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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

What No One Sees - 1. Chapter 1

Warning: Please DO NOT READ this story if the physical/sexual abuse of a son by his father bothers you in any way. This chapter contains physical abuse of a teen by his father (this is a standard warning for the Whole story, other chapters will have specific warnings as well).

Chapter 1


The streets hadn't changed much since he was here last, but even so, it was good to be back--without the worry of a homophobic step-father constantly berating him. Four years ago that corner had been a small diner, now it was another McDonald's. Well, that kind of change he could do without. Euphoria, SC, his childhood home, hadn't changed that much, but the air seemed lighter and brighter being back as an adult.

Matt looked around, staring into the bookstore window, secretly glad it had not disappeared. He stared unseeingly into the window, remembering when he'd come here dragging his little sister because he had to babysit her. He'd peruse the bookshelves and pick out a couple comics, then he'd take Erin to the community park for a while. Erin was four years younger than he was, and now he would be working for a couple of weeks in the same school she attended--his old alma mater as well.

He turned to head back towards his car.

After the falling out with his step-father over his coming out just before he turned sixteen, he'd left and moved in with his aunt a couple towns away where he had finished high school at seventeen, and then spent the last year and a half completing general education courses in college. After his step-father had passed away last year, his mother had repeatedly asked him to come home. But, at nineteen, he was an adult now and was working his way through the community college near his aunt's home for his associate's degree. Since the college offered intern opportunities in fields related to their majors as a chance to explore where they might want to go with their degree, Matt had decided to try the high school teaching practicum they offered. This four-week practicum at the high school would give him a short taste of what it was like to be a teacher, before he actually committed to the major. He'd finished his general education courses and was focusing on a science/ biology degree. Even though he thought he might be more interested in working with animals, like with a vet or maybe even a zoo, he figured it didn't hurt to explore all opportunities.

After he finished this practicum, he had decided to take the spring semester off to work. He had already lined up a job as a vet's assistant starting after the holidays and figured he could save up some money before enrolling in State to finish his degree. It would give him a chance to explore more of what he might want as an actual career.

So for the next few weeks, he had agreed to stay with his mom and sister, and maybe find an apartment for the spring until he went back to college. It depended on how well he could stand being back at home with his mother after four years.

He ran his hand through his short blonde hair, smoothing it down as the cool December wind ruffled it. It was Thursday and he needed to go by the High School after classes let out to talk to the principal and staff to check in on his student teaching assignment that started Monday. He was excited to see his old school again and had been ecstatic when the intern program at the state college had been able to get him his student internship at his old school.

His mom was happy because he'd finally agreed to come home and stay with her and Erin during the four week teaching assignment. He figured it would give him time to reconnect with them as well as save a little money on an apartment, until he was sure where he wanted to move.

His mom was surprised at how much he'd grown and filled out from the sixteen year old boy he'd been. Even though he'd talked to her over the years, it still felt like forever. He'd been bitter for a long time. He knew she loved him and had tried to reason with her husband, but nothing she could say could convince the man that being gay was okay, normal. He couldn't say he was sad in any way that the man was gone.

They had spent hours on her sofa yesterday, crying (mostly her, but he'd let a few escape too) clearing the air, asking for each other's forgiveness. Then they had talked about all that had happened since he'd left. Even though he'd talked to her by phone every few months, to her, it just wasn't the same as having her little boy telling her about his life there and in person. Matt didn't think he was much different, but he had spent more time in the gym and being away at college had matured him in ways that made him an adult, and not the little kid she remembered.

He looked down to pull his phone from his pocket to check the time to be sure the school was out and realized his phone was dead.

"Damn it," he grumbled, startling the boy that was passing nearby. Matt looked down at the mop of black hair on the gangly body on the sidewalk in front of him.

"Hey, kid," he swung his arm out to get his attention, intending to ask him the time.

