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    Lee Wilson
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  • 2,055 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

Manny Needs a Nanny - 4. Getting Used to The Routine

On the way to the pool, Manny realized, he hadn't brought a swimsuit.

"Um, Bass. I don't have a bathing suit with me."

"That's no problem. Mr. Tanner kept quite a few in the cabana. That is, of course, if you're okay with wearing a dead man's things."

"As long as they've been washed. It may be a little creepy, but I can handle it."

"Excellent. You look to be the same size he was. We can take a look through his wardrobe later and you can have anything you like before we donate the rest. Sandy and Linda have already chosen from Mrs. Tanner's wardrobe and the rest of that has been donated."

“Will Rocky mind if I take some of his father’s clothes?”

Bass shook his head, “I doubt it. He wasn’t bothered by Sandy and Linda taking some of his mother’s.”

Bass looked like he wanted to add something else, but he didn’t.

When they got to the pool, Rocky was already in his swimsuit, sitting at the edge, dangling his legs into the water.

"It's about time. I could have died from heat exhaustion waiting for you two."

To Manny, Bass said, "You'll come to find that Rocky has a flair for the dramatic, and often cannot control his impatience." Facing Rocky, "It is eighty-two degrees with fifty percent humidity at all times in this room, young man. That would never happen. Besides, who said, you couldn't hang around in the shallow end?"

Rocky rolled his eyes and said, sarcastically, "Now you tell me."

"He has difficulty controlling his mouth at times, as well."

"Fine. I'll be in the low end while you two compare dicks."

"Case in point. I will supply the penalty this time, but going forward, Manny, that will be your job. Go sit on the bench, Rocky. You will be allowed to swim when we decide you are."

"That's not fair."

Manny stepped up, "That decision doesn't necessarily have to happen today."

Bass just smiled. Rocky scowled, walked over to the bench, and silently sat down.

Bass and Manny went into the cabana. Bass showed Manny his swim-wear choices. Manny chose a pair of board shorts, but knew, he'd be trying out a speedo as he got more used to being here. There was no blatant comparing of dicks. However, both Bass and Manny did take a slightly extended look at the other.

"That was an excellent response, Manny. I wouldn't have thought of it."

"You'll probably notice, as I get more comfortable being here, that I have a sharp tongue at times. I considered a slightly harsher version."

"I'd love to hear it."

"I considered asking you if that time should be measured in weeks or months."

Bass laughed, "I could just see Rocky exploding after hearing that. I think you'll do quite well. Now, let's hit the water."

After a few minutes of making Rocky watch, surely not more than three, Bass and Manny indicated Rocky could join them. Rocky remained quiet for another two minutes or so before beginning to have fun.

After about fifteen minutes, Rocky asked, "Will you toss me, Bass?"

"I think, that's a possibility."

Bass grabbed Rocky under the arms, lifted him, then threw him.

After resurfacing, "Oh, come on! You know, you can do better than that."

Rocky stood in front of Bass, who smiled, then grabbed the boy by his hips and tossed him close to ten feet into the air.

Rocky's "Aaaaaaaah…" was truncated by a splash. He surfaced sputtering and laughing.

"That was one of your best throws ever. Bet, you can't make me go higher."

"What would you like to bet?"

Rocky looked toward the ceiling before replying, "How about, a trip to Retro Games if you don't beat it. And Jaemor Farms if you do."

"Obviously, Manny, being thirteen means video games are his whole world. Jaemor Farms is a choice because he knows, I enjoy going there. You're on."

Bass grabbed Rocky by his upper thighs, lifted him out of the water, and began to toss him when his left hand slipped a little. The resulting toss was only about three feet high. Manny suspected the gaff was done purposefully.

Rocky surfaced, "You didn't even try. But it counts. Retro Games it is. But I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. You still get Jaemor Farms if you beat that first throw."

Manny looked up, worried "Um, how high is that ceiling?"

Bass answered, "Sixteen feet at the peak right above us."

Again, Bass grabbed Rocky's thighs, lifted him, and then thrust his arms upward. Manny thought, Rocky would go through the glass roof, but Rocky's peak was a foot short. Close enough that he was able to touch the ceiling.

"Yeaaaa..." Splash.

"That was awesome, Bass! Definitely your best ever. Let's see what you can do, Manny."

Manny, afraid of the touching threat Bass previously mentioned, grabbed Rocky under the arms, and threw him about two feet.

"That sucked. Throw me by my legs, like Bass does."

Bass looked at Manny, " Don't worry. You can grab him by the hips or thighs without fear of repercussion. I know you'll keep your hands away from anywhere they shouldn't go."

Manny used Rocky's hips this time, tossing him around seven feet, almost straight up.

"Not bad, but you'll need more practice. Can we get dressed and go to Retro now?"

Bass looked at Manny, who replied, "It was your bet. Feel free to say it."

"In that case. Let's go."

"All right!!!"

