Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Rising in the Shadows - 28. Chapter 28: Memorable Morning
Kaplan stood. He couldn’t take his gaze away from Cyrus’. His mate? A blend of nervousness and glee filled his chest. I’m his m—
Lips touched his, and the wolf knew everything in the moment was right. Cy loves me… and I love him. He wants me to be his mate. Reaching to the alpha’s chest, he gently planted a hand. Caressing the larger body, Kaplan heard the crowd’s whispering. Pushing himself away, he stared at the emerald eyes once more. “Are you sure?”
“Without a doubt. Are you okay with this? This will make you the Mated Alpha.”
Kaplan bit his lip. The bear’s body was still concealing him from the crowd, but it was obvious to them something was going on. Smiling, the wolf whispered, “Yes. I’m yours, Cyrus.”
Cyrus landed a brief kiss, “And I am yours. May I show you to the world?” Kaplan nodded and watched the panda’s grin grow. Pivoting to the beta’s side, Cyrus stood silently, allowing Kaplan to see. The whispers increased in volume, but the few whistles and claps from the Kentucky table forced him to chuckle.
“My friends and pack! I present to you my council… and my intended mate.” The applause outweighed the few gasps from varying persons. Cyrus held his hand high, “At this time, the ceremony is concluded. Please, stay for the incoming dinner. Mingle with one another, and create everlasting friendships.”
Kaplan, along with the new council, stood stoically. Something brushed along his lower back and pulled. Cyrus’ frame connected. “My council! You are to enjoy this evening’s festivities. Go and celebrate.” The bear leaned towards Kaplan’s ear, “And that means you too, my pup. Where to first?”
Of course. There really wasn’t any other option. Cyrus led Kaplan by the hand to the requested destination. As they approached, the group of six shifters’ noise doubled. Pride rushed throughout his aching body. “Thank you, everyone! It means the world you came.”
“We wouldn’t have missed this, Cyrus!” Vincent beamed as he sped toward him. The shadow mage lunged, landing a hug around the bear’s waist. “That was amazing! I didn’t think lightning magic could be used like that.”
“Aye, Thunder Thighs!”
Cyrus giggled, “Remis! Still using that nickname for me?”
“Damn right! You look knackered.” Remis stepped forward. Cyrus barely saw the glowing hand before it slammed into his back. Warmth radiated from the slap, and his magical reserves filled slightly. “Consider that my inauguration gift.”
The panda sighed, welcoming the impromptu present, “That felt amazing! I don’t suppose you have another one to hand out?”
“Took a lot for the first one. Still haven’t gotten transference down pat yet. Nearly took half my stores on that!”
Cyrus hummed. At least he’s made progress. He’s been working on it for… what? Six months now? “It’s all about tenderness, Remis. You must feel compassion and let it flow with your magic. Also, use a finger next time. A hand won’t do much good.”
“Can’t let me have any fun, now can ya?” Remis grumbled, “Maybe Vincent can lend some.”
The shorter alpha looked between the two men and shook his head, “Sorry, I don’t know how that works. Elaine did it once to me, but that’s all I know.”
“Oh, come now!” Appalled at the lack of training, Cyrus crossed his arms, “With a soul like yours, I’m willing to bet you would be one of the finest at transference. I’d offer to teach you, but I’m afraid I’ll be fairly busy the next few months.”
Vincent smiled, “I’m sure Elaine will show me some day. And I bet! Don’t you have to go to the Global Summit?”
“Indeed! I’m excited to be representing as an alpha instead of working for the EC this year.”
Mason grinned, “Any way you can give us a heads up on what this year’s game will be?”
An unkempt giggle captured Cyrus, “I’m afraid not. It won’t be discussed until the Summit. Besides, that would ruin the fun!” He glanced at Vincent and saw his confusion, “Vincent, do you know about the Summit games?”
“No, I don’t.”
Cyrus watched as Mason held Vincent by the waist, “Every year, the Global Summit plans a game for all the alphas to play. It’s different every year! Last year, it was a massive hide and seek game.”
“Aye! Damn-near took up the resort’s twenty-thousand acres for it, too! I got taken out way too early.”
Covering his mouth, Cyrus laughed, “You saw the hunting team had a puma on their squad. What made you think hiding in a tree would guarantee your win?”
