Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Spark & Stone - 6. Hook, Line, And Sinker
Chapter Six – Hook, Line, And Sinker
Heathcliff could not believe his luck. He had trapped the bunny like the most skillful hunter in existence, and the awesome part was that he hadn’t planned for it. No one could accuse him of foul play. Now he needed to calm down a little, no matter how exciting the prospect of having Aidan Spark over, after dark, was.
So, he gave his cock a playful smack and pulled his tracksuit pants back up. For a second, he considered grabbing a t-shirt, too, but eventually, he decided against. For a swift victory, which he aimed for, he needed to show the ‘enemy’ his guns.
Aidan hadn’t protested against the direct order. That filled his heart with fondness for the young man. Still, Heathcliff could not forget how pissed he had been earlier that day, because of Aidan’s rejection.
The bunny was cruising gay dating apps, looking for hard dicks. Heathcliff shook his head. Now there was no way in hell for Aidan to deny his sexuality. Also, he wasn’t going to deny Heathcliff what he wanted. And that was enough to put a big smile on his face.
The familiar buzz letting him know he had a visitor made his smile grow even bigger. Instead of allowing him in, Heathcliff went for the door. As he opened it, he took in a much chastised Aidan Spark, standing there, hands linked together in front and a guilty expression on his beautiful face.
“Inside.” Heathcliff gestured shortly with his chin, decided to keep up appearances and play tough.
Although the bunny was pitiful like that, Heathcliff had to admit to himself that he liked it. And, never before in his life, had he considered himself a sadist. Making Aidan Spark squirm a little sounded fun.
“Sit,” he ordered curtly, and Aidan sat gingerly on the sofa.
The young man had evidently come as fast as he could, and he was now wearing only a baggy t-shirt and jeans. He looked younger and more vulnerable like this, instead of in his usual suit. The way he was staring at his Converse shoes, his head hung low, made Heathcliff want to grab him, kiss him, and devour him on the spot.
But now wasn’t the time to be rash. Pretending to be upset, he remained standing and looked at Aidan from above. “So, Spark, you’re not gay, huh?”
The bunny remained silent, probably expecting a lecture. Well, Heathcliff wasn’t entirely against that idea, but he needed to bring Aidan to where he wanted, without leaving emotional scars. Under his pretense to be the perfect yuppie, Aidan was quite delicate, if his countenance right now was any indication.
“Or do you have something against me, in particular?” Heathcliff decided to play his next card.
Aidan looked up, with some difficulty. “It’s not like that.” He shifted in place.
Heathcliff opened his arms wide. “What is it like? I’m here to listen.”
It was fun, indeed, to watch what was happening to Aidan. His eyes were gliding over Heathcliff’s torso. Just as the first time they had met, Aidan appeared to be quite impressed with his host’s physique.
“I thought,” Aidan caught his hands together and pressed them like that against his knees, “that it would be easier if I lied.”
“Hmm, I see. But why? Is there a reason why you don’t want me?”
Aidan cocked his head to one side and stared at him like he could not believe his ears. Ah, so he wasn’t so chastised, after all. Heathcliff rejoiced inside.
“We’re working together,” Aidan explained when he realized that the staring contest wasn’t really working.
“And? Have you never mixed business with pleasure before?”
Aidan opened his mouth and then closed it. He seemed to ponder over what answer to give next. “It wouldn’t be … okay,” he said with some hesitation.
“Why? It’s not like I’m your patient and you’re the doctor or something,” Heathcliff scoffed, “although I wouldn’t mind being treated by you.”
“For what?” Aidan snorted.
Heathcliff grabbed his junk through his pants and squeezed. “A hard cock.”
Aidan blushed and looked away.
“What’s that?” Heathcliff drawled. “You can’t be that easy to throw off balance. I thought you were the perfect professional.”
“Are you going to tell on me?” Aidan questioned, looking stubbornly down.
“Ah. I see. You’re not out at work.”
“It’s no one’s business,” Aidan mumbled.
“Correct,” Heathcliff admitted. “Okay. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you. Can I go now?” Aidan begged with his pretty eyes, looking up, at his host.
Heathcliff blinked a few times, mimicking confusion. “So that you can go back on that dating app, searching for cocks?” He stared down the guy.
