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Prophylaxis - 23. Chapter 23


Our little group followed the swaying curves of the King’s consort down a long hall. Riley held my right hand, swinging it between us. Guy held my left. Takashi walked just ahead of us, appearing to carefully watch every nook or cranny we passed as though it held a possible threat. It made me nervous.

Having the men, my men, there with me helped. Maybe I couldn’t really claim them as mine, but it felt right. I just wouldn’t go around blabbing my thoughts. It could be my little secret that I considered three achingly hot men my own. It was fun to think about as I watched Takashi’s perfect ass as he stalked down the hall in front of me.

I don’t know what gave away my lecherous staring, but he took a moment away from peering into shadows to peek over his shoulder at me. He smirked and winked, making my face flame. I jerked my eyes up to the high ceiling. Yup, just looking at the architecture, not ogling any asses…

The ceiling actually was worth looking at. It wasn’t painted or sculpted, really, but it still looked like a work of art. Arches branched off pillars to meet above my head. The patterns were all different but similar in their basic elements. It felt almost organic, though it was stone. I wondered if the Hollow had made all this, if she had designed everything purposely.

I stretched out my thoughts hesitantly and felt her immediately. It nearly made me stumble as I walked, with Riley giving me a strange look. I couldn’t help it, though, when I’d opened my consciousness she’d been right fucking there. It was like turning around and finding someone standing inches from your face, staring at you. Her presence was huge, making me feel like a toddler paddling next to a blue whale. I gave her a mental wave of greeting, which was apparently a mistake.

I felt her interest and amusement moments before I started sinking into the floor.

I let out a decidedly unmanly squeak as the stone turned to quicksand beneath my feet. The hands holding mine were no longer just comforting, they were a lifeline I clung to. Riley and Guy got better grips on my arms and pulled upward until I thought my arms were going to pop off. I grit my teeth against a scream as I felt something sucking me downward. I was caught up to my knees in a matter of seconds. Takashi’s strong arms wrapped around my chest and tried to yank me upward, but I was caught and dropping fast.

I pushed my fear and desperation at the Hollow in a mental shout. I stopped falling, but I was still stuck. The Hollow seemed to peer at me curiously, but kindly. She was baffled at my distress. I felt like a kitten knocked over by an overly friendly Labrador. She didn’t seem to mean any harm and didn’t understand what I was making a fuss over.

I felt her decision to let me go. It was based more on not wanting to freak me out than anything else. She’d still be watching, though. I sensed that much. She didn’t feel malevolent at all towards me, just the opposite. I was just really fucking tiny compared to her massive presence. I felt very itty bitty and easily crushed.

They pulled me out of the floor, but it wasn’t easy. It was like there was something alive beneath the surface. It was letting me up, but slowly. I could feel something winding around my ankles, tickling my toes. It made me shiver.

I was afraid of murky water when I was a kid. Growing up, before my dad died, we went camping every summer. I was a bit of a fish, and I loved swimming. My parents told me that if I swam out too far, where there was nothing but mud and rocks beneath me, that I had to be careful of snapping turtles. I think they just didn’t want me swimming out into deep water, but I was left with a lingering fear of something unseen biting off my toes.

As I was yanked free, I was left with that same uneasy feeling as I looked down at the floor. There was something under there I couldn’t see. I wasn’t entirely sure it was just the Hollow playing with me or if something in there might just think my toes looked tasty.

I peeled my gaze off the floor when Guy shook me. I felt a bit dazed, and it must have shown on my face. He hugged me close, then swept me entirely off my feet. It seemed to take little to no effort at all to swing me up to carry me bridal style. I kind of appreciated it, really. Maybe if I wasn’t touching the floors the Hollow would stop trying to swallow me.

I’d lost my shoes down in the floor somewhere. So, my bare feet hung in the air. I was relieved to see there were still ten toes down there. Guy shifted me to a more comfortable position, causing my pant leg to scoot up. Wrapped around my ankle was a circle of smooth wood that looked like it matched the one on my wrist. I lifted my other foot to find a silver anklet dripping with jewels. The silver was uncharacteristically flexible, bending when I moved my foot. I could hardly even feel it there. It was even a little warm. The silver spun and curled around my ankle. A fortune in gems dangled from it, hanging from flexible silver wire that wrapped around each one.

Apparently, the Hollow thought I needed more bling. If she got me flowers we’d about be going steady. She stole my shoes, though. That was weird.