“It was better than your idea! You sold out other hiders in order to stay in play.”
Vincent snickered, “Sounds like a good plan to me. What did you do, Mace?”
Breath blew through closed lips, “I just kept running! I was caught in the first fifteen minutes. They had a jaguar on their side. You’d probably do a great job at hiding, pup.”
Cyrus’ smile curled, “Don’t be so sure. Vincent isn’t the only shadow mage in the world.” He eyed the human next to Dave. She seems a little lost. “Pardon me, but are you Miss Boswick?”
The flustered lady shook as she took his extended hand, “I… yes!”
“No need to be frightened. Did my magic scare you?”
“N-no, it was beautiful! I loved the tiny trees and the falling leaves.”
Seeing Stacy calm down as she spoke, Cyrus grinned, “Thank you! Before I forget my manners, I’m Cyrus. Your dress is stunning.”
“Th-thank you.” She whispered, “Sorry, I just feel like I’m talking to a celebrity or something.”
“Did you recognize me when I arrived?” He smirked when Stacy shook her head, “Then I am no celebrity. All I ask of you is to treat me like a normal being. Being an alpha and a leader of New York City does not grant me status over my friends. Does that make sense, Miss Boswick?”
“Yeah, it does.”
“Excellent! I thought it would be important to let you know you have a fine boyfriend. He’s a very smart man.”
Stacy smiled and playfully swatted at Dave’s chest, “He’s a little dense, but I like him.”
“Good.” Cyrus turned his attention to the Owensville beta, “Dave, are you taking good care of this charming lady?”
“I certainly hope so. She’s got me wearing baby-blue and pink plaids.”
Giggling once more, Cyrus felt a need to be closer to Kaplan. Maybe having dinner after the ceremony wasn’t such a good idea. I wonder if we could sneak away…
No. Be here for friends.
You’re right, my bear. We can hold off for an hour or two. “Has everyone had the chance to mingle?”
Mason nodded, “We’ve met a few. Alpha Meyer’s already making plans to come visit Owensville for a small vacation. He wants to stop by every major distillery in Kentucky.”
“Really? I wasn’t aware he liked whiskey. He’s more of a cognac drinker.”
“No kidding. He handed me a flask with some kind of raspberry brandy. It’s smooth, but Vincent liked it more than I did.”
Cyrus felt several pairs of eyes on him, giving him a signal that he should move to other tables. “I hate to chat and run, but I’m sure others would want to speak. Perhaps we can make plans after the summits?”
“Sounds good to me! You two go on, and congratulations again!”
With a slight dip, Cyrus and Kaplan ventured to awaiting guests. Many were supportive in their choice of mating, although some asked if it would impede working together. The couple declined, stating their intentions; work first, play later. As the conversations dragged on, Cyrus checked on how his wolf was handling the showcasing. He’s maintaining. I can tell he’s still overwhelmed by his new title. He dismissed Kaplan putting away a phone. There must be a lot of messages coming his way! It isn’t normal to be named the Mated Alpha, I suppose.
Hitting a lull in conversation, Kaplan cleared his throat, “Cy? There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Yes, what is it?”
“I… I invited someone.”
The statement was curious. Someone? Is this why he was nervous? “That’s more than acceptable. Do you want me to meet them?”
“Well, you know them.” Kaplan’s lips quivered, “I just hope you won’t be mad.”
Mad? “Why do you think that?”
He watched as Kaplan’s gaze averted, but a whisper rang in his ears, “Thabo?”
Cyrus straightened and his heart raced. That… that voice! A tingling sensation shot through his leg as he turned. Puckering his lips, the alpha struggled to breathe. The two people walked slowly towards him, followed by Dirk.
“Mother? F-father?”
The slightly smaller man, dressed in a beige suit, barely smiled, “My son.”
The three standing several feet from each other, Cyrus didn’t know what to do. It had been years, over a decade since he last saw his parents. Swallowing, he stepped forward. What have they seen? Do they know who I am now?
Before he could fall further into his thoughts, his mother ran to him, yellow dress flowing. Landing in his arms, Kaya wept. “Th-Thabo! I am so proud of you.”
