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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br>   <br>

Dracken Awakening - 4. Chapter 4

Harry apparated to Diagon Alley and immediately went to the twins shop. He needed someone not involved in the situation to talk to before he lost his head completely and said something he would regret. Ever since the defeat of Voldemort he had a hard time reigning in his temper.


He walked into the shop and saw Fred at the register. “Harry! What are you doing here?” he asked.


“Can’t I stop by simply to see you?”


“Of course you can, but I can tell something’s bothering you.” He stepped around the counter and pulled Harry into a hug.


George came down the stairs but didn’t see Harry right away. “Forge, our Dragon is waiting for us.”


“Gred, we’ll have to postpone Harry’s here.”


It was then George saw Harry next to Fred. “Harrykins, long time no see. What’s wrong little brother?”


“I shouldn’t have come by; you’re going to be late for your meeting.” Harry hung his head and turned to walk away.


“Dragon can wait and will understand. Now what’s wrong?” asked George. He grabbed Harry’s arm and pulled him up the stairs to their apartment over the shop.


“George, we can talk later. Go to your dragon,” Harry insisted.


Fred sighed. “Little brother, we know that something is bothering you and want to help. Keeping it bottled up inside is not good for anyone, but it’s especially bad for someone who has just come into their inheritance. More so if there was a creature inheritance involved.”


George pushed Harry towards the loveseat in their little apartment. “We should have already said this, but Happy Birthday Harry.”


Fred left and Harry could only assume that he was letting their dragon know they would be late. He wasn’t sure who it was but he had a pretty good idea. He worried that the twins were embarrassed of being with Draco, that Harry would be mad at them for it.


“George who is Dragon?” Harry wondered if he would get an answer.


Fred had just walked in the room as Harry asked his question and he looked at George to see what his twin would say.


George thought about it and when he saw Fred give a slight nod he said, “Dragon is our mate, we are drackens. We can smell that you are too.”


“I’m glad you found your mate, but who is he?”


“Draco Malfoy.”


Harry was dumbfounded because he had always thought that Draco would be a veela if he had a creature inheritance. How could drackens and veelas be mates? What would their children be?


Harry was brought out of his musings by Fred. “I think we broke him with that.”


“Draco?! Are you kidding me? He hates me.”


“We don’t choose our mates. They are predestined by Fate and not something that can be changed,” George said.


“So does this mean I won’t get to spend much time with you?”


Fred walked up behind Harry, placed his hands on his shoulders to turn him towards him, looked him in the eye, and said, “Harry, you’re our little brother and will forever be in our lives. Nothing will change that either. Draco really isn’t as bad as he seems. Granted, yes, it took some time for him to accept that he had two Weasleys as his mates. It may take him a little while but he understands that to us you are family.”


Harry thought about it and could see the sincerity in Fred’s eyes. “Okay, I won’t antagonize him and give him a chance.”


“That’s all we ask. Now what has you so upset and brought you to see us?” George asked as they all took a seat throughout the room.


“Well, as you know I came into my dracken inheritance this morning. I found my mates –“


“That’s great Harry. So who are they and are you the submissive?” George interrupted.


“No I am not the submissive that is Neville.”


“If Neville is the submissive who is the other mate?” asked Fred.


“See that’s where my problem comes in. I feel as if he came in and is immediately taking over leaving me with no say in what is to happen.”


“Who is it?” the twins asked at the same time.


Harry ducked his head and could feel his face heat up. He had always had a crush on Charlie and the twins knew it.


“It’s not Ron –“


“-is it?” the twins asked in their finishing each other’s sentence kind of way.


“No, it’s not Ron. But it is a Weasley.”


“Who? There are four others that it could possibly be,” questioned George.


“It’s Charlie.”


The twins sat there and looked at each other before they turned to look at Harry with identical smirks on their faces. They knew of Harry’s crush on their older brother and had teased him about it whenever the chance came up. Now Harry really was their little brother and they couldn’t be happier. However, they were concerned about what Harry said about Charlie coming in and taking over. They knew he was a dominant and if he was in a mateship with more than one mate he would probably be the top dominant.


