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Masked Monkey

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  1. "If there was any other way" means "if there was an easier way"
  2. I think the word you were looking for was Sarcasm!
  3. Mark, as you know, none of your readers actually read the sex scenes. We simply humor you so that you will continue with your excellent writing of the parts we don't all skip over.
  4. This is why I was so happy I could have my wife's organs donated. With her serious health history, I was shocked to learn it was possible. I remember when he joined ... I don't remember if I was a lurker at the time. don't need to lose more people.
  5. I think Vic has WAY too much skill in writing craigslist ads
  6. Are not Snoop
  7. actually, that would be 'fabulous' not 'spectacular'
  8. I have always said that the whole left-right thing is not a line, it is a circle. The far left and the far right are connected, and the best example of that connection is the Catholic Church
  9. How much DO you charge your bf? Oh, and CJ, Canada hardly makes it international
  10. I think Vic would be more than happy to warm your toes (or anything else) for you
  11. Happy Hatching Day Bryce. Don't forget how much pain your mom went through to bring you into the world and give her an extra hug Snoop
  12. meh, I think they should have picked one of the other words
  13. 1. You don't have my address and I don't open my mail (too many bills and collector notices) so send all the anthrax you want. It will probably be caught at the post office and the FBI will be knocking at your door. Then you don't have to worry about seeing rakuten again or how to "style" your hair because those fed prison types will handle if for you. There would be a benefit that you would probably get more sex than you could imagine, but not necessarily by choice. 2. I am NOT a dork, or a geek, I barely count as a nerd. Never had a pocket protect, never needed one. I don't carry pens in my pockets.
  14. I hate it when people get upset with me for knowing EVERYTHING (and get in line behind Joe for kicking me in the balls )
  15. Of course, Robbie is planning to dye his hair
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