Cyrus bit his bottom lip, almost breaking the skin. Proud? How can she be proud of me? She last saw me as a monster! He embraced her, nearly succumbing to tears, “How are you here?”
A humble chuckle left Mandla, “We didn’t know his relationship to you, but your intended mate invited us. He was afraid you would be angry for bringing us together.”
Swiftly, Cyrus saw Kaplan’s discomfort once more. He stooped and pressed his forehead against the wolf’s. Cyrus whispered, “I will never be angry with you. Hear… and know that.” Pulling himself away, he placed his hands on Kaplan’s shoulders, “You brought my family to me. Allow me to introduce you to them?”
Kaplan touched Cyrus’ hands and nodded.
“Mother… Father. This is Kaplan Alvey. He is my beta, my lover, and my mate. Kaplan, this is my father, Mandla Sibisi, and mother, Kaya.”
“We spoke on the phone, but it’s a pleas—”
His voice squeaked as Mandla rushed to envelop Kaplan in his arms, “No need for pleasantries. You are now our son as well. The marks on your face and neck tell us all. My son loves you with both minds.”
A whimper came from the wolf, surely swimming in a sea of emotions. Cyrus was lost, but in a happy way. They are so accepting of him! And of me. “What happened?”
Kaya caressed his arm, “What do you mean?”
“I left when we moved to Oranjemund. I left because you feared me.”
Mandla turned, still clutching Kaplan’s side, “We were scared, Thabo. We didn’t know how to help you. Our king welcomed us back, but had no access to a therapist or doctor.”
“So… it was better for me to leave.” Cyrus closed his eyes and dipped his head in shame. He wouldn’t have been able to stay with his parents for long, regardless of his own volition.
“No, but we are proud of you. Look at the man you are! Your mother and I wished we could do more for you, but you left to become your own man.” Mandla clapped Cyrus on the back, instantly surprising him, “You are alpha, leader of New York, and you have your mate. There is much less I could dream of for my child.”
Looking between his parents and Kaplan, Cyrus could finally breathe easier. Father is right. I can’t imagine having more than what I have now. “Thank you, Father. I see your pride and it warms my heart. Would you care to sit with us for dinner? I think there is much to discuss.”
Venturing away from the crowd, Cyrus had one of the enforcers find two more chairs for Mandla and Kaya. As they sat, the alpha noticed a catering staff bringing out plates. Ah! They were waiting on me then. “Kaplan, thank you.” He leaned and landed a kiss on the wolf’s cheek.
“Anything for you, my bear.”
Mandla gleamed at the couple, “Your love shows. It reminds me of when I met Kaya many years ago. How did you two meet?”
Under the veil of the tablecloth, Cyrus felt Kaplan’s fingers interlock with his as the beta spoke, “I met Cy when he came to interview with Tierney for the position of Pack Alpha. We talked for a while, and he told me he liberated my former pack in South Dakota.”
“I was told my son was providing justice across the world, but now that I see it firsthand, I’m astonished!” Looking at Cyrus, Mandla folded his hands on the table, “I am curious, my son. Why did you change your name?”
Cyrus knew the question would come, and sighed, “After I was picked up by the EC, I wanted to start anew. It wasn’t to belittle my family name, but I felt the need to separate myself from Alexander Bay.”
“We understand. Would… you be alright if we called you by your birthname?”
The alpha smiled, “I would be disturbed if you didn’t.”
Kaya beamed, “Can I ask for the reasoning behind your new name? It does have a certain ring to it.”
Cyrus giggled, “Cyrus is the Persian word for sun. As for Vonder, that was of my own choice. I traveled in Germany and Russia for a while. Some names stuck out to me, particularly Vonderhaus. I didn’t need the last syllable, so I became Cyrus Vonder.”
His mother clicked her tongue, “A little creative, but you will always be my Thabo.”
It thrilled Cyrus to see his parents again. But when would the next time be? “Mother, Father? Would you consider moving to New York?” The looks of concern washed over their faces, “My new life will keep me busy, and I’m not sure when I will see you again. Having you closer will put my mind at ease.”
Mandla took hold of his mate’s hand, “We would be honored, but… I’m afraid it is impossible.”
Impossible? To move? “Money isn’t an issue, if that’s the—”
“It isn’t money, Thabo.” Kaya interjected, “Seven months ago, I became the beta to Oranjemund’s king.”