Aidan made himself little on the sofa. “I won’t do that. I’ve had enough shocks for the day, thank you very much. I couldn’t get it up now anyway,” he said with a long sigh.
“Now that’s a theory I’m willing to put to the test.” Heathcliff moved slowly, walking over to where Aidan was seated.
Aidan’s head snapped up again. “Ah, hmm, what?” He pulled his knees to his chest and pushed himself back into the couch.
“Well,” Heathcliff plopped himself down next to the guy, “you got me pretty worked up, you know? And it’s not fair. You know I can’t get laid because of you. And it looks like everywhere I look, you’re there, cockblocking me.”
Aidan glared. “That’s not true.”
Heathcliff rested his chin on one palm and looked at the scared bunny. If he got closer, he was sure he was going to hear his heart beating like crazy. “Yes, it is.” He grinned. “So, you need to make up for it. Again.”
“A handjob?” Aidan asked, his eyes lit up by hope.
Heathcliff wanted to kiss Aidan until the guy couldn’t breathe anymore that very moment. “Ah, but the stakes are higher now. You promised me something while we messaged back and forth.”
Aidan pouted. “I had no idea I was talking to you.”
It was too much to sit there, without touching the guy. Heathcliff raised one hand and cupped the young man’s chin. Slowly, he brushed one thumb over the plump, inviting lips. Aidan exhaled, and his eyelids fluttered. “You have a beautiful mouth,” Heathcliff heard himself say.
What was with the romantic introduction? He needed his cock sucked. But, despite having every speck of reason to be pissed at himself, he decided against being brash.
“I do?” Aidan murmured, without pulling his head away.
Heathcliff nodded solemnly and smiled to give the other assurance. Aidan moved slowly, and Heathcliff knew that it was okay to meet the guy in the middle. Their lips touched, feather-like, at first. Then Aidan moved first, again, and opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue and pushing inside.
This time, Aidan wasn’t going to get away unscathed, Heathcliff thought and quickly trapped the young man’s head in his hands, deepening the kiss. Kissing someone with lips like those was amazing. Heathcliff wanted nothing more than to taste Aidan’s sweet mouth again and again.
He flicked his tongue over the other’s lips. Aidan was following suit, trying to catch him, with playful jabs and quick bites. Whatever Aidan was protesting against, he was doing quite the opposite with his lips, teeth, and tongue.
And that was not the only thing he was doing. Aidan’s hands were planted firmly on Heathcliff’s chest, squeezing, and then searching with curious fingers for the nipples. A small sigh, drowned by their hungry kiss, was the immediate response, as Aidan managed to grab Heathcliff’s nipples and pull at them slowly.
A bit intrigued, Heathcliff interrupted the kiss. “I thought I was supposed to be the seducer,” he said, with a small frown.
“You’re already naked,” Aidan pointed out.
“Good point,” Heathcliff admitted and pressed the other with his back against the sofa.
He wasn’t going to be bested at his own game. So he sneaked his hands under Aidan’s baggy t-shirt, humming in pleasure as he took in the smooth skin underneath his fingertips. Aidan gasped as Heathcliff mimicked his actions from earlier, and pulled at his nipples, hard.
“Ouch.” Aidan moved his head away to protest.
The guy’s cheeks were a pleasant shade of pink, and the pouty lips were moist and parted.
“I had to draw your attention,” Heathcliff said.
“Is this really okay?” Aidan placed one hand on Heathcliff’s chest and looked him in the eye with hope written all over his pretty face.
“No one will know, I promise, cross my heart,” Heathcliff said.
He was leaning in for another kiss when he was stopped again.
“I don’t have a lot of experience,” Aidan said sheepishly.
“That’s something we can correct as we go,” Heathcliff promised.
Teaching the bunny a few things would be an enjoyable pastime. And Heathcliff was a natural born trainer, regardless of discipline, as long as it was his field of expertise.
