By now, most or all of you know that C James is not eligible for King of Evil Cliffhangers this year due to new rules preventing him from having the title again this year. So I hope I have everyone's full support in making sure that the King of Evil Cliffhangers for 2009 is none other than Mark Arbour! And Mark, if you delete this, I'll contact Trebs and have him undelete it for me.
I have remembered a while back talking to this right wing kook. He thought that anyone who happened to be liberal was a communist and an anti-American. He was from Tennessee as I recall (not that all people from there think that way), and he said that he had build a compound. He was supposedly preparing for a second civil war, one basically between conservatives and liberals. Thinking about it now I wonder. What if there were actually a civil war in the US, one fought between liberals and conservatives? I'm sure that if it happened many of my fellow liberals might sing a different tune about guns. As long as there are crazy right-wing f**ks with guns, I figure it doesn't hurt to have an arsenal of your own.
Well, maybe if I were his extramarital partner instead...
Kidding... but in all honesty he took it a bit far. I'm sure when you're a superstar it's unavoidable that you'll end up making mistakes, but he's been basically living a double life, and there are kids to consider. I believe there's redemption for him, but it will be a long, hard road for him. I think he can overcome it, but he might want to hire a speech writer or two.
In the future is a good idea! An epilogue 20 or 30 years from now. Unfortunately this probably does mean JP and Stef being dead as well as Brad and Robbie being senior citizens. It would be pretty cool though.
Everyone by now is aware of Tiger Woods and his philandering. Basically, it goes like this. He's been married for 5 years to Elin Nordegren and has two kids. He also has more mistresses than you can shake a stick at. Because of his scandals, he's loosing millions of dollars in endorsements, and his wife wants a divorce. She could easily take him to the cleaners for it. He is also being accused of using human growth hormones. I don't really follow golf, but this kind of train wreck seems to supersede the game. Any thoughts?
Ugh, I liked Mrs. Danfield better when she was toasted. The way she was in this chapter makes Matt's mummy seem like a sweetheart. She knew her own son was suffering through a personal hell, but she did nothing, absolutely nothing. I can't stand her at all. If ever someone was due for one of JP's or Alejandro's "accidents", she certainly qualifies.
I wonder if I'm not the only one who is willing to forgo a chapter of HMS Belvidera temporarily in order to get another chapter of bloodlines first instead. Anyone else think this is a good idea?
Ironically, it's possible that the reason she never enjoyed sex is because she never did it with a girl. It's often the ones who have something to hide who are the biggest homophobes.