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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story has elements of violence, sex, and strong language. 18+

Oregon in the Fall - 23. Chapter Twenty-Three: Breach

Well, that took a while, didn’t it? I’m sorry, the chapter ended up being rather long…


The voice seemed to reach out from somewhere distant, a call through a fog. Who was that?


Something was squeezing my hand.

“Hey! Grey, are you ok?”


“I’m sorry, what?” I said, feeling disoriented.

“You seemed lost there for a moment, like you drifted off somewhere far away. Where did you go?”

Indeed, where had I gone? As my eyes roamed over the faces gathered around the table, everyone looked both familiar and eerily unfamiliar, as if I was viewing them through a lens that distorted time itself. The lamplight cast a warm glow, illuminating their features in soft light that echoed with the stories of our shared journeys and the untold paths lying ahead. It hadn’t even been a week, or had it?

Dave’s eyes held a mix of concern and curiosity, his hand squeezing mine, grounding me in the now with a touch that spoke of changed days and intertwined destinies.

Where did I go? How long was I gone? Wait…

Desert. Dust.

run. run. we run. find him.

This wasn’t Oregon. Where was I?

‘Solar! Solar!’ it sang, it shouted, far away and distant, yet urgent. Dave! It was Dave. I needed to find him.

yes, idiot.

And it was so simple to find him. He was mine now. I was his. Irrevocably intertwined. Every waking moment I felt him, needed him. My radiant sun wolf. How times had changed.

So I turned around and there he was. Because, of course, he would be.

‘Hey,’ I said to him as if we hadn’t just been speaking seconds ago. Was it seconds ago or was it weeks?


‘Do you know why we’re in a desert?’ I asked him.

‘I don’t know. I haven’t been here before,’ he said.

‘Yes, you have.’


‘I’m sorry… Maybe that was the future. Time is…’

‘Yours. And mine is…’

At his words, the sands shifted, drying further, if that was even possible. Gravity seemed to lessen, my body feeling suddenly lighter.

‘Huh,’ Dave noted, looking around with a mixture of awe and confusion.

‘Are we…’ I said.

‘On the moon? Yeah, I think so. Is this real?’

‘Why did you bring us here?’ I wanted to know.

‘Grey, I…’ Dave began, his radiant wolf self tinged with doubt. ‘This is the time and place we were supposed to meet.’

He came closer and nuzzled his snout against my head. And at that moment I knew we were everything.

‘Fancy place you picked there,’ a voice bellowed in my mind.

‘Mark?’ I said. He was wolf, too.

‘Yeah. Hi. Glad to see you.’

‘Mark, I thought we lost you. Are you ok?’ Dave said.

‘Lost? Never been better, to be honest. And I’m trying to get back to you. The trickiest part is finding the right time.’

‘The right… time?’ Dave asked.

‘Yes. The Constructs, have you met them?’

‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Listen to me. They are lying. They are trying to find me, chase me. But I’m elusive,’ Mark voiced in my head, and I saw a smirk on his wolf.

‘What do you mean, lying?’

‘Don’t trust them. Please. I will return. I just need something to hold on to, to root me in the correct time.’

‘How can we help?’ I asked.

‘Um… this is hard to say. I need you to get back to the pack and… talk to your brother.’


‘Yes… I can’t explain right now. But you need to ask him to focus on something. You change everything. Tell him that. You change everything.’

‘Mark. You don’t need to explain. We are at the pack grounds already. I know he cares for you.’

Mark looked stunned.

‘How… how is he?’ Mark said, a pleading look in his eyes.

‘I think he’s going to be just fine once you’re back.’

‘Oh… When I went away looking for you, I knew it wouldn’t be good for him. Please… he can bring me back. He can. Time is complicated, and I don’t fully understand it, but if I can grasp onto him, I will find my way back. I will. I…’

He paused, suddenly alert, his ears upright.

‘Mark, is everything ok?’ Dave said.

‘No. I need to go. I’ll see you soon.’

And just like that, he was gone. We were left standing on the moon, two wolves conversing. With gravity all askew, and… hadn’t we just been having dinner?

‘Didn’t we just have dinner?’ I asked.

‘I don’t… I think so?’ Dave replied, equally puzzled.

