Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Blueblood 4: Dracula - 30. The RIS
The progression of the serum was on-going. There were Lucian and the others with him. I did ask they be given books or something to do, but we didn’t dare let them out. We were in no hurry to begin the serum with them. It saved on the demand for food if all they needed was blood. It was only with Dragon’s continued “requests” to the victims that they stayed relatively calm. The problem was some had families. The young mother was concerned with her child and needed to go home. Their lives were changed. They could be returned to the outside world, but there would be questions about where they’d been and why contact was lost we didn’t have answers for.
I came to our room, not having seen much of Colin that day as I worked with the victims. He went back to the house we rented to deal with Stan and check for messages received to our plea for help and bring needed food. I saw that he hadn’t returned to the caverns yet and I missed him. Yes, there were a few things happening more important, but I still missed Colin. I got things ready for him and I take a shower…yep, we did it together. I was also tired. I lay down on the bed, just for a moment. There was no maid service down here if you wondered. We got the sheets and we made the bed. And really, guys weren’t that obsessed with clean sheets that much normally. Colin and I weren’t that messy when we had sex. Sex is messy! I bring this up because I could smell Colin here. Especially on the pillow he used. I even wondered if I could bottle it for times when he was away like this. I was enjoying it when the door opened and Colin walked in.
Colin smiled but saw me holding his pillow to my face inhaling deeply. “What are you doing?”
I grinned stretching out as I still hugged his pillow. “Inhaling the scent of my favorite person.”
“Are you?” He came closer to me and leaned over me. “I can see you think that’s a good thing.”
I nodded pulling him down to me, kissing him slowly. “It is very good, but having the real thing with me again is the best.” My right hand and arm wrapped around his head and neck, my left went around across his back pulling him even tighter to me.
Colin chuckled. “I missed you.” He said softly tracing a trail across my jaw to my ear then down.
“I missed you, too,” I said enjoying what he was doing and the warm solid feeling I got having him in my arms. “You can never go away again.”
Colin chuckled. “I’m fine with that.” He stretched out even more. “Today you thought you were needed here and I had to go check for messages. It couldn’t be helped.”
I nodded bringing him back to give the slow kiss again, but let it linger. “Fine, then we find some way to bottle your scent.”
Colin took his pillow from me and sniffed it himself. “I don’t smell anything.”
“Of course, not. It’s your scent.” I grinned bringing my nose to his chest. “I can smell it.”
“Why aren’t you a tracker?” Colin asked. “If you can smell me, couldn’t you track vampires?”
I shrugged. “I can probably track you if I had to, but you’re the only person I think I can do that with. I’ll couldn’t be Alex and never like Gabriella.” I said as I pulled on his sweater to get it off. “I love you, Colin.”
His smile was warm and the love shone in his eyes. “I know you do. I love you.”
“I know you do,” I said tossing his sweater away and began working on his shirt and belt. “You, I want naked, with me and we make love.”
He laughed. “I would never have guessed that was what you wanted.” He began kissing me deeper.
And we did make love. Then we got up, took a shower, continued our lovemaking and went to bed.
Our positions were habit. We both knew how we were comfortable with each other now.
“Am I to gather since you didn’t tell me anything, we have no responses?” I asked as he arm went around my middle as he would spoon up behind me.
“Oh!” Colin said quickly. “I was distracted.” He said kissing me on the back of my head. “Sorin’s getting pressure to find these people. They want to bring in some heavy hitters to investigate, probably the RIS.”
I rolled over and faced him quickly. “Romanian Intelligence?” I looked for someone to come up with a solution, be it God or whoever’s up there in charge. “This is serious.”
Colin nodded. “It is. I think Sorin’s suggestion we do contact Interpol is correct, but if these agents are Romanian, they may already know about us.” He shrugged. “We weren’t shy about sending those messages out. They may be monitoring us now if they are as good as our agents with the United States.” He looked at me uncertainly. “We may just have to…come out.”
“If you mean come out as gay,” I said. “We are out, but vampires...”
He shook his head. “This is becoming global. If we can get help from another couple of countries, we might be able to do this peacefully.”
“Might. That’s not that good a word, might.” I said. “We could get us all killed.”
Colin nodded. “So, we may have to decide to go back to hiding and disappear or go on.”
“How can we disappear, Colin?” I asked. “The world knows about Wentworth Manor. They are even noticing Holms Laboratories. We can’t just disappear. What about Thornwood?”
Colin nodded. “That’s why we need to talk to everyone here, including the new ones on what to do. Edwin’s here and so are we. Dragon and Gaius are here. We can contact George and get them on a conference call with Stan, Ruben, Senator Cooke, Congresswoman Chance, and Director Mattingly. Everyone will have a say. I can’t make a decision like this. It will affect a lot of people. You said I was the President of…us. Well, a president is not a king. It should be a group decision, not mine alone.”