The young teen flinched at the sudden movement and ducked away from him almost violently, sending one of the books tucked under his arm skittering to the ground.

What the hell? Matt frowned.

"Hey, I'm sorry," he said as he reached his hand out in apology. His first glance told him the kid was probably only 14 or 15, but the physics book that fell out of his arms had him second-guessing himself.

When the kid looked up with his forest green eyes through the long strands of black waves staring in surprise, Matt was struck by the sense of fear in the boy's eyes.

"I just wanted--," he began, taking a step towards the boy to help pick up the dropped books.

But the kid instantly ducked to the ground, scooped up his book and scrambled away from, darting down the sidewalk.

"Hey, wait!" Matt called.

Matt stared after him in shock at how terrified the kid had seemed. Jeez, he wasn't that scary, was he? He laughed, maybe he did have what it took to be a teacher.



Avery glanced back once at the huge man he'd run into as he raced off down the street towards home. He'd been at least 6'1 to his 5'4 and had the most beautiful blonde hair and well built, broad shoulders. And bright blue eyes--

But then the man had grinned broadly, reaching towards him, and he'd panicked, a horrible feeling sinking in his stomach as he wondered what the man wanted with him. When the man looked like he might grab him, Avery had taken off running.

He continued running even though he was far beyond the reach of the strange man. He slowed as he got to the end of the street, realizing that the man wasn't following him. Not that he would. No one was interested in him--except as his father's son. But the man had been rather cute, okay, well, handsome would be a better word. Not that he would admit that to anyone. One would think with the way his father treated him that he wouldn't be interested in men at all, but hard strong biceps, wide pectorals--

"Woah, there, Avery," Sheriff Travis Nelson called, lifting his cup quickly out of the way before it got spilled.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost ran into the sheriff coming out of the coffee shop.

"Sorry, sir," the teen quickly apologized. Everyone knew him, at least as the son of Carl Greene. His father was well renowned as a concerned councilman and dutiful father. So everyone knew who Avery was--they just didn't actually know him, and no one ever would.

"How's school going?" Sheriff Nelson asked casually as he walked towards the curb where his patrol car was parked.

"Good," Avery replied noncommittally. The sheriff didn't really care if he was struggling in science or any of his other problems. Only that he was the good son of a well respected citizen.

"Having fun in your senior year?"

"Yes, sir," he lied.

"Good," Nelson smiled. "Have a good afternoon."

"Thank you, sir," he said politely. "You too."

And he was pretty sure it wouldn't be, depending on his father's mood. In fact, it would probably be a pretty shitty one.




"Avery, is that you?" a deep voiced called from the living room as he opened the front door.

Who else would it be? Avery groaned when he knew he'd have to face his father.

"Yes, sir," he called back, hoping to disappear up the stairs.

The thin teen stepped onto the thick beige carpet in the living room painted a deep rich maroon. The warmth of the room was deceiving. His mother had chosen the rich, inviting decor when they'd first moved in ten years ago, and it had been a warm cozy place that his mom, dad, and he would spend curled up watching T.V. or playing games.

But not anymore.

His father was sprawled on the leather sofa, still in his business slacks and white button down shirt. His black hair was sprinkled with gray as he approached fifty; he was still a very handsome man, distinguished, people would call him. Avery knew that his father was admired in town, serving as a volunteer on the town council and working as the premier real estate agent in the county. His father's image as a devoted father trying to raise his son after his wife left six years ago perpetuated an attitude of sympathy from the neighbors and town that his father worked hard to maintain. He had them fooled all right, Avery thought.

"Got a call from the school today," he said as his eyes cast over to his son standing in the doorway.

Avery stared at the beige carpeting, fighting the tremble that had started in his limbs. Shit, what had they told him?

"You were late again," he continued as he rose from the couch approaching his son.

Fuck, Avery thought, he was sure that Mr. Thomas hadn't reported that. His father hated when anyone thought he wasn't a good father, and being late to school made it seem like his father didn't care. It might cause someone to check in on their home more closely, and his father couldn't have that.

