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Song and Dance - 9. Chapter 9 Beautiful Day

The Power Of Love
Warning: Sexual situations.

Song and Dance



Chapter 9



Arron was holding him with such loving strength and care, Chet was touched to his core. There was a capacity for love in Arron that spoke to Chet on every level. That special quality had beckoned to him from the instant he saw those warm grey eyes… he just didn’t know what it was at the time. Yes, the attraction was physical, but not only that. An emotional level was breached with the first words spoken, and here they were, three days later, committed and connected in a way that someone looking inward would find hard to fathom. Chet believed in it though, because he felt it with every fibre of his being.

Arron’s breath on the back of his neck was astonishingly reassuring. The warmth of it was not only physical either. Its presence too, fed his emotions. This euphoria he was experiencing in Arron’s sleeping arms was a priceless one… something Chet had hoped for, but learned not to expect. The often uneasy, unsettled something he couldn’t name when he was with Ian, didn’t exist in this new reality.

The force of what it would mean to lose Arron had hit him hard yesterday, when he had walked past him and out the door. That’s when he could put a name to it. Love. Unbelievable in both the speed and the depth of it, but real nonetheless. He was careful not to move. Letting go of this moment, and what it gave him, was not something he would do willingly… he had waited far too long to attain it. He had a strong desire to stroke the hair on the forearm under his hand, but he resisted in order to keep the magic of being possessed by Arron from dissipating. He knew when Arron woke, there would be more magic of a different kind, but this one suited him perfectly as he reflected on his good fortune.

When he woke up last night to the banging on the door, he didn’t expect to find Arron on the other side. His sleep-muddled, almost comatose mind was still in that place where Arron was gone… where he had fled, and Chet had lost him, likely forever. His world had collapsed and so did he. His tenuous escape to oblivion was, at best, fitful. The relief he felt when he allowed himself to believe Arron was actually here, and hadn’t driven away, that he couldn’t bring himself to give up on them… well… it validated what Chet had already admitted to himself. When the hope Arron felt the same was fulfilled, seeing and hearing him take such a leap of faith after all he had been through, with Dwayne, proved to Chet it was real. In an instant, it all became real.

After that threshold had been crossed, Arron had held nothing back, and their first attempt at showering had turned into a bonding ritual of the most intense sexual experience Chet had ever shared with anyone. The notion that sex was different when you truly love someone was validated last night as simple oral sex became something so much more. There was a communion of mind, body, and spirit they both bore witness to. This is what he’d been waiting for, and while it might be fragile in its newness, there was a strength to it that was determined in its nature. This connection was one that could stand the test of time, and he knew Arron saw it the same way. That confidence in what he and Arron had, led him to think of his friends, Michael and Kendall. Just days ago he’d sent out a silent plea to someday have what those two shared. God willing, he may have found it… no, he did find it. He just had to do everything in his power to keep it. Those loving arms tightened around him in a gesture of reassurance Chet figured was meant for the two of them. Sleeping lips touched the back of his neck in the gentlest of kisses, as if to say, I’m still here and so are you.

Where would they go from here? All Chet knew was it would be together. There was so much to explore for each of them but the solid base was there, rooted in a certainty that it was right and true. Chet’s mind raced with thoughts of the sharing of everything in their lives, joining those lives and building them into something that gave testament to the natural evolution of life… creating a home together, their own nest. Children with Arron was a possibility Chet found intriguing. The idea of family was something he could now entertain, and maybe even allow himself to wish for. This would be part of the explorations to come… whatever they would do, they would do together. A sigh of contentment followed all these ruminations… Chet was happy.

“You sighed, green eyes.” Arron tightened his hold on Chet as he kissed the back of his head, breathing in his scent through his hair. “Should I let you go now?” His voice still contained the sexy raspiness of sleep.

“Don’t ever let me go, wolf. You could keep me wrapped in your arms forever and I would never complain. I sighed because of how happy I feel. Thank you for coming back last night. If you hadn’t, I would have had an awful night, instead of the best night imaginable.” He pulled Arron’s big strong hand to his lips and kissed the palm tenderly. The gesture spoke volumes to the gray-eyed man.

“I couldn’t not come back. I’m sorry I left in the first place.” The low murmur in his ear sent a shiver through Chet. He stretched, and Arron released him so Chet could turn around. Both had smiles for each other once they were face to face.

“I love you, baby.” The look of adoration on Chet’s handsome face warmed Arron from head to toe.

“Back at you, green eyes. Last night was unbelievable, and waking up with you in my arms is the best feeling in the world. I could get used to this… you’re still coming to my house tonight, right?” He burrowed his face in against Chet’s neck and nibbled and licked hard enough to make Chet squirm and gasp at the tickle of it.

“Yes, yes, ahhh, stop that! You’re tickling me!” Chet squealed. Arron loved the giggle he got out of this big, hunky man… his man. “We’ve got all day together, and we’re going to have all night together too.”

“I told you I was greedy… you make me greedy, green eyes. We could have Friday night and all day Saturday too. I have to work Sunday morning though.”

“So we won’t be together Wednesday or Thursday nights,” Chet mused.