The consort stood well away from us. I expected her to say something, maybe showing amazement that the floor tried to eat me. She might have expressed a bit of surprise, but she didn’t. She was as cool as ever, though clearly standing out of harm’s way. She didn’t even comment on my lack of footwear, she just waited for us to get ourselves together and then continued walking. She didn’t even look back to see if we were following.

My men and I exchanged looks. We’d talk about whatever the fuck had just happened later. We had a king to talk to. That took precedence over sentient living spaces that were a bit too friendly.

I looked at my new jewelry as we walked. The wooden anklet really did look just like the one on my wrist. The shiny metal one was truly lovely. I rather liked it, really. The silver reminded me of twining vines with the sparkling gems like tiny flowers or fruits hanging from slim shimmering threads of metal. It almost seemed to move, curling around my ankle. It didn’t freak me out, though. It felt safe, somehow, though I knew that didn’t really make sense.

Guy carried me the rest of the way. It was actually kind of nice, if a little embarrassing. Besides, I was feeling a mite wobbly and untrusting of the ground beneath me. Guy and the others weren’t having any trouble, though. Thank goodness.

The ornate doors to the throne room stretched to the ceiling far above our heads. I couldn’t imagine the effort it would take to open the massive thing. There also didn’t appear to be any handles or knobs to help. However, the consort touched it and it began to slowly swing open. Those hinges must have been well-oiled, because it didn’t make a single creak as they swung wide.

The room beyond was huge, probably bigger than two of my houses put together. The floor looked like one piece of smooth black stone with veins of silver and gold shot through it. Massive tapestries hung from the walls. They were colorful and beautiful, but I looked away when I saw their common subject matter. They were all rather gory. Strange creatures I couldn’t begin to name battled across the fabric in bright stitching. Beasts with massive fangs stood triumphantly over the broken bodies of enemies. Vibrant crimson thread depicted far too much blood on swords, fangs, and dripping wounds. Some of the terrifying creatures looked almost human while others were completely alien to me.

I kept my eyes on the floor. The floor was pretty. I wondered how they’d managed to make the floor all in one piece. Maybe the Hollow had created it, or perhaps there were hidden seams I just didn’t see.

I continued contemplating the stone beneath me until our little party stopped. I peeked up from my place in Guy’s arms to see what only could be described as a throne sitting atop a raised platform. It looked like it was made from the same stone as the floor but was somehow carved like wood. The legs ended in clawed feet that reminded me of the ancient bathtub in the upstairs of my house. Whorls and spirals climbed around every surface I could see of the huge chair. Black velvet cushions softened the seat and backrest. The whole thing looked about twice as tall as I was.

The scariest man I’d ever seen was lounging lazily on the cold black throne.

His skin was starkly pale, like moonlight reflecting on still water. It was shot through with dark gray veins that seemed to shift and move as I watched. His hair seemed like an inversion of the colors of his skin. It was inky black with silver strands coiling in shining locks that fell to his waist. He was shirtless, wearing only black leather pants that hugged his body and matching boots. His form was leanly muscled in a way that reminded me of Takashi, all smooth lines and hidden power. The man’s eyes were like pools of ink, as though the pupils had swallowed the iris and whites, leaving only empty black behind. The eyes were what truly frightened me. It was like looking into the eyes of a reptile. There was nothing in his gaze I could identify with.

The consort fell into a deep graceful curtsy and everyone but me bowed low. Guy just held onto me and included me in his bow. Hopefully, that would be enough for Mr. Scarypants. I thought I saw him lift a finger from where it rested on the thick arm of the throne. Everyone but the consort stayed in position while she straightened and approached the throne. She whispered to him, her soft words lost in the echoing space. I hoped she was saying nice things about how he shouldn’t crush us like frightened grapes.

When he spoke, the smooth melody of his deep voice startled me.

“Is the Sifter so injured he cannot even stand on his own before me?”

That seemed to be our cue to stand up again, which was good. It was weird being held like that while Guy was half bent over.

“The Hollow appears to have taken an interest in this one, Highness,” Takashi offered from beside me, his voice just as lovely as the creepy guy’s.

They could go on the road. Start a band. Write songs about being both sexy as hell and dangerous as fuck. Make some cash. Bang some groupies. Feast on the souls of critics who dared write a bad review.

“Then set him down.” The black-eyed man drummed his fingertips on the throne’s armrest.

Guy hesitantly complied. My toes curled as they touched the smooth rock beneath me, expecting it to be cold. It wasn’t through, it was warm against my bare feet. I waited for it to drop out from beneath me, but it stayed solid and unmoving. I let out a sigh of relief.

