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Love Of Family (2024 Revision) - 13. Family Weekend pt. 3

I want to thank @Summerabbacat for mentioning his interest in Jade from the original LOF. Because of him, Chris Holman was created and I hope he finds Chris as interesting as or even more interesting than Jade was.

Brandon opened his eyes, looked out the window at the darkness, then sat up, stretched, and yawned before shuffling into the bathroom. He closed the door, stood beside the bed, picked up the phone, saw that it read four-thirty am, and remembering the tickle wake-up call Levie gave them, the sparkling blue-eyed blonde softly chuckled and started waking his foster brother.

Greg unintelligibly mumbled as he swatted at whatever was on his shoulder, shaking him, and the moment his eyes opened, Brandon's index finger magically appeared on his lips.

Brandon fought to hold in the giggles that tried to escape as he got close to his brother's ear and whispered, "Lev's still asleep. Ya wanna hold him while I tickle his feet?"

Greg smiled and nodded before getting up and going to relieve himself. After crawling back into the bed, he placed Levie's injured forearm on his stomach so that he wouldn't hurt it any further, then wrapped his arms around the peacefully slumbering male's upper body and trapped his mate's slender, muscle-toned legs between his legs.

The grinning blonde eagerly waited for his brother to finish while staring at the two pairs of smooth, bare soles and plump toes, dying to get his fingers on them as he watched his dark-haired sibling's toes slightly twitch. Once he got the signal, his index fingers lightly stroked up and down along the center of each vulnerable arch. Instantly, Levie's left foot jerked side to side, covering and rubbing against the right sole, only to have the right foot try and cover the left one as airy, boyish giggles started flowing from the groggy redhead.

"Wakey, wakey," Brandon teased in a giggly singsong tone.

Levie's eyes fluttered, his trapped body squirmed as much as possible, and he giggled like crazy as his toes wiggled and scrunched when the pads and bases were tickled.

"Screw Folgers, hearing my adorable Leprechaun's early morning giggles is the best part of waking up," Greg said with a chuckle. He squeaked and jumped when his toes were also tickled. "Tickle, Lev's feet, Bran," he childishly whined.

Brandon giggled and blew a raspberry at his foster brother as he straddled the four lower legs and continued tickling both pairs of feet. The room erupted with Greg's and Levie's howling laughter and squeals as they writhed and wriggled on the mattress.

"Guys, I gotta pee," Levie hollered. Instantly, he was released and wasted no time getting to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, the redhead ran into the room and jumped on his mate and brother. The happy trio cuddled and kissed each other before Brandon went downstairs to start the coffee while Greg helped Levie redress his wound.

"So, Lev, what are we making for breakfast this morning," Brandon asked after sipping his coffee.

"It's Sunday, so McDonald's. We always go there before the service whenever we go to church."

"If we're not making breakfast, why are we up so early?"

Levie giggled as he shrugged and answered, "Don't know. Ask Bran."

Brandon jumped out of his chair and ran for the stairs with Greg right behind him, issuing threats of causing his very ticklish death. Levie shook his head and giggled when he heard Brandon squealing uncle and I give.

Greg and Levie went to their bathroom to shower and get ready to leave while Brandon washed up in his bathroom, and a few hours later, the guys got into the Sonata. Brandon handed Greg the keys and got into the backseat so his brothers could sit beside each other.


Troy stood at the kitchen counter finishing his coffee, dressed in a light pink polo shirt with tan khakis and grey two-inch-heeled boots. He smiled when Jaycen entered the room, wearing a yellow polo shirt, black jeans, and tan half-inch-heeled boots.

"You are so hot, babe," Jaycen said, wrapping his arms around his mate

"You are too, Jayce-Bear," Troy said. He leaned his head back against the warm wall-like chest.

After turning the light off, the couple went upstairs to brush their teeth before leaving in Jaycen's Dodge Charger for McDonald's.

Jaycen said, "You did it again, Babe," as he turned left onto Richmond Rd.

Troy grinned as he looked at his smirking husband and asked, "Did what?"

"Don't even try it, my sexy pup. You know you went to Lev's room to wake him up."

"Can't help it, Jayce. I miss our boy being there with us."

Chuckling, Jaycen kissed his brown-haired mate's hand while waiting at the stoplight to turn right onto Washington Avenue. "You're such a mom," he teased. He jumped and giggled when his side was poked. "Hey, no fair, I'm driving," he whined.

Troy giggled and countered, "Sure, it is because we're not moving."

"I'll remember that next time you're at the wheel."

"Besides, you're one to talk, Red."

"What'cha talkin' 'bout?"

Jaycen put his turn signal on, got into the right hand turning lane, and pulled into McDonald's parking lot.

Troy smirked and said, "I'm not the one who woke up in the middle of the night to get Lev's Snoopy doll from his closet."

Troy and Jaycen were standing beside the muscle car, holding each other, when Greg parked in the spot next to them. Tears glistened in the married couple's eyes as the younger guys exited the Sonata, stretched, and smiled at them. Levie was dressed in a sage green polo shirt, grey slim-fit jeans, and black two-inch heeled boots, stood between Greg, who wore a grey polo shirt, tan khaki pants, and one-inch heeled boots, and Brandon, wearing a blue polo shirt, black jeans, and black dress shoes.

