Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Strange Life of Jonas Marks - 2. Chapter 2
Kyle and John decided to act as human alarm clocks. I could tell they were trying to be quiet, but I was on to them and heard them before they were halfway down the hallway. They were barely a few feet away from the couch when I sat up, causing them to freeze, shocked looks on their faces. It was just too bad I didn’t have a camera. Laughing I wagged my finger at them, mocking them for their failed attempt to sneak around.
“Damn. We were trying to be quiet,” whispered Kyle.
“Yeah, Mom will kill us if she thinks we woke you up.”
“No problem guys. I have to start looking for work anyway. Anyone hungry?”
I know, stupid question. They are teenagers like me; we’re always hungry.
“Yeah. You gonna cook?” John asked, his eyes widening at the prospect of food.
Their mother ran a catering business, but it didn’t mean she wanted to cook at home. Much as she loved her kids, and she made sure they knew it, when she was off from work, she barely cooked.
“How about pancakes?”
“Good. You know I’ll eat about twelve,” Kyle said with a big smile on his face.
“Double that for me.” John flashed me a big grin as if to say, ‘top that.’
“What’s all the noise?” I turned to find Jenny yawning in the doorway, rubbing her eyes.
“Going to make pancakes for your family.”
“Yum.” Her eyes seemed to perk up at the mention of breakfast. “Mom has a bag of frozen blueberries in the freezer.”
“That sounds great.” Digging through the dozens of plastic bags, I found the blueberries buried in the back and then went in search of the rest of the ingredients.
The twins moved fast, getting plates and silverware on the table. Jenny disappeared down the hall and a few moments later I could hear the shower. It was just as I started the pot of coffee that Mrs. Meyers arrived in her robe.
“Something smells good.”
“Jonas is cooking, Mom,” yelled Kyle from the family room as he turned on the television.
“Thanks dear, I could tell.” She shook her head, giving me a wink as she headed for her coffee mug.
I couldn’t help but smile as I flipped over the pancakes. For a few moments, I didn’t feel like I was homeless or without parents. It was too bad that this would only be temporary.
“Need a hand, Jonas?” Mrs. Meyers poured herself some coffee and I could tell she really didn’t want to help.
Nodding she made for the seat at the head of the table. The stack was getting high so I brought the first plate to the table just as Jenny bounced out all dressed for work.
“Thank God.” She gave me this angelic smile as she slipped her hair into a ponytail. “I was afraid it was cereal and mall coffee for me today.”
“Hey,” John’s annoyed wail pierced the silence. “Leave me a few!” I turned just in time to see his brother try to lift the whole platter onto his.
“Kyle,” Mrs. Meyers’ voice had that, ‘don’t make me get up’ tone that all mothers seem to have. “If I have to say something more, you know you’re in trouble. Is that how you want to start your vacation?” Setting her cup down, she kept her eyes on her son. “Besides, Jonas is the one cooking and he hasn’t had any yet.”
“Sorry Jonas.” I’d heard more heartfelt apologies, but he looked so forlorn, I gave him a wink.
“Hey don’t worry about it. That is just the first load. I have to pour out a few more. Mrs. Meyers, please make sure you get some too.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about me.” She flashed me a playful smile as she dragged two off John’s plate and three off Kyle’s.
“Hey, Mom. Get your own!” John quickly put his hands over his remaining pancakes.
As we all laughed, I realized I missed that sense of family. Dad rarely wanted to talk about anything, but what interested him. Most of the time meals were eaten in silence. I hadn’t heard laughter and joking like that around the dinner table since my mother had died.
I wandered happily into the kitchen and it wasn’t long before I joined them; with a few more stacks for the boys to scarf down as well.
Jenny finished her breakfast and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for breakfast. If you need my computer use it. You know my password. Good luck.”
Mrs. Meyers stood as Jenny was out the door.
“Jonas you always make a great meal.” Her smile made me feel good. “Thanks. If you need work I’ll see if I can fit you into any of my upcoming catering jobs.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Meyers, but I’m going to see what I can find. I don’t want to bother you any longer than I have to.”
“Jonas, please, you’re family. Besides I still plan to dance at your wedding. You just need to find the right groom.” As I turned bright red, she laughed.
It was funny in a way, I mean I couldn’t tell my own father I was gay, but I had come out two years ago to Mrs. Meyers. Her whole reaction boiled down to two words, which still makes me smile.
“Okay and?”
When you have someone like that who supports you it makes life bearable. I think that’s why I was so close with Jenny and her family, because my being gay didn’t mean a thing to them.
The boys took over the family room so I grabbed my duffle bag and headed into Jenny’s room. Jenny knew what I would be doing so she put the newspapers by her computer for me. I settled down to figure out how best to attack things.
I began by doing an online search and combing the local papers for jobs I could apply for online. In the first hour, I managed to apply for almost forty jobs. Those were the easy ones; the ones all job seekers submitted.