“Now then,” the strange man declared, sitting forward in his throne. “I am Tighearnain, King of the Unseelie, leader of the dark procession, overlord of the Host, and protector of the Secrets.” His eerie black eyes seemed to look through me. “Announce yourself that the court may recognize you.”

When I just stared at him blankly, my brain entirely not keeping up with the situation, Takashi gave me a gentle nudge.

“I’m Nathaniel Miklas,” I said simply. I stuttered on when King Creepy looked at me expectantly. “Uh, practicing dentist and member of the American and Iowa Dental Association...”

Takashi whispered to me out of the side of his mouth. I hoped I heard him right.

“And the last surviving Sifter?” I finished, hoping that what I’d said was good enough to keep me from being eviscerated.

It must have been okay. I let out a breath of relief when his gimlet gaze moved on to Guy.

“I am Guy Whitmore,” he said in his clear baritone. “Enforcer of the Chicago Pack. Pursuer and protector of Nathaniel Miklas.”

The King lifted his eyebrows but didn’t comment on the titles Guy had claimed. I worried that the last part might get him into trouble. Tighearnain’s attention moved to Riley.

“Ruairi O Gribin,” Riley said with a bow.

Fuck, he bowed. Was I supposed to bow? Guy hadn’t bowed either! Shit! Wait, Riley wasn’t really Riley’s name?

My brain was full. I needed a nap and a cookie.

“Former carrier of the Light of Keirinath,” Riley continued. “Child of the line of Solaris.” He paused, looking down. “Exile of the Seelie.”

The King lifted a hand when Takashi was about to speak. “I remember you, Tsubaki Takashi. You’ve grown since I last saw you dancing for our court.”

“Much has changed since then, Highness,” Takashi said in an unreadable tone.

“I suppose it has.” Tighearnain sat back in his throne, looking contemplative. “I hear you are Lord Bakeneko, now.”

Takashi nodded regally.

“How lovely for you.” The king crossed his long legs. “Are you enjoying playing with the dead?”

“I do my duty,” the cat replied cooly.

What the ever-loving fuck were they talking about? The conversation went right off the rails a while before. I couldn’t keep up and it didn’t seem like a good time to ask questions. Though, I imagine I looked as baffled as a dog whose owner pretended to throw the tennis ball before hiding it behind his back.

“Of course you do,” Tighearnain said with a chuckle. “I hear your grandmother was a Nekomata. Do you feast on human flesh as she does?”

“I do not, Highness.”

The King looked displeased by that, though I couldn’t imagine why.

“I remember your grandfather as well.” King Tighearnain seemed to be probing for something. “He was never an enemy of my court.”

“It was he that suggested I might enjoy some time at your Dark Court all those years ago.”

“And did you?” the King asked.

“I must say I did.” Takashi’s golden eyes held Tighearnain’s strange black ones. “I learned much in my time here.”

I jumped when the King threw his head back and laughed. The tension in the room that had been building suddenly snapped. The change made my heart pound.

“I always liked you, young neko.” I forced myself not to hide behind Guy when those inky orbs turned back to me. “Has my guard, Zeru, been serving you well?”

I looked at the fae in question. He looked hopeful.

“Yes?” I answered hesitantly.

Jesus, the King had me all creeped out. Maybe that’s what he was going for. It made it hard to think. I wished Takashi could give me clues on the right and wrong things to say. I felt like I was walking through a frigging minefield.

“Excellent!” Tighearnain clapped his hands, making me jump again. “I was much distressed to hear of the perfidy of the healer.” A snake-like smile curled his lips. “He and his apprentice will be well-punished.”

And again with the creepy. He looked wickedly delighted with the opportunity to gut people and hang them up like macabre ornaments in his hall. Ew.

“I understand I have you to thank for the last living Sifter coming to my court, little Seelie,” the king said as his unnerving gaze shifted to Riley.

“Yes, Majesty,” the redhead answered with a small bow.

“What can I offer as reward, Seelie?” Tighearnain asked. The words were simple but felt heavy and formal, full of meanings.

Riley looked up, his sweet face full of tension.

“I am an exile, Your Majesty,” my friend said, his voice full of pain. “I’ve found I’m not averse to living amongst the humans, but… I ache to spend time with my kind. I want to have a place with other fae.”

The dark King leaned back in his throne, mulling over Riley’s words.

“This isn’t the Summer Court, little one.” Tighearnain’s voice was serious but not unkind. “I can’t offer that. We are darkness, and we revel in it. You’ll find no sunshine here.” The king leaned forward. “Can you accept that and find a place among us?”

