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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

November Falls - 10. Chapter 10 - Ember



“Shit!” HONK!

I yelled slamming my hand on the steering wheel each time. Unfortunately, it was a red traffic light, and the last hammer of my hand into the steering wheel hit the horn. Embarrassed I quickly glanced out the driver's side window, the woman in the car next to me look horrified, maybe terrified, she reached over and locked her passenger door. I swiped my hand over my face in frustration, “Great, now I’m terrifying other drivers,” I said out loud with a scoff.

Why did I have to kiss Brady?

What the hell was that?

God damn it! Brady fucking Douglass is going to haunt me for the rest of my life, I’m convinced of it. My fingers white from the force of my grip on the steering wheel. I feel like he ruined my teenage years, now twenty years later it is like he is here to destroy my business and adult life. But fuck me if the guy can’t kiss. Closing my eyes I can still feel his lips on mine, I had to adjust, my cock is getting rock hard just at the thought of that kiss. I pulled into my driveway, resting my forehead on the steering wheel.

Oh my god, what have I done! I kissed Brady and ran away like a coward. Finally, I gathered the energy to go inside, I flicked the kettle on then went to have a shower. Standing under the shower head, I let the water run over my body, trying to forget about this afternoon. Excellent plan in theory but I was still hard as a rock, I grabbed the soap and lathered up. I pumped my traitorous cock to completion, willing myself to think of anything but what I could do to Brady in my workshop. No such friggin’ luck. I came hard and fast against the shower wall, now I hate myself too. Fan-fucking-tastic!

I dried off, dressed then went back to the kitchen, rubbing my hair dry with a towel. Screw the tea, I’m having a beer. Throwing the towel over the stool at the kitchen bench, I grabbed a beer from the fridge, that’s when I heard the front door open. Shit! I forgot Justin.

“Ember,” he called out.

“In here,” I called back grabbing an a beer for him too.

Justin entered the kitchen, with a face like thunder, “What the hell Ember, you just took off and left me at work. You knew I didn’t have a ride, lucky Basher was still there to drop me home.”

I gave him a beer, Justin opened the bottle and took a swig, “Sorry Justin… I didn’t think…”

“What’s that look on your face? What happened?” Justin asked his entire demeanor changed.

“I kissed him,” my voice along with my face pained.

Justin nearly choked, “What? Who?”

The shame of my actions coming back, the kiss, running away, the shower, all of it.

“Brady,” I answered sheepishly.

Justin screwed up his face as he leaned against the kitchen bench, crossing one ankle over the other, “Shit! Where?”

“On the mouth.”

“No shit, dickhead, where did this happen?” He rolled his eyes.

“In my workshop, this afternoon.”

“What happened after? Did you…”

“What? No… I took off right after, I came straight home. Sorry, I forgot about you,” I apologised.

Justin waved his hand dismissively, “Don’t worry about it, but, you just left him there. You didn’t say anything, you just took off.”

“Yep! God, I don’t even know what possessed me at that moment to do it. He’s just so… I don’t know.”

We were both silent as we finished our drinks before Justin spoke again, “You know what you need?”

“A lobotomy,” I answered. Seriously.

“Well that, and a night out. Let’s drive down to the city, go to a club, you know, do a little dance, a bit a bump and grind, get Brady out of your system,” Justin suggested hopefully, by the look on his face. “Come on it’s Friday, why not, we haven’t been out in ages.”

“Fine, let’s do it.”


“Jack n’ Coke, and a Corona; thanks, buddy,” I yelled to the bartender over the thump of the music.

With my elbow resting on the bar, I looked around the club, Justin was already talking to some nameless face several feet away. Rolling my eyes at him, that didn’t take long. The place is already packed to the rafters, which is not much of a surprise; it is a new club. Thankfully, it seems like there is a mixture of ages from baby eighteens to daddie’s in their fifties and beyond. The music pumping, the dance floor is jumping with as many people as it could hold, the lights above it bouncing to the beat. The dark edges of the room covertly hiding newly acquainted couples getting to know each other.

