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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Indian Summer - 5. Kahoni

The afternoon was windless and warm. The pavement was almost too hot as I walked barefoot to the state park beach. Out on the river, the steady drone of boat motors told me water-skiing was in progress. Laughter and shrieks of excitement from young swimmers filled the air.

The state park ran for a couple of miles along a wide river. The swimming area itself was located in a protected bay roughly one-quarter mile long and a couple hundred yards wide. In the center was a wood diving platform. Rather than the usual floating platform, this one was built three feet above water on beams supported by treated wood pilings. Integrated ladders provided access from both the land and river side. The water around the platform was about fifteen feet deep, allowing for safe diving conditions from the platform itself and from the diving board an additional three feet above the water.

Pedro sat on the lifeguard stand watching closely. A toddler wandered to the edge of the water, his mother deep in conversation with a friend. Pedro blew his whistle to get her attention and pointed towards her child. She quickly went to rescue him.

Pedro spotted me. "Hey, Pahana, come over here."

He motioned for me to join him. I climbed up the short ladder and sat next to him in the second lifeguard chair.

"Are you sure you want me to bother you? You gotta pay attention to what you're doing."

"It's no problem. It's not that busy today, and I'm used to multi-tasking. Are you planning to go swimming?"

"Yeah, I suppose so. I don't come down here much because I like spending my time at my own swimming hole."

"Are you wearing something to swim in under those cargo shorts?"

"Nah, I figured I'd just swim in the cargo shorts."

"What do you wear at your swimming hole?"


He teased me. "Well, you could do that here too, if you want to. I'd enjoy the scenery."

I grinned at him. "I'm tempted to see if you'd really let me do that, but I'll save it for after hours."

Pedro smiled. "I figured you were doing that. Living this close makes it a great opportunity. However, for today look around in the lost and found box. You might find something in your size."

I rummaged through the abandoned towels and swimsuits and pulled out a pair of Hawaiian-print board shorts, white with a red hibiscus flower pattern.

I held them up. "I like these."

Pedro took a look. "I didn't know those were in there or I'd have swiped them. They'll go great with your dark tan. And they make a statement that says, 'I'll wear what I want to and fuck you if you don't like it'."

I laughed. "I was thinking more like they remind me of nature. They look like dogwood blossoms, except the native ones would be white."

Pedro smiled. "I can see Tocho's influence in your choice."

I walked to the restroom and changed. The fit was perfect. As I started to leave, I observed a small glass vase with a single red hibiscus blossom next to the sink, an unexpected curiosity.

I attracted attention on the way back - looks of surprise, one wolf whistle, but mostly glances of interest from my peer group, male and female. I smiled to myself. That must be what Pedro meant about making a statement. I wasn't accustomed to being noticed like that, and even though it had to be the shorts, it sort of went to my head.

"Hi, Dallen. Nice shorts. Stop by and see Nancy and me. We're over there near the snack bar."

The voice belonged to a girl in a skimpy bikini. This was Karen, of punch-board fame, Mateo's female sexual experience. I was surprised she knew my name.

"Thanks, Karen. Maybe later. I gotta talk with Pedro for a few minutes."

Yeah, there seemed to be something magic about the shorts. I smiled to myself. If I were to follow Mateo's suggestion, getting acquainted with Karen would be useful. But I wasn't convinced I would follow his lead. I wasn't sure I wanted to plant my pole inside something so well-used.

Pedro checked me out when I got back. "Those look great on you. You're right. They go well with your connection to nature. Good choice."

I blushed a little. "Thanks. They got some attention on the way back, and I sort of liked it. By the way, do you normally keep fresh flowers in the restroom?"

"Not that I've ever seen, and I've been doing this for two years now. Why?"

"There's a vase in there with a single hibiscus blossom."

Pedro frowned. "That's strange. I didn't know they grew around here. Why don't you bring it out? I'd like to look at it, and we can decorate the lifeguard stand for the rest of the day."

I went back to the restroom and returned empty-handed.

"Well, maybe it was my imagination. It's not there anymore."

