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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Troublemaker - 9. Chapter Nine



It was another Friday as I prepared myself for another night with my best friends at Bottoms Up. However, tonight was special since the bar was hosting a small art show that would feature works from queer artists from around the city, me included. The show wasn’t going to be huge by any means, but I still felt giddy with the knowledge that my art was finally going to be featured somewhere outside a grocery store.

I contemplated whether I should opt for contact lenses rather than my usual glasses when a soft knock on the bathroom door was heard.

“Hey, Todd. Are you ready?” Dillon asked from the other side of the door.

“Almost,” I said, combing my hair with my fingers.

“I checked the news, and there’s traffic. So, we should probably head out now if we want to get to Bottoms Up before the art show begins.”


I adjusted my glasses and exited the bathroom.

“Well, look at you all dressed up,” Dillon commented, wearing just a long-sleeved shirt and jeans.

“Am I overdressed? I know I’m not showcasing the next Mona Lisa or anything like that, but I’m still excited,” I said, feeling self conscious.

“Nah, you look great.” Dillon smiled as he tugged on the collar of my embroidered dress shirt. “Channing texted, saying he’s already at the bar.”

“Cool. Let’s go.”

Dillon and I decided to drive his car to the bar which took longer than usual because of the traffic caused by a minor fender bender. Despite that, we still managed to arrive at the Bottoms Up ten minutes before the event began.

Upon entering the bar, I saw stanchions separating the back side where the art pieces were displayed on the walls and pedestals. Everyone mingled at the front side, and I felt relieved after seeing other individuals dressed in much less formal attire compared to my clothes bought from a thrift store.

“I’m going to use the restroom real quick,” Dillon asked before walking off.

I spotted Channing who was conversing with a small group of people. I waved my hand and got his attention. He waved back along with another person who I quickly realized was Barrett.

Channing left the group and approached me, Barrett following right behind him. I was already surprised to see Barrett there, let alone that he was with Channing. But seeing what he wore made me suddenly parched.

He wore a simple light-gray dress shirt with dark-gray slacks, but his clothes fitted him perfectly and emphasized his muscular body underneath. The top buttons were unfastened, revealing his defined collar bones and the deep ridge between his pecs, and my mouth watered in response. His hair was also perfectly styled along with his trimmed beard. He normally looked rough around the edges, but right then he could’ve been featured as a model in a fashion magazine. Hell, he could lean against the wall and be ogled as part of the art exhibition.

“Hey, Todd!” Channing said, reaching his arms out and giving me a light hug.

I hugged back, but my eyes were still glued to Barrett who offered me a gentle smile.

“Hey, Barrett. I didn’t expect to see you here,” I said.

“Yeah, Channing invited me, said you had an art piece being featured here… I hope you don’t mind.”

“N-no! Of course not. Glad to have you here.” I noticed him twiddling something familiar in his hand and said, “Your locket. You got it fixed?”

“Yeah, Channing and I bumped into each other a week ago and offered to fix it. Looks good as new.”

“It was no biggie. My mom's into jewelry restoration and got it fixed in no time,” Channing said, touching the heart-shaped locket.

Barrett smiled at him, and a strange ache was felt in my chest that was only made worse when Channing gave that all-too-familiar flirty look that got men to drop to their knees multiple times before.

“I’m back!” Dillon announced before eyeing Channing and Barrett.. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing,” Channing, finally dropping his gaze from Barrett. “So, Todd, where's the piece you’ve been working on?”

I cleared my throat and said, “It’s the one that looks like the pride flag.”

Before I could look to see where my piece was displayed, the Fairy Godfather appeared.

With a mic, he exclaimed, “Ladies, gentlemen, and my nonbinary brethren!”

Everyone turned to the man wearing another suit with detailed embroidery and his bowtie that were shaped like fairy wings.

“Thank you to all of you who have come here to view and appreciate the exhibition of dozens of queer artists currently living in this neighborhood and city. I always believed art and our community share a common and valuable trait, to express oneself proudly and without fear. With art, it’s with color, shape, form…and with us, it’s our soul. Again, thank you so much for supporting these artists by just attending this show. And now let the show begin!”

Everyone in the bar clapped, and soon everyone was granted access to the art display at the back. My giddiness returned as I passed through the crowd to search for my work. It was harder to find since the other pieces, ranging from paintings to sculptures, were brightfully colored as well.

A small fear then arose, that my piece was somehow not good enough to be displayed with every other artist’s. Images of my hard work laying in some dumpster in the middle of a dark alley flashed in my head. And the longer I searched, the more fear grew.

“Hey, Todd! Is this yours?”

I turned around to see Dillon pointing at a table, and looking above I saw my art piece. I rushed to the table that was originally designed to hold a parasol, but instead held my pride flag that stood proudly from the center.

“Ah, there it is,” I said, looking up. “What do you guys think?”

My art piece was based on the original pride flag, but a closer look revealed more details. Each of the eight brightly colored stripes had drawn images representing each color's meaning.Other details included the bleeding of the colors that represented bleeding wounds.