“I’d like to try, Majesty.” Riley’s voice sounded stronger, hopeful.

“Then I welcome you to the Unseelie Court, Ruairi O Gribin,” Tighearnain said formally. “One of mine will find you within a night. I will accept your fealty after you’ve spoken.”

“Gratitude, Majesty.”

Riley’s smile was so wide it looked painful. He looked like he was holding himself back from jumping up and down while clapping his hands. I couldn’t help but smile, as well. Though my grin wobbled a bit when those midnight eyes fell on me again.

“And you, Sifter?” the king asked smoothly. “What can the Dark Court do for you?”

I felt Takashi’s hand on my shoulder.

“The Seelie Queen would see him dead, Highness,” Takashi explained.

“Can the Sifter not speak for himself?” Tighearnain arched one perfect raven brow.

“Uh, I’m good,” I offered. “I’ll be sure to pipe up if I have anything to add.”

Both ebony eyebrows went up. Fuck, had I said something really wrong? Was he going to squash me like a very small bug?

“Very well.” The King nodded. “He seeks protection from the Bitch Queen and her yapping dogs?”

Riley choked, fighting a nervous giggle. I nearly joined him. Yay, no squishing me… yet.

“Yes, Highness.” Takashi didn’t look like he ever got nervous giggles.

“Not a small request,” Tighearnain pointed out.

“He is not only the last of his line, he is the last of his kind,” the black-haired cat said. “You’re the only one powerful enough to keep him from harm.”

“They play on your vanity, my love,” the King’s consort murmured, though I heard her clearly.

“Perhaps,” Takashi admitted with a small smile. “However, it’s still the truth.”

“He’s right, my dear.” Tighearnain reached out and stroked his consort’s smooth cheek. “There are few who could stand against the Bitch Queen.” His attention returned to me. “You wish to live here in our Hollow?”

“Umm, I hadn’t really thought of it,” I answered uncertainly. “Do I have to?”

The King looked at me quizzically.

“He has a home and a life with the humans, Your Majesty,” Takashi inserted deftly. “It would pain him greatly to leave it behind.”

“That does complicate things,” Tighearnain mused. “It would be much simpler to keep the Sifter safe here.” His inky eyes turned to me again. “You’re quite sure you want to stay with humans?”

He said it like I was hanging out with ill-tempered weasels with halitosis.

“Yes, please,” I answered as politely as I could.

“Very well,” the King sighed. “You realize this is a great thing you ask of us.”

I didn’t, but apparently, Takashi did.

“The Sifter’s gratitude will reflect that,” my raven-haired lover assured.

“And what can he offer us that will show this gratitude?” The King mused.

I felt like I was observing some kind of verbal dance that I didn’t know the steps to. It left me feeling off-balance and a little afraid. It was like negotiating with a tiger while trying to perform dentistry in its maw. All you could do was hope that he wouldn't decide to simply bite your hand clean off while you were busy figuring things out. Maybe that’s what Tighearnain’s name meant, tiger.

I could call him Tigger, though probably not out loud. Tiggers couldn’t be sexy and terrifying. They were bouncy and silly. I’d much rather be negotiating with a Tigger instead of King Tighearnain, Master Badass of scary shit.

Tigger sat there, unnervingly quiet as he pondered my fate. The silence stretched painfully as I tried to figure out what I could possibly say that wouldn’t leave me indebted down to my balls to the intimidating king.

I cleared my throat nervously as I realized the silence had stretched way too long.

“Umm,” I started hesitantly. “I’m not sure what I could offer that you might want or need…”

A smile crept onto the King’s face. It wasn’t a warm fuzzy smile. It was a smile like a shark about to eat a little fish.

“You could offer yourself, Sifter,” Tigger suggested.

“Myself?” I blinked at him stupidly.

“Your abilities and your seed,” the Unseelie King explained as he leaned forward in his ridiculously giant throne. “I would have you father a generation of Unseelie Sifters upon the women of the court.”

“I… What?” I shouted in utter shock.

Exactly how many women did he want me to fuck?

Shit. I was in so much trouble.


Hi, guys! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. Your support keeps me going. I definitely have to thank MaddamRedder and Thirdly for their unrelenting cheerleading, encouragement, and proofreading. Love you. You keep me from sinking into a pit of pharmacology studying, never to be seen again. .


Copyright © 2017 Rambling Robin; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Well, this is a story I've been missing! I know how hard it is to find time to write, though... So no worries!