Pedro grinned. "Well, unlike tomahawks, I don't think the Ghost Cat delivers flowers."

"So, you heard about that? I showed it to Mom and Dad and described it as a gift from an unknown friend. It's now on display in the living room."

Pedro looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I heard about it from Benny. I've heard about things like that happening before, different objects, but a hibiscus blossom is a new one. Well, anyway, now that you have swimwear, go ahead and swim for a while if you want to."

I got more attention on the way to the water. It was amazing what a new pair of board shorts could do. Whoever lost them had done me a favor. I waded into the water and swam to the diving platform. Sitting there in the sun, I looked back towards the shoreline, watching the swimmers, the kids playing on the beach, and Pedro making sure they stayed safe.

"Hey, Dallen. What's up?" My friend Kenji climbed onto the diving platform and sat beside me, shaking the water out of his shaggy black hair. "I don't see you down here very often."

Kenji was a thirteen-year-old, Japanese-American kid who lived about a half mile from me at the upper end of the park. A couple of inches shorter than me, his wiry frame and smooth, hard-muscled body made him look even younger. Full of energy and constantly cheerful, his happy smile and dark, twinkling eyes always brightened the world around him and made everyone a friend. I'd talked with him a lot on the school bus. We hadn't spent much time together because of our age difference, plus he was more interested in martial arts than nature.

I gave him a friendly punch on the arm. "Nice to see you, Tiger. I decided to swim here today instead of my swimming hole at the creek. How's life?"

Kenji grinned happily at the private nickname I always used. "I'm doing great!" With a friendly hand on my shoulder, he checked me out. "I like those cool shorts. Where'd you get them?"

I nodded towards the lifeguard stand. "Pedro gave them to me."

Kenji slid his hand over my thigh and then felt the waistband with two fingers as if checking out the fabric, lightly touching my abs in the process. His smile took on a wistful appearance.

"You look really hot in them. I wish you'd come down here more often."

"I like swimming alone, so I sometimes come here in the evening. But it's fun to be around people too. I'll probably be here more during the day now."

"Cool! Wanna walk up the beach with me? I know a great private place to swim and do stuff up there. And I could teach you about karate if you want me to."

I laughed at his enthusiasm and put my arm around his shoulder. "How about next time? Today, I came here to spend some time with Pedro."

Kenji smiled cheerfully, as always. "That's cool! He's pretty hot. Maybe he'll teach you how to be a lifeguard."

I grinned. "Actually, that's an interesting idea."

Kenji ran his hand gently over my back, his touch signaling his reluctance to leave.

"Okay then, Dallen, I'll see you next time. And don't forget that we're gonna go exploring up the beach together."

Kenji dove into the water and swam back to shore, waving to me as he waded out. He'd added companionable touch to his social skills since I'd seen him last. And he seemed more interested in being friends than in the past. Being that much younger than me, I wasn't sure why the sudden change, other than maybe my new shorts with the magic sex appeal.

I looked back towards the shore. Standing alone to the right, a guy I didn't know got my attention. The same age as Benny and Pedro, he had the look of a California surfer, or more accurately, a Hawaiian surfer. Clearly of Pacific Island heritage, he wore board shorts identical to mine, except the pattern was reversed - white flowers on a red background. Standing with his arms crossed, he was looking in my direction with a friendly smile. When I looked at him, he waved. I waved back.

Curious, I dove into the water and swam to the beach. The mystery Hawaiian was gone. Disappointed, I looked around for him. He was nowhere in sight.

On a nearby bench, I spotted the red hibiscus blossom in the vase. Under it was a note. I picked it up and read something that sounded like part of a poem. On the front side it said, "The red hibiscus symbolizes passion and desire." - and on the back, "The flower lasts one day, the passion all night."

I carried both back to the lifeguard stand. "Here's the flower I saw in the restroom. I found it on the bench over there. Any ideas?"

Pedro shook his head. "None. I see it's red like the flowers on your shorts."

"What do you know about the hibiscus in Hawaiian culture?"