Before he could even think about it, Arron responded. “You could come over to my house for one of those nights… if you want?” Was he pushing this… getting carried away?

“And you could come here for the other night, if you want to?” Chet couldn’t help himself, but he was wondering the same thing that Arron was.

“Are we saying we want to be together every night?

“It sure sounds like it Arron. I don’t want to move too fast, if you need your space, just tell me, okay? It’s just that being with you all night was… well, it was perfect. I guess I’m being greedy too.”

“I like that you’re greedy.” Arron had his face buried against Chet’s shoulder and neck. “I want you to be greedy. How about if one of us feels we need space we just tell the other and respect it?” he lifted his head up to look in those beautiful green eyes. “You’re right though… about last night being perfect. I want that feeling every night.”

“You’ll soon realize that I usually am right… and that sounds like a plan to me.”

And just like that they worked out their approach to the ‘us’ part of them. Neither one caring about morning mouth, they sealed another deal with a kiss that celebrated this closeness they had… one they both knew enough to cherish and protect. How could it be too fast when it felt so right?

Sharing the bathroom was both fun and rewarding in the feeling of togetherness it gave them. After a little discussion, they decided shaving was a good idea. Even though they had taken the day off, they wanted to do it for each other. Disposable razors would have to suffice for Arron, and using the same toothbrush was no big deal. The banter between them was natural and unforced. They seemed to get each other on every level. They reveled in being naked together in their own private world… the lingering looks and occasional touches served to solidify that they were indeed ‘quite the couple’ as their level of ease grew. They weren’t crazy hormonal teenagers; they were mature men who knew the significance of performing mundane acts together. Morning rituals took on whole new meaning when you did them with your lover, and Chet was in heaven sharing his bathroom with Arron. It obliterated that feeling of solitude he’d grown to hate.

It would have been so easy to begin a sexual interlude but they didn’t underestimate the value of anticipation. They had the whole day and night together, and the promise it held for further exploration. Chet wanted to give a gift to Arron that his perceptive instinct told him Arron needed. Dwayne had done some damage to Arron’s psyche and while Arron had shown an amazing strength in getting past a lot of it, Chet was sure there was still some that lingered. Arron needed to know this relationship was an equal one. It had been a long time for Chet, and Arron’s size was formidable, but Chet had no doubt being made love to by Arron would be a wonderful experience, and one that might help remove more of the damage Dwayne had inflicted. Chet shook his head at the thought of the guy Arron had loved and trusted, and Arron caught the gesture.

“Why the head shake?” Arron had noticed the thoughtful state Chet had been in, and was curious.

“I was just thinking….”

“Anything you want to talk about?” Arron wasn’t pushing.

“Well, to tell you the truth, I was thinking how incredibly hot and special you are… and what an idiot Dwayne was to ever have betrayed you. I don’t know the history and I don’t need to, but I can tell he didn’t treat you very well, not like an equal partner should.”

“Is it that obvious… do I come across as damaged goods?” The look on Arron’s face reached in and grabbed hold of Chet’s full-to-the-brim heart.

Chet stopped shaving and turned to Arron. “No, baby, you don’t, but I feel so in tune with you that I can tell he wasn’t a good partner in more ways than just the cheating. Am I wrong?” Arron shook his head and Chet could see the emotion flash through shimmering gray eyes. He pulled Arron into a strong embrace that conveyed its own message. It told Arron he could always count on Chet. There would be no subterfuge with him.

“He was an asshole most of the time. He never made me feel the way you do… he wasn’t affectionate like you are, and he was very controlling. He used to criticize me a lot, and it would confuse me. It wasn’t like that at first, and I kept thinking we would get back to the way we used to be… but we never did. I spent a lot of time feeling hurt. I don’t even know why I loved him at all, you know? The last couple of years it was always about what he wanted, and I just went along with it.” Tears welled up and over as he spoke, and Arron wiped them away furiously, as if they were something to be ashamed of.

“Baby, I promise you it won’t be that way with us. I would never want to control you… I only want to love you and be loved by you, and as far as affection goes, you are going to be sick of me before long because I can’t keep myself from touching you.” When Arron dropped his head downwards, Chet, with his finger under Arron’s chin, brought it back up so he could look in incredible gray eyes clouded with bad memories. “Arron, you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen, inside and out; I am the luckiest guy in the world to have you at my side.

The clouds in those gray eyes disappeared as Arron gave Chet one of his patented brilliant smiles. “You make me feel on top of the world, and I love you in a way I’ve never felt before. Three days with you, and I can see now, how wrong it was with Dwayne. I think I’m the luckiest, but who am I to argue with you?” he attempted to joke, a tentative smile replacing the brilliant one.

“Don’t waste your time because you won’t win this one. When I look at you I don’t see anything to criticize; I only see the person I want to share my life, everything with. You make me so fucking happy, baby.”

The brilliant smile returned, and Arron looked at Chet with total trust and adoration, Chet’s words making him glow. “I’m making something else very happy too, from the looks of it.”

Chet looked down and laughed. “They do look happy don’t they, but let’s make them wait till later. I know what I want from you today, and I want you, and him, all rested,” he winked.

Arron blushed as he imagined Chet beneath him. “Is that what you really want?” He was offering Chet a way out if he wanted it.