“It looks…amazing.”

Barrett looked mesmerized as he gazed at my art, and I felt a swell of pride.

“I strongly agree,” Dillon said, patting my back.

“Well, if you think that’s amazing, check this out.”

I reached my hand toward the flag and peeled off a piece from the yellow stripe. The piece was the size of a quarter and was actually a small sticker. I then grabbed a transparent plastic card from a stack on the table that had my Instagram profile picture and handle printed on it. Placing the sticker on the center of the card, I then handed the card to Dillon.

“Woah, I didn’t expect that,” Dillon said, flipping the card over and seeing an inspirational quote on the back of the sticker. “Impressive!”

“Hey, that’s similar to how I designed my business card,” Channing noted.

I smirked. “You can say that.”

A woman suddenly approached me and said, “Hi. I just saw what you did there. Can I try?”

I nodded and handed her a card. I stepped aside and allowed her to peel off another sticker before placing it on her card. Looking from front to back, she called out to her friends, and that was when the real magic began.

It was slow at first, but gradually more people came to my booth of sorts and peeled a sticker from the flag and placed it on their card. Several people asked if this piece was mine before complimenting how innovative and interactive it was, making me more prideful with each additional compliment. People got the chance to peel a piece of my artwork and take it home with them. Dillon helped with passing the cards to people, while Channing used his charm to persuade others to approach my art piece.

Barrett continued to admire the flag as more stickers were peeled from it, which was its own reward.

Eventually, all but one sticker remained, and I peeled it off and placed it on the last card. A red heart-shaped sticker that I then offered to Barrett who smiled and accepted it. We then looked back at the flag that had a transparent, empty space left behind at the center that was shaped like a heart as well.

“Now that’s what I call a reveal.”

The Fairy Godfather approached me and patted my shoulder.

“I didn’t know that was what you had planned for this art show.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t offer more information. I just wanted this to be a surprise,” I said.

“No worries, my boy. It was worth the surprise.”

“How about we celebrate this artistic achievement with drinks. On me!” Channing announced. “Hey, Barrett. Can you help me out?”

“Uh. Sure,” Barrett said before following Channing.

The weird feeling I felt earlier returned, which only increased as I watched Channing and Barrett at the bar. As they chatted, I could see Channing eyeing Barrett and offering him his signature dimpled smile.

“What are you looking at, Todd?”

I looked back at the Fairy Godfather who had a knowing smile.

“Nothing. Just waiting for my drink,” I lied.

I glanced at the bar again and tensed from seeing Channing’s hand caressing Barrett’s shoulder.

Dillon chuckled. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes,” I insisted. “God, what’s taking them so long.”

Barrett laughed at something Channing said, and I could feel my resolve crumbling quickly.

Thankfully, they soon returned with mugs filled with beer and one water bottle, presumably for Barrett.

I accepted my mug from Channing who still had that ridiculous, flirtatious smile aimed at Barrett, and I finally understood what I was feeling right then.


“You’re looking a little tense there, Todd. You alright?” Channing asked.

“I’m fine,” I said and gulped half of my beer. “I’m…I’m going to look at the other art pieces.”

For a while I roamed around and appreciated the other submissions displayed, some of the works by artists I also knew on social media. One was a series of five dolls repainted to look like drag queens and another featured photographs of queer people depicted with color in front of a black-and-white background.

I eventually stopped and stared at an oil painting that recreated the photograph of the sailor kissing a nurse on VJ Day but with two men. The kissing couple riled emotions inside me that I haven’t dealt with for a while, which involved my love life.

I hadn’t dated anyone since college, and my attempts at finding someone special ended with a blind date set up by Channing that just resulted in me being ghosted. That incident happened about a year ago, and since then I hadn’t attempted to date anyone else. Sure, occasionally when I hung out with my friends at Bottoms Up, a man would glance at me, seemingly interested. However, I never smiled back or expressed any interest in return, which would then lead to the guy finding someone else. I told myself that I didn’t have the time or energy to date. And I wasn’t interested in one-night stands, which I did a couple of times back in college and only left me feeling more empty than satisfied. However, the need to be alone with someone and just be close was something I didn’t know I craved until I looked at this damn painting.

Then the memory of Barrett holding me when I cried on my bed resurfaced in my thoughts, and I drank the rest of the beer in the hopes that it would somehow wash it away.

“Nice painting, huh?”

I looked to my right and saw Channing admiring the painting. He was dressed in a simple dress shirt, slacks, and a cute bowtie that he had a collection of. The man could be wearing a garbage bag and still pull it off, which only made me more self conscious of my own outfit.

“Yeah,” I muttered.

“Something bothering you?” Channing asked nonchalantly.

“I’m fine.”

“You sure… You’re not still mad at me for what I did last Friday?”

Concern folded the classically handsome features of his face, and I sighed before saying, “No, it’s not that.”

“Then what is it? Is it about Barrett? Sorry that I brought him without asking you first. I didn’t think you would mind.”

