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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Troublemaker - 24. Chapter Twenty-four



As if it wasn’t hard enough to lose all hope of ever reuniting with my parents, discovering my best friend was in the hospital should’ve teetered me off into complete despair.

However, being with Todd, my boyfriend Todd, offered me a ray of hopefulness that everything would be alright, his hand holding mine affirming that.

The doctor soon stopped by a door, which he opened before stepping aside for us to enter first. The room was spacious for a hospital, and I saw my best friend resting on a bed with tubes running in several directions to the machines that monitored his status.

“So, he’s going to be okay, Doctor?” Mr. Miller asked as he stopped by Anthony’s bed.

“He will be. He’ll have a long recovery time, but if he changes his lifestyle and follows our orders, he’ll be alright,” the doctor confirmed. “I’ll give you all some time to be him.”

“Anthony? Son?” Mr. Miller said, rubbing his shoulder.

Anthony’s eyelids slowly rose. “Dad?”

“Yes, son. It’s me. How are you feeling?”

“Can’t really feel anything… Am I in the hospital?”

“Yes, you are. You had a heart attack. But don’t worry. You’ll make a full recovery. I’ll guarantee that.”

Anthony moaned and then said, “Is Todd here too?”

Mr. Miller nodded. “He’s right here.”

Motioning his head, Todd took that as his chance to talk to his brother.

“Hey, Anthony. You scared me there for a moment,” Todd said, his hands gripping the bed rails tightly.

“I’m sorry about that.”

Todd chuckled lightly. “No worries. Just glad you’re still here with us.” He then looked at me and said, “Barrett’s here too.”

Todd motioned his hand to join him, and I did just that.

Leaning my hands on the bed rails, I said, “Hey, Tony. You didn’t bother calling that you were heading to the hospital. I would’ve brought burgers.”

Anthony laughed before choking. “Oh, God. Don’t make me laugh, Rett.”

He opened his eyes again, and said to Todd, “You wouldn’t believe who I saw when I passed out?”

Todd raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

Smiling, Anthony said, “I saw Mom. She looked so happy to see me, but then she told me it wasn’t my time yet and gave me a big hug before I woke up here.”

“She did?”

Anthony sobbed. “God, I miss her so much.”

“Now, don’t start crying now. Not with what just happened,” Mr. Miller said.

Anthony took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay if you want to cry, Anthony. You just had a heart attack. Bottling your emotions is not going to make it better,” Todd said passionately.

“It’s okay, Todd. I’m just happy to know that I’m still here to give you a noogie every now and then.”

Todd clasped his brother’s hand that had a clip monitor on his index finger. “And I’ll gladly take them.”

“Well, son. I’ll be back as soon as I can to check that you’re alright.”

“You’re not going to stay here?” Anthony asked, sounding hurt.

“I wish I could. But I need to make sure taking the ambulance to get you here didn’t affect anything back at work…but I’m sure Todd and Barrett will keep you company. Im…going to use the restroom and head out.”

Mr. Miller walked out, and Todd was left shaking my head as he gripped the bed rails with what looked like disappointment.

“Unbelievable,” Todd gritted.

“What’s up?” I asked, resting a hand on his shoulder.

“My dad. He just up and left instead of staying here like a father should for his son who just had a heart attack.”

“Yeah. I’m wondering why he did that,” I sympathized.

“Because he’s an asshole. Either he’s too busy with work or he doesn’t want to be anywhere near his other son.” His lips trembled. “This sucks.”

“It’s okay, Todd. I’ll live.” Anthony chuckled before groaning again. “I’m sure he has his reasons.”

“Yeah, well none of them are good… Fuck it.”

Todd twisted around and stomped out of the room.

“Follow him, Barrett. Make sure he doesn’t do something stupid,” Anthony said.

I nodded and followed Todd’s retreating body to the hallway where his father just exited the restroom.

“You need something, Todd?” Mr. Miller asked.

“Yes. I do… What the hell is wrong with you?” Todd said with clenched hands.

“Excuse me?”

“What’s wrong with you, Dad? Too busy to stay with your own son who needs his father. Or are you too ashamed to be staying in the same room with me and my boyfriend?” Todd spat out.

Wide-eyed, Mr. Miller just shook his head and started walking. “Not now, Todd. Not here.”