Wow, the king is a scary character! And to not know what is expected and what could cause a major diplomatic crisis... His posse would help him, but I have a feeling not even Takashi could stand up to the king for very long. Then again, the Hollow could perhaps lend a hand. Or some instant quicksand, strategically placed... ;)

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Yeah me too, I'm so glad you're back with more fae and fun. Of course, we have to deal with the scary parts, like King Creepy and quicksand floors :o Interesting how every one at court tried to ignore the Hollow being all adoring. :lol:
Guy carrying Mitch around was funny, and I wanted to hug Riley for being so pathetically happy to have a chance to be less lonely. However, I think he would be better off staying with Mitch's gang of hunky men. :P

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On 03/16/2017 06:24 AM, Puppilull said:

Well, this is a story I've been missing! I know how hard it is to find time to write, though... So no worries!


Wow, the king is a scary character! And to not know what is expected and what could cause a major diplomatic crisis... His posse would help him, but I have a feeling not even Takashi could stand up to the king for very long. Then again, the Hollow could perhaps lend a hand. Or some instant quicksand, strategically placed... ;)

Thank you SO much for reviewing and being so understanding about my mortifyingly slow updates. It makes me happy you're still reading!

The king is super scary! And Mick is totally out of his depth. Takashi would hold off Tigger as long as he could, but the king would eventually win. You're right, though, the Hollow has his back! That will come up, probably next chapter. Thank you!!! xoxo Robin

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On 03/16/2017 08:26 AM, Timothy M. said:

Yeah me too, I'm so glad you're back with more fae and fun. Of course, we have to deal with the scary parts, like King Creepy and quicksand floors :o Interesting how every one at court tried to ignore the Hollow being all adoring. :lol:

Guy carrying Mitch around was funny, and I wanted to hug Riley for being so pathetically happy to have a chance to be less lonely. However, I think he would be better off staying with Mitch's gang of hunky men. :P

YAY! Thank you!

I think Guy would carry Mick around all the time if he could. Mick would probably enjoy it for a day and then get all grouchy. ;)

And I think Riley will stay with Mick and visit the Unseelie when he's feeling the itch. Having Mick with him will help so Riley doesn't have to go to court terribly often. And Mick and the gang will be there at the court for at least a few more days. Riley will have plenty of chances to wander off and roll around on some dark fae. Hee hee, Zeru wishes Riley would pick him to roll around on.

Thank you so much for sticking with this story. You give me wonderful encouragement and motivation. xoxo Robin

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You CANNOT imagine how freaking happy I was to see this update!!!! I kept checking and checking :read: . And finally.... :lmao: happy happy joy joy!!!!
That king is seriously creepy and manipulative. I really, really don't want Mitch to give his seed to a bunch of Unseelie females. Do they have artificial insemination in the Hollow? And I like the Hollow...its a She right? And I think she's smitten. Mitch may be able to get her to protect him. She was the one providing the clothes, right? And I'm happy for Riley and I think he should give the Golden Pirate a chance. Maybe the gang can take him back home with them. :thumbup: Excellent update...well worth the wait. :2thumbs:

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On 03/17/2017 11:48 AM, LadyDe said:

You CANNOT imagine how freaking happy I was to see this update!!!! I kept checking and checking :read: . And finally.... :lmao: happy happy joy joy!!!!

That king is seriously creepy and manipulative. I really, really don't want Mitch to give his seed to a bunch of Unseelie females. Do they have artificial insemination in the Hollow? And I like the Hollow...its a She right? And I think she's smitten. Mitch may be able to get her to protect him. She was the one providing the clothes, right? And I'm happy for Riley and I think he should give the Golden Pirate a chance. Maybe the gang can take him back home with them. :thumbup: Excellent update...well worth the wait. :2thumbs:

Oh my goodness, your review made me grin so big! Thank you! Considering four out of four of my kids have strep as of today, I needed a grin. It's all pitiful at my house. There aren't enough popsicles in the world right now. >.<

Anyway... Yes! Tigger is all kinds of creepy and manipulative! He REALLY wants a bunch of Sifters to call his own and he's determined to get them. It's funny that you mention artificial insemination, well, you'll see next chapter. ;) I'm so glad you like the Hollow! She is a she. And she really digs Mick. No one's caught her attention in centuries. Hopefully she's paying attention if he needs her. She did give the clothes. She's thoughtful like that. hee hee

Riley will torment poor Zeru for a while, I think. It should be fun. And speaking of taking Zeru with them... Well, you'll see ;)

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you stuck with me! Your review made my day! xoxo Robin

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