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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. I don't have a speech prepared. All I can say is, "Happy Birthday!"
  2. I chose Eric and no. I think Eric is awesome. I noticed that he and Brandon are now tied. He is definitely a close second.
  3. Well said! I don't care what Xian fundies think. They'll always be bigots. The only exception might be parents, but when it comes down to it, if parents do not accept it, then they're really not worth your time either.
  4. Sorry corvus, but I think Baptists are far from a good example of morality. I have no desire to act like them, because, quite frankly, I have higher moral standards than that. Any church that does not live up to that standard has no credibility as a moral authority. Now, I might consider the Episcopalians or the Unitarians, but I refuse to defend any bigotted church.
  5. I thought of another one. Danny's Song is definitely romantic. "Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey."
  6. Of course, I'm innocent. Have you ever known me to do anything evil? I'm a good boy. As for blaming Shadowgod for Cody and Eric not going further, I don't buy it. I'm sure that was a mutual decision. Besides, it was your character, Helen, who prevented it. If anyone has more blame in the matter it is you. You have conceived several evil characters. In FTL, there was Eric #1 (who eventually learned the error of his ways), the sheriff, the preacher, and Blackheart. Then in LTMP, there is The Scar, and he loves to kill! They're all EVIL! They're so evil that I have yet to even conceive characters that are even half as evil. You are the master of the antagonist.
  7. I have my own opinions about people who are promiscuous regardless of their sexual orientation, and quite frankly it's not a high one. At the same time, I am not one to judge others for what they do in the bedroom. If they're not sleeping with me, it's none of my business. If they are, then that's a different story all together. I do strongly urge people to get tested even if they are supposed to be in a monogamous relationship, because sometimes partners cheat. I'm not going to pull a self-righteous rant on those who do sleep around though. I have a lot more important things to worry about than who John Doe is sleeping with. I'm also not a perfect angel. Before people go around and get pissed off about what others are doing, they need to check the skeletons in their own closets.
  8. I still say that both the goat and Shadwgod are both incarnations of great evil. When we examine the treatment of Cody and Eric, clearly we see the level of evil. All they wanted to do was have some fun, but the evil incarnation, Helen, interfered. I suspect that some of Helen's dark side are reminiscent of Catherine. Therefore, the case is far from closed. The Innocent Angel, Tiger
  9. Well, that needs to be said more than once, 'cuz some people might actually try it if it's not pounded into their heads. In addition, do NOT use Nair down there. Nair is for legs. I don't know about Veet, but my guess is that the same rule applies. It belongs on your legs and not your crotch.
  10. Wow! 18 is huge. You're old enough to smoke. Please don't though. Cigs are bad. Happy Birthday!
  11. Who are you trying to prove this to, yourself or everyone else. I think there is plenty of room for debate on this issue. Besides, as we discussed before, the devil is often presented as a goat. It is hardly an open and shut case.
  12. I know the band broke up a long time ago, but I still love the romantic songs I Knew I Loved You and Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. I think what makes them really special is that they were mostly likely written about a man loving another man.
  13. That's a perfect description of the goat. I still have figure out who is the most evil, the goat or the shadowy one.
  14. Some of you might know this, but I have to be enamored by love songs in other langauges, especially French; Italian; and Spanish. This song is so beautiful. This vid allows you to see the words and hear them in French. The song is called Hymne a L'Amour. I can listen to it several times a day and never grow tired of it. Then there is Time to Say Goodbye. Despite it's title, the song is mostly in Italian. The translation can be found here. Last but not least, there is . It may be a break-up song, but it's the most romantic one EVER! Are there any songs in English that compare to these three? You can be the judges. Hymne a L'Amour and Si Volvieras a Mi both the the lyrics in the video.
  15. That song is nice. I happen to think Angels by Robbie Williams is romantic as well.
  16. Sometimes parents do not teach their children tolerance, and quite frankly I do not want those kind of parents teaching their children about such issues. This does not just apply to teaching children tolerance for homosexuals either. I live in an area where racism, especially against African Americans, is rampant. The ignorant rednecks around here teach their children hate. Why is it such a bad thing for schools to teach the children better than their miserable excuses for parents? Sometimes teach kids the right way is of the utmost importance when parents teach them hate. Maybe I am stepping over the line with my sentiments, but in my opinion parents who teach their children to hate others are unfit to be raising children in the first place. Parents are supposed to teach their children right from wrong. Intolerance is wrong. Those kind of parents are like shepherds who lead their sheep into the vicinity of a pack of wolves.
  17. That does not surprise me. Everything changes so a lot over time. I happen to think a lot of bi-racial people are very attractive.
  18. That's true. Serial killers are more about their rituals and how their rituals satisfy their desires. Spree killers want to make a statement. It's usually f*ck the world. There's also a type of serial killer that goes from place to place and kills as many people as possible without regard to race or gender. They are said to be at the very top on Most Evil. Anyway, considering that there are few serial killers and that most victims are women, I don't think we have to worry about being killed a serial killer. Just because someone prefers someone of his or her own race does mean that the person is a serial killer. Again, I think a thread in The Soapbox about serial killers is a good idea.
  19. I don't think I even want to know to be honest. Serial killers are sadistic and cruel people. Understanding their motivations means learning everything about them from how and what they think to careful examinations of their victimology and ritualism. Killing members of one's own race is quite common. I would say that most murders follow that pattern. I also think there is an increased risk of people killing former lovers than other people. It's just a fact of life, but this really is a little off-topic. If anyone else is interested, I would think that a thread about serial killers and their motivations would be great for The Soapbox.
  20. I actually like the idea. I think the closest one might find to a university like that is UC Berkeley. That city is known for being tolerant so to speak. While I would never defend a lot of what goes on in that city, I do think the tolerance is something we should strive to have everywhere in the United States.
  21. Well, it' comes down to the phrase, "I'll try tri anything once, twice if I like it."
  22. As evil as Blackheart is, he has NOT created nukes or came up with a scheme to take over an entire country. They're both evil in their own ways. Jerry probably does believe in siezing the day. He's seeking an opportunity to usurp power. What is there to misunderstand about him being an incarnation of pure evil?
  23. It depends on part of body. You don't want to wax the crown jewels. :wacko:
  24. I don't think it's unforeseen actually. In fact, I believe his reappearance is foreshadowing of his importance in the story. I could be wrong though.
  25. I'm attracted to mostly to Whites and Hispanics; it's about equal with those two. I also happen to like some blacks (especially those who are mixed with White) and some Asians. In other words, race does not matter much to me at all. There are much more important concerns.
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