Aidan could not believe his audacity. Well, he was quite horny, and the guy was offering. Plus, he wanted to believe Heathcliff that he wasn’t going to rat him out. So, this wasn’t some blackmail attempt to worry about. They would enjoy themselves, kiss a little, give each other handjobs … at least, he hoped Heathcliff was going to touch him, too, because he was quite hard from the kiss, and wanted to take his time and explore the guy’s body and …
Aidan didn’t have the guts to think further. He couldn’t. This was, in a way, a good strategy to hit two birds with one stone. Or more. He was going to clear the air between Heathcliff and himself, he was going to get his dick touched, which hadn’t happened in quite a while, and …
Heathcliff’s hands were busy torturing his nipples, and he couldn’t keep a train of thought if his life depended on it. With each squeeze and pull, his back arched against the sofa, and suddenly, he was under Heathcliff, their crotches lining up and rubbing against each other.
Could he hope for Heathcliff to put his mouth on him? He wanted, no needed, the guy to put his mouth on him. Preferably, everywhere. But, mostly, on his cock.
“Are we …” he gulped, in one of the short breaks from kissing the guy was not so generous with, “going to do something else?”
Heathcliff seemed amused. “Do you have somewhere you need to be?”
“No, but …” Aidan hesitated.
If Heathcliff was going to keep it up with grinding against him, he could not vouch for himself.
“Ah, is there a problem?” Heathcliff teased and placed one hand over Aidan’s crotch. “Hard as a rock. Nice. It looks like I still have a good hand at picking my hookups.”
Aidan breathed out, as Heathcliff palmed his hard cock through his jeans, making it a bit painful, but only enough for it to feel excruciatingly more exciting. “I won’t be hard for too long if you continue like this,” he warned.
Maybe he was not supposed to be so frank about his inability to keep from coming from that kind of stimulation. But Aidan felt he could be at ease with Heathcliff, right that very moment.
“Now why didn’t you say so?” Heathcliff teased and began unzipping Aidan’s fly. “Wow, no underwear?”
“I was too busy getting out the door,” Aidan explained and grunted.
Heathcliff’s fingers were firm around his cock.
“Oh, fuck,” Aidan complained and moved his head to one side to avoid looking at Heathcliff.
Heathcliff chuckled. “Someone’s loaded and ready to blow.”
“Stop it with the teasing,” Aidan whined.
“Then look at me if that is what you want.”
Aidan knew the risks, but he looked anyway. Heathcliff’s satisfied grin made him feel small and inexperienced. He was sure he was blushing furiously right now, but the hand moving steadily up and down his cock was way too practiced and pleasant to ignore for the sake of feeling indignation.
“Should I honor the promise we made earlier?” Heathcliff looked at him with clear intent.
“Don’t,” Aidan whispered and squirmed under the careful ministrations he needed to endure. “I’ll just … blow.”
“You’re close anyway.” Heathcliff leaned over and brushed the hair away from Aidan’s forehead with his free hand.
“But then I won’t feel a thing,” Aidan complained, “and it’ll be over too soon.” His words came out painfully, with difficulty, as his breath was quickening.
“Look at me and don’t worry about coming. I’ve seen enough in my life not to give a damn. Don’t be embarrassed, Aidan,” Heathcliff said with kindness.
Aidan pushed his head back into the sofa, but kept eye contact, breathing hard.
“Yes, like this, come on,” Heathcliff encouraged him. “You’re so damn pretty, bunny boy.”
“Don’t call me that,” Aidan said each word like it was a separate phrase, in a staccato rhythm that seemed final and at the point of no return.
Which was precisely what was happening, as he practically bucked his hips into Heathcliff’s hand that hurried its pace to make that moment perfect, so perfect, that Aidan had no idea what to compare it with.
Nothing in his life had ever been like this. Aidan squeezed his eyes shut as he came and came, without being able to stop, or think, or even consider that he was being jerked off to completion by none other than Heathcliff Stone, a social media celebrity who could fuck half the city, but had tonight chosen to give someone like Aidan this amazing special treatment.
He shuddered as wet fingers touched his lips. He opened them without thinking, and Heathcliff painted them in and out with the sticky substance on his fingers. “Is it customary to eat your semen after the deed?” Aidan mumbled.
“Nothing like that. I just had a mind of tasting it off your lips,” Heathcliff said, and, just like that, Aidan could feel his lips taken again into one of those maddening kisses that seemed to have no beginning and no end.
Aidan was still breathing a bit unevenly when Heathcliff released him from the kiss. Licking his lips, he could taste his own jizz. It seemed incredibly erotic, and Aidan moaned, without thinking. He could not get hard again right at that moment. In five minutes, maybe.
