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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. I might be a part of it as well. I edit for one and beta for another. As mentioned before, I will likely be beta reading for a second one.
  2. I thought he was somehow based upon me. Anyway, I actually do agree about the biker thing. I don't know any Tims who are bikers.
  3. It is a rarity, but yes I have. He does tend to bloviate... well, I guess I need a better word. He is not pompous or arrogant. He does, however, discourse at length. His posts are always interesting. That's for sure. I just want to have a chance to catch up.
  4. There is some truth to that. However, I have slowed down somewhat. I just wish Kev would slow down. At this rate, I'll never be able to catch him. Not really... I will probably be ahead, but there's still a gap of over 400. I don't post as much as I used to.
  5. I could probably do that, but I would rather not. I like the stuff I write, because it has a level of originality. The only thing I seem to really be guilty of is changing POV. However, I am now much more comfortable with 3rd, and I can easily write stories in 3rd.
  6. That's great. I reached 2700 recently. Your absence allowed me to close the gap a bit. I'll probably be at 3000 by the end of June.
  7. Actuall, the correct term is frot. Frottage is a more general term for "sexual rubbing while naked or clothed during normal sexual activity" according to the top of this page on Wikipedia. There's always a down side, Kev. Friends with benies are not for everyone. I never suggested otherwise.
  8. That is an excellent double entendre! Yes, I agree with everyone that I'm glad you, CJ, were able to post 41 in time. It was certainly a good read. I have issues with my own graphics. There is still a driver issue.
  9. I actually agree. I am still fairly new, so that is why I had not really thought of finishing one first. I think I often need a side project. I think short stories count for that. I happen to enjoy writing short stories anyway. I do intend for my next novella (or novel) to be finished before I post any of it. It is much better that way. I will still post one chapter at a time though. That allows me to use an evil cliffhanger, not that I would ever take advantage of such an opportunity. Anyway, the point is that I understand why he wants to be able to have two projects at once. I can be a lot of fun. However, in my experience, one story is usually more enjoyable to write. I started Dark Earth: The Prophecy and Second Chances just days apart. Yet, I am much further along with DE:TP, because I like it more. That's why you're right about it being best to have one at a time that you actually post.
  10. This was certainly an interesting chapter. I hope this means that they're closing in on Jerry/Scar! I also could not help but notice a certain Deputy Sheriff was named Tim.
  11. That's what I was thinking. I really want one. Besides, that title seems to be more fitting for FTL anyway.
  12. I can understand that feeling. I think it often gets to the point where at least one friend wants there to be something more. For me, it depends upon where I am on a psychological level. I think after a break-up would be prime time for me to fool around with a friend. Another factor is the sensuality. If someone tends to stay the night and cuddle, I'm more likely to develop some feelings. I think that's a mental thing. Anyway, I think I know who you're talking about. I'm sorry that it hurt your friendship.
  13. I think I could possibly be with a woman, but she would have to be damn special and know how to use an attachment (and I don't mean an email one). I do find it highly unlikely though. I really do think I started out bisexual and slowly drifted towards being gay. I can't explain it. Maybe, I just accepted it. It's difficult for me to comprehend that part of my psyche. I'm sorry about being off-topic, but it seems like we all are to a certain extent. I can say that I would love to organize a Pride parade in which people got to see a more positive side of us. I think part of the problem is that the media wants only to show the freaks. Perhaps I need to actually go to one and find out for myself.
  14. You'll never know unless you invite him to visit you there. As for computers, I have a laptop. I also have a desktop, but I am not its main user anymore. The desktop is on XP; the laptop is on Vista Home Premium.
  15. I think XP has been the most stable from Microsoft thus far. It's certainly better than Vista. Vista is getting better with the exception of the occasional NVIDIA crashes. :wacko:
  16. I just thought I had heard Windows 2000 being mentioned before. That would mean there's a serious need for an upgrade.
  17. That is what urban dictionary says.
  18. I still have a long way to go. I will be completely out when I move to a place that is more accepting of our kind. As for you, I thought Belgium was a fairly progressive nation. If that is not the case, you should consider moving to a major city in France or Germany. The only reason I wouldn't dare is because I live in an area that is not quite as progressive as I would like it to be I'm sure that they have a wild party at the pride parades there. It justs seems like that's the way it is everywhere. I think something more tasteful would be better for everyone.
  19. It sounds like someone should start a new puter fund for the goat.
  20. Gary, Astroglide is available a Wal-Mart. I don't have the guts to buy it there though. Back on topic: I'm surprised they don't sell Astroglide on the streets during these pride parades. People are already doing stuff like that. The decadence of pride parades is enough to keep me away. It sends such a bad signal to society about who we really are as a community. If we are to be taken seriously, waving dildos is not the way to do it. We need to present ourselves as human beings with some sense of morality. I do not necessarily mean Christian morality, for their ideas of morality can be somewhat misguided.
  21. There are much better lubricants out there. I don't feel much of a need to be "proud" either. I just accepted it recently. I am also fine with it. It's just a part of who I am. I hope there are things that are much more interesting about me than the fact that I'm gay. I also don't feel the need to act like a total ass hat on the street.
  22. Tiger

    Moving Day

    Today was moving day. We got started around noon today. It was the fastest move ever. It only took a few hours. We were done before 5. Granted, there are still plenty of kinks to fix like the problem where the shower curtain does not seem to stay up here. I just got out of the shower actually. Moving was definitely a good idea, but it will take a while before it feels like home. I already have a tentative plan to move again, maybe even twice. Hopefully it will be easier with just my stuff. I really want my own apartment. I might even be willing to live by myself for a while. As far the comments in my previous entry, by special friend I am being purposely ambiguous. It could mean a friend with benefits It could be more. Yes Kevin, I vehemently disagree with you about "friendcest". I would rather it be someone I can trust than a total stranger. Besides, that's just way too shallow for me. No offense to anyone who does. It's just not my thing.
  23. The story is good so far, Kev. I am glad you decided to do anthology too. It's great working with you.
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