"Babe, the boys look so grown up, and Lev's as handsome as you are, and your dad was."

"Levie's really not our baby boy anymore, is he?"

Troy softly chuckled before he kissed his soul mate and said, "You're such a big ol' softie. The kid's always gonna be our baby boy, Jayce. We did a great job raising him."

"You guys look very handsome," Jaycen said as the trio hugged and kissed him and Troy.

"What's wrong, Bropops," Lev asked as he gently wiped the tears from Jaycen's cheek.

"Nothing bad, baby boy," Troy responded with a smile.

"It's just your sappy Bropops, realizing how grown up and mature you've become," Jaycen said.

Levie giggled as his eyes sparkled.

"You might revise that statement when Lev's being a playful leprechaun, Jaycepop," Greg said, chuckling as he dodged his boyfriend's attempt at swatting his head.

"Yeah, Lev's just a tickle-loving big kid."

"Like the two of you aren't just as playful," Levie countered.

Brandon squeaked and hid behind Troy when the slightly younger redhead playfully growled at him. He peered around his brunette human shield and blew a raspberry at his red-haired brother. While his focus was on Levie, Jaycen and Greg got behind him and tickled his ribs on both sides. "Hey, no fair, he hollered seconds before doubling over with wild laughter and stomping his feet on the pavement.

Greg looked at the older pair with great appreciation for their appealing physical appearance. "You two look hot," he said seconds before his cheeks got warm and turned pink.

"Thanks, Brokid," Troy and Jaycen said as they embraced Greg.

"Hey, am I your Brokid, too," Brandon asked.

Troy and Jaycen jumped and giggled when the blonde poked their sides.

"You're gonna be our dead Brokid," Jaycen playfully threatened.

"C'mon, guys, I'm starving, let's eat," Levie said, giggling boyishly. He squealed when Greg grabbed his waist, threw him over his shoulder, and carried him into the restaurant.


Fuck! I'm a boy. This can't be happening. Chris Holman shook his head while looking at the plastic object in his hands, with tears dripping down his bruised cheeks. Inside, he felt like a boy, and he knew in his heart that he was a boy, but when the dirty blonde sixteen-year-old looked into the mirror, a girl stared back at him, and now, a pregnant girl. His mind flew into a panicked state because now, he was a male born into and trapped in a pregnant teenage female body. The heavy thud of boot-clad feet coming closer and the man's loud booming voice calling his name made the teen gasp and drop the pregnancy test stick like it was on fire. He quickly ran over, locked the door, hoping it would hold up long enough for him to escape, and grabbed his backpack. He stuffed the pregnancy test into one of the compartments before climbing out of the window and running as fast as possible, thinking of nothing but survival.


"Still feel like we made the right decision," Tom asked.

"Yes, I do, Babe. Our boys and newly acquired family are here, and you know as well as I do that we'd be miserable in Tennessee without the kids."

Linda sighed as she looked at the passing scenery through Tom's dark red Cadillac XT5 passenger side window. Suddenly, a flash of color made her turn her head back to the front windshield. "Tom, watch out," she almost hollered while bracing herself as her husband swerved to the left and barely missed hitting the short-haired teen who ran into the road.

Tom got back into the correct lane, pulled the SUV to the side of the road, put his hazard flashers on, and he and Linda got out of the vehicle to check on the younger person.

Linda's instincts, both maternal and from years of social work, kicked in the second she saw the fresh and fading bruises on the teen's face. "Will you let us help you," she softly asked.

"Please, I just ran away from my abusive Uncle."

"Come with us, we'll keep you safe," Tom said as he held his hand out to the teary-eyed teen."

"I'm Linda Wilmont, and this is my husband, Tom," Linda said as she placed her arm around the younger person's shoulders and led her to the car.

"My name is Chris Holman."

Once they were in the car, Chris told Linda and Tom his story, including his gender dysphoria, how he used to work at the Stillman ranch until his uncle made him stop so that he could rent Chris to men and women for sex, and about the positive pregnancy test. Naturally, the husband and wife were outraged, and they got their newly found charge to the medical center, specifically requesting that Stuart Blankenship be the one to examine the teen. Along the way, Linda called Troy and Jaycen to ask everyone, including Rusty, to meet them at the center.

While I can, I'm making use of this wave of inspiration for LOF. I hope everyone enjoys the twists and find Chris an intriguing addition to this revision.

I'm eternally grateful for @Greg @BoyLove @Paladin @Summerabbacat @chris191070 @VBlew @centexhairysub @akascrubber @scolvert and everyone who's taken the time to read, react, and comment on this and my other stories.

Love y'all
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Mama Linda and Papa Tony are gonna look after Chris.

The Uncle is gonna know pain when Mamma gets hold of him.

Otherwise a chapter full of love, family and tickles.

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36 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Mama Linda and Papa Tony are gonna look after Chris.

The Uncle is gonna know pain when Mamma gets hold of him.

Otherwise a chapter full of love, family and tickles.