“And now, I do believe you should keep your part of the deal,” Heathcliff said with a broad smile.
“Do you want me to jerk you off?” Aidan asked as he tried to straighten up.
The insecurity from before came back in full force. But he could give the other a handjob. It wasn’t that complicated.
“Hey, I told you.” Heathcliff ruffled his hair. “This time, I want more.”
“More?” Aidan swallowed. He could barely move, he was that wasted.
“This beautiful mouth,” Heathcliff touched his lips slowly, “on my cock. Nothing less than that.”
Aidan could feel his cheeks on fire. But he had to do it, right? Also, he wanted to do it. Damn, he was entirely sure he needed to do it. The only thing he worried about was that he would choke on it.
Heathcliff could tell there was sort of a debate going on in Aidan’s mind that very moment. What could it be? Was he against giving head, perhaps? That would have been a bummer, and Heathcliff was not the kind to impose on others what they didn’t want to do.
“It’s okay,” he said with a sigh. “I was just joking. But there’s got to be something you’re willing to give. You got my hopes high with those pics. By the way, I wasn’t wrong about your ass. 10 out of 10, would definitely bang.”
Heathcliff was trying to hide his annoyance over the young man’s prolonged silence with a joke. Although he was right about that. If Aidan wanted to put his ass up, that would be a dream come true. He was taken by surprise, as Aidan bent quickly and landed with his head in his lap.
He chuckled. “Wow, tiger.”
Aidan said nothing, fiddling with Heathcliff’s pants only to pull the still hard cock out. Giving the young man a handjob had turned him stiff as a board, and that wasn’t going to go away any time soon.
He listened carefully as the other took a deep breath, like before an audacious dive. Raking his fingers through the chestnut hair, Heathcliff let out a breath of his own. Aidan was quick to find his way around. Not that it was hard to do so.
Curious lips wrapped gently around the head of his cock. An equally curious tongue followed, tracing around the mushroom, playing on the sensitive area right under the head. Maybe Aidan had little experience, but he knew what to do with it. Heathcliff only needed to be patient and wait for him to take it deeper.
By how Aidan tried to adjust his position, he was struggling with it, too. Heathcliff guided him to lie on the carpet, between his legs. “That’s better,” he whispered while caressing the silky strands of hair under his fingers.
Aidan looked up at him, and Heathcliff had, for a brief moment, a sensation that was hard to identify. He could not remember anyone looking at him like that, with a sort of honesty so profound and hard to find these days. Sex partners were a convenience for him. And most often, they wanted something in return.
Except for bunny boy. Right now, Aidan wasn’t working some angle; he wasn’t putting on some show with the purpose to impress so that he could get something more than the previous deal. Yes, Aidan Spark wasn’t there to haggle for some advantage. He just wanted to suck Heathcliff’s cock.
He caressed Aidan’s cheeks slowly. “You look nice like this.”
The speckled-green brown eyes glared at him, but Aidan adjusted his lips around the hard cock in his mouth, trying slowly to take it deeper.
He guided Aidan. “Here, help yourself with one hand.”
For a moment, the young man took Heathcliff’s cock out of his mouth.
“I know. I’m not that inexperienced,” Aidan protested.
“Oh, forgive me if I assumed you needed some guidance.” Heathcliff grinned. “Knock yourself out, then.” He leaned back and put his hands behind his head while looking down at his guest with amused superiority.
“You’re so damn spoiled.” Aidan pouted, but put one hand around Heathcliff’s cock and went back to work, with renewed enthusiasm.
“I told you. You’re the one who’s spoiling me.”
Aidan might have wanted to say something in reply, but the muffled sounds coming from his full mouth made no sense whatsoever.
Heathcliff gasped, despite himself, as the young man took him deep. Exactly how little or how much experience did Aidan have, in the end? From where he stood, it looked like Aidan knew what he was doing. He was practically swallowing the hard cock in his care almost to the hilt, and that was not something Shy22yo was supposed to know.
“Damn, you’re good, Spark,” Heathcliff whispered, and this time, it wasn’t some joke.
