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    R. Eric
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  • 2,751 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Blueblood 4: Dracula - 1. Is There A Dracula?

In memory of my Daniel. He lives forever!

We did just what Colin said we’d do. I don’t know how you deal with having suddenly nothing to do, but make love; which I thoroughly enjoyed, but I really did have a little issue with having nothing to do. I loved Colin, so spending time with him was great. Loving him was wonderful. The problem was we had nowhere to be and no set time to be there except when it was time to leave, but that was two weeks away! I fought the feeling that I had to be somewhere at a certain time. Some habits are hard to break! It was hard, but not impossible. It was nice being here with Colin. It was nice to always have a naked Colin with me twenty-four seven! I’ve said it so many times, I don’t need to repeat it, but I will. He was a gorgeous man! Wherever I turned, there he was. That part was great. He didn’t mind having me around that long and I was just as naked. It was day three when I realized. This is nice! We were lying on that beautiful beach, naked as when we arrived in the world and getting our tans. I know, but that’s how long it took me to finally relax. No vampires, no one to kidnap us…I smiled and rolled over. Colin wasn’t asleep, but his eyes were closed as he was getting the sun on his beautiful back, his head resting on his arms as he faced me. I felt the feelings again. How I felt for him. I leaned in kissing his face going to his ear and kissing his neck. I saw him smile, but he didn’t open his eyes.

“Thank you, Colin,” I said softly. “I can’t express how much I totally adore you. This honeymoon was not anything like I imagined we’d have, but it’s perfect and just what we needed. Thank you for including me in your life.”

Now Colin did open his emerald eyes and smiled at me. “Are you finally getting it now?”


Colin rose up resting his head on his hand as he looked at me. “To me…there is not one person, alive, dead or yet to be born more important to me than you are.” He got this very serious look in his eyes. “Yes, more important than anyone; anyone, including Willie, George or even Gabriella and more than Josiah ever was.” He moved so we were not even an inch apart as he looked in my eyes. “You are the reason I’m alive. I’d do anything to protect you and keep you safe.” He said what he said next right in my face, our eyes locked on each other. “I…love…you.”

He had said it before and I believed him then. I really, really believed him now. The intensity of his raw emotion was so powerful. I felt my mouth go dry and my heart rate increase. Unblinking, I nodded. “I know. I believe you. I…love…you.” I said softly, but never taking my eyes off his. We had been close before, but I never felt as much a part of him as I did at this moment.

Colin smiled. “I know. I believe you.” He kissed me gently. “You’re a part of me. We are equal parts, of us.” He said. “We…are one.”

Now, I couldn’t get enough of the man. I don’t care what people think about who puts what in whom, we were connecting on a level that surpassed simple sex. People don’t see that a man can connect on this level with another man and they are so wrong. We were binding together so tightly. It was as if we were trying to literally climb into each other’s soul. We did our best to do that!


This house, in the tropics, was amazing. What was equally amazing was they knew Colin would eat a lot. They made these dinners. Whole dinners and put them in the freezer. Colin and I would take a container out, pop it in the microwave and followed the instructions. We had solar power so no problem. If not enough power, there was the oven and stove that used gas. The food was damned good! I had to make two for Colin, but they were very good. What made me chuckle was the supply of Death Wish coffee for Colin.

“How did you get this done in two days!?” I asked.

Colin shrugged looking away. “Money gets things done.”

I nodded. “This was probably expensive.”

Colin smiled but still wouldn’t look at me. “It is worth it.”

I smiled at him and walked over, making him look at me. “It is.” I put my arm around his neck and pulled him closer. “This is what a honeymoon is about. I feel more connected to you than we ever were before.”

Colin smiled as he embraced me tighter. “That’s what I wanted to do.”

“You did very well again.”

Colin buried his face in my neck. “Anything for you, baby.”


We walked the entire island. We swam in that beautiful warm waters and didn’t put on a thing. There was a hammock when we weren’t in the sun, or water or making love…and often we made love in the sun and water. Time had ceased to exist. We were lazy and I loved it. Then one day I heard the drone of an engine. I opened my eyes and Colin struggled to get out of the hammock.

“Sorry, love.” Colin smiled. “We have guests arriving.”

“Guests?” I asked.

“They’re bringing more food and supplies.” Colin chuckled. “I don’t care if you dress or not, but I’m putting something on.” He waggled his eyebrows. “You’re the only one to see this.” He waved down at his naked body.

I smiled at him. “Sincerely, I mean what I’m going to say, I am a lucky man to be able to do that.” I held my hand out to him. “Help me up. These are great, but hell to get out of.”

“Maybe God should have started with Adam and Steve.” Colin chuckled. “I can’t imagine Adam and Eve getting along better than we do.”

I nodded as I got to my feet. “There’s a problem with that. Who’ll have the kids?”

Colin nodded. “I know, but He could have worked something out.” He waved at the sky.

I laughed as I looked for something to put on. “Where did we stash our clothes?”