Chet’s, “Hell yeah!” made Arron laugh, and quickened his pulse at the thought of making love to Chet and what it meant to him. He was grinning from ear to ear. That grin told Chet it was exactly what Arron needed to move out from under Dwayne’s dark cloud. Man, he would love to kick that guy’s ass.

Behaving themselves in the shower wasn’t easy but they accomplished it, barely. Chet took some extra time in the bathroom for himself, and with a special hand held shower attachment, did a preliminary cleaning in anticipation of making love with Arron later.

Since Arron was going to make them the postponed chicken stir fry, Chet insisted on making breakfast. Arron laughed at his awkwardness in the kitchen, but held back from assisting, at Chet’s request. The scrambled eggs, while not originally planned, were surprisingly good, and the bacon was crispy, the way Arron liked it. Chet did allow Arron to make the toast, set the table, and pour the fresh-perked coffee. It ended up a combined effort, resulting in them kibitzing and laughing throughout the process. It was a blissful morning for the two guys, freshly and deeply in love.

Breakfast over and the cleanup done, they retired to Chet’s comfortable couch and snuggled up with Arron’s back to Chet’s chest, totally enjoying the close contact and the connection it fed.

“It’s hard to believe we’ve reached this point, Arron. Not that it matters, but do you think Michael and Kendall will think we’re crazy?”

Arron thought about it, how someone else would look at the speed with which they had moved. “Like you said, it doesn’t matter what they or anyone else thinks.” Chet loved hearing Arron say that. “In their case though, I know Michael the best, and I think he will be totally accepting of it. As long as I’ve known him, he isn’t the kind to make judgements. From what you said, it looks like Kendall was the one who wanted to set us up, so being the guy he is, he’ll be happy about us.” Arron twisted his head and claimed a quick kiss from Chet.

“Oh yeah, Kendall will be happy. Kendall wants everyone to be happy. He’s an amazing guy, and a great friend. He kind of helped bring me out of the hole I was hiding in after things fell apart with Ian, and I’ll always be thankful for that. So do you still want to make them pay for their attempt to set us up?”

“Well to take a page out of your book, ‘hell yeah’! We have to come up with some way to at least freak them out.” Arron was pleased he had felt no jealousy or insecurity at all, at Chet’s earlier mention of Ian. He was a dead issue in Arron’s mind now.

Chet mulled it over for a bit. “We could go to their place separately and pretend we don’t like each other. Maybe let them think they screwed up royally? It would be cruel, but fun.”

“Yeah, but I think they deserve it. That would work, and then maybe when they’re convinced it was a disaster, you could plant a big kiss on me,” Arron laughed.

“Oh my God, yeah! That would freak them out for sure. I love it. Let’s do it!”

“I’m in, Chet. I can’t wait to see their faces, although I don’t know if I can do a good job pretending not to like you. Pulling that off should earn me an Oscar.”

“Talk like that will get you anything you want, baby,” Chet smiled.

That settled, they were quiet for a little while, letting themselves be two guys in love, sharing little kisses and touches that expressed what they were feeling. Talked turned to plans for the day, and Chet, being the architect he was, asked if they could go check out Arron’s house. Chet had a special affinity for the clean lines and character of the Craftsman style of homes. It had always been one of his favorites while growing up, immersed in his love for architecture. Arron agreed after warning Chet that his housework had fallen behind, but he wanted a quick workout at the gym first.

“You just want to perv on me again, don’t you?”

“Chet, I’ve been perving on you all morning, and I don’t think it would take that much to get your pants off,” he waggled his eyebrows and laughed.

Chet joined the laughter. “Truer words were never spoken. You will always be able to get me to take my pants off. How about right now?”

Arron slapped the leg that was draped over his. “Don’t be a tease. You’re the one who wanted to wait till later.”

“I could be made to change my mind very easily.” Chet was serious, but Arron liked the anticipation he felt building between them.

“Nah, as tempting as it is, let’s stick to the plan and get our hot asses to the gym for a quickie. I’m feeling really energized now, after our little snuggle. Maybe we can have another one at my house after the gym. Then we can come back here and I’ll cook for my man.”

“Have you got someone coming over here I don’t know about?”

“You’re an idiot, green eyes. Do I need to tell you you're my man?”

“Every day, wolfie, every damn day.”


Their workout at Arron’s gym was quick and fierce. The place was a little crowded so they had to behave themselves somewhat, but it didn’t stop Chet from pushing the limits. When he copped a quick feel of Arron’s ass in the busy shower room, he almost gave him a heart attack. Chet just laughed at the reaction he had caused, while Arron silently cursed him. It was never going to be boring sharing his life with Chet; that was for sure.