Todd bowed his head, looking defeated, and I said, “Answer the question, Mr. Miller.”

Halting, he turned and eyed me, “This is not your battle to fight, Barrett.”

“You’re wrong there, sir. Todd’s my boyfriend, and whatever his problems are, they’re mine as well.” I wrapped an arm around his sagging shoulders. “Now answer his question. Are you so embarrassed by me and Todd that you’d rather make excuses and run away rather than be for your own flesh and blood?”

Mr. Miller looked away.

“It is, isn’t it, Dad? You don’t love me anymore, but you’re not man enough just to tell me outright,” Todd sobbed.

I felt horrible for my boyfriend right then. His mom gone, his brother in the hospital, and his dad not offering him the love he deserved.

“Todd…you…you don’t understand,” Mr. Miller muttered, still not looking at us.

“No! You don’t understand. Just tell me to fuck off and reveal your true feelings about me, Godamnit!”

We were met with silence, which spoke louder than any words could.

I rubbed Todd’s shoulder and said, “Come on. Let’s go back to Anthony. We obviously have our answer.” I glared at Mr. Miller who turned his back to us.

Todd nodded, and we turned to Anthony’s room when a sound broke into the air. The sound came from his dad, and at first I thought it was a grunt, a dismissal of Todd’s feelings and for his own son’s existence. But the sound continued, and I looked back to see Mr. Miller with his hands against the wall as he choked out sobs. I thought I was mistaken and that he was cursing or muttering something under his breath. Never before had I witnessed Todd’s father crying, but here he was, slowly breaking down, and it fucking it broke my heart.


Todd’s father didn’t answer, just continued to cry louder before he slumped against the wall and slid to the floor.

Todd ran to his father’s aid, and I stood by and watched as he kneeled and rested his hands on his dad’s quaking shoulders.

“Dad…Dad! Talk to me. What’s wrong?” Todd said, looking back at me with confusion.

“I-I-I didn’t mean to hurt you, son,” his father coughed out.

“What do you mean?”

“Just-Just wanted to stay strong for you, boys.” he took a deep, shaky breath. “It has nothing to do with who you are, Todd… I’m so sorry!”


Facing Todd, he said, “I still love you, Todd. I always have. Never think for a second that I won’t!”

Todd leaned in and hugged his dad’s crouched form, and I took that as my cue to leave them alone. I retreated back into Anthony’s room, and he looked at me with concern.

“What happened? I heard crying.”

“It was your dad. But don’t worry. Todd’s with him,” I said.

“Oh, wow. I don’t even remember Dad ever crying before, not even after Mom died.”

I nodded in agreement. “I guess there’s a first for everything. And maybe he and Todd can finally begin repairing their relationship.”

“I hope so. That's what Mom would’ve wanted.”

Curious, I asked, “Did you really see her? Your mom?”

Anthony closed his eyes and nodded. “It could just be a dream…but I’d like to believe that was really her talking to me.”

I smiled and took a seat on a chair next to him. “Me too… I wish I could have that experience.”

“Oh, shit. Sorry. I completely forgot.”

I just chuckled and said, “No worries at all… At least I have Andrea…and Todd too.”

Two weeks was not enough time to fully move on from what I learned about my parents, but that short amount of time did allow me to begin processing my feelings regarding my past and the trauma I experienced while in foster care. Andrea was a great person to lean on when I grieved for the family I wished I had, and now that Todd and I reconciled, I knew I could depend on him to share my feelings with as he could with me.

“And don’t forget about me,” Anthony said. “And as soon as I get out of here, you’re teaching me how to cook those healthy vegetarian meals you’re always begging me to try.”

“Oh, so no more triple cheeseburgers and extra large milkshakes?” I teased.

Shaking his head, Anthony said, “I know now that I should’ve been more careful with my diet. I’ll make sure to change that. You can bet on that.”

I grinned. “Glad to hear that.”

We waited for a few more minutes, but when Anthony yawned, I told him he should rest and that I’d stay by his side.

Todd and his dad eventually returned, and they sat next to each other at the other side of Anthony’s bed. They didn't say anything to each other, but I felt the tension that was there early had completely evaporated and the silence was a refreshment that eased the conflict they once had with each other.

The same doctor returned later and woke up Anthony to ask him several questions and then said that he was going to have a long road ahead of him after he leaves the hospital as he stated before, but that his results currently looked promising.