This was a great week and we had another coming. There were times when it paid to be a vampire. The enhanced sense sometimes kicked in at the right times. Remember? We were made to be predators? Able to hear soft rubber soles of shoes, hearing a heartbeat? That and the only voice I’d heard was Colin’s for a while. Only sounds were the breeze, waves, and gulls. This time there were two in the plane; the pilot that brought us here and one other. Colin managed to find a pair of shorts and put those on. I got myself together first and headed for the pier. I saw the two get out of the plane and the second man stopped looking surprised at me…and beyond me. I looked back and saw Colin coming. They were still a good ways off when they talked. I heard them like they were standing next to me.

The second man asked the pilot. “I thought this was a honeymooning couple.”

The pilot nodded. “That’s right.” He waved at me and Colin.

“They’re guys!”

The pilot nodded. “Very rich guys that paid me triple for this! Do not blow this for us!” He hissed at the other guy.

“They’re fags!?”

“Oh, grow up!” The pilot said shortly. “Their money’s good!”


I held my hand up to Colin. “Let’s make this fast.”

Colin looked at me and then back at the two coming toward us. “Why? What happened?”

“Let’s just say there is the old intolerance of men that are gay,” I said sadly and walked on to meet the men bringing our supplies.

As the two took our used containers and put the new ones in the freezer I really didn’t have much to say to them. Only, in the end, I did say. “I love this place and I’d like to come back,” I said to the pilot. “As long as we’re welcome.” I looked at the second man. “Though, it seems not everyone is welcoming.” I looked at the pilot raised eyebrows. “Our money was welcomed, but others were more bothered by the fact that we’re gay. Fags was the term used.” I said looking at the other man.

The pilot looked shocked at me and looked at his partner as his eyes narrowed. He looked back at me. “I’m sorry. My brother-in-law is not…that evolved.”

I nodded. “I’m not saying anything to Colin about what I overheard. I would like to think we can come back. This has been the nicest place we’ve stayed.”

“I apologize for…” he looked at his brother-in-law, “…his nasty words.”

“I only bring this up to give a point,” I said. “I don’t know the circumstance about his birth, but he is clearly biracial. I hope there was no crime involved, but a union of two races would never have met approval for some people…and still don’t for some. Should I say something about a zebra to him? How about an Oreo cookie? Who needed to consult him before Colin and I married? It was none of his business.”

The pilot nodded. “Or is it mine.” He smiled. “Again, I apologize.” He said sincerely.

“Enough said.” I smiled and shook his hand. “This is a lovely island. I will talk Colin into coming back. I assure you.”

The pilot nodded again. “You’ll be more than welcome.”

I watched as they headed back to the plane and they were having a rather heated discussion, but trying to keep it low so I couldn’t overhear. I smiled when the pilot finally turned and swung his fist at his brother-in-law sending him into the warm water. He made his point and got in the plane to wait for his brother-in-law to get out of the water and get in.


Later during dinner, Colin looked at me. “Are you going to tell me what happened? Who said what?”

I smiled at Colin. “I never keep things from you. I never will. I’ll tell you, but I handled it. Can I leave it there?”

Colin looked fondly at me and smiled. “Okay. I’ll let it go.” He grinned leaning in at the table kissing me. “I trust you.”


The next week came to a close and we dressed again to go back to Charleston.

“This was nice,” I said smiling at Colin. “I understand you paid triple to stay here.”

Colin looked at me astonished I knew that. “How…Who…?”

I grinned kissing him. “I just know. When we come back…and we will come back; how about we just pay what’s normally charged?”

Colin frowned. “I did that because it was last minute. There was little time for them to get it ready.”

I hugged him. “I got that. I’m fine with it. This was paradise. Thank you.”

Colin nodded, but still looked at me trying to figure out how I knew as he thought about how I found out.


We got back to Wentworth Manor and again, greeted by Robert who looked at us from head to toe.

“We sure are tan!” Robert grinned looking at the two of us.

I nodded. “And no tan lines!” I chuckled as Robert got what I was meaning.

“I’ll take your word for that,” Robert said. “Stan and Mark stayed in the pool house for the week following the wedding.”

Colin nodded. “That’s fine. They’re always welcome to stay.”

“You have a message from Mitch McKenzie yesterday. He wants to talk to you about the Delkenzie program.” Robert reported. “I’m sure there are many emails and messages.” He smiled at us. “Welcome home.”

I smiled at seeing the house. “It will be hard to get the swing back,” I admitted. “I got used to being lazy.”

Colin nodded with a chuckle. “But it was very nice.” He kissed me. “I love you.”

I smiled back. “I know.”

Colin sighed. “We’re getting some hardware samples together for the translators. The Delkenzie program will be accessed through those.” He smiled. “It will be a nice money maker for both us and Mitch. I think the Language Buddy will sell well.”

I nodded. “I have no doubt.” I raised my carryon. “Not a lot of laundry. I liked our honeymoon; not a lot of work afterward.”


Gabriella and Alex returned the day before from Europe. We met after we got back, having dinner with Gabriella, Alex, Mom, Willie, Wayne, Amasis, and Amir.