‘We can’t tell Chronos what just happened.’

‘Yup. Let’s get back. However, that works.’

‘Just think about the casserole,’ I said.

And so I did. With a deep, steadying breath, I focused on the memory of the casserole’s aroma, willing myself back to something more grounding than the surreal sands of the moon. Why was I on the fucking moon? A slight vertigo swept over us as the scenery shifted almost imperceptibly; one moment we were under an endless night sky, and the next, the familiar surroundings of the dining room snapped back into place. The abrupt return to reality left us blinking in the lamplight, disoriented. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed the concerned faces of our friends turned towards us, their expressions a mix of confusion and alarm.

How long had we been gone in their eyes?

I was on the floor on my back, holding Dave’s hand. The clock on the wall seemed to mock us with its steady tick, unchanged, as if denying the journey we had just experienced. Clara hovered over us.

“What the fuck, guys?”

“What?” I said.

Clara’s brow furrowed as she glanced between Dave and me. “What happened to you?”

“I… don’t know?” I said.

“First Grey zoned out, then you both just fell over.”


Mom helped me to my feet, her touch reassuring yet filled with unspoken questions. The room had grown quiet, the earlier chatter replaced by an uneasy silence. As the others’ eyes remained fixed on us, I could feel the weight of their curiosity and concern.

“Sorry, just lost our balance for a moment,” Dave offered with a hesitant smile, but his eyes told me he was as shaken as I was.

Would Chronos pick up on it? He couldn’t learn what Mark told us. Oh. Was he reading my mind just now? Fuck.

Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie. Think of something else.

As the group gradually returned to their conversations, albeit more subdued than before, Dave leaned closer to me, his voice barely a whisper. “We need to talk to Sebastian, tonight.”

‘Pumpkin pie.’


‘Oh sorry, I’m trying to make my thoughts… unreadable.’

‘With pumpkin pie?’

I looked at Dave and nodded in agreement, my thoughts racing. The urgency in Mark’s message was clear, and with every passing moment, the weight of his words pressed heavily upon me.

Once everyone began dispersing to their respective rooms, claiming exhaustion from the day’s revelations and discussions, Dave and I made our way to Sebastian’s room.

He was up and gazing out the window, his silhouette bathed in the moonlight that slipped through the curtains.

“Hey brother,” he said, not even turning his head.

“Hey…” I replied.

“I’m sorry.”


“What are you sorry for?”

“I was unfair to you.”

“That was the curse, though. You can’t blame yourself.”

“Except…” he paused, his head hanging low, “Mark had opened my eyes, and yet I still remained the same asshole to you. Those two years are on me.”

“I’m not resentful, Sebastian,” I said to him, and I meant it.

“Thank you. But right now, I can’t forgive myself. And I’m so grateful for you coming back. Grey…” he paused again.


He turned around and said, “I miss him so much. I know you liked him, too. He… I…”

I cut him off. “We were never meant to be. I felt safe around him. That’s all. Mark… he…”

“…he has an effect on people,” Sebastian said, completing my sentence.

“Yes. And then he dropped me like a fly. He was my only friend,” I said, my voice cracking under the weight of that memory. “But being here right now, with Dave, I know my journey was right. Again, I am not resentful.”

I took a step toward my brother and touched his arm. He went for a full hug instead.

“I can’t lose him, Grey,” he sobbed into my shoulder.

“That’s why we’re here. We need to talk.” I broke the hug and looked at him.

Sebastian nodded and then focused intently on Dave. He bit his lip, and I wondered what he was about to say.

“Dave, right? I’m sorry. I should have been nicer when you arrived,” Sebastian said.

“It’s been a rough day for all of us, Sebastian. It is nice to meet you,” Dave said.

Dave and I exchanged a glance, an unspoken agreement passing between us. I took a deep breath, the memory of Mark’s instructions clear in my mind. “We need to talk about something important. It’s about what Mark is trying to do to get back.”

Sebastian’s posture stiffened slightly. “Do you know where he is?”

“I think we do. We spoke to him tonight.”


“It’s kind of hard to explain, but we have this sort of connection. And we saw him. We talked to him, to his wolf.”

“That’s impossible.” Sebastian was shaking his head.

