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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Dog Whisperer - 1. Chapter 1

Matt Brody's ten-year old Chevy negotiated the one-lane, steep, dangerous, curvy, mountain road with the ease of a team of work horses plowing a flat field. His father bought him the five-year-old, pre-used car, in his senior year in high school. It had not failed him all through his college days at the University of Colorado. He hoped it would last a few more years.

On his way to his first job, since graduating from the university just two weeks ago, the last thing he had on his mind was the condition of the road. In his excitement, he gave no thought to the hilly terrain, but he did wonder what it would be like in the winter. He had lived in Colorado all his life, and he knew a thing or two about treacherous snowy roads.

In a few short hours, he’d be beginning his new job as the director of an animal shelter, the only animal shelter, in Pt. Summit, CO, population 17,500. Pt. Summit lay spread out in a valley, completely surrounded by Colorado’s majestic mountains. Matt wondered if the winters would be more temperate because of the shielding mountains, like the winters in Shangri-La. He indulged himself in pure wishful thinking.

He knew damn well why the town hired him. Pt. Summit is in the middle of nowhere, a mere dot on the map. Probably nobody else wanted the job, but he didn’t care. He loved animals, and he had learned over the years that he could feel what they felt. The minimal pay they offered him, would be enough for him. He had nobody to support. When his girlfriend back home in Denver, heard what his plans were, she broke up with him. He actually enjoyed the feeling of not having any financial responsibilities, except for himself.

It didn’t matter where he got his career started, anyhow. He planned on working in Pt. Summit for a couple of years, and using that experience to get a better job in Denver.


While still in high school, Matt got a part time, after-school job in an animal shelter. He loved everything about the place, especially the smell of it. He couldn’t wait to start caring for the animals, particularly the dogs. At first, he basked in the job, but after a few days, he became very disturbed. The shelter had a fifteen-day return policy, and they were taking back more cats and dogs than they were adopting out. Somehow the new owners and their pets didn’t get along. The matches lacked chemistry between them. The cages were full, and the shelter was over capacity. Some cages had two animals in them.

One day a father and his young son came into the shelter. Dad wanted to get his son a dog for his birthday.

“I know I can’t get a puppy,” the father said to Matt, “but I would like to get one as young as possible. I won’t mind training him, if he isn’t housebroken. I want my son here to have a companion for a very long time. I had the pleasure, and now I want him to have it also.”

Because the man loved dogs, Matt immediately developed an affinity to the father, and he wanted to grant his wish. At that time the shelter boarded about two dozen dogs. Matt took the little boy’s hand and said, “Come, let’s find you a friend.”

He and the boy marched up the rows of cages, and every dog looked cute, cuddly and ripe for adoption, but Matt passed them all until he came to a certain cage. A beautiful little puppy looked at the boy with eyes that were larger than the yolks of sunny-side eggs. Matt could feel the chemistry passing between them. He removed the mutt from his cage, and placed the puppy in the boy’s arms.

“This one, Daddy,” the boy cried. “This one.”

“How did you do that?” the father asked. “You picked out just the right dog.”

“I had a strong feeling,” Matt answered.

The truth is that a powerful vibe came over him. He knew immediately that this was the right dog for this little boy. He didn’t know how he knew, but from the look in the puppy’s eyes, he could actually feel him saying, “I love this boy.”

He gave the father a certificate of health from the vet, along with the vet’s business card. The father paid the $50 adoption fee, and a very happy boy and his dog left for home. Matt repeated this process over and over, and none of his matches were ever returned. He realized that he had a talent for putting the right pet with the right person. Better than that, he could sense the animal talking to him. He never picked the new owner. The animal did the job for him.


The Pt. Summit shelter would fit easily into one tiny corner of the shelter in Denver. Matt manned the shelter with one part-time volunteer. Matt saw himself in the young high school boy named Robbie, who loved animals as much as he did.

