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    Reading, Writing, theatre, art galleries, socialising with friends, enjoying life.

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  1. When I was a child in far simpler times a kaleidoscope was a marvelous cardboard tube that you looked through to see amazing changing colourful patterns. You looked through the eye hole at one end and turned a section at the other end and marveled at the changing patterns. I said it was a simpler time and these kaleidoscopes were very simple. A tube with mirrors at an angle and broken coloured glass in the section in the front that you could rotate. Kaleidoscope was also a word you did not want in a spelling test in the early years of school.
  2. Yeah, as they say "shit happens"
  3. Lots of revelations, fun, tickles, food, sex and bath(more sex?) and it's still morning. Will Reilly really have enough energy left to do the workshop tour? So Saiblene has been weakened by Frost. Only now she has the potential support of The Great Spirit of Darkness. The threat of evil still hangs over our ticklish friends but possibly over all the inhabitants of the North Pole. 😱
  4. You're becoming too subtle @Lee Wilson. The first hug and cheek kiss from Aaron after helping Pete move in was a bit suspect, especially as Pete simply accepted it. Aaron is young and impetuous. He needs to be more careful. I hope things work out for PC, and for Aaron, either together or separately.
  5. I love the concept and can think of a few countries and governments that would qualify.
  6. Paladin

    Shared Burdens

    Lots of things happening at once. The audacious rescue of Oliver was amazing and hopefully he should be able to provide information about the setup inside the farm. The FBI know The Jack of Spades is approaching the farm. Best if they can take him alive get all the information they need from him. After that, I know what I'd like to do with him. Dom isn't happy about the "boy trade" and what does he have in mind for Roger? Let's hope the DA can move on the politically connected players.
  7. In a place so cold the lovers know how to stay hot, and hot lovers they certainly are. 🥵🏩
  8. Paladin

    Chapter 12

    Welcome back @Justin4Fun and thanks for another great chapter. Greg, Scott and Billy bonded as mates. A bit of much needed sex education for the "children" and now Trick or Treating for them as well. I'm keen to find out what Jenny's "outrageous" plan is that needed a dress rehearsal and costumes. I'm guessing but prepared to wait.
  9. I loved this chapter with a further display of the total love between Nick and Reilly along with the string of surprise reveals. Santa arriving with their transport to The North Pole was wonderful. Reilly has been totally accepted by Nick's parents.
  10. Sometimes strategic surrender satisfies simpatico sole mate
  11. Chris can conjure clever commendable comebacks collecting claimable credit
  12. Alliteration attracts adoring authors' attention and always adding additional alternative alliterations. Sorry, everyone. My blunder led to this being posted twice.
  13. Alliteration always attracts adoring authors attention and adding additional alternative alliterations.
  14. Hah, replying in like. I like.
  15. Arsenic and Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring, is one of my favourite stage plays. Nice comic situation and lots of laughs. I also enjoyed the movie. Unfortunately a lot of its references are too dated for a younger audience so it is now very rarely performed..
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