Cyrus gasped. He let his pride show, “Mother, that is wonderful! Do the lions there accept you?”
“Yes. King Tjavara absorbed the remaining members of Uideke’s pride, but they were mostly sent away. He is very accepting of non-ailouros, and let me bend his ear a time or two. He saw my advice as wisdom and offered the role.
“But enough about us! This night does not belong to us. It belongs to you and Kaplan. Tell us about our new son, Thabo!”
Cyrus turned and saw a blush on the wolf’s face. Yes. It does belong to us.
He regretted not perusing the other guests’ tables, but the arrival of his parents was unforeseen. Many came to wish congratulations to both him and Kaplan. After introducing them, the guests were pleased to meet Mandla and Kaya. The night flew into the early morning hours. His mother was the first to yawn, followed by Kaplan.
Mandla sighed, “I wish this night would never end.” He turned and saw very few guests remaining, as well as various others cleaning and tearing down tables. “We leave in a few days. Tjavara was kind enough to grant us a small leave.”
Cyrus nodded, “Where are you staying? I’ll have a guide take you wherever you please.”
“With the rest of the alphas, at the Equinox.” Mandla smirked and wagged a finger, “And before you do any funny business, our room is elegant. We don’t need anything more.”
Kaplan, now resting in Cyrus’ lap, chuckled, “I’ll make sure he doesn’t pull any special strings.”
“We always prayed for a keeper to watch over our son.” The elder panda rose, “Shall we walk together?”
The four ventured through the stadium and onto the streets in front of it. Before hailing a cab, his parents kissed him on the cheek, then repeated with Kaplan. “Will there be time to see you again before we go back home?”
Uncertain of his schedule, Cyrus looked to Kaplan, “My pup?”
“You have a clear itinerary for the next three days; to celebrate your inauguration.”
Pulling the wolf in closer, Cyrus giggled, “And our mating.” Turning to his father, he smiled, “We’ll see you again before you leave. I might plan a trip to Namibia. I’m eager to meet King Tjavara.”
Kaya grinned, her excitement clearly showing, “I’ll inform the king in the morning about planning a get-together. I’m sure he will be thrilled!”
A taxi pulled to the curb. Lowering the window, the driver asked if a ride was needed. Cyrus nodded to his father, “I suppose this is it. How about dinner for tomorrow?”
Mandla chuckled, “As long as I pay. For all the birthdays we’ve missed.”
Tears were beginning to form in his eyes, “Deal.” Cyrus walked up to the cab and opened the rear door. He inhaled, finding the driver to be a member of the pack. Withdrawing several bills from his wallet, he handed them to the wolf, “Please, take care with these people. They mean the world to me.”
The driver nodded, clearly shocked by Cyrus’ status, “Y-yes, Alpha.”
“No. My name is Cyrus. These two are heading to the Equinox. That should cover the fare, but keep the rest.”
“Sir… this is too much!”
The panda couldn’t hold back his grin, let alone the giggle, “Consider this my first order as Pack Alpha. Keep the tip.”
“P-Pack Alpha! It’s true! It’s… It’ll be my honor.”
“Very good. Drive safely.” Looking at the passengers, Cyrus smiled and waved, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Good night, my sons. Have a memorable night.”
The window rolled up as Cyrus backed away. He watched as the yellow and gray cab drove elegantly away. Kaplan moved to his side, prompting him to clutch the slender wolf, “It will be.”
Kaplan and Cyrus walked towards the parking garage housing the beta’s Prius. Not a step was taken without them holding hands. “It’s almost like when you took me to Craft.”
Passing a few pedestrians, Cyrus caught the similarities, “Yes, except the meaning behind the evenings differ. Before, I held news involving your past. Now… I’m the happiest man in New York City.”
“Are you sure? You might want to make that statement after you bite me.”
Kaplan’s statement went straight to Cyrus’ loins. His bear’s primal desires lurked underneath. “I disagree. Right now, I’m in a state of both anticipation and bliss. I know you are mine, and the deed will not last long. The thoughts of bonding with you are flowing into my mind. Countless ways of making love to you, the many things I wish to whisper into your ear… Walking with you now is the most joyous moment of my life. The road to the rest of our lives is something to treasure.”