“You’re giving a voice to those just made?” I asked nodding.
“Absolutely. What we decide will affect them. They have lives.” He sighed. “Now Mattingly of MI5 can help with those from Great Britain. The others…I don’t know. They are vampires. I’m not saying we need to come all the way out, but there are people in places of government that may need to be told.”
“Okay,” I said lying back down and resuming our positions with my back pressing against him. “We’ll do what we have to.”
The next day, we had more of the ones that just wanted to leave. Especially that one with Marty. Robert. He was getting on my nerves! “He was attacked! I wasn’t. I still have a life.” Robert said. “I promise never to tell anyone!”
I sighed as I turned to him. “You know why you can’t! You have no explanation as to what happened!”
That’s when a hand reached out and grabbed Robert’s shirt from the back. “I think you and I need a private little chat.” Dragon growled as he drug him away.
I knew what sort of little “chat” he meant. “I wish we’d come here first.” I grinned.
The man that emerged from this “chat” was a lot less annoying.
Dragon walked up next to me.
“What did you do?”
He shrugged. “I just…” he did the air finger quotes, “suggested…he stay quiet and calm.”
Again, Colin had to go out to check and send the messages. I was now worried because it was getting late, so I kept working to keep myself busy. Getting food to our many guests was another thing he handled, but he had been gone most of the day! It was after dark when he came back, but not alone. Stan and Mark came in with him. When they came in, I didn’t even bother to hide that fact I had been worried about Colin. I let out a breath of relief I knew I’d been holding and came to him quickly hugging him tightly.
“I know…” Colin said to my ear holding me. “I’m late and I couldn’t call you. I know you were worried. I would have been. I’m sorry.”
“With all that’s going on, I’m just glad your back and safe,” I said quietly to him. “I was worried.” I kissed him gently. “Is everything okay?”
Colin shook his head. “No.” He admitted. “They, the investigators, were at the house with Eva. I didn’t dare go there. I had to get Stan and Mark from the hangar. We got the CPU and brought it with us.”
We looked as Sorin came in a little out of breath. “Thank God, you got here.” He said with relief. “Those guys at the house were RIS.”
I nodded. “We talked about them last night…yesterday…whatever!” I smiled at Stan and Mark. “Good to see you guys.” I looked at Sorin. “Do they know about the hangar?”
“I’m sure they do.” Sorin nodded. “The thing is…do they know about here? I couldn’t get any answers.”
Mark nodded. “If they are Romanian's version of us; we wouldn’t give away what we know either.”
“But I think we shook any tails,” Stan said and looked around. “It might take some work, but maybe I can work a bypass to get and send signals.”
“Maybe later.” Colin looked at the many there. “I still need to check the messages.” He looked at Stan. “Is there a place outside I can get a satellite connection?”
Stan nodded. “Yes, but I’ll go.” He patted Colin on the arm. “You scared Devon enough today. Stay here.”
“It’s dangerous out there now,” Colin said.
Stan grinned and tried not to look offended. “I am an FBI agent, Colin…you know…trained and all that. I’ll be fine.” He grabbed Mark around the waist grinning bigger than needed, bumping his head against Mark's gently. “And I won’t be alone. My fiancé will be with me.”
Okay, I was worried about Colin, we were in a tough situation, but this made things a lot better. “Really!?” I looked at Mark. “Who asked who?”
Mark grinned and shook his head. “He asked me!” Then pulled Stan in for a loving…longer kiss.
“Can you do that!?” Colin asked.
Mark and Stan broke apart a little and Mark frowned. “Men can marry now! You’re married! You know that.”
“I mean, can a couple of married agents work together?” Colin asked.
“Well…” Stan began. “That’s what we wanted to talk to you about.” He smiled. “Would you hire me?”
“Wait. You want to leave the FBI?” I asked.
“I’m not used that much out there.” Stan justified. “Which I’m good with not being out there. I love working with Buddy. I’m not that much good doing…” he waved at the outside of the cavern, “things out there. And yes, there would be a conflict when we married for the FBI and would be reassigned.” He looked up carefully. “Do you have a problem with us continuing to work together and with you? Married? I’m the best choice to…”
I grabbed Stan and hugged him tightly. “Shut up, Stan! I love having you two with us. I want you to stay forever. Why would we have a problem with you two working married?”
Colin was hugging Mark then grinned at Stan. “We told you; you are family. You’re welcome with us anywhere, anytime.”
“When did you ask Mark?” I smiled.
“Just before the Transylvanian Halloween event.” Mark smiled. “He said it was to give me a reason to get through this…we’re marrying when we get home; when this is over.”
Stan nodded. “And you guys have to come. This part will be over.”
“We’d be offended if we weren’t invited!” Colin grinned hugging me.
“And be our best men?” Mark asked.
