I actually agree. I am still fairly new, so that is why I had not really thought of finishing one first. I think I often need a side project. I think short stories count for that. I happen to enjoy writing short stories anyway. I do intend for my next novella (or novel) to be finished before I post any of it. It is much better that way. I will still post one chapter at a time though. That allows me to use an evil cliffhanger, not that I would ever take advantage of such an opportunity. Anyway, the point is that I understand why he wants to be able to have two projects at once. I can be a lot of fun. However, in my experience, one story is usually more enjoyable to write. I started Dark Earth: The Prophecy and Second Chances just days apart. Yet, I am much further along with DE:TP, because I like it more. That's why you're right about it being best to have one at a time that you actually post.