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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Only people with really dirty minds have a problem with breastfeeding, because they associate breasts with sex. Most of the guys here don't care about that anyway.
  2. Actually it is possible, but it requires hormone therapy.
  3. Congratulations Paul! I hope you have a good summer.
  4. It most certainly was. Things were looking bad for Instinct in the earlier chapter. I was glad that they managed to survive. Now that they know about The Scar, perhaps the authorities will be hunting him down soon.
  5. I agree whole-heartedly. Kevvers, I was joking with my earlier post. Jamie, I think it takes a lot of courage for you to take a stance in the deep south and I applaud you. You are truly one in a million. Standing up for what we believe in is the only way to combat those who hate us. You should definitely be proud of yourself on this issue. Anyway, a man would be a damn fool if he didn't want to have contact with you.
  6. I'm not complaining at all, except that from what Emoe said, we may have to wait a while for the next one.
  7. I voted for GFD. It's one of my overall favorites. I'm also biased, because I like sci-fi.
  8. Welcome to GA! It's always great to have new members! There are plenty of great people to get to know and plenty of stories to read! I see your author status! It's good that you like to read stories as well as write. I'm in a reader mode these days, but I will have a new chapter out soon! Also, if you need an editor, you can go into the Editor's Corner. It's also a good place to find a beta reader. Welcome to GA, and good luck with publishing a novel. The same applies to you with the advice I gave to Dion. Before I forget, you can pm JSmith about your author tag.
  9. Yes, he is a very nice guy. I am pleased that he finally admitted to using an evil cliffhanger too.
  10. Well, he finally fessed up to using a cliffhanger. You may not deny it, but you certainly downplay your evil cliffhangers.
  11. I didn't know you'd read Shadowgod yet. Yes, LiS 26 was indeed an EEEvil cliffhanger. They both love using evil cliffhangers but don't like to admit it. Me... well I've attempted a few cliffies, but they don't seem all that evil.
  12. I love LiS, especially Chapters 13 and 26. However, you managed to blow the cliffhanger in LiS Chapter 26 into smitherines with the most evil cliffhanger in the history of this entire site. No one will ever be able to surpass your mastery of evil cliffhangery. That's no offense to Shadowgod. His stories manage to add a level of poetic story writing that no one else can even come close to recreating.
  13. I just finished writing Chapter 13.
  14. Gary, it's only Wednesday.
  15. If Shadowgod manages to produce a cliffhanger more evil than this one, I will lead the charge. Until then, the title belongs to you.
  16. If that's the case, then maybe there's a chance of survival after all.
  17. I see stuff like that in stories all the time. Now, if I see that in technical or schoolastic writing, I'll throw my grammar Nazi book at your head. Anyway, I really hope that at least some of the Instinct members survive.
  18. I agree. PDA is hot but only if it's two guys. Yes Kevin, I am dissenting.
  19. Tim or Tiger is just fine, Dion. You're very welcome. So are you here mainly as a reader or are you an author as well?
  20. Happy Birthday, Dhruv!
  21. You've got that right. I might make it to 3k by the end of the year and that's a big maybe. There's no way I'll reach 4,444 any time soon.
  22. Yes, the goat is just pure evil, especially after the recent evil cliffhanger. So now the question becomes, "Who will reach 4,444 post next?Will it be Myr, or will it be BeaStKid?"
  23. I'm inclined to disagree about someone who kills for cash having morals. As a general rule, people don't do that unless they enjoy killing people. :wacko:
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