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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Another Ordinary Guy - 2. Chapter 2

Ricky entered the school building and stopped the first student he saw. “How do I get to Room 208?” he asked.

“You’re late,” the boy said, thinking that Ricky was a student. “Class started ten minutes ago. It’s one flight up those stairs and to the left.”

Ricky entered the room as quietly as he could and stood in the rear. Red was addressing the class. He acknowledged Ricky’s presence with a nod and a slight smile.

“Remember,” Red lectured, “Martha constantly accuses her husband of being a complete and utter failure. She has emasculated him, and destroyed his spirit. Whoever reads the role of George today, please do not stand straight; slump a little, look defeated, despondent even. In other words prove to yourself, and to us, that you are an actor, and not just another pretty face.

“We have a visitor today, a professional actor,” Red said facetiously. Maybe we can prevail upon him to read some of George’s lines for us, and show us how it should be done.” Red smiled evilly at Ricky. Perhaps he was taking revenge for last night.

Ricky could not resist the dare. “Sure,” he said and he started toward the front of the room. When he turned to face the class, the classroom erupted into chaos.

“It’s Ricky Albert,” someone yelled. Of course, these teen agers recognized him immediately. The reason for the commotion was still a mystery to Red.

Finally the class simmered down. Every one of them was holding his/her breath, waiting to see what would come next. Red didn’t know quite what had happened. He just stared at Ricky, who whispered in his ear, “I’ll explain later.”

Out loud he asked, “Wouldn’t you prefer that I read the role of Nick? I’m a little young for George.”

“Everyone in the class is too young for George. Just show us how it’s done,” Red said impatiently. He handed Ricky a book, and pointed to one of George’s long speeches. He expected Ricky to make a complete fool of himself.

Ricky took a moment to scan the script. As he read, his shoulders slumped, his eyes seemed to cloud over and he appeared to shrink into himself. He tousled his hair, and he became a sad middle aged man, one whose life had passed him by. Red was witnessing the transformation, and he was awe struck. Ricky began his soliloquy and the class grew deadly silent. Several of the girls began to cry at this pathetic creature. When Ricky put the book down, there was an eerie silence for quite a long time. Finally, Red smiled and said, “That class, is how it’s done.”

The class applauded wildly. Most of them ran up front begging Ricky to autograph their copies of Albee’s play. The girl’s tried to kiss him, as he fought them off. Red gave up trying to restore order in the class room, and just slumped in the chair behind his desk.

Finally the bell rang, and the kids reluctantly left, asking Ricky to please visit again. The class had also gained new found respect for Mr. Walters, because he was a friend of Ricky Albert.

When they were alone, and Red was packing his brief case, he asked. “OK squirt, who the hell are you, and why don’t I know who you are?”

“If you really want to be able to relate to your students, you have to travel back to their generation. Find out what interests them, especially find out what music they love. For your information, Puccini is losing out to today’s pop music.”

“You know Puccini?” Red asked incredulously.

“Of course. My mother is his greatest fan. Our house was always full of his music. Mama can’t get enough of him. The only one she might choose over him, is me.”

“I guess I’m a bit of a dinosaur,” Red lamented.

“I’ll make you a deal,” Ricky said. “I’ll teach you all about today’s teen agers, and you can teach me how to be the best homosexual lover you ever had.”

“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse, but what makes you such an expert on today’s youth.”

“Because I am one, and I hope you are as much an expert in the art of gay love as you claim to be.”

“Come,” Red smiled. “I’ll buy you an ice cream soda, while you fill me in on what appears to be one hell of a past life.” Red took Ricky to an ice cream parlor which they had to pass on the way to the subway. While they were sipping their sodas Ricky told Red all about his life with The Sons of Song, and how he had gotten nearly back to normal these past two years. He also filled him in on his desire to act, and maybe sing and dance in musical shows.

“I’ve heard about The Sons of Song, but I’ve never heard their music,” Red confessed. “Frankly, I don’t think it’s moral or ethical to put young kids through the grinder like they did to you.”