On the very first day at his new position, Matt discovered that the shelter did not provide health certificates at the time of adoption. In truth, the animals had not been examined to determine their health or lack of it.

“Where’s the nearest vet located?” Matt asked Robbie.

“We only have one vet in town,” Robbie answered. “His name is Tom Williams, and his office is just up the street.”

“Can you cover for me?” Robbie asked. “I’m going over to Dr. Williams’ office. I need to have a word with him.”

“Sure thing,” Robbie answered. “If I need you, I’ll call you at the doctor’s office. I have his number.”

When Matt entered the vet’s office, he got a pleasant surprise. In the small reception area, he could smell something nobody else could. The office smelled of dog, and Matt’s nostrils enjoyed the odor. His olfactory senses told him that the animals who were treated here loved their doctor. He couldn’t explain how he knew, but he had learned to accept his gift and not question it.

“May I help you?” the receptionist asked. She wondered why Matt had no animal with him.

“Hi,” Matt said. “My name’s Matt Brody. I’m the new director of the animal shelter down the street, and I’d like to see the doctor. If he’s too busy, I’d like to make an appointment.”

The receptionist could not believe that Matt addressed her so politely, and did not demand to see the doctor immediately. She often had to put up with pushy people. She also appreciated his good looks, even if she was a wife and mother.

“The doctor is almost finished seeing a patient. If you care to wait, he should be free in a couple of minutes,” she said.

“Sure, I’d love to.”

Matt took a seat in the reception room. A few minutes later, a policeman came out of the examining room with his dog, a beautiful German Shepherd. The animal was not a police dog, but he saw service as the policeman’s pet. Immediately, the dog ran to Matt, and muzzled his nose in Matt’s palm. Matt embraced the dog and petted him. For this act of kindness, he was rewarded with a wet tongue on his cheek.

“Unbelievable,” the policeman said. “Usually, I have to restrain him from attacking strangers. I can’t get over it.”

Dr. Williams came into the room right behind the police officer, and the receptionist took it upon herself to introduce everybody. They all shook hands. The policeman’s name was Jim O’Connell.

“I know where the shelter is,” Laura, the receptionist, told Matt. “Jim’s the cop on your beat.”

Matt and Jim shook hands a second time, and told each other how nice it was to meet.

Jim wanted to leave the vet’s office, but his dog, Henry, had other ideas. He didn’t want to part from Matt. Finally, Matt kissed the dog on his nose, and whispered in his ear, “Go with Jim,” The dog ran to Jim, and out they went.

The vet observed what had just happened in utter wonder. He turned to Matt. “How can I help you?” he asked.

“Can we go into your office, please?”

“Of course. Follow me.”

The vet was tall, fair, handsome, and muscular. Matt was straight, so he didn’t appreciate how handsome the doctor was. On the other hand, Dr. Williams was gay, and very closeted. Matt’s good looks blew him away. In fact, he took a second to breathe deeply, and not make a fool of himself.

Once in his office, Tom sat at his desk, and Matt sat on a chair facing him.

“Is there something I can do for you?” Tom asked again.

“I found out that the animals aren’t examined for diseases when they’re brought into the shelter. I can’t afford to pay, but I was hoping you would examine the animals pro bono, and clear them for adoption.”

Tom thought, I can hardly make a living myself in this small town. I certainly can’t afford to do pro bono work, but he couldn’t stop staring at the ruddy, handsome young man sitting across from him. Out of lust, he said, “Sure I will, and I have the clearance forms for you. I’ll be glad to fill them out.”

Tom was born and raised in Pt. Summit. It was his home and he loved the place. The town needed a vet, and he didn’t think twice about opening an office there. Everyone in town knew him, and he knew everybody else.

“Where are you from, and what brought you here?” Tom asked.

“I’m from Denver, and my love for animals brought me here. I just arrived yesterday.”

“Where are you staying?” Tom asked.

“At the motel on the highway, just before you get into town, but as soon as I get things going at the clinic, I’ll look for a place.”

