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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. I think it's worth the wait. Now I can get caught up with reading other authors.
  2. I happen to think if it's been too long, the story does probably need a rewrite, but I don't think a story has to remain neglected altogether. It could be that an author is at a point where he or she is simply not into the story for a time and wants to write other stories instead. It could be that once the author is ready for that particular there's a new zest for the story that makes it much more enjoyable for author and the readers as well.
  3. That gives me time to actually read the short story.
  4. The Good: I have hot rockers to fantasize about in my bed. The Bad: I write evil cliffhangers when paying homage to the King of Evil Cliffhangers. The Ugly: I find myself writing deadly scenarios, especially those that include sharp objects such as swords or knives. Tiger (The Reaffirmed Sith Apprentice of Evil Cliffhangers)
  5. Sometimes I feel like a nuisance. I guess that's life, but I wonder if I'm just poisonous to people, almost like I can't do anything right at all. It makes me wonder why I even bother, because all I ever seem to do is upset people in one way or another. Maybe I should just give up and not bother trying. I may have reached a point where I cannot afford to care anymore. Even when I have the best of intentions, I end up on someone's shit list. It's entirely depressing, and I sometimes feel as though there's nothing I can really do to make up for it. I just never seem to be able to pull myself together for long.
  6. Jamie, I am pretty sure it is for attention and the satisfaction of a certain level of retribution. I know it sounds awful, because it really is. I often feel guilty afterward, so I am not a complete monster. Learning how to push buttons is not a good thing. In fact, it can be really bad. Thus, I really have to talk to my therapist about this issue to discover the root cause of it and hopefully fix the problem.
  7. Thanks, Kevin! I always enjoy your insight. You seem to hit the nail on the head every time. You are wise beyond your years. This is definitely something I need to discuss with my therapist on Wednesday at my next session. I'm also taking some time away to give some people a break from all things me.
  8. I strongly agree with Kevin on this one. Sex is sex. That's all there is to it. I am probably not ever going to have intercourse with a woman. That doesn't mean that I'm virginal. Hell, some gay men have sex with a whole hell of a lot more guys than straight men do women, but that is another subject altogether.
  9. If someone else is convenient, that person is sometimes the recipient. I know that's bad, but it's true.
  10. I might be passive-aggressive. I've been wondering for a while if I am. I used to do the procrastination thing a lot, though I have subdued that tendency, but I probably have others.
  11. Billy, quite frankly most psychologists will say that there is a reason why people use a lot of drugs and alcohol. It's an unhealthy coping mechanism at best and a means of complete self-destruction at worst. There's a difference between experimenting with drugs and using drugs to escape from your problems. Where exactly do we draw that line? I'm not exactly sure.
  12. Sometimes I have this problem where if I get frustrated, I'll just start punishing but not in a physical manner. It's like I know what will push a person's buttons and will exploit just because I can. I know it's mean to do it, but at the time, it just seems to make me feel better for some strange reason. Later, I feel extremely guilty, because I know I have gone and upset someone just to vent my own frustration. I don't know what my problem is called or how to fix it. Should I just isolate myself and not talk to anyone just to prevent the problem from occurring, or is there a better solution?
  13. I'm sure he will. There's plenty of grass in the Alaskan wilderness for a hungry goat to eat.
  14. Eric, don't tempt him. Shadowgod is capable of evil cliffhangers and misdirection. If you keep telling him that he's not evil, he's going to be tempted to prove you wrong.
  15. Happy birthday, Jason. Enjoy.
  16. Steve, a lot of people are upset because of his policies. I'm not far on the left, but I am passionately anti-Bush these days. There are so many people who thing he has broken the law, so I am far from alone in my thinking.
  17. I suspect that he may visit Cody before leaving town. I could be wrong though.
  18. I am now solidly in support of Barack Obama. I have no doubt that he is a much better candidate than John McCain, and I know he will be a better leader. All McCain wants to do is promote the same failed policies of George W. Bush. That is not simply unacceptable. It is reprehenisible. George W. Bush is a disgrace to the office of the President of the United States. He should go on trial for treason, and the asshole should be sent to Leavenworth (federal prison) where he belongs. If McCain is going to promote similar policies, he is no better and probably deserves the same fate.
  19. That's true. CJ's universe is indeed a dangerous place, but somehow your universe is intertwined with it. Thus, yours is just as dangerous.
  20. I seem to remember poor Eric on the edge of a precipice. He ended up with a broken leg, and that was all your fault CJ! That chapter is why you are no and forever the King of Evil Cliffhangers and the reason why SPiCE exists!
  21. This sounds awesome.
  22. That sounds like an interesting title. He's supposed to be going to San Francisco. I bet there are other places, because it says "plans" and not "plans".
  23. Oh, I do believe The Scar is dead, but I think he did something before he died that is going to make life difficult. I think the answer has to do their father.
  24. That is definitely sad. We should all remember how she fought for gay rights and be thankful for her accomplishments. We must fight on in her memory and continue the fight. By the way, I moved this thread, because I thought it was more appropriate for The Lounge.
  25. You can say it was the tequila all you want. All booze does is lower inhibitions. Thus, it brings out the real "you" so to speak. Thus, he kissed Cody, because deep down he has always been attracted to guys but has been ashamed to admit it. Where did you come up with the idea that he has no hang-ups? Sure he likes to party and act like a complete jackass at times, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have hang-ups in other aspects of his life. Obviously, he hasn't exactly allowed himself to really explore that side of himself, because he has been afraid. Now he seems to have no alternative but to face it, because he feels empty. As for the fact that he hasn't been in relationships, that may be the same thing. Maybe he doesn't feel that level of intimacy with women, and if that's the case, the serial one-night stands are symptomatic of that issue.
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