We stayed with Anthony for about an hour, and after I took a quick restroom break, I bumped into Todd just as I was about to reenter the room.

“Hey, Barrett. My dad said that we can leave and that he'll be with Anthony for the rest of the night, unless you want to stay too,” Todd said.

I checked the time on my phone and said, “Wow, it’s past midnight. Are you going to leave?”

“Most likely. My dad and I need some time to process our feelings. I never expected my dad to be bottling so many emotions; I thought he had a problem with me when he initially wanted to leave, but really he just wanted to suffer alone. He didn’t want us to see him as anything but strong and someone to lean on. I think some time alone with Anthony can help him see that staying strong doesn’t mean not expressing your emotions to the people you love.”

“I totally agree. I hope you and your dad can reconcile.”

“Me too.”

I smiled and asked, “Do you want a ride home?”

“Yes. I texted Dillon that he and Jenny could leave and return to the party.”

“Cool. Let’s head out then.”

From the threshold, we waved Anthony and Mr. Miller goodbye before exiting the hospital and entering my car.

After we buckled our seatbelts, I started the engine and drove out of the hospital’s parking lot. Rock music softly played from the car radio as Todd rolled down the window, allowing the wind to sweep his hair and let out any stagnant air from inside the vehicle.

We soon reached Todd’s apartment and parked my car right in front of the complex.

“Thanks for being there for Anthony, and for standing by side again when I confronted my dad,” Todd said. “It was kind of sexy when you were defending my honor.”

I chuckled. “Kind of?”

“Sorry, I meant hella sexy… Do you want to come inside?”

I bit my bottom lip and caressed Todd’s thigh. “Aren’t you tired?”

“I am, but it’s been too long since I’ve had you in my bed or me in yours…but if you want to go home, I under–”

I stopped Todd with a firm, lustful kiss on the lips. Todd moaned and leaned in, opening his mouth and letting my tongue slip inside. My dick hardened instantly, reminding me how much I missed Todd’s touch and his lips on mine.

Todd released our kiss and said, “Okay. Let’s get into my bedroom before I bust a nut here.”

I smirked. “You’re sure your roommate won’t be there already?”

“Nah. He has a lot of explaining to do with his mom, so I doubt he’ll be here later.”

I raised an eyebrow to that, but Todd didn’t elaborate. Instead, he got out of the car, and I soon did as well. I then chased him from the parking lot to the front door of his apartment. Catching him, I pushed him against the wooden door and slammed my lips on his again.

I enjoyed the sigh that escaped his mouth to mine, and I was in heaven when I grabbed his ass in my hands and squeezed the luscious clouds into my palms. I was so damn hard in my work slacks that my dick threatened to uncage itself through the zipper.

“Let’s get inside, sexy,” Todd said.

Turning around, he fumbled with his keys and after a torturous few seconds, Todd managed to get the door open. We slicked inside, and he slammed the door before pouncing on me again. I lifted him from the floor, his lean legs wrapping around my waist, and we made out with such ferocity that I thought we couldn’t even make it to his room. I wouldn’t mind just fucking his brains out right on the living-room couch.

However, with lips still locked, I somehow was able to navigate from the living room to Todd’s room. I kicked the door open, and I raced to the bed where I dumped Todd’s sexy body onto the mattress.

“Fucking take your clothes off,” Todd ordered.

“Yes, sir!”

I stripped off my paramedics uniform like they were on fire just like my body was, and Todd did the same. Both of us completely naked, Todd sat up and swallowed my cock from the tip to the end. I groaned in pleasure as he sucked me to the hilt, his breaths heating my groin. I laced my fingers into his soft hair, and I moved my hips, jutting my dick again and again into his hot, wet mouth.

I was already on the edge as I pulled out completely and said, “I want to fuck you, Todd.”

“What are you waiting for then?” Todd said, giving the tip a lick.

I managed to hold back my orgasm as I went to his nightstand and grabbed some lube and a condom.

Just before I could open the packet, Todd grabbed my wrist and said, “No condom this time.”

I gazed into his eyes and said, “You sure?”

He nodded. “I want to feel you unload inside me.”

And damn was I so close to unloading right then and there. So, I ditched the condom and lathered my bare dick with the lube instead.

“No fingers either. Just fuck me now.”

I was so grateful since I doubt I prevent myself from coming from the sight of my fingers fucking Todd.