“What a coincidence. I own a three-bedroom home, and I’ve been advertising for a roommate to help me with expenses. So far, I haven’t had any luck. Would you be interested? We’re both bachelors. We’ll be company for each other. There isn’t much of a night life here.”

“Wow,” Matt said, “if you’ll excuse a bad cliché, you’re just what the doctor ordered.”

“Fantastic. Can you come over this evening after work? I’ll show you my place, and I’ll whip up some dinner for us, but don’t expect a gourmet meal. I’m not much of a cook.”

“Don’t worry, Dr. Williams. Anything you give me will be better than diner food.”

“Please, call me Tom.” He wrote his address and cell phone number on a sheet from his prescription pad, and handed it to Matt.

“Thanks. Is 5:30 good for you?” Matt asked.

“Perfect,” Tom said.

“Good, and please call me Matt.”

“Sure, Matt. How about I come to the shelter on Saturday morning? I’ll examine all the animals, and I’ll prepare health certificates for all of them. If any of them are sick, I’ll do my best to treat them.”

“That’s great. I’ll see you tonight.”

Matt got up to leave, and they shook hands. Tom held on a little too long, at least Matt thought so.

After Matt left, Tom had second thoughts. Why did he ask Matt to live with him and to come over tonight? Not only that, but when he examines the animals on Saturday, and in the future, he and Matt will be alone again. You better behave, he warned himself. He didn’t have one single doubt that Matt played for the other team, and he was right.


Matt’s Chevy chugged up a rather steep rise in the road. Tom lived at the top of a hill. Not to worry. The old Chevy behaved itself; just as sturdy and reliable as ever. He parked in front of the Cape Cod style house and rang the bell. Tom answered immediately. Because of the warm summer weather, all he wore was a muscle shirt, cargo shorts, and sandals. Underneath the shorts, he modestly had on jockey shorts. Matt dressed very much the same way for the occasion, except for the underwear. He always went commando.

Straight or not, Matt had to admire Tom’s muscular body. Along with a slightly over six-foot frame, he made an imposing impression. Matt felt a pang of jealousy. He vowed to find out if there was a gym in town, or if Tom worked out at home.

Matt followed Tom into the house. Out of nowhere a huge St. Bernard ran to him. She put her front paws on his chest, and began to slobber him with kisses. Matt hugged the dog.

“I boarded her while a local couple went out of town,” Matt said. “I didn’t know that it would be forever. They abandoned Sophie. I tried to find her a home, but nobody wanted such a big animal. She looks like a bear, and eats like one. I finally brought her home with me, and adopted her.”

“She loves you very much,” Matt said.

Tom thought that was a strange thing to say. Not knowing how he should reply, he finally said, “I love her too.”

Matt further confused Tom by adding, “You’re both lucky. You were made for each other.”

Tom became uncomfortable with these observations, so to change the subject, he said, “I told you I wasn’t much of a cook, so I’m making us open faced hot turkey sandwiches. The gravy is warming on the stove, and there are two sweet potatoes in the oven. All I have to do is put the turkey slices on white bread, smother it with dressing, and serve it with the potatoes.”

“Cooking is kind of a hobby with me,” Matt said. “When I live here, I’ll improve your menu,” he promised Tom.

“That’s great,” Tom said. He smiled broadly at Matt, trying desperately to control an erection that kept wanting to burst forth.

“While everything is warming, let me show you the house,” Tom said. He needed to get his mind off his ever-growing cock.

Like most Cape Cod’s, two bedrooms and one bathroom took up the entire upstairs level. The master bedroom, a bath, the kitchen, living room and dining room, completed the lower level.

“I made the downstairs bedroom into a combination office, library and den,” Tom said. “I use one of the two bedrooms upstairs. You’ll have the other. We’ll have to share a bathroom if that’s all right with you.”

“No problem,” Matt laughed. “I’m fresh out of college. I shared a communal bathroom in school. Sharing with one other person will be a luxury.”