Pedro paused for a moment. "Well, the Hibiscus plant is important to native Hawaiians in many ways. The flowers have meanings of beauty, unity, and peace, and are a symbol of power and respect. Each color has additional meanings. Extracts from the bark were once used as dyes and to treat a number of ailments. The bark fibers were used to create hula skirts. Women often tuck a single blossom behind one ear to indicate their availability. The left ear means they are in a relationship, the right ear means they are available."

I gave him a sharp look. "Have you been reading the encyclopedia in your spare time?"

Pedro smiled. "I like to study different native cultures. A lot of them have parallel development, and the spiritual aspects are similar in most. For example, as with our culture, same-sex relationships are accepted without stigma."

Our culture. That included me, and I was proud to be included. I thought about showing Pedro the note and asking him for advice, but I decided to figure it out for myself. I left the flower on the lifeguard stand and put the note in my cargo-shorts pocket. Then I went swimming while I thought about the note. I was curious about what it meant by passion and desire.

After an hour or so, I went back to the lifeguard stand. "Thanks for the suggestion to come down here, Pedro. I really appreciate the board shorts." I grinned at him. "And it was nice to swim here where I know there's someone to rescue me."

Pedro laughed. "You swim well, you're smart, and I don't think you'd need rescuing anywhere, but thanks for the appreciation. Are you headed home?"

"Yeah, I am. Can I take the flower with me?"

"Sure. The flower only lasts a day, but the vase is nice. Oh, and Pahana, a couple of things before you go."

He paused for a moment to make sure I was listening.

"First, the attention you're getting isn't only because of the shorts. You're a hot kid. The shorts just emphasize what's already there. Second, puberty doesn't start at the same age for everyone. It's not uncommon for a guy to be interested in sex at thirteen."

I was puzzled for a few moments. Then I smiled. "I get it. You were watching Kenji and me."

Pedro grinned. "That's what I'm paid to do."

I walked over to the picnic table where Pedro and I had sex the night before and left the flower and vase on the table. I had a plan on how to satisfy my curiosity.


It didn't get dark until nearly ten o'clock. I waited impatiently until my parents went to bed before putting on my new board shorts and slipping out the back door into the warm summer night. A coyote on the hillside above the house howled at the full moon.

The pavement was cool on my bare feet this time. In the dark silence, an owl with an unfamiliar call hooted nearby, scaring the shit out of me and leaving me with goosebumps. Like the owl, I wondered who-who-who-who-who. There was a slight rustle as a larger animal disappeared into the brush. A shiver ran up my spine. I thought I'd seen the face of the Ghost Cat, but the night shadows often played tricks like that.

The beach, so busy with swimmers during the day, was silent; the water was still. I stepped over the gate that restricted vehicle access to the day-use area, and walked towards the table where I'd left the hibiscus flower, disappointed to find no one there. The vase was still there, now containing a white dogwood blossom.

I sat down at the table and looked at the flower. Someone was playing games with me. Standing up, I looked at my surroundings. In the woods nearby was a single dogwood tree in full bloom. I picked up the vase and walked in that direction.

The tree stood at the edge of a small grassy area. My native Hawaiian friend stood under the tree, arms crossed as before, grinning at me. Nearby, a blanket was spread on the grass.

"Aloha, Pahana. I see you've solved my puzzle. I heard you were intelligent. I'm Kahoni."

I stood in front of him, suddenly shy, not knowing what to say. Impulsively, I offered him the vase and flower. He took it from me, and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I returned the kiss awkwardly.

Kahoni ignored my awkwardness. "Come join me over here, Kaina." He dropped down cross-legged on the blanket, setting the vase and flower nearby. "Sit opposite me and we'll talk."

I sat as instructed, and finally found my voice. "I'm happy to meet you, Kahoni. How do you know who I am?"

Kahoni smiled, his teeth white against his dark skin. "We have a mutual friend."

Probably Benny or Pedro, but I didn't ask. If Kahoni wanted me to know, he would tell me.

"And what does Kaina mean?"

"Brother, because you are my brother too, Pahana."

Kahoni picked up the vase. "If I handed you the flower, behind which ear would you put it? Do you know this tradition?"

I nodded and hesitated briefly. "Behind my right ear."