"But..." Avery started to explain that he'd forgotten his English book and had to run back for it, but before he could get any other words out, the side of his head exploded in pain and he dropped to the floor, not having expected the blow.

"I don't want any of your excuses!" he roared, towering over his son. "You know the rules!"

He followed the words with a kick to the ribs, leaving Avery gasping for breath. "You're worthless, you know that?" A kick to the kidneys as Avery tried to roll away. "You can't even get to school on time."

"Get up," he growled, grabbing Avery by the shirt and hauling him up. "I better not hear anything else from the school. Do you know how that reflects on me, when my son is so pathetic he can't manage to get to school on time?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Avery wheezed out. "It was an accident."

His father grunted, and Avery worried whether his father were done for the moment. When his father turned back towards his T.V., Avery released a sigh of relief.

"Go make dinner," he ordered as he walked back to the couch and picked up his beer from the coffee table. "We'll finish your punishment later after my meeting at the town council."

Avery slowly stood up, dark hair hiding his face as he nodded. Trembling, he limped to the kitchen. His life hadn't always been like this. He'd been happy once...

Thank you to Valkyarie, Chris, Cazpedrosa, and Elle for encouraging me to go ahead and post Avery's story.
Avery's story was inspired by an unfinished story that I happened upon in March 2014 on AFF called Broken by guilty_pleasure (which is still unfinished). The two stories have some similar plot elements, but they are rather different in feel as many who have read both have told me. I have been in contact with the other author on several occasions and have her blessing to post What No One Sees, and I wish her the best as she works to complete her own story.
Oh, and just another note, I did contact admin (Cia) prior to posting this story to be sure it doesn't break any posting rules. I didn't think it did, but since it does have highly controversial subject matter, I wanted to be sure.
Copyright © 2015 craftingmom; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Ooh, seeing a new story from you on the newsfeed got me excited pretty quickly, and it didn't let me down! :D The plot's developing already, and I like the characters already... minus Avery's dad, of course :gikkle:. I'll be eagerly waiting for the next chapter!

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Pleased to see that you have given everybody a chance to read this truly wonderful story. As I said in the email great storyline, love Avery. Just hate the way that his father is treating him, but unfortunately these things do happen :worship: Bring on chapter 2 :worship:

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Damn! What a great start to a new story! Great plot, interesting characters already, gripping story line--can't wait for the next chapter!

Fine writing here!

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On 01/05/2015 08:47 AM, faxity said:
Ooh, seeing a new story from you on the newsfeed got me excited pretty quickly, and it didn't let me down! :D The plot's developing already, and I like the characters already... minus Avery's dad, of course :gikkle:. I'll be eagerly waiting for the next chapter!
Yeah, everyone will hate Avery's dad (kinda like Roman and Brad). Since it's already done (having been finished back in like August), updates should be every day--while I'm working on the Blood of the Neko! Thanks for reviewing.
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On 01/05/2015 08:52 AM, chrislucas191070 said:
Pleased to see that you have given everybody a chance to read this truly wonderful story. As I said in the email great storyline, love Avery. Just hate the way that his father is treating him, but unfortunately these things do happen :worship: Bring on chapter 2 :worship:
Thank you for your encouragement to post it! Hopefully, others will like it as well.
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On 01/05/2015 10:09 AM, Robert Rex said:
Damn! What a great start to a new story! Great plot, interesting characters already, gripping story line--can't wait for the next chapter!

Fine writing here!

;) thank you so much! Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading!
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On 01/05/2015 11:22 AM, Napaguy said:
Good start on what appears to be a new story

looking forward to timely updates

Thank you. Since it's a story I wrote a while ago, but never posted, I plan on posting a chapter a day (as per the posting guidelines). I don't like to keep readers waiting, so I usually make sure I've finished a story (or I'm really close) before posting any of it. So no worries about it not being finished. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
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On 01/05/2015 11:32 AM, LitLover said:
Great start to the story. I already hate Avery's dad. I look forward to the next chapter.
Yeah, you'll hate him even more as the story goes on. I'm sure I'll hear of creative demises for him like I did for Brad!