Dave said, “He said to tell you that you change everything. You. Change. Everything.”

Sebastian’s jaw dropped. His legs gave in, and he dropped to the floor. “What… What exactly are you guys?”

“To be honest, man, I don’t even begin to understand,” I said.

“You’re not just mated, you’re so much more. Grey, I’m quite sure you’ve grown physically over the past week. How is that even possible? And Dave, was he really just human?”

“I think he was always much more than just human. But yes, he wasn’t wolf before. I turned him,” I said.

“Why would you risk that?” Sebastian asked.

“He was about to die. I had no choice.”

Sebastian stalled as a sudden wave of emotion seemingly overcame him. His shoulders shook slightly, and he drew in a shaky breath, struggling to compose himself. The room filled with a tense silence, punctuated only by the soft, uneven breaths he took as he fought back tears. The gravity of our situations and the past losses we endured seemed to converge at that moment, palpable and heavy in the air.

After a few heartbeats, he cleared his throat, steadied his gaze, and continued, his voice firmer but still carrying a tremor of unresolved pain. “What does Mark want me to do, Grey?”

“He said to focus on something—‘You change everything.’ That’s what he told us to tell you. He’s scattered across the timeways and I think he wants to tether himself to you to find back. This is something only you can do. And we need him.” The words felt strange as they left my mouth, but they carried a weight that seemed to resonate deeply with Sebastian.

A moment of silence hung between us as Sebastian processed the information. Then, slowly, he nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. “Okay, I’ll try. I have to.”

“Thank you, Sebastian,” Dave said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “We’re here for you, whatever you need.”

As we prepared to leave Sebastian to his thoughts and task at hand, I glanced back, my mind swirling with the implications of our conversation. Mark’s warning about the Constructs echoed in my thoughts. Don’t trust them.

“I hope we can run together soon, brother,” I said.

“I would like that,” Sebastian replied.

Dave and I retreated to my room, my mind racing. Once inside, I closed the door softly, leaning against it for a moment to steady myself.

“We can’t let Chronos know about this,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, as I turned to face Dave. The dim light from the bedside lamp cast long shadows across the room, mirroring the unease that settled around us.

Dave nodded, his expression grave as he paced a short arc by the foot of the bed. “I know. I’ve been thinking about that too. If he could read our minds before, who says he isn’t listening in right now?”

Just as the words left his mouth, a soft, unsettling sound, like the whisper of fabric against fabric, filled the room. We both froze, turning toward the source. The air seemed to thicken, charged with a silent anticipation.

From the shadows near the window, a figure emerged, stepping into the sliver of moonlight that breached the curtains. It was Chronos, his face an impassive mask, his eyes reflecting a glint of something unreadable.

“I am,” he stated simply, his voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of something that made my heart sink. His sudden appearance, right after our conversation about him, left no room for doubt about his capabilities and intentions. The room felt smaller, colder, as if his presence siphoned the warmth from the air.

As Chronos’s figure solidified from the shadows, the tension in the room spiked. Instinctively, Dave and I positioned ourselves next to each other, a united front against the unexpected intrusion. I took his hand, gripping tightly, as a faint, almost imperceptible glow began to emanate from our intertwined fingers. It was subtle, yet unmistakably there—a manifestation of our combined strength and newfound powers.

Our bodies tensed, and low, primal growls built in our throats, resonating through the charged atmosphere. We were still human in form, but the primal essence of the wolf stirred within us, responding to the threat Chronos posed.

He was a threat, right?

Chronos paused, observing our defensive posture and the glow emanating from us with an expression of mild interest. His eyes, usually so devoid of emotion, flickered briefly as if reassessing the situation before him.

“Interesting,” he murmured, his voice smooth but carrying a hint of surprise. He stood motionless, making no move to approach further, his gaze fixed on the glowing light between us. “Your bond… it’s stronger than I anticipated. This is an unusual development.”

The room fell silent for a heartbeat, the only sounds our synchronized growling and the faint hum of our glowing energy. The air felt thick, charged with potential energy and unspoken threats.

I tightened my grip on Dave’s hand, the connection between us pulsing with a power that felt both exhilarating and daunting. “What do you want, Chronos?” I managed to say, my voice steady despite the rapid pounding of my heart.

