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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Matt and Donnie - 9. Chapter 9

Our vacation was over. We had to get ready for college, requiring us to find a place to stay. Dad had a friend, actually, a client who lived close to the college we were going to attend. He told Dad he had a spare bedroom we could use, but I didn’t want that. You would be sharing with another family, and that could be complicated.

Donnie and I drove over to the college and began to check places out. Most were rentals for students, were only for nine months. We wanted something a little more permanent. We were sitting in a coffee shop one afternoon, looking through a paper for rentals. Our waiter asked us what we were looking for and maybe he could help us. We told him about starting school this fall but needed a place to rent.

I saw a smile on his face. “I’m assuming you two are a couple.”

“Yes, we have been married a little over three months. We need a place to study and to have some privacy.”

“The owner has a cottage on his property. As far as I know, it’s vacant. Let me check with him.”

The waiter left, “I don’t know, Matt, it could be expensive.”

“Let’s see. Maybe we could get jobs to help.”

The waiter came back, “Here’s the address. He said you should stop by after six, and he’ll show you the property. I hear it’s pretty nice, but I’ve never seen it.”

We thanked the guy, paid our bill, and left. “Donnie, let’s drive around the campus and see what it looks like.”

“I have a better idea, let’s park the car and walk around. Maybe we can check out the bookstore, and college generally has a student union. We could check out the common areas and get a feel for the various buildings.”

“Donnie, this was a great idea. Look there’s the library, we’ll be using that a lot. What is that round building over there?”

“Let’s take a look, but my guess it’s a sports arena.”

“You’re right. Are you going to try out for any sports programs? I’m not, but I think I’ll start running again.”

“That’s a good idea, I’ll run with you.”

We continued to explore the campus till Donnie suggested we get something to eat. There was a small diner close to the college. When we entered, it became evident that a lot of students ate here. The walls were plastered with photos of student activities, and several trophies were displayed in a case by the front door.

The waitress took us to a seat and began to ask questions about us attending the college and what subjects we’d be taking. She was quite knowledgeable. Later we found out she was a senior working the summer for college money.

We ordered, we ate and then we left. “Donnie it’s time to check out that cottage.”

“I hope we can afford it?”

Driving to the address we were given, “This looks like a high-cost residential area. These houses are enormous. I’m not sure we’ll be able to afford this cottage.”

“There’s the address.” We pulled into the driveway before we could turn off the engine, a beautiful dog greeted us.

“That’s a greyhound, they use them to race, and when they can’t race any longer, they give them away as a pet.”

“What happens if they can’t find a home for them?”

“You don’t want to know.” Donnie just looked at me, and I could see the wheels turning in his head. I knew if we ended up on a farm, it’d be a greyhound haven.

As we got out of the car, a man came out of the house and met us as we exited the car. “Are you the two guys Alec spoke to me about?”

“Yes, we’ll be attending college here and needed a place to stay.”

“Alex said you were a couple. Is that right?”

“Yes, we’ve been married for three months. Is that going to be a problem?"

The man laughed, inviting us inside the house. The dog followed us. I noticed Donnie scratching the dog behind the ears as we walked toward the house.

“My name is John, and this is my partner Sam. We have been a couple for 20 years and still are as much in love as the day we met. And that little fellow is Flash.”

I watched Donnie when John told us about him and Sam. I just smiled, knowing what he was thinking. “If you follow me, I’ll show you the cottage. It’s not much, but I think it will be perfect for both of you. It will be nice to have another gay couple living here. As you can expect, there aren’t that many in this section of town. Homes here are owned by people who have money and strong opinions. Don’t let that bother you. They have come to accept us even though we don’t get invited to their parties, here’s the cottage.”

We followed John into the cottage along with Flash. I never had a dog, not because I don’t like dogs, it just never crossed my mind. The cottage was nice, a bedroom, a small sitting room, and a small kitchen. It was perfect as far as I was concerned. I looked at Donnie and nodded. He nodded back. “John, the cottage is perfect for us, but I’m not sure we can afford it.”