Walking into Arron’s house, Chet was blown away. From the outside, it was a typical two-story Craftsman with vintage stonework on the bottom of the house itself as well as the pillars supporting the overhanging veranda. Chet was struck with both the charm and the workmanship of it. It was a superbly pleasing design that appealed to Chet’s love of aesthetics. Inside was a revelation of gleaming woodwork that spoke of a time that harkened to a different set of architectural values. It was a house that made you instantly feel at home, and Chet fell in love with it. It was very spacious with all the original details lovingly preserved. The pride on Arron’s face was obvious as he witnessed Chet’s reaction to his family home, passed to him from his grandparents. Walking into the huge kitchen, Chet saw the tastefulness of some later updates that blended beautifully with the original elements. The newer kitchen island could have been original, such was the attention to detail. A complete tour of the house found them lying in Arron’s large four poster bed, shoes kicked off and snuggled face to face, legs intertwined, enjoying the intimacy of the moment. Chet was the first man since Dwayne to be in his bed, and it felt so amazingly right to Arron. Chet was still getting over his astonishment at the appeal the house had for him. The dim curtain-filtered light in the master bedroom revealed a comfortable, masculine space that aligned with Chet’s design sensibilities. If he were to create a home for himself this could very well be the one he would put down on paper.

“Your home suits you, Arron. It is as beautiful and solid and full of love as you are. It’s perfect, just like you.”

“I’m so glad you like it, and that’s a really sweet way to say it. I am full of love... all of it for you. How come it feels like I’ve known you for years instead of days? I feel it, but I don’t get it.”

“Maybe we’re soulmates? Maybe we were together in another life? I don’t know the answer, but I feel it too. We don’t have to get it, Arron. You know that old saying about not looking a gift horse in the mouth?”


“Well, that’s how I look at this thing between us. I’m not going to question it; I’m just going to do everything in my power to protect it, and make my guy happy… in a forever kind of way. I guess that sounded kind of corny, didn’t it?”

“No, not at all. It sounded like the truth to me. I believe you and please believe me when I say I feel the same way. No looking this gift horse in the mouth for either of us.” Arron reinforced his conviction by climbing on top of a prostrate Chet, and kissing him with such passion and devotion that they were breathless and hard at the end of it. Arron pulled back from the kiss with a look of hunger Chet couldn’t possibly miss.

“Do you want me naked now, baby?”

Arron, heart racing, nodded. “I want you so bad… the anticipation is killing me, and I don’t want to wait. Is it okay if we do this now?” His eyes had never wavered from Chet’s.

“That’s another dumb question; I want this as bad as you do.” Chet hesitated, uncertainty flashing across his face. “I’m pretty sure I’m cleaned out… but it’s been a few hours, so maybe we should wait till I do it again, just to be sure?”

“I really don’t want to wait; if you think you’re clean, that’s good enough for me. We’ll deal, baby, okay?”

“Okay, you don’t need to convince me… I want to feel you inside me, making love to me. I want us to belong to each other, in every way there is.” He pulled that exotically handsome face back down in the desire to feel those lips taking possession of his own. Chet’s hunger now matched his partner’s, and the passion threatened to overwhelm them both. Chet’s body began a rhythmic thrusting all on its own, striving for as much contact and friction as possible. Arron’s mouth had found the juncture of his partner’s neck and shoulder and latched on to it, sending Chet’s arousal skyrocketing. “Jesus, we need to get naked before my dick breaks my zipper. Baby, get up for a second, and get your fucking clothes off.”

Arron reined in his frenzy enough to see the logic in that. God, it had been so long. Rearing back on his knees, he pulled his shirt over his head, all the while smiling a happy, excited grin that spoke directly to Chet’s thrumming heart. What an incredibly sexy sight to behold. The love and desire shone like a beacon on that open face, turning Chet’s insides to mush, and causing his need to climb. Chet scrambled out from between those long thick thighs and stood up on the bed, shedding clothes with breakneck speed. In no time at all he was naked and erect watching a sprawled out Arron hurriedly kicking his jeans off. In his eagerness he had some trouble, but it was only momentary as his gaze was locked on Chet’s swaying erection, distracting him from his task. It wasn’t long before Arron’s underwear went flying across the room, and their nakedness matched. Rising to his knees again, Arron focused on the organ in front of him. Leaning forward he engulfed as much of it as in his mouth as possible before applying suction and pulling back to the tip, causing a gasp from overhead. He felt Chet’s hands caress his head before landing on his shoulders, giving him better balance. The taste of Chet was sending Arron’s arousal through the roof and his cock started pulsing and swinging with the rhythm he was using on the big leaking cock in his mouth.

Both men were enjoying the ministrations, but Chet was becoming impatient to return the favor. He managed to pull Arron off his cock and slip down to the bed, pushing Arron not-so-gently backwards till he was able to reach his goal. Happy to at last have Arron’s beautiful cock in his hand, he was struck by the challenge he was facing, before eagerly proceeding to give Arron’s cock the same pleasure he had given Chet’s. Their lovemaking became an athletic ballet as every body part was sucked, licked, caressed and probed. When Chet attacked Arron’s nipples, Arron hissed in appreciation. When it was Chet’s turn, he did the same. They both had the same goal in mind, and before long Chet was on his hands and knees, his gorgeous ass elevated, and completely exposed. Arron was voracious in his worship of it, reveling in the clean masculine taste, and the willing sounds that were coming from Chet, as he worked to loosen the very tight opening. His loving explorations slowly worked and Chet began to relax himself and push back in a compulsion to feel more. This part wasn’t hurried… this part was special as both men felt the further connection of this prelude to full-on lovemaking. It had been a long time for both of them but they were experienced in the ways of this. Arron’s tongue was followed by his saliva-soaked fingers, gentle yet perfectly insistent, reading Chet intuitively as he began to open up.

