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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Yeah, but he won't be promoted quickly again unless you off a bunch of captains and admirals. Can Wilcox die first?
  2. It seems that he had some relief in Chapter 6, but he still needs someone to be with on a more regular basis... Wow, Preston made another appearance. It looks like his career has not been advancing well as he is not yet a post captain. It's obvious that he resents Granger because of it. Hopefully, that will eventually be resolved. There's obviously still a rift between Granger and Travers as well. I hope they can settle their differences soon.
  3. Happy birthday, Robbie!
  4. I negated it, Altimexis. No worries.
  5. Mark has made it clear that he is not a fan of religion in general. I share his sentiments, but I do not wish to discourage people from worshiping freely. I do not understand it at all. I grew up going to church as well, and the fire and brimstone messages turned me off of it. Acceptance of homosexuals by certain denominations is a good thing, but it does not erase the overall sentiment of the religious right and their dominance of Christian teaching in the US and many other parts of the world.
  6. I'm sure there would be a lot about that in one covering the current economic environment. We'll have to wait and see if it goes that far.
  7. About a year ago, I posted a Youtube video. I recently looked for it in the archives of my blog. I discovered that it had been banned! Why? Because people were offended by it. People are offended by truth, truth that much of the theology of Christianity and Judaism are in fact borrowed from the ancient Egyptian mythology. There are so many striking similarities that it scares me. And yet, out of this there are three relgions, two of which dominate the world today with over a third of the people on Earth practicing one of the two, Islam and Christianity. I have found an alternative thanks to my friend from one of my friends here. And I thank him for giving me the idea for looking for the video on Daily Motion. I cannot load it the same way, but here is a link for Truth Versus Religion. I highly recommend this video for everyone. It is a necessary truth for all to see in my opinion.
  8. Tiger

    pointless, yet amusing...

    Yes! I'm so ready for more DnCW. I love that story.
  9. Art is a representation of beauty and sometimes of ugliness. It can be a painting or a sculpture. It can be something you eat. It can be the music of a symphony.
  10. Tiger


    I have heard that about Montreal. Montreal is very liberal about sexuality. From what a friend of mine said, you find brothels all over the city and there are bathhouses around every corner. New York City and Chicago in the US are said to have some of the best clubbing scenes you'll find anyway. San Francisco is probably the most gay-friendly city in the world. Still, Montreal is a good choice.
  11. Ivy, I'm sure someone will cum along to cure his loneliness.
  12. Sounds heavenly. I knew I shouldn't have spent that $8 million I had lying around.
  13. I was thinking more like he dies in some kind of accident or something, not JP offing him.
  14. Perhaps he would, but it seems that they are estranged, and there's no sign that there's redemption ahead for Brian. It's always sad to see one die, but I think JP Is stronger than you think.
  15. I don't. I only want Brian to die and not necessarily in a brutal fashion.
  16. Oh hell no! Cody should live. He's special. No one need die in Bloodlines at all except that miserable excuse for a human being named Brian.
  17. Happy birthday. Stay warm.
  18. When I moved to the Dallas area last January, it was cool but nothing like this. This is like weather I expect back home in the KC metro. Granted there hasn't been snow this time around, but temperatures in the teens are rare here. Normally, there are some cool days where highs struggle to get into the 40's, but there seem to be a lot more days like that this year, and that sounds nice and balmy compared to temperatures now. It's extremely rare to have a period of even 24 hours of temperatures below freezing here, but the temperatures went below freezing early Thursday morning, and it is supposed to remain below freezing until at least Saturday, maybe Sunday. Also, it's already snowed a few times this year, but all there was last year was one ice storm in late January. The low at the airport is expected to be 17. That's cold even for Kansas City, which is expecting a low of -3, and yes, that is VERY unusual for my home town.
  19. Here's a place to list our favorite musical instruments. Mine is quite long. Okay, I was a bit of a band geek in school. Saxophone (especially soprano) Electric guitar (mainly because I LOVE rock) Oboe Piano Cello Violin French Horn Clarinet Flute Trumpet Baritone Trombone
  20. Tiger


    God I know. He's a hottie. He can take me for a ride in that wheel chair any day.
  21. Stefan needs a birthday party. Oh, and let his present involve a night with Matt and Wade.
  22. And she has a gay grandson.
  23. I think she died at the beginning of A Summer Love. Anyway, that's the only thing I see that's not there. Great job! Edit to add: I'm pretty sure she died at the beginning of which ever one it was.
  24. You forgot Tonto's death.
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