Chronos tilted his head slightly, considering his words. “Merely to observe, for now. But be mindful, the paths you tread are woven with complexities that extend beyond your current understanding.”

His cryptic words hung in the air, adding to the already dense atmosphere of mystery and danger. Despite his calm demeanor, there was no missing the implicit warning in his tone.

Dave shifted slightly, his body language echoing his readiness to act at any sign of aggression. “We don’t need observers,” he stated firmly. “We need answers.”

Chronos’s lips twitched into what could almost be considered a smirk. “And answers you shall have, in due time. For now, I suggest you focus on preparing for what’s to come. You are players in a game much larger than you realize.”

The tension between us spiked as Chronos’s words lingered in the air, laden with implications that were both ominous and obscure.

I tightened my grip on Dave’s hand even further, the faint glow around our fingers brightening slightly as our collective anxiety and resolve fused into a visible display of our union. “No more games, Chronos,” I said, my voice carrying a hard edge. “We’ve been kept in the dark for too long. If you have something to say, say it now. We’re not moving forward without the truth.”

Chronos regarded us quietly for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, as if making a decision, he exhaled slowly, and his stance softened slightly. “Very well,” he began, his voice now carrying a weight that suggested the gravity of his forthcoming disclosure. “You are correct to demand honesty. The truth is, the Triad is not merely a fabrication of the Constructs. You were never under our direct creation nor our complete control.”

His revelation hung between us, stark and startling. Dave’s eyes narrowed, suspicion etched deep within them. “What are you saying?”

Chronos took a measured step forward, his hands raised slightly as if to show he meant no harm. “The Constructs have long guided and influenced, yes, but you, the Triad, are different. You are here to replace us, to usher in a new era that the Constructs cannot survive. Your emergence as powers was foretold by the cosmic balance itself, not orchestrated by us. We merely… positioned ourselves as overseers in an attempt to maintain some semblance of control.”

I felt a surge of anger mixed with a strange sense of empowerment. “You’ve manipulated everyone, everything, just to keep your positions?”

“It was never about control for the sake of power,” Chronos clarified, his tone earnest. “It was about stability. The universe is vast, and the forces within it can be volatile. We feared what would happen if the transition was left to chance. Your roles as the new custodians of cosmic order were inevitable, but how you came to understand and wield your powers… we believed it needed guidance.”

Dave scoffed, shaking his head. “Guidance? You mean manipulation. You’ve been playing god with our lives. If I understand correctly, you simply didn’t want to give up the status quo. Whatever created us then decided that you failed in your mission, and wanted you gone. Wait a second…”

I looked at him. “What is it?”

Dave continued, “It’s you who did this. All of this. The curse. Theodore? You manipulated him, right? That was you. My birth mother. Mark, in the labyrinth?”

Chronos nodded slowly, conceding the point. “You have my apologies, though they mean little at this juncture. I was always fond of you. The others, not so much. However, know this: your friend Mark, he has seen what lies beyond the veil more clearly than any of us anticipated. His return, his insights, they could accelerate the changes that are coming. Changes that will reshape not just your lives but the very fabric of reality.”

I said, “You don’t really control time, do you? Else you could’ve brought Mark back in a heartbeat.”

“I don’t. I am a Warden. In fact, I think you three might be more powerful than all of the Constructs combined. It scares me.”

He was scared?

The room was silent for a moment as we processed his words. The weight of our destiny, heavy and immense, seemed to settle around us like a cloak.

“And what about the Constructs? If we’re to replace you, what happens to you?” I asked, my curiosity piqued despite my frustration.

Chronos’s gaze drifted towards the window, where the moonlight cast a silvery glow. “We will fade, our influence and our essence dissolving into the cosmos. Some of us will resist, no doubt; transitions of power are rarely seamless or without conflict. But ultimately, we will step back. The age of the Constructs is ending.”

The implications of his words were enormous, daunting yet thrilling. We were not just participants in this cosmic drama; we were its catalysts, its architects.

Dave squeezed my hand, his presence grounding me. “What do we need to do?” he asked, his voice steady.