This was as much lovemaking as any other act, and was incredibly sensual and rewarding for these two men in love. Chet’s breathing and sounds began to change and Arron was tuned to them. The compliance and readiness became more apparent, and still Arron continued to coax and play and tease, wanting Chet to be well past ready. The reaction he was receiving from Chet’s increasingly relaxed body was intoxicating, and the stretching became easier. As much as he was into the preparation part, Chet began demanding more. He wanted Arron inside him. They had discussed it, and agreed there was no need for condoms other than for hygiene, so Arron suited up and lubed himself from the supplies in the bedside table, as Chet rolled over onto his back and watched him. Their eyes were locked as Arron applied the lube to Chet’s opening, earning appreciative, soft groans from a dreamy-eyed Chet. Lifting Chet’s legs up to his shoulders, Arron placed the tip of his cock at the now slippery hole and left it there with barely any pressure. “Are you okay, green eyes?”

“God, never better… I want this, baby, and Arron?”


“If I’m perfectly clean, you can pull the condom off… if you want, okay?”

“Okay.” Arron’s heart hitched at the thought.

Pushing Chet’s legs towards his chest, Arron increased the pressure of his cock on Chet’s opening, pushing gently but steadily. He saw Chet’s abdominal muscles tense downwards, and felt him push himself against Arron’s cock, and welcome him in. Arron slid in as Chet groaned approval before stopping his progress with a hand against Arron’s stomach, signaling him to wait. The feel of the tight velvety tunnel was incredible as Arron patiently waited for an indication from Chet to continue. Eventually, Arron felt the grip on his cock lighten up and Chet let out a contented sigh as his body had at last adjusted to the invading girth. Chet opened his eyes as he lifted his head up and smiled the most beautiful smile that Arron had seen yet. “Just go slow… you’re pretty big,”

“Don’t worry, Chet, I would never hurt you.”

“I know.”

Chet laid his head back down and let himself relax completely, trusting his partner to take care of him. Without advancing much further, Arron began a gentle rocking motion of little back-and-forths that eased the way for him to advance. When he felt the time was right he slowly started to slide all the way in, watching for any reaction from Chet. What he saw as he bottomed out was a look of serene bliss on Chet’s face, accompanied by a quiet moan of ecstasy, and he knew he was free to begin the real fucking. Pulling back, he gradually increased the length of his strokes, and that seemed to energize Chet. He read his encouragement to go longer and harder; Arron was happy to oblige, and soon resorted to full deep strokes that had Chet writhing with pleasure. The sight of Chet’s rock hard cock waving and bouncing on his stomach told Arron he was hitting the right spots. That served to intensify his own pleasure as he played with it, holding the impressive length upright, and stroking it to the rhythm of their fucking. Pulling back a bit too far on one of his strokes, Arron slipped out, causing Chet to lament the loss. Seeing he was clean, Arron smiled at Chet and yanked the condom off. That caused another groan from Chet when he caught the significance of what that meant.

A little more lube and Arron drove his cock back home. Chet shuddered at the quick intrusion and pushed back to show he loved it. This new, closer contact was amazing in its difference, and they both enjoyed the increased intimacy of it. Leaning all the way forward Arron draped himself over his lover and kissed him greedily, adding to their passion. The very noticeable presence of Chet’s cock, trapped between their stomachs as he pummeled a whimpering Chet with quick thrusts, made their connection feel complete. They were one person now. Arron’s brain was as engaged as his body, and he felt his balls pull up with the need for release. He was moaning into Chet’s mouth when his eruption hit him, and he continued to move in and out of Chet as it continued. Chet’s ejaculation followed close behind as the friction of their stomachs took him over the edge, pushed because he knew everything Arron had to offer was inside him. His arms were wrapped tightly around his guy as they both shivered and quivered with the spasms that continued to hit them. Chet starting laughing first, soon to be joined by an exhausted but deliriously happy Arron.

“You are the best thing to ever happen to me, green eyes. I feel like I’ve just had sex for the very first time.” Arron’s face, while still flushed with the extreme pleasure he had just experienced, still managed to glow with contentment. “I am so happy I could burst.”

“I think you just did,” Chet said while chuckling, and Arron joined him when he realized his choice of words.

Chet had his arms around his lover, and began caressing his powerful back muscles. “Arron?”


“I love you so much, and not just because you’re the best lover I’ve ever had. You own my heart, baby, and I could feel your love in every touch. It just keeps getting better and better… this has to be forever.” It came out as a plea as tears glistened in those beautiful eyes, and Arron was overwhelmed with emotion.

“Don’t worry, baby, I feel the same way as you do, and you took the words right out of my mouth. I know what you did for me… you were giving me what you knew I needed. I want it to be forever too,” he said with a tender smile. Leaning back down, he gave Chet a scorching, soul-joining kiss that was returned with all the love, passion and commitment Chet felt inside.