“Let’s start the tour in the basement,” Tom suggested. “It’s finished, and I’ve set it up as a fully equipped gym. Feel free to use it anytime you want.” That answered Matt’s question regarding Tom’s muscular body.

In keeping with Cape Cod architecture, the ceilings in both upstairs bedrooms inclined steeply. Matt could tell that he would have to crouch when he stood in the edges of the room. A queen-sized bed took up most of the area. It sat in the center against the far wall. A dresser, a bedside table and an undersized walk-in closet completed the sparse furnishings. The frilly, lacy curtains indicated that a female may have decorated the room. The hot pink comforter on the bed overwhelmed his senses, and not in a good way. Matt didn’t care for anything so feminine, but he figured he could change them at a later date. He wondered if Tom had ever lived with a woman.

“How much is the rent” Matt asked. “Let’s get business out of the way, and then we can enjoy a social evening.”

“Perfect,” Tom said. “I intended on asking $500 a month, but you and I are going to be business associates, and I hope friends, so is $400 good with you?”

“That’s great. We have a deal. Now let’s get to the chow, and learn all about each other.”

Tom wondered if he dared to tell Matt that he was gay. He decided to wait until Matt would be so ensconced in the house and the community that he might not want to leave. If he behaved himself until that fateful day, Matt would have the time to see that he wasn’t a sexual predator.

After dinner, they cleaned the kitchen and rinsed the dishes as a team. They put the rinsed dishes into the dishwasher and went into the living room. They sat side by side on the sofa. Matt thought nothing of it, but Tom became very uncomfortable. He still struggled not to pop an obvious erection.

“How old are you?” Matt asked, as he started the get to know you session. “I’m twenty-three.”

“I’m twenty-nine,” Tom said.

“Have you ever been married or lived with a woman? My bedroom is very feminine.”

Tom laughed. “No, the bedroom came that way when I bought the house. In fact, I bought the place fully furnished. For your information, I’m free as a bird. I’ll be grateful for your company.”

“At the moment, I don’t have a girlfriend either,” Matt said. “She dumped me before I left Denver. So, I’ll be grateful for your company also, especially since I’m a stranger in town.”

“When would you like to move in?” Tom asked.

“As soon as possible. In fact, Tom, all I have with me in the motel is an overnight bag. All my clothes and personal belongings are in my car, and my car’s right outside.”

“Shit man. Let’s bring your stuff in, and you can check out of the motel tomorrow morning. You can start living here immediately. Let’s go. I’ll help you.”

It took about an hour to unload Matt’s car, and put everything away. Tom even made room on the bathroom counter for Matt’s toiletries. When the job was done, the two men looked at each other, and smiled.

“Would you like to spend the night here, instead of the motel?” Tom asked. If Matt had paid attention, he would have realized that Tom had not asked him a question. It was more like a plea, but he didn’t notice.

“Your offer is very tempting, but all my toiletries and some personal items are at the motel. I’ll go back tonight, and move out early tomorrow morning. I’ll have to come back here before work, for a change of fresh clothes.”

Tom nodded in resignation. He brightened considerably when Matt said, “I sure am looking forward to tomorrow evening.”

Just then, Sophie tried to jump on Matt’s lap, but because of her size, she didn’t make it. Matt grabbed her and said, “It’s okay, girl, I’m coming back. I promise.” Sophie scooted away.

“She wants to be walked,” Matt said. “Let’s walk her together before I leave.”

Tom wanted to ask Matt how he knew that, but Sophie ran up to him with her leash in her mouth. Tom was learning not to question Matt’s sixth sense with animals.

After the walk, Matt did not go back into the house. He and Tom stood at his car as they said goodnight. It may not have been a wise thing to do, but Tom gave Matt a strong, manly hug. Tom held him so tightly that Matt knew his landlord had an erection. He chose to pretend not to notice, and to ignore it. Things were going too well for him to make waves.