Chronos turned back to face us, his expression solemn. “Prepare yourselves. Mark’s return will be the beginning, not the end. The knowledge he brings from the timeways will be crucial. But more than that, you must be ready to assume the roles for which you were truly born. The balance of power is delicate, and the transition must be managed with care and insight.”

As he spoke, a resolve hardened within me. The game was indeed changing, but whether Chronos was a friend or foe in this transformation remained unclear.

“I see,” I said, my voice cool and measured. “We’ll consider your information, Chronos. But forgive us if we don’t just take your word for it. We’ve learned to question everything.”

With a faint nod, Chronos seemed to acknowledge the wariness in my tone. He didn’t argue, merely fading back into the shadows as silently as he had appeared, leaving Dave and me alone with the weight of his revelations.

Once the door clicked shut, sealing off the whisper of the night air he had stirred, I turned to Dave, frustration and resolve mixing in my expression. “Can we trust anything he just said?”

Dave’s face mirrored my skepticism, marked by lines of thought and concern. “I think we take it as a piece of the puzzle, Grey. Not the full picture, but something we need to be aware of. We verify everything.”

I nodded, feeling the gravity of our situation. “Right. We stay cautious and keep our eyes open. No more being pawns.”

“Exactly,” Dave agreed, his gaze drifting towards the window where Chronos had stood moments ago. “And our first step is finding Mark. Whatever it takes, he’s key.”

“Hopefully, Sebastian can figure something out.” I sighed. “What a day… How are you doing?”

A warm smile appeared on his face. “Surprisingly good.”

“Your wolf?”

“He’s here. We like you.”

“Is there… rage? Anger? Do you argue?” I asked, the question making me anxious.

“Not at all, to be honest. It feels like I’ve known him my whole life, and it’s been what… a day?”

Relief. “I have no idea how you’re doing this, but I’m glad, Dave. To think I could’ve killed you…”

“Stop it. You saved me.”

As the last words left Dave’s lips, a silent understanding passed between us, reinforcing the bond that had not just grown but solidified in the crucible of our recent trials. We shared a brief, comforting embrace before making our way to the bed, ready to let the exhaustion of the day’s revelations and confrontations overtake us.

The room was dim, lit only by that soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains, casting shadows that danced lightly across the walls. We both removed all clothing but our underwear. Dave pulled back the covers, and we slid into bed, finding comfort in each other’s presence. His warmth was everything, and as I nestled closer, his arm wrapped around me, pulling me into a protective hug. Our breaths synchronized, the quiet rhythm lulled me toward sleep, a brief respite from the whirlwind of uncertainty that surrounded us.

Just as sleep began to claim me, a loud crashing sound jolted me awake. A battle. My heart raced as I sat up, disoriented, trying to place the noise that had ripped through the silence of the night.

“What the fuck?” I said, gripping Dave’s arm.

He was already on alert, his body tense. “Yeah. Sebastian’s room.”

Without another word, we both leaped out of bed, urgency propelling us forward. The sound of chaos continued, now joined by a series of thumps and muffled shouts.

As we raced across the corridor, we encountered my mom, her expression one of deep concern mixed with fear. “It’s Sebastian’s room,” she said breathlessly, her voice shaking. “Something’s happening.”

We nodded, not stopping to speak further, and continued our dash to Sebastian’s room. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, sharpening my senses as we approached the door, which was ajar. More noises, now clearly the sounds of struggle, echoed from within.

Pushing the door open, the scene before us was chaotic. The bed was smashed, its frame splintered under the impact of what must have been a tremendous force. And there, in the midst of the wreckage, was Mark, not just returned but entwined with Sebastian in a way I hadn’t anticipated—they were kissing passionately, seemingly oblivious to the destruction around them.

The shock of the scene momentarily rooted me to the spot. This was the last thing I had expected. Not the violence of a battle, but the intimate reunion of two people I cared deeply about. The confusion set my mind reeling, trying to piece together how this could have happened.

“Mark?!” I managed to gasp out, my voice a mixture of relief and disbelief.

At the sound of my voice, they finally broke apart, turning to look at us with expressions that mirrored my own shock. Mark’s eyes were wide, a tumult of emotions passing through them as he scrambled to his feet.

“Grey, Dave,” Mark started, his voice hoarse, as if he hadn’t spoken in ages, “I… I made it back.”

