. But, what about The Scorched Kingdom?
  2. shifterslover

    Chapter 6

    Tacitus's ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT couldn't possibly be a BOOK! Books were invented only a few centuries after his death. His original manuscript could only be a SCROLL.
  3. shifterslover

    Chapter 1

    As usual, an exciting new novel by Geron Kees begins on July, the 4th. New world, new characters, masterfully depicted by our beloved Geron. But.... What about good old Charlie Boone & Co.? I'm missing them all, even if I'm sure that we all shall be intrigued by this new wonderful tale.
  4. shifterslover

    Chapter 11

    "Magic was merely smoke and mirrors, an ignus fatuus." I beg your pardon, but it's wrong. It is IGNIS fatuus. Ignis is a masculine name of the THIRD Latin declination. The desinence -US is for the nominative case of the SECOND declination. On the contrary, fatuus is correct, because fatuus, -a, -um is an adjective of the so called first class, which uses the second declination for masculine and neuter and the first declination for feminine. So, it is ignIS fatuUS. If you want to write in Latin, please do it in the right way. My old professor of Latin and Greek in High School would be tossing in his grave, reading ignus fatuus!
  5. shifterslover

    Batch 38

    A new story of yours is always a pleasure to me, even if, as a reader from Italy, I sometimes don't understand what you are speaking about. For instance, I had never heard of Rally's/Checker's (they don't exist in Italy, to my knowledge), and I had to check the web to understand your reference. In spite of this, you are one of my favourite writers here at GA. Your stories are awesome!
  6. shifterslover

    Chapter 12

    A wonderful chapter, as usual. But I've got a question: when the door of the stars room suddendly closed and our heroes found themselves trapped inside, why didn't Jamie simply translocate everybody outside, like he did in the previous chapters? He had been in the wood outside, he knew the place and the path to follow using the magick, so why not use the translocation magick?
  7. shifterslover

    Higher 15

    O positive and O negative aren't exactly compatible. O negative can be a donor to every other blood type (and therefore also to O positive), but can receive only from another O negative. O Positive can receive either from O negative or from O positive, while can donate only to another O positive.
  8. shifterslover


    He may say what he wants, but Article 58 of Italian Civil Law is very clear and not misunderstandable about a period of ten years.
  9. shifterslover


    If you don't trust me, maybe you will trust the Italian Law. Item 58 of Italian Civil Law: as you can see it says "quando sono trascorsi dieci anni", that is "after ten years" Dispositivo dell'art. 58 Codice Civile Quando sono trascorsi dieci anni dal giorno a cui risale l'ultima notizia dell'assente il tribunale competente secondo l'art. 48, su istanza del pubblico ministero o di taluna delle persone indicate nei capoversi dell'articolo 50, può con sentenza [56] dichiarare presunta la morte dell'assente nel giorno a cui risale l'ultima notizia. In nessun caso la sentenza può essere pronunziata se non sono trascorsi nove anni dal raggiungimento della maggiore età [2] dell'assente. Può essere dichiarata la morte presunta anche se sia mancata la dichiarazione di assenza [49].
  10. shifterslover


    I don't know where you found this information, but it's wrong. If you search in the Italian Ministry of Justice site, Giustizia.it, you will find this: Trascorsi DIECI anni dal giorno a cui risale il tribunale, su istanza del pubblico ministero o su domanda degli interessati, può dichiarare con sentenza la presunta morte dell’assente nel giorno a cui risale l’ultima notizia. Le conseguenze della dichiarazione di morte presunta sono analoghe a quelle prodotte dalla morte naturale: si apre la successione e il coniuge può risposarsi. La morte presunta può dichiararsi anche in mancanza di una precedente dichiarazione di assenza. Se la persona scomparsa ritorna oppure emergano prove della sua esistenza in vita, la sentenza deve essere annullata, insieme a tutti gli effetti che aveva prodotto. TRANSLATED: After TEN years from the day of the last news of the absentee, the court, at the request of the public prosecutor or at the request of the interested parties, can declare the presumed death of the absentee with a sentence on the day of the last news. The consequences of the declaration of presumed death are similar to those produced by natural death: the succession is opened and the spouse can remarry. The presumed death can be declared even in the absence of a previous declaration of absence. If the missing person returns or evidence of his existence in life emerges, the sentence must be annulled, together with all the effects it had produced.
  11. shifterslover


    I wonder: if Gabriel is officially dead, who will inherit Casa dell'Aquila?
  12. Ok, thanks
  13. Our three contestants are proud mothers of shapeshifters..." I thought that only Elijah was a shapeshifter, while wolf shifters are not called shapeshifters. Or am I wrong?
  14. "Our three contestants are proud mothers of shapeshifters..." I thought that only Elijah was a shapeshifter, while wolf shifters are not called shapeshifters. Or am I wrong?
  15. shifterslover

    Dr Romano

    My dear friend Lomax61, I'm very happy that your coming back to UK was good. I was a bit worried about your silence. Great and interesting chapter. There is only a small thing: the name of the dish is peposO, and not peposA. Moreover, even if many so called italian restaurants all over the world probably cook dishes in wich pasta is served as a side dish to meat, in Italy nobody would ever dream to do so. Pasta, with its sauce, is eaten as first course. Meat is served AFTER, as main course, vith vegetables as side dish. Maybe Mrs. Bellacci wanted to please her English guest... Please, forgive me once more. Looking forward to next chapter.
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