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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Well, I think it's wrong to assume someone's gay just because the tabloids say they are. Now, if it's Mika, I can see why. Now I'd love to think that Tobey Maguire is gay or bi, but that may or may not be the case. Most Hollywood actors are pussyhounds, and they can get any pussy they want, especially if they're that hot.
  2. All the better. I love hunting. Well, the hunt is on, so he's sure to turn up somewhere. I suspect there will be a precipice involved.
  3. I don't know when she'd have had the time to do this. However, some of the symptoms of arsenic poisoning fit. The only problem I see is this. Arsenic is a slow poison, one that requires a great deal of re-dosing. That would mean that it's someone close to Matt doing it, but the question is who? It would even require additional poisoning at the hospital.
  4. Nah, make her death quick and painless. Just don't kill Calvert. KK thanks.
  5. Shouldn't we be having decade awards, guys? The first decade is about to end, so we should have special awards for it, and CJ should have should be Cliffhanger King of the Decade! Yes! This is what we must do. He is certainly eligible for such an award, and we must have these awards! But for the year, let's give it to Mark Arbour. He deserves the award, and I'm sure he will graciously accept it!
  6. Well, your characters don't reflect that. Obviously it wouldn't be possible for Granger to use condoms, but I'm sure STDs were rampant in those times just as they are now, and I am pretty sure that antibiotics were not invented until the middle 20th century (somewhere between 1940 and 1960 most likely), and syphilis or gonorrhea at that time would have been a death sentence, but contraception had also not yet been invented. As for Matt, hopefully he'll learn not to act so carelessly. I just hope it isn't too late.
  7. Well, I joined in 2007, and I don't think Vance has been around since shortly after my appearance. I'm not saying it's my doing, just that he's been gone for a long time. Sharon would know more. His stories are awesome, the ones I've read anyway, but I will not read the incomplete one. This is the last post of his. It's from November, 14, 2007 as a matter of fact, so if he's been on here since then, he has not posted. While it is probably a cliffhanger, it's not eligible, because it's been over 2 years since any of it was posted. I'm looking at the list. He last posted a chapter in June of 2007. I'm sure he'll turn up eventually though.
  8. Or perhaps Bondwriter told Sharon of the Cayman Island banks.
  9. I haven't looked that far yet, Wen, but I found an idea for a kick ass chevon marinade. https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/25846-chevon-recipes/
  10. Well, we've often talked about cooking CJ, so it's about time we started talking recipes. There's even a scrumptious marinade we can make that will taste really good.
  11. While I understand your sentiments, there's also another aspect. A lot of us want to be able to bareback. Keeping that in mind, we must all know the risks and accept them. If you bareback, you can get HIV, and that's not all. While HIV is the most serious, I am sure everyone knows that hepatitis is no picnic, and I'm sure that nobody wants genital herpes back there... So if you decide not to play it safe, make damn sure your partner isn't a total slut.
  12. Tiger


    All I can say is that I'm excited that you're back, Lacey. I know it's been quite an ordeal, but I just know you'll get stronger every day.
  13. Yes, I'm working on a story. It's been a while, but the cobwebs finally seems to be leaving. It is a short story that is likely going to end up also being a prologue of a series, one that I can foresee having many twists and turns. I want to hide details of what's in my mind for now, but I can say that this saga will contain elements of the future as well as the past into one giant saga. There will also be magic and powerful creatures involved like demons, vampires, and wizards. I have two other stories in mind as well, but they're a bit sketchier in my mind.
  14. Yeah, his life was left in limbo more than once. Those were evil cliffhangers for sure.
  15. Yeah, it's usually via PM to someone on WST. It seems to be someone different every year. I think last year it was Kurt, Greg the year before, and Sharon the year before that, but I wouldn't swear to it.
  16. Does Grand Theft Auto count as a gay video game? It's on my favorite list.
  17. Why vote for James when you're deserving?
  18. Is that by tradition or by law? What purpose would this serve?
  19. Mononucleosis is a virus that is often spread through saliva. It's often called the kissing disease, but it can be spread by sharing drinks and using water fountains. It causes severe lethargy, swelling of lmyph nodes, muscle aches, rash, sore throat, hives, and host of other symptoms. Worst of all, you are sick for about two weeks, and it's potentially deadly.
  20. That indictment is from 2007. You're really reaching on that one.
  21. One would think that he's learned his lesson about killing a member of Jeff's family. Apparently, he has not.
  22. With the name of this topic, C James is admitting to evil scheming. Also, I have pointed out a good replacement for this year, someone whose had more evil cliffhangers in 2009 than I can count on all my toes.
  23. There are exceptions to the rule, but most of them are. Ever heard of Haliburton?
  24. That's correct. I was just thinking of that movie yesterday. Kathy Bates was just plain evil in the movie for that one. I chose mono by the way.
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