“Fourteen,” the guy yelled setting the drinks in front of me.

I threw down some cash, enough for the drinks and a tip for the bartender, then made my way to Justin.

“This place is a meat market,” I told Justin handing him his Corona.

“I know right,” he grinned mischievously, “make sure you take advantage of that.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, he shrugged his shoulders and went back to his conversation with his new friend. It feels weird being in a club, I haven’t been inside one in a while. Geez, how long has it been since I got laid, I can’t even remember. That would explain the hard-on when I kissed Brady. My cock already stirring at the thought. Nope, not thinking about that now. We are here to meet new people, maybe hook-up, forget that Brady exists; that’s what I am going to do. I spied a bloke in his mid-twenties, standing at a hightop table by himself with a drink, his stance saying he is uncomfortable. The young man is dressed in a suit like he had come to the club straight from work. His jacket slung over his arm so he could make a hasty exit as soon as the moment presented itself.

Sauntering over casually, I approached the table slowly so I wouldn’t spook him. He’s definitely my type, tallish, glasses, mmm… that nerdy look. Love it! Too young for me, but it can’t hurt to have a chat.

“Hey, I’m Ember,” I introduced myself putting my drink down in front of me.

The guy’s eyes darting around nervously, probably looking for his friends, “Um… Hi?” he said as if it were a question.

“First time at a gay club?” I asked chuckling.

He swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing up and down, “Uh… Yes, I went out to dinner with some friends, they dragged me along afterward. They insisted my friends that is, that I come with them as I don’t get out much. I’m sorry, but I’m not gay.”

I threw my head back and laughed, “That’s okay, I didn’t assume you were. You look like a deer in the headlights. I saw you from across the room, you stand out, looking nervous and uncomfortable. Don’t worry I’m not here to hit on you, just making sure you’re okay, I assume you don’t have a problem holding a conversation with a gay man.”

The guy dropped his head into his hands, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come across like that,” he sighed, “of course I don’t have a problem with it. God, even that didn’t come out right, holy crap, I can’t shut up to save myself.”

“Relax, calm down, we can chat, get your mind off where you are,” I told him.

He groaned, “It’s not that, but the same couple of guys keep hitting on me, and they’re a bit…” he grimaced, “handsy, I don’t even like that if girls do it. You know what I mean.”

I nodded to appease him, “Yeah, I’m not a huge fan when girls do that either.”

The guy's eyes snapped in my direction, I cracked a smile, he burst out laughing, “No, I suppose you wouldn’t. Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself, I’m Alan.” He shook my hand, “Thank you for checking on me, it was very nice of you.”

“What do you do Alan?” I asked.

“I’m an accountant, boring I know,” he put his hand up nodding, “I’m good with numbers and don’t have to think about what I’m doing it comes naturally to me.”

“Really, I’m in need of a good accountant.”

“I mainly do forensic accounting, but I have a few private clients that have small businesses,” he smiled at me.

“Do you have a card, I own a mechanics shop, Mags in the office handles our books day-to-day, until the end of the year then we pay out a fortune to have the taxes done,” I said rolling my eyes.

Alan pulled out a card, “Here give me a call after hours during the week and we can chat. I might cost a little more, but I can help save you a lot of money, budget better, as well as recommend ways to conservatively re-invest any surplus that’s sitting around, have it work for you so to speak.”

“That would be great, thanks,” I answered intrigued, “I’ll definitely give you a call during the week if you want I’ll leave you to it,” I put his card in my pocket, picking up my drink to leave.

Alan grabbed my forearm, “Sorry,” he said taking his hand away, “Please don’t leave yet,” his eyes shifting to the side. A big burly guy is lingering close by, eyeing the two of us. I slipped around the table to stand next to Alan.