Aidan withdrew, breathing heavily. Heathcliff watched him, now a bit amused. So the bunny was trying his best, after all? Or maybe he was going beyond that, as the ambitious young professional he was. He was about to comment again, to tell the guy to take it easy, but Aidan studied the cock in his hand for a second, with a focused look on his handsome face, and then swallowed it again.
Heathcliff could get used to it. Aidan was busy grabbing him by his balls with the other hand, and he was polishing the sword in the least of all euphemistic ways. Heathcliff could feel his tongue everywhere, and Aidan’s shortened breath, interrupted by small grunts and moans, told him everything he needed to know.
Aidan was getting off on sucking his cock, even if it meant pushing his limits. For the record, Heathcliff hoped Aidan had never taken anyone this deep. As any young man in a big city, who seemed to have no hang-ups about using gay dating apps, Aidan must have had his fair share of encounters. So, maybe, just maybe, when he was saying that he had little experience, it meant clearly that he had been around at least a few times.
And he was a pretty good cocksucker, despite his natural shyness. Aidan was good at taking cues, too, and soon, he changed the pace, making his grip on Heathcliff’s cock firmer, and picking up the speed.
“Wait.” Heathcliff took his cock from the guy’s hand and mouth. “Stay like this and close your eyes.”
While the temptation to come inside Aidan’s pretty mouth was high, he wanted to give that handsome face a well-deserved facial. It was just his kink, and some would have said that having some guy swallowing the load was hotter. Nonetheless, this was what he liked. Aidan obeyed without protesting, and Heathcliff began moving his hand faster.
“Here it goes,” he growled as his cock began to erupt.
Long white ropes of fluid began spraying Aidan’s pretty lips and cheeks. Heathcliff made sure to take good aim so, soon enough, Aidan’s face was looking like the perfect cover for the hottest bukkake of the year. Not that he would have ever dreamed of sharing his sex partners. Regardless of what the tabloids said about him, Heathcliff wasn’t that big a fan of orgies. Even in a crowd, he usually preferred to grab a guy and have fun with him, rather than with the entire party.
“You look so good right now,” Heathcliff said, and his voice was low and hoarse.
Aidan snickered but didn’t open his mouth or eyes.
Heathcliff chuckled. “Let me take care of you.”
He pulled a few paper tissues from the box on the table and began wiping Aidan’s face slowly. The young man was so obedient, as he let Heathcliff clean him, his hands in his lap, his head just thrown back slightly, and smiling softly.
It was, suddenly, so very intimate, Heathcliff thought, as his hands moved slowly, as if he didn’t want that moment to be lost. He kissed Aidan on the nose, earning a small giggle in response. Then he kissed his lips, and Aidan immediately opened his mouth, to let him in.
If he hadn’t been so thoroughly satisfied, he would have been so damn hard right now. Heathcliff sighed as he broke the kiss. “What hour do you have to be in bed?” he asked, hoping that Aidan would say that he wanted to stay a little longer.
“I guess I need to head back home,” Aidan said, as he opened his eyes slowly.
How come the bunny was even prettier from up close? In a sea of wannabe supermodels, aspiring actors, and all kinds of good-looking men populating the city, some might not have noticed Aidan Spark. He didn’t have magnetic eyes or a perfect body, but he was so damn pretty that Heathcliff wanted to grab him, lock him up and keep him until he would tire of him.
He helped Aidan to his feet. “Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?” Heathcliff found himself asking.
Aidan shook his head slowly. “I can’t miss any sleep hours. And you shouldn’t, either.” He wagged a finger at Heathcliff.
“Oh, back to babysitter mode.” Heathcliff grinned.
He stood up and placed his arms on Aidan’s shoulders, trying to weigh him down a little. Aidan just smiled and stood his ground. Heathcliff wasn’t sure what answer he wanted to hear as he stared him in the eye, for the simple reason that he had no idea what the question was.
“I must.” Aidan sighed. “It’s my job. The best part of this is that, at least, you won’t have to chase down some guy with an NDA tonight.”
“Seriously, is that the best part?” Heathcliff laughed. “Someone’s married to his job, it seems.”
“You’re one to talk. Your name is practically synonymous with your profession.”
“Ah, well, that’s different,” Heathcliff pointed out.
“How so?” Aidan blinked, a bit annoyed, it seemed.
