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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Troublemaker - 19. Chapter Nineteen



Not even ten minutes after checking my DMs on Instagram, I already received another three direct messages asking for my art to be displayed in their next art exhibition. Others I’ve gotten have also asked for commissions, and I was flabbergasted when a multimillion-dollar soda brand asked for my art as part of a new advertisement campaign. Who would’ve thought that submitting a sticker painting of the pride flag at a small gay bar would result in this kind of attention. I wasn’t complaining, of course. This newfound recognition could be what I need to make my art more known to the public and have it actually be a career opportunity.

Damn, was I excited!

“Someone looks happy.”

I looked from the tablet screen to see Dillon with ruffled hair and sleepy eyes. “Hey. You’re up earlier than usual.”

“Yeah, I got some shuteye at the nursing home.” Yawning, Dillon then said, “Did you get new followers since the art exhibition?”

“More than that! I’m getting other art curators asking to display my work at their art galleries, commissions from big companies, and sponsorships. I’m thinking about creating a YouTube channel and posting videos of my art process to spread my name even further.”

“That’s great! Let’s celebrate by eating some late morning breakfast.” Dillon entered the kitchen and grumbled at the selection in the pantry.

“Barrett’s coming to visit later with pasta that he made,” I announced as I entered the kitchen too.

“That’s good. I’ll have anything that’s not fast food. I’ve gained three pounds over the past couple weeks, despite being on my feet twenty-four seven.”

“Three pounds isn’t much.”

“That’s true, but the pounds will start adding up, and I’ll be damned if I return to my weight back in high school.” Dillon opened a water bottle from the fridge. “I need to head to the gym later today.”

“You work too much, Dillon.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“And maybe if you got some time off, you wouldn’t need to rely on junk food to keep you alive. There’s still two containers of your mom’s food that you haven’t even touched yet.”

“Mom’s food is fattening, you know that.” Dillon took a gulp of his water. “Enough about me. When’s your boyfriend coming over? I’ll probably head out to the gym right after to give you two some time to yourselves”

“He’s not my boyfriend. We’ve only been on two dates,” I clarified.

“Do you want him to be your boyfriend?” Dillon arched an eyebrow.

“Of course. But I don’t want to rush things. Being with Barrett is literally a dream come true, and the last thing that I want is to screw it all up.” I smiled. “Anyway, he should be here some time after four.”

“Cool. I’ll start getting ready for the gym then.” Placing a gentle hand on my shoulder, Dillon said, “Happy for you, Todd.”

I placed my hand on top of his. “Thanks. And I hope you lose those three pounds.”

“I better. An hour or two on the treadmill should do the trick.”

Dillon returned to his room, and I walked back to the living room where I greeted even more messages, which I happily read.

I also got a message from Barrett with an image attached of him and his coworkers posing for a photo for an anniversary party. I smiled at Barrett’s handsome smile with my brother’s arm around his shoulders. I was very glad to finally have revealed our relationship to Anthony, though I wished he hadn’t initially discovered us with me completely naked in Barrett’s bed. Regardless, it was nice to not hide anything from him, and after our moment in the art exhibition, I feel like we’ve been becoming closer as brothers.

I continued receiving both followers and direct messages along with replying to said-messages and comments under my posts for the next hour.

It was ten minutes after four when I heard the doorbell ring, and I jumped excitedly from the couch and answered the door. Barrett grinned and greeted me, and I stepped aside to let him through. He still wore his uniform that looked sexy on him along with a container of his pasta, which I looked forward to tasting.

“How was work today? You looked like you were having fun at that party,” I said as I accepted the pasta from Barrett.

“It was good. And the party was fun too. Thankfully, I saved some pasta in my fridge since everyone enjoyed it at work.”

“Cool. I’ll try some now. Do you want me to prepare for you too?”