Thanks for reading and reviewing! Hope you continue to enjoy it.

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I look forward to reading more. This is a difficult topic, but it is always one that needs to be covered. I just hope for a happy ending for Avery.

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On 01/05/2015 10:37 PM, Wicked Witch said:
I look forward to reading more. This is a difficult topic, but it is always one that needs to be covered. I just hope for a happy ending for Avery.
Thank you. It is tough, but I guess I feel the same about it being a story of all the "Averys" out there who are lost and forgotten.
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So grateful to find that you've begun a new story!!! Was really getting tired of reading all of your others over and over and over again... :2thumbs: Soooo....yeayyyyyyye for us!! Anyway, it's a great chapter, as is all of your work...we appreciate you and your talent!! :worship:

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Funny, I think I read the first chapter of "Broken" when the author first posted it. The boy's name was Seth, right? For some reason Seth comes to mind. I don't remember why I didn't read more - maybe b/c of the subject matter.


But since YOU are the one writing this story, Mom, I'm going to read it even though I know I'm gonna have to go out and buy more Kleenex. It will definitely be a Kleenex type of story. :(


Ok, on to chapter two. :)

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On 01/07/2015 03:10 PM, Lisa said:
Funny, I think I read the first chapter of "Broken" when the author first posted it. The boy's name was Seth, right? For some reason Seth comes to mind. I don't remember why I didn't read more - maybe b/c of the subject matter.


But since YOU are the one writing this story, Mom, I'm going to read it even though I know I'm gonna have to go out and buy more Kleenex. It will definitely be a Kleenex type of story. :(


Ok, on to chapter two. :)

Yes, it was! And yeah, it's definitely a kleenex kind of story, even when writing it.
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On 01/06/2015 06:19 AM, Onim said:
So grateful to find that you've begun a new story!!! Was really getting tired of reading all of your others over and over and over again... :2thumbs: Soooo....yeayyyyyyye for us!! Anyway, it's a great chapter, as is all of your work...we appreciate you and your talent!! :worship:
Thank you! Hopefully after this one is finished being posted, Blood of the Neko will be done and ready to go!
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Okay, wow that was good. Just came across your story and I'm really into it. When all is said and done I'm hoping for the best for Avery. I would love to jump in to reading the next chapters ASAP but I have to go to school.... Can't wait to read the remaining chapters~

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On 01/15/2015 02:19 AM, Lost In Thought said:
Okay, wow that was good. Just came across your story and I'm really into it. When all is said and done I'm hoping for the best for Avery. I would love to jump in to reading the next chapters ASAP but I have to go to school.... Can't wait to read the remaining chapters~
Hi! So glad to have you here at GA. I'm glad you are liking my story. Can't wait to hear what you think of the rest! Thanks so much for reviewing!
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I finally found the time to start this story. I can only read it because I trust you bring me through once again. No kid should ever have to experience pain and fear on a daily basis and judging from his father, that is what Avery has to do. My heart breaks for him already and it's only the first chapter. I hope he just met his knight in shining armor. I think I am already hooked. Ilove your writing style, CM...cheers...Gary

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On 01/21/2015 06:22 PM, Headstall said:
I finally found the time to start this story. I can only read it because I trust you bring me through once again. No kid should ever have to experience pain and fear on a daily basis and judging from his father, that is what Avery has to do. My heart breaks for him already and it's only the first chapter. I hope he just met his knight in shining armor. I think I am already hooked. Ilove your writing style, CM...cheers...Gary
Thank you for having faith in me to bring you to a HEA. It is a hard read but I do promise a satisfactory ending. :)
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