The hot shower felt wonderful, as the two happy lovers reveled in the further closeness they now shared. Washing each other was a continuation of their lovemaking. Feeling as connected as two people could possibly be, they slid back into Arron’s newly made up bed for a little rest. Snuggled up facing one another, no words were necessary as they communicated without them, green meeting gray.

Chet woke up first, smiling at the delicious soreness that comes from being completely and thoroughly fucked. Arron, as a lover, was phenomenal. He had been sweet and gentle when he should have been, his concern so evident, and yet when Chet needed him to, he instinctively became a consummate fucking machine. Everything about it and him had been exactly right, and Chet, who had mostly been a top in the past, knew he would want Arron’s love in that way with regularity. The man really did touch his heart. Looking at his handsome, sleeping face, he had no doubts this was going to work. His search and loneliness were over, and the life he had craved for a long time had finally begun. Content to watch Arron sleeping, he stayed curled against his big warm body, breathing in his scent, not wanting to be anywhere else but where he was right now. He was just starting to drift back to sleep when he felt Arron stir. He opened his eyes to find gray ones looking into his.

“Did you have a nice nap, wolfie? You snored long enough,” Chet grinned at Arron’s sleepy smile.

“You’re just yanking my chain.”

Sliding his hand down Arron’s rippled stomach, Chet took hold of Arron’s cock and gave it a few tugs. “I wasn’t, but I am now, and what a lovely chain it is.” His mischievous look made Arron chuckle.

“If you keep doing that, my chain is going to turn into a steel rod, and then you’re gonna have a job to do.” Arron’s eyes were twinkling.

“Anytime, man. I’m applying for the job full time. I don’t need days off or vacation time either,” he playfully returned.

“I love you, Chet… the job’s yours. I’ll tear up all the other applications,” he winked.

Trying to look indignant, Chet responded, “You took applications?” He attacked Arron after that, trying to tickle the writhing man, without much luck as Arron managed to leap out of bed, demanding that there be no tickling. He sat back down only after Chet promised tickling was now off limits. They ended up curling back up together, both staring up at the coffered ceiling, enjoying the connection and the quiet.

“Hey, am I ever going to get my stir fry?”

Arron laughed, “Yeah, baby, I promised my man chicken stir fry and that’s what he’ll get.”

“Do you mean me or one of those other applicants?”

“You’re an idiot, but you’re my idiot, so you are the one who gets my delicious stir fry. We should get going to your place though, so I can work my magic in the kitchen.” A lingering kiss accompanied his words.

“That would be two rooms you've worked your magic in today.” Chet nuzzled into Arron’s neck, enjoying the rough feel of his stubble.

“You worked as much magic as I did. Did you really mean it when you said I was the best lover you ever had?” The look on Arron’s face was serious and it made Chet sigh.

“I’ll tell you again… I mean everything I say to you. You, my gorgeous man, took me somewhere I’ve never been before, and I am going to insist on going there again… and again… and again. It and you were incredible. It was perfection.” Chet had to laugh at the beaming smile on Arron’s face. “You look pretty smug there, Arron.”

“Thank you… I really needed to hear that. I never felt like I was a good lover with Dwayne… whenever we did that, it was like he was doing me a favor, and it used to make me feel really bad about myself.” Arron’s eyes showed a glimpse of that past pain and made Chet angry once more at that piece of shit called Dwayne.

“Dwayne’s the real idiot here. You realize, don’t you, that he was emotionally abusive to you. Everything you’ve told me verifies it. The man has issues and never deserved a great guy like you. I’m just thankful that his loss is my gain.” Chet’s heartfelt sincerity caused Arron’s eyes to clear.

“Thanks to you, I really do know that now. I believe you… I felt it today… how amazing we are together, and I can’t wait to have you inside me… I want to make you feel the way you made me feel.” The intimacy of their conversation was so natural and so meaningful, the bonds of their connection continued to strengthen. Arron had crossed another bridge.

“You can consider that a date, wolf.” Chet waggled his eyebrows and Arron laughed.

“We really should get going, if you want me to feed you? Are you ready to head back?”

“Yeah, but I really like it here, in your bed, in your house. It feels so good to be here with you. It feels like home.” Chet sighed in supreme contentment.

“Could you ever see yourself living here… maybe someday?” Arron’s nervous swallow didn’t go unnoticed.

“Absolutely. I could see myself living anywhere you are, and I know this home is your family home and it’s special to you, but that would be something we need to talk about down the road.” Chet wasn’t really sure where to take this conversation. He wanted everything with Arron, but he didn’t want to rush or push too fast.

“How far down the road? I mean, when is the right time to think about something like that anyway?”

“That’s a good question. I’m kind of afraid to answer, because I don’t want to back you into any kind of corner, and I want us to do what’s right for both of us.”

“That’s exactly how I’m feeling about it, but I can’t help but dream of you and me being together, living together, having it all… do you have a lease on your place?” Arron’s desire to forge ahead with the conversation impressed Chet. What happened between them today may have done what Chet intended it to do, as he watched Arron take control of the subject.

“Yeah, I do, but it’s up in a little over two months.” Both men were quiet for a while as Chet waited for Arron to sort through his thoughts. Glancing at Arron, he could see the wheels turning, and sensed that more was coming.