Tom knew everyone at the local radio station. The manager and he buddied around in high school. He and Matt recorded a message, imploring the residents of Pt. Summit to support the shelter. Tom told his neighbors what great work the shelter did rescuing animals, and finding good homes for them. He assured the listeners that all the animals were examined, and they were adopted out only if they were healthy. The station played the recording several times a day over the next month. They classified it as a public service announcement, ergo, no fee.

The local newspaper helped out also. Every Sunday, they devoted a page to the shelter. They featured Matt and some of the animals available for adoption. The pictured animals were almost always adopted the next day.

Matt was able to use his “gift” to match the right person with the right animal. Nobody ever returned their adopted pet, and that constantly made room at the shelter for new residents.

Between the shelter’s allowance in the city’s budget, generous contributions from the public, and adoption fees, Matt’s shelter began to run in the black. The new pet owners had to go to the only vet in town, and Tom’s practice grew tremendously also.

Often when a female pet had a litter, the owner would bring the pups or the kittens to the shelter, and ask Matt to find them good homes. They trusted him, and welcomed him as a member of the community very quickly.

Tom and Matt began to ride to work in one car. When Matt got to the shelter, it was not uncommon for him to find stray animals sitting at the shelter’s front door, waiting patiently for their salvation. Tom could not believe how animals were miraculously drawn to Matt. It awed him.

Matt did all the cooking at home, and Tom felt very guilty, so he made a deal with Matt to allow him to take Matt out to dinner every Saturday night. Matt had the free time. There was never a date in sight for either of them. Plenty of young women flirted shamelessly with both of them, but Matt didn’t catch on, and Tom chose to ignore it.

They went on this way for more than two years. They saw each other naked often, going or coming from the bathroom. Sometimes one of them would be shaving as the other showered. They never did each other’s backs, but oh how much Tom wanted to do so. They acted like an old married couple. Matt had no problem with it, but Tom’s desires and his love for Matt kept escalating. His frustration level rose proportionately.


One evening after dinner, well past their second anniversary together, Matt looked very sad.

“Is something wrong?” Tom asked. He feared to hear the answer. His love for Matt had not waned. Over the time they lived together, he loved Matt even more, and he grew so frustrated, that he vowed to come out to Matt, and suffer the consequences, whatever they might be.

“There’s nothing wrong. It’s just that I have a dilemma,” Matt said.

“Tell me what it is. Can I help?” Tom asked.

“Probably not, but here goes. As a teen-ager in high school, I worked part time in an animal rescue shelter in Denver. The director ran into my parents recently, and he asked how I was doing. When they told him where I lived, and that I worked as the director of a small shelter in Pt. Summit, he grew very excited. He told my parents that he planned on retiring in six months, and he had started a search for his replacement. He called me at work this afternoon, and offered me the job.”

Tom’s whole body sagged. “When will you be leaving?’ he asked.

“I told him that I needed a couple of days to think about it. I haven’t accepted yet.”

“It’s a great opportunity. You’d be foolish to pass it up.”

“Don’t you want me to stay?” Matt asked. He sounded hurt. “When Mr. Saunders made me his offer, I got excited for about ten seconds. Then I realized that we would be separated. We’ve become such good friends, that I have serious doubts about leaving you and Pt. Summit.”

“Someday, you’ll get married,” Tom said, “and we’ll be separated anyway.”

Matt had a suspicion about Tom for some time now, but he couldn’t be sure. His gut feeling prompted him to ask, “What do you mean when I get married? Don’t you have similar aspirations?”

Tom took this opportunity to tell the truth, and he did.

“I’m gay, Matt,” he said, “and not only gay, but so madly in love with you, that I cry myself to sleep every night. That’s why I want you to go. We have no future together.”

“I told you that I had a dilemma. That’s my dilemma, too,” Matt said. “Every cell in my body wants to be with you forever, but I don’t think I could ever make love with you, and that wouldn’t be fair to you, or to me, for that matter. The love I feel for you is like a brother for a brother, nothing more.”

