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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. That is definitely an interesting statistic. Great job participating everyone! I look forward to 50,000 more.
  2. That sounds so romantic. I do not remember for sure what I said, but if someone proposes to me like that (and I am already open to the idea) I would gleefully accept.
  3. Rose I agree completely on that. People seem to think it always complicates. I don't think so at all. As you said, it depends on the people. Now, I have had a bad experience with that sort of thing, but it does not deter me from a potential friend with benefits in the future. Hell, it might even lead to something more in some cases. That's why I believe in keeping an open mind.
  4. Tiger

    2 years old

    Well, I'm certainly glad to be getting to know the real you to the extent that I have. You are probably more at peace than I am, and that's definitely a good thing. For me it was a process that took 5 years. At first, I was saying to myself that I was a bisexual, but over the last year, it has become more and more obvious that I'm not nor will I ever be a bisexual. I am definitely gay, and I am much more comfortable with it than I was 5 years ago!
  5. I'm moving to a town in Kansas. I would rather not reveal the name of the town in a public forum, but feel free to ask me on MSN Messenger.
  6. Well, let's see. I'm celebrating the fact that I'm going to be moving to a bigger town soon. There's also the fact that this is post #2,500.
  7. I never said that the situation was always perfect. There are times when one friend starts to have feelings for the other. At that time, things get complicated. Therefore, there are times when you're better off "playing".
  8. Lesbian sex does not do anything for me. I'm not a straight guy, so there is really nothing there for me there. As for others like it, that's okay. I suppose reading about lesbian sex would be good if I were feeling amorous, because it would soon fade.
  9. Actually it's not that bad, Kev. It's actually quite nice, because we love our friends anyway. Besides, think of how much safer it is to have sex with someone you know than some random stranger at a bar. Of course, you'll say something about using protection, but those can break from time to time. With a friend, you're more likely to know if he's clean. Therefore, it's safer. The other good part is that it can happen once or twice a week as you both deem necessary. It's great for when you really need some and you don't have a significant other.
  10. Tiger

    Some People

    I think I would have to haunt them for the rest of their lives to be honest. That's so disrespectful to defile a corpse. It should be a felony rather than a misdemeanor.
  11. Kev, I have thought of that scenario more than once. The irony of it is something the goat may find too delightful to resist.
  12. Happy birthday, Patrick.
  13. I think it is wishful thinking if you think he will do any of those things.
  14. Tiger

    Some People

    Everyone now and then, we read or hear about a reason why more people should practice birth control. This Houston Chronicle story is about such an example. I read the story just a few minutes before starting this entry, but I thought I would share it. I am not sure that sharing this story in the forums would be a good idea. Anyway, what these guys did was not only creepy, it was a reprehensible way to treat another human being who is no longer among the living. What is wrong with people these days? Why would anyone want to do something like this when they know it is so unacceptable in society. Why do so many parents not teach their children right from wrong anymore? We live in a society where almost nothing is shocking to us anymore. Yet, this nation is supposedly a beacon of Christian morality. I hope these sickos go to prison for a long time for this. It is unacceptable to be acting this way even if you are a pothead.
  15. I was in the minority of the correct.
  16. That is true, but what would they use instead of guns? I've heard that there have been a few cases where people rob stores with needles. People who intend to commit crimes will do so whether or not they have guns or not. I think I'd rather be shot than stabbed repeatedly or bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat. People are always responsible for their own actions. Anyone with even below average intelligence knows that you cannot shoot a cop and not suffer severe consequences. The same can be said of visiting a hooker and then shooting him/her and leaving the corpse to take the money. Doing these things in GTA can have consequences, but I think most people understand that if you're "wasted" you don't come back to life after a hospital visit.
  17. Well, I was being a little over-dramatic. I am not really a prude. I'm just not one who can sleep with strangers. Then again, I'm one of those who's okay with the friends with benefits kind of situation. A lot of people have a problem with that.
  18. You all make me look like a prude. I just can't go around doing that for some reason. I'm too old-fashioned.
  19. That doesn't mean that Mom and Dad shouldn't be able to have a computer of their own. I can understand wanting your kids to do something other than playing video games.
  20. I want to try skydiving. That sounds like fun. Maybe if I'm ever in AZ...
  21. I went with other. I really can't do that sex with strangers thing. I don't judge others for doing so. I'm just paranoid about STDs, and I at least have to be good friends with someone before I go there.
  22. I agree. I, for one, have played the game. Yes, I enjoy the violence, but who doesn't? I'm an adult, and I happen to love gaming. I have been an avid game since before it was fashionable. I agree with Jamie about maturity level. If a person is capable of discerning truth from reality, then he or she should be able to play violent video games without a problem. I remember there was a s**t storm over GTA: San Andreas because of "hot coffee". "Hot coffee" was not even that graphic. It was more humorous than anything. Also, the code for "hot coffee" was hidden and there was a special way to access it.
  23. I deleted the entry from last night, because I thought I was actually too harsh. Here's the bottom line. What I said about them is strictly my opinion. As for the accusation that I know nothing about it, I talk to some people who have been at GA for a long time, and I have no reason to doubt what they have to say. Based on the information I have, I formed an opinion. As far as I know, it's the most well-informed one. I also trust people more when they have a certain level of loyalty here. Obviously, they were never truly loyal to GA, and their actions prove it. Even if I decided to have a site of my own I would still want to be a part of GA, because everyone has been wonderful here. There really is a sense of family here. As for the other side of the story, feel free to email me. The address should be on my profile, but don't expect me to change my mind.
  24. I forgot to mention muscle types. The guys like Arnold look like they could crush you. Plus all those extra veins are just plain disgusting to me. I don't mind some muscle, but I'm opposed to the Mr. Universe types.
  25. I do find some older men attractive, but I am unlikely to date anyone over 35. That is simply because I do not think I would have enough in common with someone that much older. However, if others my age want to date a 50-year-old man or woman, that's what works for them.
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