“You crashed into my house?” I asked, half amused and so clearly overwhelmed.

Mark’s laughter was shaky, relief evident in his smile. “Not how I planned my entrance, but it seems I still have to work on the finer points of teleporting.”

Mom was behind us, her gaze flitting between the broken bed and the three of us. “Is everyone okay?” she asked, concern etching her features.

“We’re fine, Mom,” I reassured her, though my mind was still trying to catch up with the reality of Mark’s sudden, dramatic return.

As the initial shock faded, the implications of his arrival began to sink in. Mark was back, which meant new possibilities, new hopes, but also new challenges. Whatever lay ahead, it was clear that our journey was far from over. With Mark’s return, the next chapter of our story was just beginning, filled with potential, danger, and the undeniable force of change that had brought him back to us.

Taking a look at my brother, I saw pure joy radiate from his face. Such profound happiness and relief that illuminated the room, casting the shadows of our recent struggles into the corners. His smile, wide and unrestrained, spoke of a heart finally unburdened, reunited with what it had longed for. It was a moment of pure, undeniable bliss, a reminder of the enduring power of love and connection amidst the chaos of our lives.

I had my friend back. And I think I finally had a brother, too.

Just like that, the air in the room shifted abruptly. Without a sound, Chronos appeared, his form materializing out of thin air.

Mark spun around, his eyes widening with recognition and a flash of intense fury. “CONSTRUCT!” he roared, his voice thundering through the room. With a swift, decisive movement, he thrust his arm forward, unleashing a torrent of energy. Brilliant arcs of purple and blue lightning surged from his fingertips, striking Chronos with unbridled force.

The impact was immediate and cataclysmic. Chronos, hit by the beam, didn’t simply recoil; his form fractured into several ethereal versions of himself. These specters flickered in and out of existence, some pinned against the wall, others standing eerily still, their forms phase-shifting between planes. The room shook to its core, the air crackling with electric tension, as if we were in the heart of a power station spiraling out of control.

Amidst the chaos, I felt an unexpected surge of power rising within me. Glancing at Dave, I saw his eyes alight with a similar energy, a fierce determination burning within. As our gaze met, sparks of every color of the rainbow began to emanate from where we stood, weaving around us like threads of fate pulling tightly together.

The room was alive with energy, a symphony of sounds and colors that drowned out the world around us. Mark’s powers were immense, far beyond what I had ever imagined. As the beams and sparks interlaced, forming a vibrant tapestry of light, I realized that the power wasn’t just Mark’s—it was ours, combined and magnified.

“Fuck, how do we stop this?” I shouted over the roar of energies colliding, the weight of our newfound power both exhilarating and terrifying.

As the last words left my lips, the reality of our situation settled in. The room, now a nexus of swirling energies and fractured light, held us at the center of a storm we had unwittingly unleashed. The implications of our actions, of the powers we harbored, were as daunting as they were profound. What had begun as a simple reunion had escalated into a battle that could very well redefine the boundaries of our existence.

With Chronos still fluctuating between his multiple forms, struggling against the force of Mark’s attack, the urgency to understand and control our abilities had never been greater.

What now?

What the fuck now?

And here we go. I’m sorry I took so long to continue the story, but it is wild and vivid in my mind just like on the first day. Thank you for being here, and please comment. It means so much to me. I promise the next chapter is already being polished. :D
Copyright © 2023–2024 drown. All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you so much for reading. This is my first story. Be kind but honest.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

1 minute ago, andrewj said:

Thank you for continuing the story. You have been missed. I love this story,so keep the chapters coming. Thank you

Thank you, @andrewj — it means so much! 🙂

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1 minute ago, akascrubber said:

Welcome back---

Thank you. 😁

1 minute ago, akascrubber said:

Chronos admitted he caused the trouble, the curse, the pain--He said the three are going to be the Triad who will supercede the Contructs who could fade away!

Mark returns and blasts Chronos apart. Mark hates him.  The three grow greatly in power. They need to learn how to control and rule themselves. I hope this happens fast....

It’s time for them to figure out where their alliances lie. Or what ultimately led to the birth of the Triad. What did the Constructs do????!