“So, I’ll ask again. When will you be leaving?”

Suddenly, Tom’s body began to heave, and he started to sob bitterly. Matt didn’t know what to do. He wanted to comfort him, but he was afraid to give Tom the wrong idea. Tom ran into his bedroom and closed the door. Matt could still hear him crying.

Matt couldn’t bear to see the anguish Tom was in, and he ran to his bedroom too. The two men curled up into a fetal position, and they cried in their separate, chaste beds.

Matt experienced an epiphany in the middle of the night. As awakenings go, it made the top of the list. He could never leave Tom. He never wanted to. Crazy as it seemed to him, he knew that he loved the man. He didn’t care if he was labelled straight, gay or bi. He decided to ignore all the labels men placed on themselves to restrict who could love whom.

He made a decision. He stripped and went into Tom’s room. He climbed into bed, and embraced a very naked Tom. He knew that Tom slept that way. His presence stunned Tom, leaving him speechless.

“If I stay here with you, what would you expect of me?” Matt asked.

Without hesitating, Tom said, “I’d expect you to love me as much as I love you, and in the same way.”

“Well then. It’s all up to you.”

“What’s up to me?’

“To seduce me, and teach me what I have to know.”

“Would it be too soon, if I seduced you and we began lessons right now?”

“That’ll be fine,” Matt whispered. He was aroused but he was scared stiff.

Tom felt his fright. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “I intend to give you nothing but pleasure.”

“Promises, promises,” Matt said, as Tom rolled over on top of him.

Matt felt Tom’s uncut, seven-inch, erect cock rubbing against his cut, seven-inch, erect cock. He was surprised how good it felt.

“I’m going to start with the hardest thing that a straight man can do,” Tom said. “Kiss me, Matt. Don’t hold back. You know how much I love you.”

It never occurred to Matt to factor kissing into the equation. Nevertheless, when he felt Tom’s lips on his, Tom’s aura overwhelmed him with love, and he responded passionately. In a very short time, their tongues were fornicating in a duel of love.

When Tom pulled away, Matt felt a little disappointed. Then, Tom began to kiss Matt’s body. He started at his neck, and worked his way down to Matt’s toes. The newbie squirmed, and made purring sounds, He almost sounded like one of his kittens. Matt knew what was coming next. His lust for Tom frightened him, but he made no move to stop him. He fully trusted him. So far, Tom had fulfilled his promise. Matt felt nothing but extreme pleasure.

Matt didn’t think that Tom would want him to cum in his mouth. He erroneously believed that he should warn Tom that his climax was very near, but he had lost his breath, and couldn’t talk. He gushed copiously into his lover’s throat. When he softened, Tom crept back up to face Matt, and to kiss him. Now, Matt welcomed Tom’s kisses.

Matt thought that Tom’s saliva tasted thick and a bit salty. At some point, he realized that it wasn’t saliva. He tasted his own cum. His brain told him that he should be revolted, but instead he got the craziest urge to do all that to Tom.

Content for the moment, Tom did not expect Matt to reciprocate, but he did. Matt rolled over him, and expertly began to repeat what he had just learned from Tom. He hesitated for one second when he knew that Tom had almost reached his orgasm, but in the end, he took Tom’s seed down his throat. When he felt the jism pouring down his gullet, he was overwhelmed with love and joy. Why did we wait so long? He wondered.

Matt crept back up to face Tom, and they resumed kissing. This time, Tom could taste his own cum.

“I suspect you have more to teach me,” Matt said.

“True, but we have to get up and get ready for work. I’ll continue your lessons tonight.”

Matt shuddered again at the thought of what they would do that night, but he steadied himself. Tom had done nothing but give him great pleasure so far. He decided to stop being afraid, and look forward to the joys Tom introduced to him.

They showered together for the first time. In the shower they fondled and kissed, and soaped each other’s backs at last, but Tom broke it up.