"But aren't you taken - by Tocho?"

"Perhaps in the future, but not yet."

He smiled. "Yes, there is Mateo, sexual companion to both of you. And Pedro, who has given all three of you experience. In my culture, these are encounters that are to be expected."

"How do you know so much about me?"

"Our mutual friend informed me. But come over here and sit beside me now."

I moved next to him, and he took my hand and looked into my eyes.

"What did Tocho tell you about kissing?"

"That it isn't part of our tradition."

"Do you wish it was?"

I grinned at him, becoming more comfortable with this friendly surfer dude. "Yeah, I'm tempted to kiss him anyway, but I probably wouldn't do it right. I don't have any experience."

He smiled. "Our mutual friend was sure you felt that way, so he suggested I give you some experience. And don't be concerned about me being a couple of years older. You are my brother in spirit, and in my culture, it is traditional for the older brother to teach the younger."

Kahoni held my head between his hands and kissed my lips.

"Do you like that?"

I grinned. "Yes, I do."

"Let's try it again."

This time he put his mouth over mine and kissed me more firmly.


"Oh, yeah!"

The third time his mouth was open. I opened mine too, and he touched my tongue with his. A force like an electric current passed between us, warming my body and intoxicating my brain.


Kahoni pushed me onto my back and kissed me again, exploring my body with his hands. I grabbed him by his head and kissed him back, the feeling of warmth and intoxication growing. His fingernails raked my upper body, fingers pausing to pinch my hard nipples. My body jerked involuntarily from the unexpected stimulation.

Unfastening the drawstring on my shorts, Kahoni slipped his hand inside. I squirmed with pleasure as he gently teased the tip of my boner. Pausing to remove his shorts and mine, he resumed his position beside me. I gasped as he bit my nipples and nibbled on my neck. Moving on top of me, he rubbed our poles together as we continued to kiss. I shivered with anticipation of what I knew he would do next.

Lost in our kisses, I wasn't sure where he'd stashed the lube or when he greased his shaft, but suddenly I felt the familiar pressure. I spread my legs wide, and an instant he was inside. I moaned softly with excitement as he slowly pushed his pole beyond where even Pedro had explored.

Then with a shock, I realized our spirits had united in the same manner as with my Indian brothers, but with an added dimension. Kissing amplified the sexual excitement, nearly doubling our combined pleasure.

Kahoni gave new meaning to gentleness as he guided me down the path to paradise. As if watching for the perfect wave, he drove our excitement higher with each passing swell. Having made his choice, he guided me silently and skillfully along the curl until the wave crested and broke onto the shore, leaving me breathless from an experience so beautiful it left tears in my eyes.

Kahoni pulled out slowly and gave me a final kiss. "So what did you think of that, Kaina?"

I put my arms around him and replied softly. "It was awesome. Every minute of it."

He smiled. "So, will you teach Tocho to kiss now?"

I thought for a moment. "When the time is right, I'll try it. There's resistance to overcome."

Kahoni smiled. "You are wise, Kaina. But I know, in the end, he will like it as much as you do."

I sat up. "I should probably go now. Will I see you again?"

Kahoni grinned at me. "Why go? You have the desire, and as the note said, the passion lasts all night. As to seeing me again, who knows? But you will see me forever in your memories."


The sun was coming over the horizon when I slipped in the back door, vase and flower in hand. The passion not only lasted all night, it had intensified towards dawn. Kahoni had amazing endurance and skill, and a quick recovery time. Even though Tocho had broken me in well, I would be one sore dude for a day or two, but that was a small price to pay for the adventure of a lifetime.

In between lovemaking, we'd gone swimming in the river and walked hand-in-hand in the moonlight along the shoreline, stopping once in a while for a gentle kiss.

I set the vase on the dresser, took off my board shorts, and was quickly into bed. I could hear my parents moving around upstairs. That had been cutting it way too close.

I thought back to my first time with Tocho. I now had four different kinds of sexual experiences, each unbelievably exciting in its own way. What would be next? I knew in my heart that Tocho was my soul mate and would be my life partner, but until then I was receiving an education guided by an unseen hand.