@chris191070 I'm glad you liked Chris. I hoped I made his situation interesting and believable. I'm not that familiar with transgendered individuals and their unique mindset.

I loved Linda and Tom  not batting an eye at helping the traumatized teen. I felt that since they decided to stay, they needed to have a worthwhile purpose to keep them vital and relevant other than their grown boys. Like Jayce and Troy, they are forging another new path in life. 

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The humanity of your characters adds to the enjoyment of  reading your stories. Thanks for bringing on the giggles, smiles and lessons.

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3 hours ago, Greg said:

The humanity of your characters adds to the enjoyment of  reading your stories. Thanks for bringing on the giggles, smiles and lessons.

@Greg :hug:I loved working on this chapter. Hehe The image of Jaycen getting up to get Levie's Snoopy doll was just too adorable in my head. 

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The boys are all so full of fun and love for each other. Tom and Linda decided they can't be happy without being close to family. Chris is quickly going to be surrounded by more love than he has ever experienced. Maybe a few tickles as well.

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15 hours ago, Ticklishboy30 said:

@chris191070 I'm glad you liked Chris. I hoped I made his situation interesting and believable. I'm not that familiar with transgendered individuals and their unique mindset.

I loved Linda and Tom  not batting an eye at helping the traumatized teen. I felt that since they decided to stay, they needed to have a worthwhile purpose to keep them vital and relevant other than their grown boys. Like Jayce and Troy, they are forging another new path in life. 

I am no expert on MTF or FTM transgendered humans either @Ticklishboy30, although I have known a few of the former, but I believe the worst thing one can do is treat them as if their transgendered status is the extent of their life. To do so "reduces" them to some kind of "freakshow", when in fact the majority just want to be treated as an ordinary human getting on with their daily lives like everybody else (this is my belief anyway).

I am glad you have introduced Chris into the story. He has the added difficulty of not only being pregnant, but possibly pregnant to his uncle, and almost certainly pregnant as the result of being raped. I hope for Chris' sake his uncle did not "rent" him out for sex to "cure" him of his gender dysphoria.

I like your idea of Chris bringing a purpose into Linda and Tom's life to keep them vital, however, I would caution them not to treat him as some kind of "project", which will be easier said than done. Although I am not at all religious, I believe Maureen, in addition to the entire extended family, will be what will save Chris. Given the situation he currently finds himself in he may be very vulnerable to suicide or at least suicidal thoughts. Whatever happens, he must be protected from his abusive uncle at all costs. The leprechaun should be assigned to protect him.

And finally @Ticklishboy30 as soon as I read "Fuck! I'm a boy. This can't be happening. Chris Holman shook his head while looking at the plastic object in his hands, with tears dripping down his bruised cheeks. Inside, he felt like a boy, and he knew in his heart that he was a boy, but when the dirty blonde sixteen-year-old looked into the mirror, a girl stared back at him, and now, a pregnant girl.?" you had this old queen weeping like Anna Madrigal, with tears streaming down my face for the life this boy has lived and the difficulties he faces to become his true self.

Edited by Summerabbacat
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3 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

I am no expert on MTF or FTM transgendered humans either @Ticklishboy30, although I have known a few of the former, but I believe the worst thing one can do is treat them as if their transgendered status is the extent of their life. To do so "reduces" them to some kind of "freakshow", when in fact the majority just want to be treated as an ordinary human getting on with their daily lives like everybody else (this is my belief anyway).

I am glad you have introduced Chris into the story. He has the added difficulty of not only being pregnant, but possibly pregnant to his uncle, and almost certainly pregnant as the result of being raped. I hope for Chris' sake his uncle did not "rent" him out for sex to "cure" him of his gender dysphoria.

I like your idea of Chris bringing a purpose into Linda and Tom's life to keep them vital, however, I would caution them not to treat him as some kind of "project", which will be easier said than done. Although I am not at all religious, I believe Maureen, in addition to the entire extended family, will be what will save Chris. Given the situation he currently finds himself in he may be very vulnerable to suicide or at least suicidal thoughts. Whatever happens, he must be protected from his abusive uncle at all costs. The leprechaun should be assigned to protect him.

And finally @Ticklishboy30 as soon as I read "Fuck! I'm a boy. This can't be happening. Chris Holman shook his head while looking at the plastic object in his hands, with tears dripping down his bruised cheeks. Inside, he felt like a boy, and he knew in his heart that he was a boy, but when the dirty blonde sixteen-year-old looked into the mirror, a girl stared back at him, and now, a pregnant girl.?" you had this old queen weeping like Anna Madrigal, with tears streaming down my face for the life this boy has lived and the difficulties he faces to become his true self.

Linda and Tom wouldn't treat Chris as a project, but they would treat him like their child. :heart:

I love you comment and seeing that what I wrote hit home emotionally is an amazing compliment. Thank you. 

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10 hours ago, Paladin said:

The boys are all so full of fun and love for each other. Tom and Linda decided they can't be happy without being close to family. Chris is quickly going to be surrounded by more love than he has ever experienced. Maybe a few tickles as well.

@Paladin I always try to have most of the love coming from the family because it's not getting any easier out in the world. 

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