I bumped heads with Stan gently. “We will be! We love you two!”
That’s when we heard a commotion coming from the entrance of the cavern.
“opreşte-te!” A voice ordered someone to stop as he had said it before, loudly in Romanian. I recognized the voice as one of Dragon’s men that was a guard.
“La o parte din calea mea!” Another male gruff Romanian voice said irritated for the guard to get out of my way.
We all turned to see a man come in alone. He was in his middle fifties with greying hair, but kept in shape, because he looked like what I knew he was, a Romanian Intelligence Service Agent. He didn’t look surprised at what he saw in the cavern. He took out what they always carry, his identification and badge. “Vasil Cojoc with RIS.” He said in accented English.
“How did you get in here?” Dragon asked coming over.
“Did you follow us?” Mark asked worrying Stan and he had brought this man here.
“Well, you sent for me,” Vasil said simply. He looked at Colin. “Or, at least you did.” He pointed.
“I did?” Colin asked.
“And no, I didn’t follow you.” Vasil looked back toward the entrance cave. “Come on, Alin!”
Then a grinning Alin, the first vampire we put on the serum in Romania, meeting him that first night club Biscrica din Cornseti, came up with a shy wave but smiling.
“Alin!?” Colin smiled surprised. “We didn’t know what happened to you!”
“I came in for my serum, but you were all were gone,” Alin said shrugging. “That lady doctor, Dr. Petran put mine in then.” He chuckled. “I traveled in the daylight all around Romania a while and have been…everywhere…and I didn’t check email, but when I did! I hurried back when I got the message.” He waved at Vasil. “Well, I went to him first and I was on foot so…”
“How do you know Agent Cojoc?” Sorin asked.
“In the mid-1990’s he was working this case. He was a little younger than me and just starting his career in Romanian Intelligence. It was a murder he was investigating. He happened upon me while I was feeding. Knew what I was and almost killed me that night…”
Agent Cojoc interrupted, “but he was feeding on the blood of a cow. Which didn’t make sense as the victim I was investigating was drained of blood. So, why was he feeding on a cow when there were isolated people nearby he could attack and probably get away?”
Alin nodded. “Anyway, I helped him with that first case and we became friends and I helped with a couple of other cases. Then I read your email and so…here I am! With my friend Vasil!”
As old friends do, they know the other and had no problem filling gaps or continuing what the other friend was saying. “I nearly fainted when Alin came to me…in the middle of the afternoon! Broad daylight and he looked…normal!” Agent Cojoc said putting an arm around Alin’s shoulder like he must have done for thirty years to his friend kissing his friend on the side of the head.
Colin walked up to Alin and there…planted a big kiss right on his lips making Alin’s eyes widen, but he didn’t stop it. I know, there are a lot of hugs and kisses we gave around. Who wouldn’t want one? “Alin! You are an angel!”
Alin chuckled. “That kiss was not expected, but…it was pretty good for a guy.” He grinned wider. “You know, I’d do anything for you guys.”
“Fine,” Colin said and shook his finger in Alin’s face. “No more distrust. We get here and find Christian is one man we’re looking for, but noooo he’s not, he’s another we find out is, but not and is Gaius and then another we find out is Dragon…don’t do that again. All cards on the table.”
Alin nodded again. “Right…that was all that…stuff with the whole…vampires are just that way.”
I came up and hugged him. “I won’t kiss you unless you ask for one, but it’s good to see you, Alin.”
Sorin walked up to Vasil and stuck his hand out. “Inspector Sorin Dulca.”
Vasil shook his hand nodding. “I’ve heard the name.” He smiled. “You’re very good. Crimes you investigate are solved. Correctly.”
Sorin gave a shrug and nod. “It’s my job. I’m sorry, I can’t say the same thing about hearing your name.”
Vasil chuckled. “Don’t worry about that. It's best for doing my job if you don’t know my name.”
Colin looked at Vasil. “You knew about the vampires?”
“I knew of vampires as a whole,” Vasil said. “I was born and raised here, so naturally I knew, like most here in this country know about vampires, but don’t talk about it. I took the knowledge to be like…Mos Nicolae.” He leaned forward in mock conspiracy. “That’s Saint Nick or Santa, if you don’t know.” He smiled at the Americans here. “I was shocked like anyone when I first happened on Alin. It took a minute to see he was no threat to me. He is the only one I knew personally.” He walked up to Dragon. “You, I know by face. I saw the…broadcasts sent out with your face. I recognized you from the video taken when these people were attacked and you addressed them to stop from the stage.” He pointed at the many around us. “They were bitten, weren’t they?”
Dragon nodded. “We tried to stop the attack.”
Vasil smiled. “I heard and saw.” He looked at Colin. “You’re doing more than working on a translation program.”
Colin nodded. “Yes, but we are doing that as well.”