“S’all good, I can stay as long as you need,” I chortled, “What are you drinking, I’ll get someone to bring us some drinks.”

“Oh, um… Johnnie Walker on the rocks,” Alan answered. Nice! Pity he’s not gay.

I text Justin to bring us drinks. Alan and I laughed, chatted back and forth mostly business talk, people watching and made up scenario's when we spied two guys circling each other. Alan seemed like a fun guy once he’d calmed down. Justin finally arrived, he mouthed “Sorry,” as he approached the table putting our drinks in front of us.

“Justin, this is Alan, he’s an accountant…” Cameron Douglass appeared at Justin’s side. I narrowed my eyes at Justin, he shrugged his shoulder, putting his beer to his mouth. “Alan, this is Justin and his ‘friend’ Cameron,” I said harshly.

Cameron laughed at my introduction then reached across to shake Alan’s hand, “Hi mate, nice to meet you, I’m really not as bad as Ember’s introduction makes out,” Cameron said his eyes locked on mine while he grinned. Fuckin’ Douglass family will be the death of me.

The three men got chatting, I sat sullenly sipping my Jack n’ Coke barely listening. Why is Cameron here? Did Justin organise to meet him here, or is it a coincidence? Every thirty seconds or so Cameron’s eyes wandered to the dance floor. Looking past him I could see what he was looking at, Brady on the dance floor doing the bump and grind with some twink. A hot streak of jealousy ripped through my body.

“I’m going to get another drink,” I blurted out, stomping my way up to the bar, I ordered two more Jack n’ Cokes. I stood at the bar while slammed the first one. My eyes kept going to Brady dancing, no matter how hard I tried not to. He was a pretty good dancer, the way his body moves, it’s intoxicating. The twink was rubbing up against Brady, every time the kid smiled seductively up at Brady the hair on the back of my neck stood up, and my stomach tightened.

If I did not already know the man, I would be all over him like a rash not taking no for an answer, I would make him mine. He’s tall, lean with a little definition in his arms, but tonight I can see his abs through his form-fitting t-shirt. Brady’s hair is styled, and he’s wearing his glasses. Oh my god, those glasses, mmm…


After ordering two more Jack n’ Cokes much to the bartender's consternation, I slammed the one in my hand. I proceeded in the same manner for a few, or maybe several rounds. With each drink, I became more annoyed that Brady was still on the dance floor. People at the bar seemed to be giving me a wide berth until someone stood in my line of sight.

Alan appeared in front of me putting on his suit jacket, “It was good meeting you Ember, thanks for your help earlier. Hopefully, I’ll talk to you during the week.”

“Welcome mate, I’ll give you a call,” I said shaking his hand, gazing over his shoulder Brady’s eyes met mine, he frowned. Oh hell no… “Excuse me.”

I stalked my drunk, obstinate arse on the dance floor, seeking out Brady. He doesn’t get to be jealous or wonder what I’m doing. Pushing my way through the crowd angrily until I found his hot tight arse. Grabbing him by his shoulder I ripped him around to face me, he was surprised, then his face twisted into anger. The music thumped, the lights jittering all over the place, it was making me irritable, and it was hard to focus.

“What the hell are you doing here? Can’t you just leave me alone?” I yelled at him.

His face pained, “What are you talking about, I haven’t been anywhere near you.”

“Who the fuck are you?” his little twink got in my face.

“Fuck off, grown-ups are talking,” I spat angrily pushing the kid away from me, into the people dancing around us.

“November!” Brady blurted, defending the baby he had been dancing with. He moved between his toddler and me so I wouldn’t hurt the kid.

“Don’t fucking call me that!” I ripped into Brady pushing my chest into his.

An arm wrapped around my chest pulling me backward. Then there was a lot of tripping, being dragged across the floor of the club, next thing I know I am sitting on the concrete path outside the club. I jumped to my feet, adrenalin fueling my ire, the bouncer came at me.