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Hello Drown ! So Nice to Have You Back Where You Belong , Oh Wait ! That’s Hello Dolly . 
       Truly Wonderful to Read Your Latest Chapter , Chronos telling Grey & Dave What the Future brings The Triad Once Mark Returns . Before You can Blink Your Eye , Mark Crashes Back into Their Present Time via Grey’s Family Roof on Top of Sebastian in Bed . Cosmic Kisses till Mark see’s Chronos and Blasts him with Grey & Daves Power as Well as His ! . Look Forward to The Next Posting Sir ! 

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4 hours ago, VBlew said:

Mark is back! Yes, but this power unleashed on Chronos, why? What did Mark learn.  Seems like Sebastian was the key to him coming back to this timeline.

Can’t wait to tell you what’s next! 😁 And I’m glad he’s back. I know in the story not a lot of time has passed since Chapter 1, but it felt like an eternity to me.

Might have to do with the long gestation period of this particular chapter, too. Ha.

4 hours ago, VBlew said:

I was just thinking about this story today and wondering when it was coming back. Looking forward to more with these guys.


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1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

Honestly, a little disappointed in Mark's reaction.  Yes, Chronos is a Construct, but they seem to be divided, why assume that all are against them?  Doesn't matter how much he has learned; it obviously was not enough.

Remember that Mark departed before the group even knew something like a Construct existed. Everything he has learned was after that, not in our reality. You’ll have to wait a bit to find out what his view on things is.

1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

I am glad that Sebastian seems to be truly sorry, and glad that both Grey and Dave have forgiven him for his past actions.

Grey and Dave seem to be way too secure in their place in life right now. Their stoicism and forgiveness is a tiny bit annoying. But can’t help it, the characters write themselves. 😬

One thing was for sure, the Belcore brothers had to reunite. We now know that Mark unknowingly had a particularly useful gift for those blighted inside the Belcore pack. He did save Sebastian, and he saved his adoptive parents. Now Sebastian has a lot of thinking to do… why did he remain an asshole to everyone and especially his brother, when he was no longer affected by the curse. More apologies to follow? One can hope!

1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

Well, the Triad is more than any of us realized.  

Can't wait to see what happens next.


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1 hour ago, JohnnyC said:

Hello Drown ! So Nice to Have You Back Where You Belong , Oh Wait ! That’s Hello Dolly . 
       Truly Wonderful to Read Your Latest Chapter , Chronos telling Grey & Dave What the Future brings The Triad Once Mark Returns . Before You can Blink Your Eye , Mark Crashes Back into Their Present Time via Grey’s Family Roof on Top of Sebastian in Bed . Cosmic Kisses till Mark see’s Chronos and Blasts him with Grey & Daves Power as Well as His ! . Look Forward to The Next Posting Sir ! 

Thank you, @JohnnyC! Let’s see if Chronos survives this. 😬

I do agree that I belong here. Writing for all of you is very fun and rewarding. 🥰

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1 hour ago, Zuri said:
14 hours ago, drown said:

I’m sorry, the chapter ended up being rather long…

One could very well consider that very welcome after such a long abstinence.

😁 True. I could’ve split this in two chapters with some filler, but it just ended up this way. Never had I rewritten and edited as much as I did in this chapter. At one point, it just felt right.

1 hour ago, Zuri said:

I have to point out, it's easy to forget that this is indeed your first story, because your writing is just so captivating!

comedy central thank you GIF by The Jim Jefferies Show

1 hour ago, Zuri said:

Yeah, Mark warned Dave and Grey, and Chronos told them the truth then (his version, granted). Sure, maybe, the Constructs might be evil masterminds, but Chronos appeared a little defeated, but this might have been just show. Otherwise, Mark's reaction would be a little drastic. But he will have his reasons, won't he?