“We’re dealing with something no one’s done before,” I said and took Alin’s arm. “As you can see, there is a treatment that gives vampires a life again.” I patted Alin as evidence.
Vasil smiled. “I saw that.”
“Are there others with the RIS that know about vampires?” Colin asked.
Vasil shrugged. “Again, we don’t talk about it.”
“I don’t get it,” I said. “If no one talks about it, then how does everyone seem to know about it? Eva knew by personal experience, Dr. Petran knew from a previous patient…you knew about them before meeting Alin.”
“We tell stories,” Vasil explained. “Usually from a parent, grandmother or grandfather who tells stories to us when we’re children. For the most part, they are just stories…until you see one in the distance.” He admitted as he recalled his own. “Walking home one evening just after dark and my mother was rushing…I was about…five or six…my mother was walking with me urging me to hurry. We saw a vampire that was feeding on a dog. It looked and hiss at us, then ran away. Mom just hurried us home and locked the door. Nothing about it was said much except she cautioned me to be careful.” He motioned to the others. “What are your plans for these people?”
“We are trying to get everyone on the serum,” I explained.
“They can’t return to their regular lives,” Colin said. “They have the venom. It needs treatment.”
Vasil nodded. “I heard that in the broadcasts.” He began doing what others did. He folded his arms over his chest, placed fingers near his mouth as he began walking with no place specifically to go and thought and gestured slightly as he spoke. “Not everyone believes in vampires, even here. There are others in the RIS that don’t and won’t believe anything without hard evidence. Those men at the house you rented were RIS, but not in my division. They also saw the footage of the attack and saw the face of him,” he pointed at Dragon, “it will be just a matter of time before they find the other broadcasts.”
Dragon nodded as Gaius came from the entrance way. I noticed a slight change in Dragon’s eyes as they got softer.
“The problem is where do we take them?” I asked. “There are others in a holding cell in another part of the cavern. They were part of the group that attacked these people. They are not on the serum yet.”
“We need a place to keep them,” Colin said. “They can’t just be released.”
Vasil nodded. “Okay.”
I noticed Dragon and Gaius in a quiet conversation where Gaius laughed lightly at something Dragon said and touched him lightly on his side. Yes, there was love there. You could see it in their eyes as they looked at each other. Then my smile grew as Dragon leaned closer and kissed Gaius. The cat was out of the bag, so why hide it?
“I was right.” Robert, the man with Marty said. “All vampires are gay.”
Dragon sighed sadly and turned to this man, gently grabbed his collar bringing him closer to his own face only an inch apart. “Listen, you…little man. I don’t know how you survived…”
“I wasn’t the one bitten!” The man said like that was enough.
“I mean survived in life.” Dragon growled. “Whether or not my relationship with Gaius is…as you say, gay…or not should not be a concern for you. Once you’ve passed a century or two…a person that’s always there means a hell of a lot. I can count on Gaius to always be there. Gaius and I have several centuries of life we shared. Naturally, I love this man and then I fell in love with the man.” He brought the man even closer, their eyes practically touching they were close. “I’m telling you…” then his voice got that resonance. “Leave it alone!” Dragon let him go.
The man sputtered straightening his shirt. “I’ll leave it alone.” He said like under a spell quietly.
Mark walked up to him. “You’re American.”
“I am.” The man said.
"What's your name?" Mark asked.
"Robert." The man said.
Mark smiled and pulled out his badge. “Mark Goddard, FBI.” He said to Robert. “This is Stan Martin…also FBI.” We saw the man’s eyes widen. “There are two other agents with the FBI here. We are out of our jurisdiction, but…you just don’t seem to get it that this situation is bigger than you worrying about what you’re missing in that life you had. This is a global emergency.” He began walking closer to the man who backed away. “This is not a national crisis, but an international one. There are people from many countries…England, the US, and Romania now. Now, sit down, shut up and try to see how this will affect the world…not just you!”
“But that’s not fair!” The man said in a whimper.
“So?” Mark asked. “It’s life. Things happen. Whether it’s fair or not doesn’t count. You have to deal with what happens. Now, grow up, be quiet and sit down!” Mark commanded and the man sat down.
Stan smiled bigger. “Don’t you just love him!?”
I chuckled patting Stan on the arm. “Not as much as you do.”
Vasil smiled as he and the others watched Mark confront Robert. He looked at Colin and me. “I can make it possible for you all to get out of the country.” He held his hands up. “Not that you’re not welcome, but…”
“What about them?” Colin asked. “We can’t leave until they are returned to some sort of life.” He brought me close to him. “The others in the holding cell, we can take to the US, there is a facility where we already have vampires holding there that aren’t nice.”
“We’ll just have to tell them,” Colin said to me looking at the others here. He looked at the man Mark had told to sit down. “He’s right. This isn’t fair.”
I nodded. “No. It’s not.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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