“Don’t cry for me. It was a marvelous experience. I got plenty of pussy for a young, horny kid, more than I dreamed of, or wanted. And when I’m on the stage, I’m always happy. In fact, I couldn’t be happier if I was in heaven. Just reading those few lines for your students was a complete turn on for me. What I hated was the clamor, the fuss the students made over me, their adoration. That’s why I left the band prematurely. I just want to be an ordinary guy.” Ricky hesitated for a moment. “Like you,” he said.

“It’ll never happen,” Red reflected. “I think it’s probably too late.

“That’s why I want to be on the stage. People rarely recognize actors from the legitimate stage. It’s movie stars and rock icons they mob. Like I said, I could never give up the stage entirely. It’s what truly turns me on.”

Red smiled. “I have some other ideas for turning you on. In fact, for turning both of us on.”

“I think I’d like that, but I have one condition.”

“And what might that be?”

“I want you to put on your Sunday best and allow me to take you out to a five star restaurant in Queens tonight. If we eat in Manhattan, let me warn you, we might be recognized, and maybe pursued by paparazzi. I’m trying to get away from all that. Do you know a good restaurant, and will you dine with me, teacher?”

“Damn you, Ricky. Why do you have to be so good looking. I want to be with you very badly, but I don’t know if I can handle your fame. You aren’t handling it too well yourself.”

Even though they were in a public place, Ricky took Red’s hand. “Help me work through it then, please, and I’ll do as much for you. Lean on me and I’ll lean on you.” Red answered by squeezing Ricky’s hand.

“By the way, here’s what you have been missing.” Ricky took his I Phone out of his pocket and downloaded a song. It was one of The Sons of Song’s biggest hits. “Listen.”

“Of course I’ve heard that song, but I never paid attention to it until now. It’s rather good.”

“I’ll need to borrow a jacket for tonight,” Ricky said, breaking the mood. “I didn’t bring any clothing for a formal occasion. I guess I’ll have to do some shopping now that I have a closet to hang things in.” For some reason that struck him funny and he laughed.

That evening, after gobbling down escargot appetizers, they shared a porterhouse steak. For desert they had good old American apple pie a la mode. When they ordered it, Ricky distinctly saw the waiter wrinkle his nose, and look down at them. They were both anxious to get into a shower and then a bed, but they didn’t rush the meal. Red wanted to prolong the moment. A meal like this usually didn’t come his way. As for Ricky, he was nervous and didn’t mind the delay at all.

But time passed quickly, as it always does, and the two men found themselves standing in Red’s living room facing each other. They both knew that Red would have to take the lead, so he did. They were about the same height, so Red wrapped his arms around Ricky and began to kiss him. His tongue forced open Ricky’s lips, and their tongues met. Ricky nearly swooned and Red had to hold him up.

“I want you to promise me something,” Red said.


“Don’t fall in love with me. A virgin always falls in love with the guy who takes his cherry. You’re way too young to fall in love. Just enjoy the moment. Have lots of sex before you find a partner, else how will you know who the right guy is?”

“Did you ever have a partner?”

“Too many. I rushed into romance, and right into the jaws of disaster. That’s why I’m warning you in advance. Don’t fall in love too easily or too fast, as the saying goes. Now, let’s stop talking and get undressed,” Red suggested.

When they were naked, they just stood still, smiling at each other examining their bodies, memorizing every inch for future reference.

“You are so beautiful Red said.

"You are more beautiful,” Ricky countered.

Ricky was uncut and fully erect. He was about seven very hefty inches. He didn’t trim his pubic hair and it was quite bushy. Red thought that he might hint to Ricky to trim it. His straight, jet black hair was offset by his beautiful blue eyes. Ricky suspected that he might have had some WASP ancestors. He had a day’s growth of beard, which Red found very manly, and a complete turn on.

Red had a thinner cock than Ricky’s, but it was about a half inch longer and it was cut. His hair wasn’t quite blond, and his green eyes were a total turn on for Ricky, who had a definite something for green eyes.

“Let’s shower together,” Red stated.