Learning more about the Constructs, Edna being at the Lunar Haven, might make more sense in retrospect than our protagonists might like 🤔 Or she might become an unexpected ally by turning against the Constructs …

Despite the assumption, there's a battle going on (acted out burning passion might be hardly distinguishable therefrom), Mark's return is actually somewhat anticlimactic after this long search for him ^^

Remember, Edna knew Clara from waaaaaaaay back. Clara is an old one. The Contructs might have oversold their power and position—at least the ones we have met so far—and I hope the fun moment in the forest when Edna comes and goes up in a teleportation tells us a lot more about them than what’s on the surface. There’s infighting, discourse, planning and machinations over centuries or millenia. The Triad is an upset, and it is doubtful that the Constructs will just sit by and do nothing. If we are to believe Chronos, the Constructs had already tried to keep the Triad from forming but manipulating things on earth. Now think about the fact that Edna was on earth for all that time. Did she intervene? Did she not? Why was she here? Was it special that she “could” be here for all this time? All things I hope to answer in time. Help.

Mark’s return had several different iterations but this story is about friendship and love and in the end it felt more right for him to be called back by his love than a weird ritual that someone made up drawing Mark back deus ex machina style. Mark returned because the man he loves tethered him to our realm of existence, and he’s powerful enough to travel on his own. 🙂

1 hour ago, Zuri said:

I thought about some theories of how these different realities might look like in the comments of earlier chapters. Has he met other versions of Grey and Dave? Has he seen realities in which the Constructs outlived the Triad? Has he seen what comes after the Constructs?

The only hint I can leave here is: The words the characters use may be misleading.

Gods are not the kind of gods we think of, though with the new revelations, the power imbalance between “Constructs” and the “Triad” is reshuffled. And in this particular case: The “timeways” might be neither “time” nor “ways” or “pathways”. “He is scattered among timeways” is something Chronos said, his point of reference might be time. Chronos is not the answer to all there is though, and now—if we believe we have the right information—Mark, Grey, and Dave might actually have the power to understand things better than Chronos himself.

A revelation of where Mark was is coming very very soon. It will be surprising because duh.

1 hour ago, Zuri said:
4 hours ago, Darryl62 said:

I have found this story to be at times both exciting and irritating.

I have to admit, the story is at times confusing but to me more in a way that it is challenging—and I like challenging stories. drown said somewhere, the story will be around 70 chapters (correct me if I'm wrong), so it comes as no surprise that we don't see the grand scheme yet. However, as I said earlier, I do see a huge potential in drown's writing and therefore, I trust him to do the story justice.

Thank you. The feedback is very important to me still. At times I feel like I can’t keep all the threads right in my head, so if I make a mistake, it will just be confusion under the guise of being a challenge.

Your trust means a lot, but it does build a lot of pressure. lol

I originally planned 50 chapters. Many things have upset that plan, but the estimate still stands—for the original story.

1 hour ago, Zuri said:

By the way, it feels like Clara has taken the back seat in the last chapters and I think, she's more of a front and center person really.

Yes, I did realize that. She commanded the room in the Haven and Eldarwood, but now is more of an observer.

I am dropping a hint now, because it’s something that was in there and people forgot about it :D
Here goes:

Chapter 14: Aten

“I called the cavalry, by the way,” Clara said, her gaze on me now.
“Ok?” I said.
“This room allowed me to reach out to the forest at least. And I think someone or something is going to pass the message along. See all those windows up there? I thought we were going deeper and deeper into the labyrinth, but I can see the moonlight. So…”
“So… druidic telegraph?”
“Sort of.”

Chapter 14 was September 24, 2023, late in the afternoon. Chapter 23 (this chapter) is the night of September 25, 2023. Just as a point of reference. Do those dates matter? Yes. They do. Oh god, they do. Has it really been just a day since the labyrinth? Yup. I just write a lot <.<

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1 hour ago, Patch1 said:

That was AWESOME!!!!  That's all I have...simply awesome!  

@Patch1 😃😁🙂 Thank you!!!!

Now back to editing for me :3 Story has to go on.

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Welcome back, with an awesome chapter.

Mark is back and very powerful, as Chronos found out.

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1 minute ago, chris191070 said:

Welcome back, with an awesome chapter.

Thank you, @chris191070—I’m glad you liked it.

He is indeed back! And seemingly a little out of control.

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Mark's anger towards Chronos stems from something he saw/experienced while fluctuating in the multiple timeframes... 

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I see a branding opportunity here:

 Fiona’s Cosmic Casserole will take you to the moon and back!

So good to read your words @drown, you were missed but good things are worth waiting for💜


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