“Well, let’s see. Could you maintain the lawns and flower beds? Flash likes you already, so maybe you could help take care of her. Occasionally I need help at the cafe, could you do that.”

When John was finished, we felt a great sigh of relief. Doing the chores was nothing for us. Donnie jumped right in and said we could do that and any small repairs as well. Then he asked would it be possible to start a small garden.

There was no lease. John said our word was enough. We would have to pay for our utilities and any upkeep on the cottage. We could move in whenever we were ready. We shook hands, and the deal was done. Now we had to head home and tell the folks.

Pulling into my home, Mom came out to greet us. She had a big dinner planned with Donnie’s parents as well. The dinner was fantastic, maybe so because we had finally settled the housing situation and of course Donnie was beside me.

A thousand questions later, Dad called us into his study. “Boys, I’m glad that you have found a place to live off-campus. Even though many people are not judgmental about two guys being married and living together, there are still some nuts out there. Matt, ever since you were born, your Mom and I set up a trust fund for you, which will pay for your college and a monthly allowance. If you manage your expenses, there’ll be enough money for you to buy yourself a farm.” That last comment was meant for Donnie. Dad and Mom loved Donnie and had accepted him as their son-in-law.

I knew that our family was one in a thousand. Not every family would accept gay marriage and certainly not a gay son-in-law. Donnie and I were blessed with parents who not only accepted us but loved us.

That night would be the last night we’d sleep in my bed. There would be the occasional trips home, but then this room would be a guest room.

We saw Dave and Angie at the coffee shop, hugs all around. We told them of the cottage and how happy we were. Of course, they wanted to come and see it, so we made plans for the next holiday they would stop on their way home, and then we’d all come home together.

That evening we packed the car with towels, sheets, blankets and of course our clothes that we didn’t take with us. Donnie packed his computer, which reminded me to get mine as well. Then a kiss and hug goodbye, we were on our way to our first home

Copyright © 2020 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Excellent chapter, everything is going great it is awesome that they got a cottage and with very low expenses, things can only get better

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Wonderful chapter. Hints of a life to come for our young newlyweds. "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home".


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11 hours ago, weinerdog said:

Awesome how things are turning out for Matt and Donnie. I hope the house and the cottage is fenced in because if Flash should get spooked by something and runs off your going to have a tough time trying to catch a greyhound.

Yes, they are a fast dog, it's sad to know that when they get pastctheir prime they are put down. Man can be inhuman


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8 hours ago, Chris L said:

“My name is John, and this is my partner Sam. We have been a couple for 20 years and still are as much in love as the day we met." I'm guessing we've met John and Sam somewhere before. Karma comes full circle and I'm guessing John and Sam had someone that helped them out 20 or so years ago. I love when compassion and the humanistic side of the world shines through its' beautiful rays of hope and love. Truly, it's reenergizing, especially during these dark days of vile.  

Yes, there are people who have a heart and willing to help. John and Sam don't need the money,. so they offer a help;piong hand to some young people. A very generous offer from the heart

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3 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Things are going well for Matt and Donnie. They have a nice place to live in whilst at college.

Yep. They are one of the lucky ones, support from parents, support from friends and now support from strangers.

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1 hour ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Wonderful chapter. Hints of a life to come for our young newlyweds. "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home".


Yep. They are blessed in more ways then one

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That was a perfect outcome. They are so lucky. Someone is definitely looking out for them...

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1 hour ago, Buz said:

That was a perfect outcome. They are so lucky. Someone is definitely looking out for them...

They had the support and acceptance of their parents, that means a lot and goes a long way to help them. 

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This is a beautiful story, CLJ, I can't offer much more in a comment that hasn't already been said.  Great work.

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6 hours ago, Doug Spencer said:

This is a beautiful story, CLJ, I can't offer much more in a comment that hasn't already been said.  Great work.

Thank you. I appreciate your comments.

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Loved this chapter and so happy that our young men have a welcoming place to call home at the end of the day. 

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7 minutes ago, Bft said:

Loved this chapter and so happy that our young men have a welcoming place to call home at the end of the day. 


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