Gabriella was telling us about some of the things they had seen.

“…Paris was wonderful. I loved the French Rivera.” Gabriella said happily.

Alex looked at her. “Are we telling them the other part?”

Gabriella frowned. “We have to now. You brought it up.” She sighed and took a deep breath before she said. “There were vampires in Paris.”

Colin nodded. “Not surprising. We’re everywhere.”

Alex nodded. “We didn’t see them. We smelled and sensed them.”

I thought about the many contacts we’d gotten from Europe; not only in Paris but other countries in Eastern Europe. “Perhaps we need to contact those? There were a lot from Paris, but…not that many from Eastern Europe. Why?”

“Eastern Europe? You mean the Ukraine and Romania and those places?” Alex asked.

I smiled as the idea took place in my head. “Let’s just admit it. Haven’t any of you thought of looking for Dracula?”

Colin’s eyes widened and everyone else at the table was staring at me in shock.

“Oh, come on people,” I said smiling. “Don’t you want to know if there is a real Dracula? He was a real person. We know about Vlad the Impaler. Bram Stoker wrote a novel in the late 19th Century about that vampire. You have to wonder about where all that came from.”

“It’s just a story.” Mom said.

I nodded. “There is a story.” I agreed and looked at her. “That came from where? Who could make up things like that? It had to be based on knowledge about someone.”

“Who? The vampire? Or that ruler?” Colin asked.

“That’s my point!” I nodded. “That’s what we can look for. With the cooperation of those vampires…and I mean, just like us over there, they should know whether or not there was a Dracula or if it’s Vlad. Or both! Were they even the same? Was there another man that took on the title? There aren’t that many contacts over there, why? Is someone over there running those vampires already? Who? Is it Dracula?”

“We look for Dracula,” Wayne said nodding confirming what I said.

“There are vampires there that need help, right?” I asked. “If for no other reason, helping them while seeking this Dracula, will bring needed attention to the VUN!” I was getting excited about this. “We can blog about it!”

“Blog!?” Colin asked.

“We don’t have to blog, but keeping a record that we send to the other vampires on the contact list will give more credibility,” I said smiling. “If we find this vampire…assuming he’s still alive since the….” I looked at them. “…was it the 15th Century?” I waved at Amasis. “We know a vampire can live a long time. Why do we assume he’s dead? Imagine, we get Dracula on the serum and he becomes more human! Imagine that! He is THE vampire!”

They all looked at each other, seeing uncertainty become a more determined look.

Colin slowly nodded. “Well, Devon was right about Egypt.” He waved at Amasis. “We have a former pharaoh at the table.” He chuckled. “Why not have Dracula join us here, too.”

“He may help us locate more of the Old Ones,” I said. “I’m sure they were there.”

Colin nodded. “Okay.” He grinned. “I guess we’re heading to Transylvania! That’s our next stop.”

“Do we have to go when it’s cold?” Wayne asked. “All the movies I saw about Dracula it was cold.”

Alex grinned at Wayne. “Bring warm clothes.” He said logically.

Amasis nodded and raised a hand. “Question.”

We looked at him.

“Who’s Dracula?” Amasis asked.

Copyright © 2017 R. Eric; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I absolutely an enjoying my day ... Found a favourite story updated this morning and now this one here and starting on a new adventure.


Would love to have a vacation like Devon and Colin, though I think if I got in the hammock I'd never get out! It sounds so idyllic and peaceful.


So the hunt for Dracula begins ... What can I say, really looking to find out what happens next.

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Yay! Going to Transylvania! It’ll be another challenge for Buddy’s translation program! Hungarian is distantly related to Finnish, but they’re not Indo-European languages!  ;-)


I wonder if China has vampire legends too…  ;-)

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This was a great start to another portion of the series. I'm sure that once Devon relaxed and realized that there was nothing to do he was finally able to enjoy the rest of their honeymoon. I believe that Devon won't tell Colin about what transpired when the pilot came to restock the freezer. Devon overheard the pilot's brother in law saying something about fags being the newlywed couple who rented the island for the two weeks and that he thought it was wrong for two guys to be a couple. Devon told the pilot that the island and the house were very beautiful and that they may want to come back to spend time here again if they would be welcome as what he heard wasn't to encouraging to make them want to come back. The pilot assured Devon that they would always be welcome to come enjoy the island again. That's despite his brother in law and his homophobic mouth, he was talking wildly to him as they walked back to the plane, once there it appears that the pilot had enough crap and knocked his brother in law into the ocean. The next week was very nice for both Devon and Colin, when they get home they find that they know need to get to transylvania in search of Dracula. 

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OMG, "Who's Dracula?" has to be the best line EVER!  Not that I'm overlooking the other parts of the story, especially the incredibly intense connection between Colin and Devon, but with so many different eras (eons?) represented, this has to be the best line ever!  With so much seriousness throughout the rest of the story, THANK YOU for ending this chapter with some levity.

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