“I don’t mind. It’s just…”

Channing raised a brow, and I decided to blurt it out.

“Are you trying to get with him?”

“Who? Barrett?” Channing said, taking a step back.

I nodded. “I mean, I don’t care if you do. But it’ll be weird regardless. He’s my brother’s friend, and the guy I despised for years…and you flirting with him right in front of me…that bothered me.”

“Woah. You think I’m trying to take Barrett away from you?”

“No! He’s not my boyfriend.”

“But you want him to be, right?”

I groaned and tipped my mug to drink, only realizing it was empty. I then pouted, while Channing grinned at me.


“You still have a crush on him.”

“No, of course not! I’m not in high school anymore.”

“Okay, let me rephrase that sentence… You, Todd Miller, have feelings for the sexy paramedic named Barrett Jones.”

“So, you are interested in him,” I accused.

Channing just laughed and said, “No way. I mean, he’s a very fine specimen, but I know someone else already has his eyes set on him.”

“So…you weren’t flirting with him earlier at the bar?”

“Flirting? I was just talking with Barrett about what he thought of you. That’s all.”

“Oh… What did he say about me?” I asked.

“I don’t think I should tell you since you just accused me of trying to steal your man.”

“He’s not my… Uh, never mind. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just jealous.”

“Jealous? Of who?” Channing said incredulously.

“Of you!” I said and bowed my head. “You’re the person that every guy wants to be or get to know. And I’m just…me.”

“Hey, don’t sell yourself short. You’re a good-looking fella too.”

“You don’t have to lie to me.”

“Lie to you? You’re not a gremlin, Todd. Far from it. You have a smile that’s shy, and yet alluring. And you pull off those glasses and the overall hot nerd aesthetic very well too.”

I tried to suppress the smile trying to form.

“Along with clear skin and a full head of hair, you got it going.”

“You’re not trying to hit on me just to make me feel better, right?”

“No! I can appreciate someone’s looks without wanting to take them home with me. You’re a good-looking man, Todd, and I’m sure Barrett thinks the same.”

“H-he told you that’s he’s…”

“Didn’t have to. I can always tell.”

“Oh… Well, I’m not looking for a relationship right now.”

“Is that codeword for I’m too scared to ask him out in fear that he’ll reject me?”

I was about to argue, but I then got a glimpse of Barrett who was still standing by my art piece and looking at it with amazement.

I sighed and said, “Perhaps.”

“If you want, I can help,” Channing said and bumped his elbow at him.

“You’re not asking him out for me,” I protested.

“Of course not!” Channing said as he began stepping back.

Channing then swerved on his feet and made his way to Barrett. I quickly tried to stop him from implementing whatever maniacal plan he had, only to trip on my feet and almost topple a man-sized, wooden sculpture of a phallus.

After apologizing, I weaved through a group of people posing for a photo, likely photobombing them, and reached Channing and Barrett. But I was too late.

“Todd can show you.”

“Show who?” I said, panicked.

“Show Barrett the mural that you worked on only a block from here,” Channing said, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.

“I’d love to see this mural… If it’s okay by you, of course,” Barrett said.

Seeing Barrett’s smile was all I needed.


“Great! And take your time, guys. Dillon and I will be here when you get back,” Channing said and slapped my back.

I didn’t know whether to thank my best friend or knock him out. Well, it was too late to back out as Barrett eyed me with anticipation.

“Uh…you want to go now?” I asked.

Barrett nodded. “Sure. You lead.”

I took a deep breath and felt for my inhaler in my pocket before walking out of the bar with Barrett right beside me.

Copyright © 2024 Superpride; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for reading! All feedback is greatly appreciated. Any discussion is also welcomed!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

6 hours ago, drsawzall said:

I have to give some credit to Channing, having the good sense to give Todd, a pep talk, and a bit of quiet time with Barret....

Hopefully his motives were purely altruistic because if not he could have potentially done more harm than good. I hope to be proven wrong, but I still don't completely trust him, much like Anthony. I guess I am ambivalent about both, and I feel one of them at least is the likely subject of the story title.

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3 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

I feel one of them at least is the likely subject of the story title

I'm beginning to wonder if the title should have been pluralized:  TroublemakerS...

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On 8/30/2024 at 3:39 AM, Summerabbacat said:

Madonna was emerging as a global superstar

Whenever I think of Madonna, I recall a photo of her with dense underarm hair. Ugh. Which in turn reminds me of a comedy skit where the comedian sticks a large brush under his arm while waving and saying, "Gooda bye." His interpretation of an Italian girl waving good bye. I think it was Robin Williams.

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I recall an early photo of her (I think) where the underarm was not the only location on the body with a dense covering of hair, and it looked coarse and very dark too. It is hard to know what she looks like now at 66 years of age as she appears to have had some serious cosmetic refreshment in the past few years. Her apparent drive to retain a youthful appearance is to me inconsistent with her expressed outrage regarding ageism against women in the music industry. I still enjoy her music though and welcome any new music whenever released.

Edited by Summerabbacat
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