After that, I went back and circled the ads that required you to drop off a resume in person. I figured these would be more likely to pan out. I ran off a dozen copies of my resume on Jenny’s printer, and then I turned my attention to what I should wear.
I ended up going back out to the living room for my garbage bag. I dug through it till I found my one real dress shirt which I bought for my final school picture. I also found a pair of tan dress pants. I carried them into the bathroom and took a shower before getting dressed.
I was feeling better til the stack of resumes caught my attention. For a kid barely out of high school and whose biggest concern twenty-four hours ago centered around a summer job, my life had been totally upended. Now I was scrambling, trying to find a job that would pay enough to put a roof over my head and food on my table. I mean I couldn’t sponge off Jenny and her family. They just meant too much too me. My whole life was a mess that I needed to fix.
I grabbed my resumes off the printer, then scooped up the newspaper so I would know where to go. While walking to the car, I mentally ran down my money situation. I had about four hundred dollars saved for what I figured would be my living expenses in college. I wasn’t a stupid kid, but I was lucky that between my grades and wrestling I had a full academic scholarship to the local state university. Originally, that meant I would be living at home but that was no longer the case. How’d I go from ‘can’t wait to go to college’ to worrying about being homeless in less than twenty-four hours? Forget saving for college, I needed a job just to survive.
By the time I dropped off my last resume, I was completely depressed. Most places told me that they’d get back to me in a week or two. My desperation wasn’t their problem, I know, but I guess I’d been too hopeful.
Twenty five dollars, that’s all I had in my pocket when I went to Kelly’s Diner. It was the place everyone from high school went because it was close and cheap. The food wasn’t too bad and I figured I should eat before I started going to the local bars and night clubs begging for work. I was barely into a booth when the waitress arrived. Without looking at the menu, I ordered my usual, a burger and a diet soda. Hey, I’m a wrestler; diet soda is a staple when you’re trying to make weight. Now, regular soda tastes too sweet to me.
If you believe in luck, stopping into Kelly’s is what changed mine. Stuck in the corner of my booth was a newspaper. Scanning it, my depression returned as I realized I’d seen all these ads before and answered most of them. It was just as I was about to throw the paper out that I noticed the little help wanted description on the bottom of the page that had somehow managed to evade my attention earlier.
Wanted – Someone willing to take a chance in a new department at Kroger’s Emporium. Job requires an open mind, the ability to work odd hours, and helping to make the dreams of our customer’s a reality. You must type and be able to file. All those interested are to inquire in person.
The phone number was listed below the ad. Considering how many non-replies I had to deal with today, I couldn’t pass up any possible job. Besides Kroger’s was an upscale store, which in my mind meant I might make enough to get a place of my own. Normally I wouldn’t even bother to go shopping at Kroger’s because I knew I would never be able to afford anything inside. I mean what use would I have for a gold plated walking stick or summer house on the beach. Kroger’s was that exclusive. I noticed it was ten to five, but I figured I had nothing to lose so I called.
“Good evening, Mr. Openseter speaking. May I help you?”
The voice was deep and scratchy and sort of threw me off. All day, my calls were answered by some bored sounding secretary. I had expected the same now.
“Um, yes, sorry to be calling late, but I was curious if you were still accepting applicants for your position mentioned in the paper?” God, I sounded so stupid, Kroger’s would never hire me.
“Yes, the position is still open. Can you be here by six p.m.?”
Here was an opportunity. Did he really think I would turn down an appointment for a job? All this was flying through my mind as the waitress set down my order. She barely registered on my consciousness as focused as I was on the call.
“Yes,” I nearly shouted into my cell phone. Struggling to get myself under control I continued. “I’m sorry. Yes, I can be there by six.”
“Your name, Sir?”
“I’m sorry. I’m Jonas. Jonas Marks.” God, even giving my name had me sweating bullets. I really needed to get myself under control if I was going to land this job.
“Mr. Marks when you come in the front door, ask to be sent to the new Fantasy Office. They will get you directly to my office.”
“Thank you Mr. Openseter. I’ll see you at six then.”
I think I swallowed the burger whole and then chugged back the soda. I was in a rush, but every penny counted. I didn’t wait for the waitress to come back, but took the bill straight to the register. The second I had my change I nearly ran out of the diner.
The heat hit me the second I stepped out of the air conditioned diner. I sweat just looking at the sun, so I practically ran to my car so I could crank the AC. It was as I climbed into the car I caught my reflection in the rearview mirror. Unfortunately, I saw that my burger had dripped grease down the front of my shirt. There was no way I would make a good impression looking like this. With maybe a half hour to get to Kroger’s for my appointment, I stopped at Wal-Mart and bought the first dress shirt I saw. No matter what, I needed to make a good first impression. I needed this job, now all I had to do was convince them they needed me. Mom, if there is anything you can do from up there, lend me a hand, please.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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