“It’s a work day,” he reminded Matt. “We have to get to work.”

At breakfast, Tom had so many things he wanted to say, but he kept crying intermittently, and for the moment, he lost his power of speech.

Finally, he said, “Thank you, Matt, for making me the happiest man in the world.”

To lighten the mood, Matt answered, “Not to mention, the happiest vet in the world, and the happiest shelter director in the world.”

Neither of them could function at work that day. Tom’s wishes had come true, and he spent all day trying to soak it in. Matt’s simultaneous fright and excitement left him unable to concentrate on his work. He spent the day trying to come to grips with the shocking fact that he loved a man. He didn’t wish to make dinner that evening, so they dined out. He indulged in a glass of red wine to help him relax.

When they got home, Tom removed a small paper bag from the glove compartment of his car.

Matt looked at him quizzically. “What’s that?’ he asked.

“I bought lube, lots of it,” Tom said.

“Have you done this before?” Matt asked.

“Only three times while I attended vet school, and not with a fellow student. I went to a gay bar one Friday evening, and a handsome, travelling salesman, in his fifties, picked me up. We went to his hotel room, and he taught me a lot. He was kind and gentle. He called me a couple of times after that when he was in town, but then we lost touch.”

“Too bad,” Matt said.

“It’ll hurt at first,” Tom warned, “but in the end, you’ll beg me not to stop.”

“More promises,” Matt said.

“Yes,” Tom replied, “and I’ve honored every one”

Tom wanted Matt to fuck him first, but Matt said that was a cop out. He opted to be fucked first. Tom stretched him very well. He took plenty of time, and he ignored his cock, which throbbed lustfully, craving to enter Matt. Using a lot of lube, he finally invaded Matt’s body.

Matt hurt, but not as much as Tom said he would, and before you could say hocus-pocus, Tom’s prediction came true. Tom’s cock sensuously stimulated Matt’s prostate, and he yelled for Tom to please never stop. Nature had other plans. When he felt Tom’s seed wending its way up his guts, Matt learned the meaning of true love.

He started to sob. “Thank you, thank you,” he cried. “I love you Tom. I’ll always love you.”

Tom was sobbing right along with him.


The next morning at breakfast, Matt said, “I have an idea.”


“First you have to promise me that now that you’ve had sex with me, you won’t kick me out.” Matt said.

“You’ve got to be kidding, dufus. All I want is for us to spend the rest of our lives making love to each other.”

“Is that what we did, make love?” Matt asked jokingly. “I thought we were sucking and fucking.”

“That too,” Matt said. “Now what’s your big idea?”

“Let’s convert the downstairs den into a master bed room. We can make one of the upstairs bedrooms into a study/library/den, and the other can remain a guest bedroom.”

“My folks are dead,” Tom said, “and I don’t have any relatives close enough to want to visit me.”

“Well,” Matt said, “I’m going to have to tell my folks that I’m staying in Pt. Summit. When I tell them about you, about us, they’ll either disown me, or come right out to meet you. I also have an older brother. We’re very close. He and his wife might want to visit also.”

“I get the picture,” Tom said. “You’re offering me a family besides yourself.”

“I guess you could say that.”

“Here’s another idea for your consideration,” Tom said. “I’ve had my eye on a vacant space on Main Street, not far from where we are now. It’s got more square footage than both our current areas put together. I thought maybe we could rent it, and convert it into a combination vet’s office and animal shelter. It makes sense. It’s a perfect match. I didn’t want to say anything before this, because I suspected all along that you wanted to leave Pt. Summit one day. Now things are different, much different.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Matt said, “How soon can I see the space?”

“I’ll call the rental agent, and set something up for today or tomorrow.”

They both closed a little early that afternoon, and met the rental agent at the available location. As Tom said, it perfectly suited the purpose they had in mind, and the rent for each of them would be no more than they paid now. Even Craig Smith, the agent, thought that it was a wonderful idea.