“We got him, sorry,” Justin told the bouncer grabbing me by the top of my arm dragging me away, “we’re leaving.”

“Just get him out of here,” the bouncer called as he went back to checking ID’s.

I turned around walking back to the bouncer, Cameron stepped in front of me, Justin pulled me the other way.

“Ember, don’t be an idiot, let’s go before they call the cops,” Justin told me firmly.

I lifted my arm out of his grasp, “I can walk, don’t need your damn help,” I bitched at Justin, “what the fuck are they doing here. Did you organise them to be here?” I indicated to Cameron.

“No, Ember, I didn’t; it’s a coincidence,” Justin said heatedly, he scrubbed his hand down his face in frustration, he stopped and turned on me, “now you're just an asshole.”

“Brady and I came on our own, we had no idea you’d be here, Ember, don’t lay into Justin because you’re having a shitty night,” Cameron argued with me.

“Go to hell,” I growled, putting my hands in my pockets walking around them, “I’ll get home on my own.”

“We came in your car Ember,” Justin called to me once I had passed him.

“Drive it, leave it, I don’t give a shit,” I grumbled and kept walking.

“Ember… Ember… You’ve got the keys,” Justin called out, I ignored him and staggered down the pathway to flag down a cab. I was angry, and in no mood; it’s not like I could drive anyway. I heard Cam tell Justin to let me go, he would give him a lift home.

I heard footsteps running up behind me as I passed by a pub, so I went inside, the place was packed, standing room only. Walking to the bar a chair opened up, so I sat down and ordered another drink. I should never have agreed to hire Brady, I knew it was a mistake at the time. Justin and his stupid logic. The girl behind the bar set my drink down in front of me. I put money down on the bar for her. She swept it away then left the change, moving on to the next customer. It was optimistic of me to think I would get to drink this in peace.

“Ember,” A familiar voice said from behind me, his hand on my shoulder. My head dropped to rest on my forearm, “Let me drive you home.”

I slammed my Jack n’ Coke like a shot, “Can’t you leave me alone,” I snarled angrily shaking his hand from my body. I stood up, heading for the exit. “Why can’t anyone just leave me the fuck alone.”

Of course, Brady came outside after me, “Ember, don’t be ridiculous, what are you going to do catch a cab. You’re more than an hour from home,” he pleaded with me.

Spinning around to face him sent me off balance. Brady caught me setting me upright then backed away, “Ember, you’ve made your feelings for me pretty clear, just let me drive you home, I promise I won’t talk or harass you in any way,” Brady put his hands up in defense. God damn it!

“Fine,” I growled stalking back to the club carpark. My eyes glared directly into Brady’s as I walked passed him. He moved out of my way as I did, his eyes never leaving mine. It almost killed me, I saw pain, anger, hurt and something I didn’t recognise written all over his face. I’m not sure why but it made an ache in the pit of my stomach to know I was the one that put those feelings in him.


“Where the hell am I?” I asked looking around to no-one.

I sat up on a couch where I had fallen asleep, in someone’s living room. On the coffee table was a glass of water and some ibuprofen, beside me on the floor was a bucket. Oh Jesus, my head. Well, wherever I am at least, they must like me. I took the tablets, then drinking the water. I had a quick glance around the room I did not recognise the place. Man, I have got to get out of here, I have not done something like this since my early twenties. I made sure I had my phone and keys, heading for the front door. How the hell am I going to get home?

Tripping over a loose tile on the verandah, I dropped my phone hearing the front screen explode, I looked to the heavens, blew out a breath of frustration then counted to ten. My head thumping, stomach churning, I bent over to pick up my phone. Mistake! How much did I drink last night? Whatever it was is making a comeback, I moved swiftly to the verandah railing, losing the contents to a bush below. I looked around for the tap so I could wash my mouth out. As I did just that, a cab appeared out of thin air. Miraculous!