“I’m my own man. You’re slaving for the man,” Heathcliff said with a small shrug.
“Oh, no, I forgot how full of yourself you are.” Aidan shook his head. “Well, my company practically owns your ass right now …”
“Excuse me?” Heathcliff pretended to feel outraged. “When did I sign up for that?”
Aidan didn’t care to reply. He was already busy straightening up his clothes and giving himself a critical eye.
“Tomorrow, you should be pronto at my door, and chauffeur me around,” Heathcliff said.
“Seriously? How come you don’t have a car?” Aidan questioned.
“Something with my eyes. Apparently, I’d be a menace on the public roads for both myself and others.” Heathcliff preferred to keep a light tone.
“Oh, wow. So you’re not perfect?” Aidan challenged him with his eyes.
“Disappointed?” Heathcliff flashed his most charming smile.
“Actually, no.” Aidan shook his head and smiled widely. “I like the idea that you’re human, after all.”
“I have no idea whether I should take this as a compliment or as an insult.” Heathcliff pondered, pressing one index finger against his lips.
“It’s a compliment.” Aidan raised his eyebrows and gave Heathcliff a look full of meaning while leaning slightly toward him.
The bunny was good at pulling his leg. But maybe, just maybe, Aidan should be well aware of who he was playing with. Suddenly, Heathcliff dropped to his knees in one fluid motion, grabbed Aidan’s crotch, pulled out the soft cock and pushed it all inside his mouth.
“Fuck,” Aidan moaned.
Heathcliff made sure to suck in and create a vacuum, enough to make the guy half hard in less than 15 seconds. Then, with a smug grin on his face, he stood up.
“Are you kidding me?” Aidan mumbled. “What was that?”
“Motivation, bunny boy,” Heathcliff replied promptly. “Now you know who you’re messing with. Tomorrow, at seven thirty, be here. And tell your masters back at the corporate headquarters that you need to babysit me all day long.”
“I need to be with you at seven thirty. How am I supposed to transmit that message so quickly?” Aidan wondered out loud.
“I don’t know. Use a homing pigeon or whatever. Not my problem.” Heathcliff shrugged, satisfied with himself. “I think I need to make it a little clearer who owns whose ass.”
“Ah,” Aidan said, seemingly now understanding what that was all about.
“Good. It looks like we’re on the same page. Now, go home and sleep. I need you sharp and focused first thing in the morning.”
“Slave driver,” Aidan muttered, but he obeyed when Heathcliff took him by the shoulders and guided him toward the door.
“Your dick’s hanging out,” Heathcliff whispered into his ear.
Aidan looked down at himself in horror, and quickly pushed back his cock into his jeans, pulling up the zipper. “Thanks,” he said with a suggestive roll of the eyes. “I was about to walk out of here like that and scare the neighbors.”
“I wouldn’t have let that happen,” Heathcliff said promptly. “You might not know me just yet, but I’m terribly possessive of my slaves. No one’s supposed to see your junk but me. By the way, delete that profile on the dating app.”
“Why should I?” Aidan questioned, one hand on the door handle.
“Hmm, do you pretend to be difficult to train to keep things exciting? I don’t share. So delete all your pics and your profile.”
“All right.” Aidan breathed out. “Anything else?”
“Hmm, maybe update your status on social media and stuff like that?”
Aidan blinked a few times, now apparently at a loss.
“Make that ‘committed’, bunny boy.” Heathcliff hovered close, loving how Aidan’s breath was quickening as he did that. “I don’t want you prancing around, like a unicorn without a master.”
Aidan snorted. “Committed? Seriously, dude, too soon.”
Heathcliff stood his ground. “No, it’s not.”
Aidan glared. “You’re not my boyfriend just because we gave each other handjobs.”
“Boyfriend? Who’s saying that? No, Sparky, you’re my pet from now on. As for handjobs, there’ll be more than that. Now, shoo, you’re taking minutes off my beauty sleep.”
Aidan was smiling as he walked away. That was a good sign. Hook, line, and sinker, Heathcliff thought to himself with satisfaction, as the door closed after his guest.
A big 'thank you' goes to my editor, while all the others to you, for keeping up with my story. You guys are great!
Until next time,
Hugs and kisses,
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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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