Rocky went into the cabana first, Bass and Manny waiting until Rocky toweled off, and got dressed. After they changed, Bass messaged Patrick and they rode in comfort in the Lexus LX 600 F. At Retro Games, Rocky picked out two new games. He considered three or four, but wasn't sure about how Manny would react, and didn't want to risk another penalty. Then they headed north and went to the farmer's market. Bass liked going there, so he could try new flavors of jams, jellies, and salsa. Rocky picked out a small container of blackberries, while Manny opted for some plums and nectarines. Patrick, rather than waiting in the car, strolled through as well and bought some fruit too. Manny and Patrick chatted about the family vehicles while perusing fruit together. Manny discovered that, in addition to the 2023 Lexus, Boris owned a 2022 Chrysler 300, and a 1975 GAZ-24 Volga. A 2021 Mercedes had been wrecked in the accident.

Then it was back to the estate, where, before entering the alarm code, Manny remembered that Bass told him, he never wanted to make a mistake entering the code.

"You didn't expound on a comment from last night, Bass. What happens if you put in the wrong code?"

"You'll notice the star key looks a little different than the rest."

"Yeah, not as shiny."

"It's like that to deter break-ins."

"Um, why is it being duller a deterrent?"

"If the numbers preceding the pressing of the star key were incorrect, an electrical shock will be delivered through the metal when it is pressed. The floor below the alarm pad is camouflaged metal attached to the house ground, so a current will flow through the body. Nothing fatal, but it will hurt and most likely knock you out for a bit."

"What if I realize or think I made a mistake before pressing the star?"

"Pressing the hash key three times can be used to reset the numbers. Care to try a bad star?"

"Not a chance."

Manny entered the proper code, but still hesitated before hitting the star key. He finally did after an interminable five seconds. No shock was delivered.

Rocky laughed at him, "Wuss."

Rocky had a tennis lesson that he insisted Manny accompany him to. The trainer gave Rocky his lesson, then provided some of the basics to Manny. After the trainer left, Rocky and Manny tapped the ball back and forth between them for a bit, before resting on the sidelines.

"So, how did you like your first day, Manny? You don't mind me calling you Manny, do you? I mean, I could call you ‘Mr.’ or ‘Uncle Manny’ if you'd prefer."

"’Manny’ will be fine. And the day was nice. Aside from the snide comments you made. Hopefully you learned your lesson."

"Yeah. I was going to try to buy more games, but I didn't want to take a chance on losing the two I did choose. Or get another time-out when we got back. Mom and Dad wouldn’t have cared, but I wasn’t sure whether you’d be okay with it."

"Good. You learn quickly. Maybe you will turn out to be smarter than me. And I would have limited it, you need to learn that you can’t always get what you want."

"That’d be a good title for a song. At least, possibly pure intelligence-wise. It'll take a long time to catch up in experience and wisdom. If I ever can."

"Sucking up? But, that's true for any young man just reaching the start of the chasm between childhood and adulthood."

Rocky shuddered, "Chasm?" Manny noticed the shudder but held off on asking why Rocky did it.

"Yes. You're no longer completely a child, but still a long way away from being grown up."

"Yeah. I think, I've been growing up faster since Mom and Dad died."

"I know that had to be tough for you. I've lost both my parents, too. Not as young as you have, though. I was already twenty-three when dad died. Mom followed about a year later."

"I guess, it sucks, no matter how old you are."

"Indeed, it does. I know I'll never replace them, but I'm here if you ever want somebody to just listen, hold you when you cry, whatever."

"I think, the crying is pretty much past. Anger still lingers."

"I can imagine. Did they ever find out who cut the brake line?"

"No, and they probably never will. They were coming back from a flea market or something up near the Tennessee border. Someone must have followed them and cut the line while the car was parked where there weren't any cameras. They went over the edge of the road into the gorge. Mom and Albert—the old chauffeur—died right away. Dad hung around for three days. Anyway, even if I wanted some revenge, I'll never know who to take it out on."

Manny now understood the shudder over 'chasm.' He considered asking Rocky why he thought, anybody would do that to his parents, but thought better of it. He resolved to ask Bass the next day.


After Manny posed the question, "You remember, I mentioned Ivan's business. It wasn't just a business per se. Ivan was involved in a lot of shady deals with some very shady characters. I wouldn't go as far as saying organized crime, but only because I'm not completely sure it was."

"I guess, that would explain why someone wanted Boris dead."

Bass simply nodded.

The rest of Manny's vacation week went smoothly. Rocky still mouthed off occasionally, and, like Bass said, showed his impatience at times, but they all survived the week. Manny and Rocky spent a lot of time together. Manny would accompany Rocky to his self-defense course, adding a second session to get some training himself. Rocky didn't mind staying longer for that, because Manny was having a really tough time of it and would look like a fool more often than not. Rocky enjoyed a good-natured laugh at Manny’s expense.

Manny also accompanied Bass and Rocky to the local shooting range a couple times. Manny took to that a lot better than Karate. After the week, Manny could distinguish between the types and model of guns that were previously owned by Boris. And there were quite a few: two Berettas, a Colt, three Glocks, an H&K, a Ruger and a SIG Sauer, all handguns. In addition, Boris also had owned three rifles, a Mossberg 30-06, a Remington 22, and a Winchester 44-40. Manny liked the Mossberg the most, mainly due to its having a scope.

It wasn't long before Manny needed to keep one of those guns locked in his bedroom.

Next up - "Ending the Trial Period, and Ivan's Associates Appear"

Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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  • Fingers Crossed 7
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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