“If things keep going like they are, would you consider not renewing, and moving in together… here… with me?” Arron turned his head so they were looking at one another.

Chet sighed, and gave Arron a loving smile before leaning over for a kiss that expressed his love. “I would definitely consider doing that, wolf. Let’s keep talking about it and sorting through all the ins and outs of it. I have to give a sixty-day notice if we decide to do this, but I don’t mind a penalty if we take the next month or so to reach a decision. How does that sound? We need to do some more talking.”

Arron looked very happy at Chet’s idea. “I’m going to be honest with you. In my mind it’s already decided, and at the end of January, you are going to be living here with me, but I’ll humor you and pretend to discuss it.” Arron laughed. “Remember, you said I control our destiny.” His smirk was adorable and Chet melted at this cocky, confident man’s conviction they belonged together. There was no way Chet wouldn’t be conceding to Arron’s wishes and they both knew it. It was, after all, what they both wanted.





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As always, thank you, Tim, and all those who leave 'Likes' and 'Reviews' for this story... it keeps me going.
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One more chapter to go after this one... I hope you like it. I might be revisiting this story again with future chapters, but if not, I am pleased with the journey. In the meantime, Chet and Arron can be seen in the new chapters of 'Cards on the Table'... to stay updated on future developments, please click the 'follow this story' button.
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Chapter Comments

On 11/28/2015 03:30 PM, pzetts3 said:

Two sentences...

"That’s when he could put a name to it. Love. Unbelievable in both the speed and the depth of it, but real nonetheless."


"The man really did touch his heart. Looking at his handsome, sleeping face, he had no doubts this was going to work. His search and loneliness were over, and the life he had craved for a long time had finally begun."

Okay, I am officially on the Chet bandwagon. I of course had a picture of Chet picked out for quite a while, since he was introduced in COTT actually. However, I am not quite sure why I saw him that way. In my head he looked older than his 27 years and was bald and a bit stocky. That however doesn't match your constant descriptions, so I tried for as close to your description as possible. On with the review. Those two sentences I quoted touched my heart. You have a capacity to express feelings that is delicious to read and feel through your writing. I am so glad Arron got to be the top first and that Chet established that as something he enjoyed right from jump in the physical aspect of their relationship. Chet earned his stripes for that. The fact that he enjoyed it as much as he did only proves it wasn't much of a sacrifice, but doesn't take away from the fact that as mostly a top himself he still put Arron's emotional and physical needs first. That says it all really. And my sweet Arron is settling in and accepting he deserves this and this is real as evidenced by him pushing for Chet to move in right away. Go on Arron, if you want it, speak up and advocate for your happiness. No doubt that will be right around the corner.

I'm not about to touch the love scene in review. Let's just leave it at stimulating and exquisite.

Hey, pzetts... sorry for the delay in answering... I have two short stories coming out soon, and I was working on them and the next chapter of COTT.I read this a few days ago, and it really meant a lot to me. What you say feeds my desire to keep going and get better. I love when certain lines strike a chord in people. It means I'm doing something right. And I'm happy you see how truly wonderful Chet is, and how wonderful he is for Arron. These two belong together. The love scene was all them, and what they are building together... Thank you and cheers... Gary...

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Everyone smiles over the notions of "love at first sight", and "soulmates". They're overused, I guess. But that both of these ideas carry weight in the real world is something people also acknowledge - everybody also seems to know that one couple that just seem to have snapped together like a pair of magnets from the start and who just seem perfect for each other. And so deeply in love with each other.
We are looking at such a relationship from the inside here, in this tale. Even the road to love at first sight and soulmates has some rocks in it; it's the fact that those rocks don't stop the inevitable from happening that give meaning and weight to those two very special circumstances of love.
Thanks for showing us that road, huh? You're a pretty good taxi driver - know all the right routes to take! Where do I send the tip? :rolleyes:

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On 09/30/2016 02:17 AM, Geron Kees said:

Everyone smiles over the notions of "love at first sight", and "soulmates". They're overused, I guess. But that both of these ideas carry weight in the real world is something people also acknowledge - everybody also seems to know that one couple that just seem to have snapped together like a pair of magnets from the start and who just seem perfect for each other. And so deeply in love with each other.

We are looking at such a relationship from the inside here, in this tale. Even the road to love at first sight and soulmates has some rocks in it; it's the fact that those rocks don't stop the inevitable from happening that give meaning and weight to those two very special circumstances of love.

Thanks for showing us that road, huh? You're a pretty good taxi driver - know all the right routes to take! Where do I send the tip? :rolleyes:

I will accept this review as my tip ;) . I approached this story from the beginning as 'love at first sight'... I wanted to show that chance encounter, and what it could mean... I've seen it IRL so I believe in it. Like all love, yes, it does have it's detours and stop signs, but tin the end, you can't stop love :) . Yeah, I'm a romantic to the proverbial bone. Thanks for the support, buddy... cheers... Gary....

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18 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Just loved this chapter wow. Arron and Chat are so deeply in love in such a compelling way. Each see's that they can have a soulmate and it can be wonderful without

pain. Each completely trusting the other for what they want and need. A love so deep that is totally  healing sigh.