Laying on his back with his ass out, I grabbed his legs and positioned my dick towards Todd’s quivering hole. I didn’t want to hurt him, so I gently inserted the head into his pink sphincter and took my time injecting myself into him. His moans encouraged me to go further until my groin was flush with ass.

“Fuck me, Barrett… Please!”

That was all I needed to hear and drew back my length before pistoning it back inside, Todd responding with a scream of pleasure. I did the same action over and over, ramming in my Todd that soon got us to move from the center of the bed to the headboard. Todd grabbed the headboard rails from behind his head, while I continued to fuck his ass, my blunt nails digging into his thighs.

It wasn’t long until I was close to coming, and I wanted us to do it together. So, I grabbed Todd’s dick leaking with precum, and I stroked him to the rhythm of my hips. Then seconds later, he shouted out and came. The sight of Todd losing control and releasing his load on his chest, neck, and face caused me to follow right after. I fired my seed into his ass, my hips bucking uncontrollably, and I collapsed onto Todd, his release melding between us.

I never had an orgasm that powerful before, and I guess it was true that some time apart made the heart grow fonder, or also in our case, our orgasms harder.

Todd grinned a toothy smile my way, looking completely sated, before placing those pink lips onto mine. I kissed him back and just relished the feeling of our sweaty, cum-slicked bodies pressed together like two halves of a heart becoming one.

We then laid there, together, and talked. And boy did we talk. Everything from Anthony’s long recovery ahead to Todd’s firing and my discovery that my parents were dead. As we bared our souls, we stayed close, my arms around his shoulders and his legs around my waist.

I didn’t know when I fell asleep, maybe after I heard Todd’s light snoring that soothed me into closing my eyes.

I opened them again upon hearing a rustle, and I was introduced to Todd’s smiling face.

“Ah, sorry. Did I wake you?” Todd asked, still smiling.

“Kind of. But seeing you makes waking up worth it.” Todd’s smile suddenly vanished, and I asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I was just…thinking.”

“Yeah? What about? You can tell me,” I said, turning on my side.

Todd sighed. “Well…I’ve been thinking about going to therapy.”

Oh! I didn’t expect that.

“I’m assuming this is related to what happened with you and your dad.”

Nodding, Todd continued, “Dillon has been suggesting it for a while, but I always brush it off. But seeing my dad, bottling up all those emotions, made me realize that I don’t want that to be me. I know now that I need to talk to a professional if I want to learn to deal with things like grief in a more healthy way.”

Hearing this confession from Todd led me to kiss on the cheek. “I’ll support you all the way. In fact, if you didn’t already know, Sabrina’s a therapist, and I can connect you to where she works if you want to get therapy there.”

Todd’s smile returned, and he kissed me on the lips. “I’d really appreciate that. I love you.”

His eyes widened upon the admission, but I just grinned and kissed him back. “Love you, Todd.”

Todd sighed in relief and snuggled next to me. “I feel like everything’s going to be alright.”

I closed my eyes. “I can bet on that.”

Copyright © 2024 Superpride; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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2 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

That is very sad @Al Norris. I am not close to my father who is 89 years of age, primarily because he is very religious and politically conservative, so I can in some way relate to what you are saying. Regarding Daddy dearest I must say I got a helluva shock, and an even bigger shock when Anthony stated “And don’t forget about me,” Anthony said. “And as soon as I get out of here, you’re teaching me how to cook those healthy vegetarian meals you’re always begging me to try.” 

With both Todd and Barrett using the "L" word for the first time they are now seemingly head over heels, which just happens to be another ABBA masterpiece from The Visitors @Tris (beardless Bjorn though).


Reach out @Al Norris 

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This story is chock full of troublemakers...thake your pick, Todd, Anthony, dear old Dad, Barrett, jobs and whatnot...

To me the following sort of suggest the real culprit....

On 9/14/2024 at 7:42 AM, Summerabbacat said:

As to the identity of the eponymous Troublemaker, we have all assumed it is a human, but what it if is not. Is it possible the Troublemaker may be alcohol. Barrett's mother was an alcoholic and Todd has been known to drown his sorrows of late. What if this causes trouble between Barrett and Todd. Or might it be those burgers that are the Troublemaker. They have already clogged Anthony's artery causing him to have a heart attack. 


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