“Harry, are you sure he was trying to take over? You know that he has always been a dominant person,” said George.


“That’s how my dracken felt.”


The twins nodded in understanding because they knew what was going on because the same thing had happened between them when they found Draco.


“Harry, your dracken feels that way because he wants to prove your dominance and the ability to protect your mate and kits that you may have,” George said.


“Harry, did you get a book on drackens? Your family should have one. It was probably put in your Gringott’s vault along with any other treasured items.”


“Yeah it was delivered this morning and was on my bed when I got up. I haven’t had the chance to read all of it yet, just the first couple of pages.”


“Harry, I would almost guarantee that you and Charlie will have to fight for top spot. I’m going to warn you that it won’t be fun and you will probably get hurt. You’ll probably also hurt Charlie. Whatever you do make sure that Neville is out of the way and safe so he doesn’t get hurt.”


“Fred If we’re going to be injured why would we fight?” asked Harry.


“There has to be a top dominant for a proper chain of command.”


“It’s like going to work and having two people in charge and they’re both telling you to do something but they are conflicting in what they are saying. You aren’t going to know who to follow because no matter which you choose the other will be upset.”


“Ok, so who’s the top dominant with you guys?”


“George is top dominant, then me, and our Dragon is the submissive.”


“Draco is submissive? Never saw that coming. I always thought he would be a dominant Veela, not a submissive Dracken.”


“He’s not Dracken, he is a Veela though. We don’t know how he ended up our mate or even why we share a mate, but we decided early on that fate had her reason for pairing us together. I’m not saying it’s been easy for us, things are getting better.”


“Fred’s right. We know Charlie and he wouldn’t mean to push you out of the way, but he is naturally a dominant person. He needs to be to work with dragons. I know that he will treat you with as much love as he does Neville, because without you they won’t be complete.”


“Okay I will go talk to him. Do you think I should just back down from him and hand him the spot of top dominant?”


“Harry, we don’t want to see either one of you hurt but eventually the two of you will fight it out to set the hierarchy order for things to run smoothly.”


The heard the floo in the other room flare to life. “Fred, George where are you?”


The twins looked at each other and knew this probably wouldn’t end well because their Dragon was possessive. With the history between Harry and Draco they knew there would at least be a verbal war.


“In here Dragon,” Fred called.


Draco entered the room with his normal air of superiority that he naturally carried wherever he went. Harry sighed when he saw him and tried to sink further into the loveseat where he sat.


“What is Potter doing here?” Draco snarled.


“Dragon calm down. Harry simply needed some advice so naturally he came to his two big brothers. You already knew we consider him family. He is in no way a threat to you or us.” Fred wrapped his arms around Draco and leaned in to nuzzle his neck which seemed to calm him immediately.


“I should go. I need to talk with Charlie and get things straightened out,” Harry stood and headed for the door.


“Harry, you can always come to us, but with Charlie being as dominant as he is he cares for what you think and will not go by his law. He will take your and Neville’s thoughts and feelings into consideration before making a final decision,” said George. Harry nodded to show he heard him before he walked out the door.


“Leave Potter,” sneered Draco.


George looked at Draco. He was upset that their submissive had ignored what Fred had just said and it hurt him as a dominant that his submissive would ignore what they said.




Harry apparated just outside the wards of Baldersdale Gardens. He stood there and simply looked at the house. He thought about what the twins had said and tried to get rid of the small voice in his head in regards to Charlie. He wondered if they’d even missed him or noticed he was gone.


He must’ve set off an alarm or something because the door opened and there stood an angry dracken. Harry sighed as he walked up the walk. He really didn’t want to deal with it yet.


“Where the HELL have you been? Anything could’ve happened to our submissive while you were off running around.”


Harry’s head snapped back as if he’d been hit. “I wasn’t out running around. I went to someone for advice. Neville was perfectly safe here with Remus. You may be used to being a dracken but this is all new to me. I never had anyone tell me that I might someday turn into a dragon humanoid. I don’t know what to expect and I wanted someone I know and trust to give me some of the answers I need to be able to be the best dominate possible for Neville.”