“You do remember that I’m a virgin,” Ricky warned. He discounted the quickie blow job in the bathroom like it never happened.

“I promise to be gentle,” Red laughed.

Neither of them expected it to happen, but it was in their extra long, extended shower, that Ricky’s ass hole lost its virginity. They were luxuriating under the warm cascading water, and soaping themselves all over especially in the nether regions. Suddenly Red inserted a soapy finger into Ricky’s ass and started to wiggle it all over, and ream the hole like it was a pipe stem.

Ricky gave out one long “Oh Gaaaaawd.”

“You like?”

“I like a whole lot.”

“Good! Here’s another one,” and Red inserted another finger into Ricky’s hole. It was well lubricated with soap suds and it went in rather easily also. Red continued his wiggly, reaming motion, which caused Ricky to throw back his head and moan some more. But when Red touched Ricky’s prostate, the young man would have fallen on the floor had Red not caught him under his arm with his free hand.

Suddenly Ricky yelled out, “Fuck me, man; fuck me good.”

Red had intended starting out with some breath taking fellatio, but Ricky commanded otherwise. Red released his grip on Ricky, and with his free hand, he soaped his cock until all you could see was a foamy rod. He turned Ricky toward one of the tile walls. “Lean on the wall and stick your tush out,” he instructed.

Ricky did as he was instructed and suddenly he felt Red’s cock head pushing into his crack. He was filled with anticipation and great fear. He took one hand off the wall, and attempted to help Red out by spreading his cheeks.

“I’m going to ramrod right in,” Red said. “It’s kind of like breaking a hymen. It will hurt like hell. Your ass hole will be on fire, but I promise you, the pain will go away swiftly, and you will feel nothing but pleasure.

When Red pushed in, Ricky did indeed scream out. Red did not move. The fucking did not start with entry. Ricky wondered what would come next. As the pain subsided, Red flicked his cock. Ricky could feel the movement deep within him. It was an exquisite feeling. He yelled out, “Red, why didn’t anyone tell me how fucking incredible fucking is, getting fucked, I mean.”

That’s all the drama teacher had to hear. He began to thrust gently. With each inward and outward motion, he massaged Ricky’s prostate.

He reached around the novice and engulfed Ricky’s hard prick with his soapy hand. He started to stroke, and his strokes took on the rhythm of his thrusts. The two men began to moan, very loudly. If a third party could hear them, he would have heard them both starting to murmur together, “I’m cumming….”

It took Red a moment to catch his breath after cumming. Then he chided himself. “Dammit. That wasn’t supposed to happen. I didn’t use a rubber.”

Ricky panicked. “Is that going to be a problem?” he asked, afraid of the answer.

“No, no problem at all. I just don’t want you to get used to going commando. Please make me one more promise. No matter how intense the circumstances, like just now, always take the time to protect yourself.

“I promise.”

“So how does it feel not to be a virgin anymore, at least where male sex is concerned.”

“It feels absolutely wonderful. It feels so positively right, and so angelically heavenly.”

“Ricky, baby,” Red whispered in the boy’s ear. “I want to suck your cock so badly. While we are recovering would you mind terribly if I trimmed your pubic hair? It’s awfully bushy.”

Ricky laughed. “Damn! I’m proud of that hairy bush, but I can see where it would be a detriment during oral sex. Are you going to do the barbering?”

“Damn right, I am.”

“Then shave away, but you better be very careful. I have an interest in not damaging what hangs between my legs.”

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 7/19/2024 at 7:21 PM, chris191070 said:

Kevin James Pain GIF by TV Land

Definitely hitting a few octaves higher.

Ricky will enjoy the trim, especially first time he looks in the mirror and sees more salchicha larga como chorizo.             

Sony GIF by Sausage Party

  • Haha 5
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1 hour ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Definitely hitting a few octaves higher.

Ricky will enjoy the trim, especially first time he looks in the mirror and sees more salchicha larga como chorizo.             

Sony GIF by Sausage Party

Size Matters GIF by Travis

  • Haha 5
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