The wolf was quiet. The hand squeezed Cyrus’ slightly, “I love you, Cyrus.”
Although the streets were filled, the drive to the condo was pleasant. Cyrus lowered the windows to hear the hustle of the city. Kaplan connected the dots. Hear the noise now. When we get home, all we’ll hear is each other.
Leaving his car in the garage, the wolf walked with the panda. Every step created a tremor in his heart. I’m really doing this. I’m going to be bonded to the man I love. The man who saved me from my mental anguish. The warmth of Cyrus’ hand radiated throughout his mind. Yes, it’s him. He’s my mate. No doubt about it.
Yes. Bear is mate.
H-Hey, friend! I haven’t heard from you in a while.
Don’t come out often. You know this.
Yeah, but I’m glad to hear from you tonight.
He felt the happiness from his wolf’s consciousness. They were both ready to belong to the bear.
The elevator ride was agonizing. So close, but so far away! His wolf whined, offering to run up the stairs. No, I’m sure Cy wants us at our best. The metal doors opened. This was it.
“Kaplan? Are you nervous?”
The whisper caught him off guard. “Is it obvious?”
“Actually, no. I smell your determination, and that makes me happy.”
In a flurry of movement, Kaplan was whisked off his feet, yelping in surprise, “Are you going to carry me in?”
“Like a proper man carrying his betrothed? Yes." Readjusting Kaplan, he reached for his wallet and slid the keycard to enter. All of the lights were off, but they weren’t needed. Entering the bedroom, he laid down the wolf and turned on the lamp to its lowest setting.
Kaplan unbuttoned his shirt slowly while the bear watched patiently. With the top tossed to the side, the belt was next, but Cyrus held the hands. “Allow me.” With fluid motion, he undid the buckle and snapped the button open. Tugging the slider, the only sound in the room were the teeth disengaging. His eyes never left Kaplan’s.
He lifted his butt to allow the fabric to leave his legs. The emerald irises glowed and Kaplan whimpered. He wanted the bear. Laying on display, he longed for skin contact.
Cyrus inhaled noisily, “I smell your lust. Come, my pup. Strip me, and see the man that will forever mark you.”
A growl vibrated in his throat as he crawled on his hands and knees. Another came from Cyrus as the first button was undone. The sounds urged him to speed up, but Cyrus’ words from earlier revisited him. The deed won’t last long. Slowing down, he finished unbuttoning the bear’s vest and worked on the shirt.
With the last one done, Cyrus’ hands came up. Kaplan was swift in grabbing them. “Allow me,” he whispered. Rising from the bed, he removed the vest from Cyrus’ shoulders. Unfurling the shirt, he placed his hands on the bare chest of the alpha. The smooth skin made Kaplan shiver, craving more contact. Tactly, he took one side off, fingering the intricate black tattoo. Mirroring the other, he marveled at the padded torso.
“You’re… perfect.”
“As are you, my pup.” Cyrus bent down to kiss him, but Kaplan didn’t let it last, “Kaplan?”
He took a knee and worked at the white pants. As they fell, Kaplan couldn’t ignore the tented boxers. Pulling the brim, the undergarments descended. After Cyrus kicked them away, the wolf palmed the bigger man’s pelvis. A strong bamboo scent wafted as Kaplan honed in on his prize. He took a swipe with his tongue, making the bear hiss. The sound was music to Kaplan’s ears.
Carefully, he bobbed on Cyrus. With enough practice, the wolf knew to relax his throat and to be gentle. Force was not the answer. It was restraint.
“K-Kaplan. I need you.”
The whisper hinted at the bear’s failing endurance. Right. He’s… going to turn. The thought had been pushed to the back of Kaplan’s mind over the last few weeks. I knew when we would mate, I’d have to take his hybrid. He shoved all hesitation away. I will take him! A finger landed on his chin, signaling for him to rise.
Warm hands pressed onto his shoulders and Kaplan scooted back onto the bed. Cyrus followed with a low growl and burning irises. “I’m going to get you ready for me. I… I don’t know how much longer I can hold him back.”