“Neville needed you here with him. I came back to a highly emotionally upset mate because he thought you rejected him. I will not let you hurt him like that again.” Harry tried to push past Charlie so he could get to Neville and explain why he’d left but Charlie wouldn’t be pushed aside. “I just got him calmed down. I won’t have you upsetting him again.”


“I need to apologize to him.”


“Not until you tell me what you were thinking.”


“I told you I went to get some advice.”


“Who did you go to?” Charlie demanded.


Harry didn’t want to tell him that he’d gone to his brothers but he could tell Charlie wouldn’t drop it until he did.


“I went to the twins.”


“Why them? Why not Ron?” The curiosity shown in his eyes and was the exact reason Harry didn’t want to tell him.


Harry sighed and looked at the ground. “Promise to listen to everything before you react?”


“I promise.” That had Charlie even more curious.


“I went to Gringott’s this morning after I was sent a letter and portkey by the goblins. When I got there they had already pulled my account records and had them waiting for me to give me a full accounting of everything I inherited from my parents and from Sirius since their wills had never been read. As we went through the accounts we found several withdrawals by Dumbledore, as well as some by Molly, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione.”


“Are you calling my family thieves?” Charlie growled. Harry could tell he was mad by how red Charlie’s face had become. He had just enough time to duck out of the way of Charlie’s fist as it flew at him.


Harry held his hands up to try to placate Charlie and said, “All I know is what the goblins told me. They said the money Dumbledore withdrew was to go for my care and upbringing. Never once did my relatives receive any money, they made sure to let me know just how much of a burden I was to them financially. I don’t know the why behind your family’s withdrawals because I haven’t talked to them. Am I upset with them? Yes I am. I’m hurt that Ron would go on and on about not having any money when there were three members of the family receiving money from my vaults. There was also a marriage contract drawn up between me and Ginny that I know Sirius never would have signed.”


Charlie growled at the thought of Harry being promised to another. He was shocked that he already felt like that since it had only been a short time since he had found Neville and Harry. He expected the possessiveness over Neville because he was the submissive, but Harry was a surprise.


He snarled as he thought about what Harry said and could see Ron doing exactly that, he had always been jealous of Harry. He was shocked about his mum and Ginny though; he didn’t know Hermione well enough to make a judgement about her motives.




Neville paced from one side of their room to the other. He would glance out the window as he passed and wished he was in a better mood to be able to enjoy the beauty of the flowers that bloomed all around their front yard.


“You ok Neville?” Remus asked from the door.


“Why’d he leave like that?”


“I don’t know. All I can think of is that he felt overwhelmed and needed an unbiased party to talk to who could help him focus and put everything in perspective. You know he isn’t one that will shirk his responsibilities and will be back soon. He’s had a lot thrown at him today and probably just needs to vent to get it out of his system.”


“He should be able to vent to his mates.”


“He’s not used to having someone that close to him. He’s used to being able to go to Ron or Hermione for that. He found out today that not all was as it seemed, but that is for him to tell you.”


Neville walked to the window when he heard the crack of apparition. He saw Harry on the outside of the wards. He turned and headed to the door only to be stopped by Remus.


“Let Charlie talk to him,” Remus said.


“I have to make sure Charlie doesn’t hurt him.”


“He won’t. Charlie only wants to talk to Harry.”



Neville stepped around Remus and walked to the front hallway to wait for his dominants to come inside or be able to get to them if they began to fight.

© 1997-2022 J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Press; All Rights Reserved; Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowlings, everything else belongs to me.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br>   <br>
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Chapter Comments

On 09/20/2015 10:12 AM, WriterJT said:

Interesting strory so far, I look forward to reading more!

thank you for reading and the review

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On 09/20/2015 01:04 PM, tiger721boi said:

this Chapter was good when do you think we will see the next chapter?

thank you for reading and the review

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