Copyright © 2024 Backwoods Boy; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

20 hours ago, drsawzall said:

As @Backwoods Boy noted on the relevance of the quotes above, I'm reminded of Ben Franklin and the rules he strived to live by. Every week he made a chart listing these rules and every day he would mark off the ones he felt he failed to follow.

Surprisingly, he had a week when he succeeded in following of the twelve rules and showed the list to a good friend, who then remarked that perhaps he should also list 'Humility' as number thirteen....Here then are the rules he came up with...class dismissed!!!

“It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into.”

The outcome was 13 Virtues that would guide his daily life. The following are those virtues, which are as relevant today as they were in the 1700’s.

1. Temperance

Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

An individual should not overindulge in food or drink. The first virtue essentially set the tone for the rest. Franklin believed that temperance allowed the mind and body to work at an optimal level, making the other virtues possible.

2. Silence

Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.

Franklin learned the importance of listening at his self organized junto (club) meetings. He could easily talk for hours, but it offered little in the way of learning. Rather, he realized that to acquire knowledge he must instead listen, which often meant silence.

3. Order

Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.

Franklin was ambitious and had many interests. He believed that order would allow him to pursue all things, as long as they were done efficiently.

While Franklin struggled with this virtue, he appreciated the idea behind it and worked to improve it.

4. Resolution

Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

Simply put, you must do what you set out to. This was as much relevant to his mastery of the virtues as the rest of his life. He believed that resolve and discipline made the man.

5. Frugality

Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e. waste nothing.

Spend less than you earn. Sounds simple enough, yet typically we do the exact opposite. Living frugally not only keeps you humble, but it teaches you the value of money.

6. Industry

Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

Time is money. Related to frugality, Franklin believed that being ever useful was the key to success. Being deliberate in how you spend your time can define the outlook of your life.

7. Sincerity

Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

Don’t gossip, spread rumors, or be deceitful. This no doubt was born from his role as a printer, but an essential virtue all the same. Think before you speak and if you speak, only speak the truth.

8. Justice

Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

Live life by doing what is right. While we often focus too much on ourselves, it is important to also see how your actions impact others. Try not to do harm to anyone in life.

9. Moderation

Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

Everything should be balanced and engaged in moderately. Extremes are rarely the answer. Our culture may guide us to the opposite, but seeking moderation in all parts of life, keeps things in balance.

10. Cleanliness

Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.

A person should be well kept. Having cleanliness of body and home is a representation of your attention to detail and discipline. Take the time to take care of yourself and your environment.

11. Tranquility

Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

Don’t get upset about the little things, as it does more harm than good. Learn to be tranquil and at peace with issues that are clearly out of your control. Don’t let them control you.

12. Chastity

Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.

This may be even more important today. Being aware of your actions when it comes to sex and the perception that it carries is as important as ever. Be smart and be careful.

13. Humility

Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

Last but not least is humility. We need to keep our pride in check and not be over-confident in ourselves or our actions. Practice humility and you will be well-liked, but also well-equipped to face any challenges.

Humility was a late addition to the list of virtues. A friend pointed out Franklin’s weakness when it came to pride. In truth, Franklin struggled with humility throughout his life, but was always mindful of it.

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.

It’s quite the list of virtues and certainly nothing easy to live up to. Even so, Franklin worked at these virtues throughout his life, but how he did so is just as interesting.

He realized that taking on all 13 of these virtues at once was a recipe for disaster. He wouldn’t make any progress and fail repeatedly.

Instead, he devised a simple system that would allow him to focus on a single virtue every week over 13 weeks. After the 13 weeks finished, he would begin again, completing the routine 4 times every year.

The hope was that the work of previous weeks would trickle forward as he went through the cycle. He kept track of his progress in a notebook, where he marked his success or failure on every day of every week.



If the above doesn’t impress you, his approach for forming habits should. The wisdom Franklin used here shows how well he understood the world of self-improvement. Let’s look at the techniques he employed.

This is one reason Franklin is so well-remembered today. Because he not only meant what he said, but he organized his life so well that even he wouldn't forget his own words! :)


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