“I figure that we can renovate and furnish the office for about $15,000,” Tom said. “To cut costs, we can move over whatever fixtures we can use. We’ll go to the bank tomorrow. If we can get a construction loan for the renovations, you can prepare the lease.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Craig said. “I know you two guys. You’re both assets to our town, and I’m certain that you will make good tenants. My agency also makes loans to prospective lessees, who might not meet bank standards, but are nonetheless financially able to make the payments. I can offer you a construction loan, and arrange for easy payments.”

“Wouldn’t your interest rate be greater than the bank’s?” Matt asked.

“Maybe, maybe not. Our rates vary according to the lessee’s credit score. I’ve already checked out both of you, and I can offer you our lowest rate, which is slightly less than the bank’s lowest rate.”

Matt and Tom looked at each other. They didn’t know what to say.

“Please do it,” Craig said. “The space is too big for most businesses, but it’s perfect for your joint venture. You’d be doing me a favor if you rented it, and for sure, it’ll be a great thing for you guys. I know you’ll both be very successful. I need you, and the town needs you even more.”

“I guess it’s a go then,” Tom said. “What happens now?”

“Can you come to my office Thursday afternoon?” Craig asked. “I’ll have all the papers and legal document ready for signature by then.”

“Yes,” Tom said. “I can juggle my appointments.”

“And I can ask Robbie to cover for me, if we set the appointment for after his school day. He’s off to college in the fall. I might as well take advantage of him while I can,” Matt said.

“Fantastic,” Craig said. “This is a great day for all of us.”

“Do you know what would be even greater?” Matt asked him. “Your little boy wants a dog. I think you should bring him to the shelter, and we’ll find him the perfect companion.”

“How in the world did you know that he’s been bugging me?”

“Just a feeling I had.”

“A companion, you said. You make a good case, Matt. Yes, I’ll be around very soon.”

They had come into town that morning in Matt’s car, and they parked it in the rear of the shelter. It could not be seen from the street. Tom and Matt literally ran to the car. Once inside the vehicle, they embraced and began a kissing marathon.

“I’m too excited to eat dinner,” Tom said.

“Me too,” Matt agreed. “Let’s go home and make love.”

“Oh, is that what we’re going to do, make love?” Tom asked, mimicking Matt. “I thought we were going to suck and fuck.”

“Whatever the hell you call it, I want to do it,” Matt said.

He wrapped his arms around Tom, and thought back to a time not too long ago. The one-lane, steep, curvy, dangerous, mountain road, which led him into Pt. Summit, turned out to be a road to paradise. Not only did he have his dream job, but he found love along the way. It wasn’t anywhere near what he once expected, but in his opinion, it far surpassed his expectations.

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

4 hours ago, Paladin said:

Another delightful short story @chris191070. Matt and Tom's compatibility and tension nicely told. Matt seems sure that his family will accept his love for Tom. 🤞

Thanks 😊 

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5 hours ago, JeffreyL said:

This has been a most enjoyable read! Sweet in the best meaning of the word. I enjoyed Matt and Tom, and the whole dog whisperer theme. Although your story is complete as is and very satisfying, I agree with other comments. I would enjoy reading more about these characters. Thanks. 

Thanks 😊 


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That was good. Two men meet, eventually fall in love and the rest is history. I loved it. 😍 

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2 hours ago, Doha said:

That was good. Two men meet, eventually fall in love and the rest is history. I loved it. 😍 

Thanks 😊 


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All of the right ingredients for a HEA. A peaceful idyllic setting, two hunky good-looking men, lovable furry animals, self-discovery and eventually love. Have you got Cupid working for you? Thank you for another heartwarming short story.

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Mancunian said:

All of the right ingredients for a HEA. A peaceful idyllic setting, two hunky good-looking men, lovable furry animals, self-discovery and eventually love. Have you got Cupid working for you? Thank you for another heartwarming short story.

We all love a good dose of romance occasionally 😉 

Thanks for reading 😊 

Edited by chris191070
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