The cabbie wound down the window calling out, “Ember McCain?”

I nodded curiously. Ow! My head!

“You ready?”

I nodded again getting in the passenger seat.

“Tie one on?” The cabbie asked curiously.

“Ugh! Did I ever!” I groaned sinking into the seat.

I concentrated on keeping my stomach contents down. Thankfully, I managed long enough to make it home. The cab pulled up at my place, looking out the window I saw a crowd in my driveway. Fuck! The car auction for AJ, how the hell could I forget. I at least must have remembered enough last night to have the forethought to book a cab and set the alarm on my phone to wake up. How is that even possible when I had no idea who’s house I woke up in, I don’t remember getting there from the club. At least I woke up alone on a couch, almost fully dressed, enough anyway to be mostly sure that nothing had happened with whoever it was that I went home with.

Thanks to Tony, Rick, and Glenn for your endless help, John and I appreciate more than we can show, we definitely would be lost without you guys.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter please let us know.

John and Joh.
JT Babbage & Cameron Austin
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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1 hour ago, jaysalmn said:

Really, everyone is being so hard on Ember! How would anyone react to someone who terrorized u through high school turns up years later wanting to play nice?? I don't care how good looking the guy is, I'd have nothing but hatred for the bastard! I'd be mad as hell if the guy who bullied me just conveniently showed up everywhere I go, not to mention working at the business I own! Btw, I NEVER would have hired him! Ember has every right to feel the anger he does. Personally, I think Ember is an idiot for falling for someone who bullied him for so many years.

I had a very difficult time deciding between Loving and Laughing at this!  ;–)

13 hours ago, jaysalmn said:

Really, everyone is being so hard on Ember! How would anyone react to someone who terrorized u through high school turns up years later wanting to play nice?? I don't care how good looking the guy is, I'd have nothing but hatred for the bastard! I'd be mad as hell if the guy who bullied me just conveniently showed up everywhere I go, not to mention working at the business I own! Btw, I NEVER would have hired him! Ember has every right to feel the anger he does. Personally, I think Ember is an idiot for falling for someone who bullied him for so many years.

THANK YOU SO MUCH. I feel the exact same way. 

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, jaysalmn said:

Really, everyone is being so hard on Ember! How would anyone react to someone who terrorized u through high school turns up years later wanting to play nice?? I don't care how good looking the guy is, I'd have nothing but hatred for the bastard! I'd be mad as hell if the guy who bullied me just conveniently showed up everywhere I go, not to mention working at the business I own! Btw, I NEVER would have hired him! Ember has every right to feel the anger he does. Personally, I think Ember is an idiot for falling for someone who bullied him for so many years.


I mostly agree with you. There are a few people who I'd never give the time of day to, let alone pee on them if they were on fire. One person was new to our group and we became fast friends, she was young and her mother didn't really like our crowd. She ended up costing me all of my friends, I had to start all over again. I actually didn't do anything wrong but no one ever approached me, all I got was a bunch of ranting voicemails from them and no one would take my calls. We had all been friends since we were young. Since that day I rarely make friends it doesn't seem worth it after that.

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16 hours ago, Bft said:

Oh boy, Ember is so stubborn, the only way forward for him and Brady 

is to sit down and talk to each other and they both need to listen to what the 

other person has to say. 




He is being stubborn, but I think he might be angry at himself a little for letting Brady get to him. He wants him, but he doesn't want to want him.

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8 hours ago, Geemeedee said:

Soooooo I’m not understanding Cameron’s role in all this. Is Cameron bi? Gay? Was he out as either in high school? Was he a gay basher like Brady? What’s the story with him and Justin? Cameron all light and laughter — was he like this in high school? He’s not suffering the way Brady is, and I need to know why.


His role is as Brady's brother. They are two very different people. Cam is... anyway he didn't marry someone and come out after 20 years of a marriage or carry around the baggage Brady does.

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