Another Great chapter:heart::worship::thankyou:

Yes, love at first sight does exist, and it can be wonderful when the match is right... and this one is. You sum that up perfectly here, Albert. Thank you for such wonderful words... I love seeing the story through your eyes... you're the best... cheers... Gary....

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2 minutes ago, Caz Pedroso said:

Wonderful, I love how you keep the focus on their love and conection, even in the midst of the love scene. 



Thanks, Caz. This is indeed a love story, and I am unabashedly sappy :) . I 'm so pleased you liked it, and I very much appreciate you taking the time to read and comment... cheers, my friend... Gary.... :hug: 

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Whenever I read this chapter I have the song 'That's the Power of Love' playing in my head. Chet and Arron not only spend a Beautiful Day together after a caring night, but they discover why true love is important. Loving another and being loved gives you confidence and strength and joy in life like nothing else. They will never again feel alone or unworthy - or if they do, it will only take looking into the eye of one another, giving a hug or a kiss, and they're on top of the world again. That's the Power of  Love. :wub: 


Happy Valentine's Day, Gary. :hug: 

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18 minutes ago, Timothy M. said:

Whenever I read this chapter I have the song 'That's the Power of Love' playing in my head. Chet and Arron not only spend a Beautiful Day together after a caring night, but they discover why true love is important. Loving another and being loved gives you confidence and strength and joy in life like nothing else. They will never again feel alone or unworthy - or if they do, it will only take looking into the eye of one another, giving a hug or a kiss, and they're on top of the world again. That's the Power of  Love. :wub: 


Happy Valentine's Day, Gary. :hug: 

Thank you, Tim! Happy Valentine's Day to you too. This has made my day. It's a beautiful compliment on a story close to my heart. Chet and Arron hold a special place there, and I'm happy with how their story turned out. You've nailed it again... this really was about The Power of Love, wonderful, sappy, romantic love. :hug:  :kiss: 

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10 minutes ago, Potterslashfan said:

I don't have enough floss to protect my teeth from all the sugar and sweetness ;p 


It reminds me of the old joke: What does a lesbian bring with her on a second date?  A Uhaul.  These boys didn't even make it that far! Maybe I'm just jealous, lol. 

LOL. I make no apologies. :D  So, do you believe in love at first sight? ... I know I do... and I believe in these guys. Yeah, I'm jealous too. :)  Thanks, buddy... cheers... Gary....

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3 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Well the beat just keeps going on with the burn passion these two have for each other! A perfect chapter and very enjoyable.

Chapter ***** stars and just wonderful:thankyou::worship:

Thanks, Albert! These guys move fast, but they feel very real to me... where they are headed feels real to me. This was me at my sappiest, but I make no apologies. Making these two men happy is a reward I gave myself, and if it works for others, then all the better. :D  Cheers... G. :hug: 

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10 hours ago, raven1 said:

This was so romantic. Both guys now on the same page, and wanting to establish a home together with their soulmate.  The craftsman house would be a perfect home for such a deeply loving pair.  Thanks Gary.

I agree it is the perfect home. I like men who aren't afraid of their feelings, and aren't afraid to express them. That is what this chapter was about. When it's right, it's right, and romance comes from the heart... these two have big ones. Ah... hearts, that is. :)  Thanks, raven. Cheers! :hug:  

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I love the fates for having made these two love birds find each other! And God it was the best u turn in history and what are and what will be they both are so bless by what is to come! There pasion a forest fire which will set the world on fire with there love. I just love this chapter even if it isn't perfect is surely is damn close at least that how I see it:heart:

Gary I love this story and I love this chapter ***** stars:kiss::thankyou::thankyou::thankyou::great::worship::worship::worship::worship:

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2 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

I love the fates for having made these two love birds find each other! And God it was the best u turn in history and what are and what will be they both are so bless by what is to come! There pasion a forest fire which will set the world on fire with there love. I just love this chapter even if it isn't perfect is surely is damn close at least that how I see it:heart:

Gary I love this story and I love this chapter ***** stars:kiss::thankyou::thankyou::thankyou::great::worship::worship::worship::worship:

Thanks, buddy! What a difference in Arron, eh? This is definitely a sappy story, but I make no apologies. So happy you love the passion of it. It remains special to me despite its flaws. Lol to the best U turn in history. :D You're awesome, Albert! :hug:  

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On 3/31/2015 at 2:16 AM, LitLover said:

I have read a lot (and I do mean a lot) of stories and romances over the years and I don't think anyone can write about making love (not sex...but making love) like you can. You can feel the love these men feel for each other with every touch, every breath and every kiss that you describe. I smiled when they smiled, I teared up when Arron told of not feeling good enough and Chet assured him he was perfect for him. A truly beautiful chapter Gary. Thank you.

I agree. Gary writes about making love like nobody else. 

Edited by Doha
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On 3/31/2015 at 2:54 AM, EagleIsaac said:

Incredibly hot sex made even better by the depth of love felt by Chet and Arron. You are a master of taking great sex and making it into something more. Something even better. I think all of Chet's efforts to build Arron's confidence are working. I agree with ColumbusGuy - Chet's things are going to start filling the house before the week is out.

Yep, he's going to he stamped all over the place. These two are made for each other. 

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