Recalling the panda’s form many months ago, the thought made Kaplan shiver. His legs flew upward, shifting all body weight onto his back. Before he could say anything, Cyrus dove. The wolf moaned as his hole was being prepared. Unlike the other night, the bear’s resolve for slowing the pace was ignored. Cyrus’ tongue was assertive. Vibrations from a growl shook Kaplan to his core.
Cyrus rose, opened the nightstand, and hastily grabbed the bottle. Staring at the glowing eyes, Kaplan knew the beast was begging to be unleashed. He held the back of his knees in an effort to assist his lover. “Finger me, Cy.”
“Mate.” The word was low and gritty; a sign of the bear coming to the forefront. As Cyrus’ obeyed, Kaplan exhaled as the first finger entered. The second came sooner than expected, causing him to bite his lip. It wasn’t comfortable, but Kaplan understood time was of the essence.
Confident in his body’s relaxation, Kaplan reached for the bear’s wrist, “Now.”
The mattress shifted as Cyrus approached on his knees, “Make you my mate.”
“Mate me, my bear.”
The growl was followed by a prod. Kaplan continued to breathe in and out, calming himself. He grunted as pain washed over. Cyrus halted, allowing him to get accustomed. The rocking Kaplan loved so much from before returned. The motion eased him, and without warning, both bodies connected.
He whimpered as Cyrus pumped. Mere seconds passed before the rhythm was disrupted. Kaplan watched the man he loved began to change. Black and white fur erupted from the larger man. Countless snaps echoed in the room. Feeling a growth inside him, Kaplan hissed.
Clenching, his eyes remained closed. Hurts… a lot!
“Kaplan…” The deep voice forced them open as he saw Cyrus’ hybrid. Seeing the panda head was mystifying. The body was much larger than Cyrus’ human form, but the emerald irises confirmed it. It’s him. He’s still there. What confused the wolf was the stillness. He’s not moving? I thought mating an alpha was rough and erratic.
He gasped as the bear put light weight on him, then retracted it. He’s… rocking his hips. Cy’s controlling it?
“No hurt you. No hurt my mate.”
Running a hand through the belly fur, Kaplan whispered, “It… it hurts a little, but I can take it.”
“No. Stay until ready.” A massive paw pressed against his chest, “Love too much to hurt.”
Determined, Kaplan jutted his hips toward the bear, garnering both a growl and personal pleasure, “Take me, Cyrus.”
A single and ferocious pump made him see stars. More… Oh, I need more of that! Grabbing a fistful of fur, he gave a shift of weight back.
Cyrus returned it by holding down Kaplan’s knees and snarled, “Mate!” Kaplan could only assume his lover gave into his bear’s instincts. Mentally, he begged and pleaded for the relentless assault to never end.
Unable to prepare vocally, Kaplan climaxed as Cyrus leaned in, forcing his lower half to lift. The bear’s face was in front of his. He… He needs my neck! Moaning once more, he bent his head back as far as possible, “Bite me! Make me yours!”
The breath was sweltering. Teeth pressed gently against his skin, surely preparing for the right moment. The hybrid’s weight compacted him against the mattress, but it was absorbed in the wolf’s afterglow. A last growl, louder than any other Kaplan had ever heard, rang in his ears. The pistoning faltered. The teeth dug in.
He yelled as the skin was punctured. Warmth flowed down both sides of his neck, but the jaw remained in place. Kaplan wanted to shift to heal the wound. His wolf’s mind told him no. Stay in place. Wait for mate.
I… I can’t breathe!
Wait. Mate knows. He feels us.
The wolf’s knowledge was unfamiliar to Kaplan. Wha-what do you mean?
Feel. Feel heart. See pride? That mate’s.
Sure enough, Kaplan felt a surge. Is that… Cyrus? Pride in-between his own emotions, but a wave of concern could be felt as well.
The jaws retracted, making him bellow in pain. All of the weight vanished and the intrusion left his body. “Shift, my mate. Shift!”
He obeyed. Kaplan let his wolf come out. Instantly, the pain in his neck was relieved. Seeing the color-faded bear, he panted.
The hybrid, lost of breath, chuckled. Bones crunching filled the room as the fur retracted into Cyrus’ skin. Back into his human form, he propped himself on all fours. Worried, Kaplan rose to comfort the alpha.
Cyrus petted Kaplan’s furry head. “Relax, my mate. It’s done. You are mine forever.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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