Barrett nodded, and I made my way to the kitchen where I placed the pasta in the microwave to warm it up while taking plates and glasses out from the cupboard. A few minutes later, I assembled the pasta on the small dining table along with a beer for me and a glass of cold water for Barrett.

Dillon appeared again, wearing a tanktop and athletic shorts. “I’m heading out now. Enjoy your date.”

I raised an eyebrow at that since this setup was just Barrett and I hanging out again as we did a few other times over the past couple weeks. Aside from fucking each other’s brains out either in my bed or Barrett’s, we just talked and enjoyed each other’s company.

“Thanks, Todd. Haven’t eaten since the party this morning,” Barrett said as he sat down at the table.

“You’re welcome. Sorry I don't have any candles or romantic music to play in the background, since Dillon thought this was a date.” I chuckled before sitting down.

Barrett sipped his water and said, “I don’t know. This is definitely giving off date vibes to me.”

“True. And maybe I can surprise you with dessert later.” I waggled my eyebrows.

Barrett smirked. “I’m looking forward to that.”

We then started digging into Barrett’s pasta, which tasted phenomenal by the way. I always had a skeptical view on vegetarian food since the packaging always proclaimed the food tasted just as good as their meat counterpart. But rarely was that true. However, Barrett’s cooking proved my past skepticism wrong as I enjoyed the herby flat noodles that had the right amount of salt and were very creamy as well.

As we ate, I told Barrett about the flood of new messages and followers I got on Instagram, elating over the opportunities that were coming to my doorstep.

“I’m even thinking about, I don’t know, going back to school. An art school. But it’s kind of stupid now that I’m thinking about it.”

“Why do you think that?” Barrett asked.

“Because I’m still paying off my student loans. Thankfully, a good amount of my tuition was covered by a college plan that my parents set up for Anthony and I, which leaves only the fees. But it has been a challenge lately to pay for it when rent has been getting higher and higher, and working at a minimum-wage job doesn’t help. Going to college again just isn’t realistic.”

“True. But if I remember correctly, didn’t your dad pay for the remainder of Anthony’s tuition when he was in college?”

“He did. But I vowed to pay for it myself since I didn’t want to feel indebted to my dad for paying all of my tuition, especially since I don’t have a degree to show for it,” I explained. “I also want to show him that I’m capable of being responsible, yet my dad still pesters me about paying for it.”

“I see… When was the last time you two talked?”

“I have no idea. Maybe a month or so. I’m sure it’s driving him wild since I haven’t answered any of his calls or text messages.”

“…Maybe you should go talk to him.”

“And what are we going to talk about? About how much of a disappointment I am to him, that I’ll never get a degree that he deems worthy and find an unfortunate woman to marry and have children with.”

“You should give your dad a second chance. Just sit down with him and tell your side of the story, and maybe he’ll start to understand.”

Todd arched an eyebrow. “I could…but should I?”

“Because he’s your dad, and despite everything, he still loves you.”

Narrowing his eyes, Todd said, “Anthony told you to say this, didn’t he?”

I was about to lie and say he hadn’t, but based on Todd’s accusatory stare, I knew I couldn’t get away with it.

I sighed. “Guilty.”

“Jeez. I told him I wasn’t going to talk to our dad plenty of times already, and he should know better than to use you to try to convince me.” Todd rubbed his forehead in frustration.

I held his hand from under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry, Todd. I didn’t mean to meddle.”

“I’m not upset with you. I just…I just wish my dad would let me live my own life instead of the one he created for me since my birth.”

“Then tell him that. Tell him to take a step back and let you live your life the way you want to.” I massaged my thumb in the palm of Todd’s hand. “And Anthony will be with you during your talk if that helps at all.”

“I’d rather have you be there with me instead. Wouldn’t it be wild if I brought you, while we held hands and stuff?”

“Well, your dad already knows I’m bi, so it wouldn’t be a complete shocker,” I confessed.

“Woah! How’d that happen?”

I chuckled. “Your dad tried to set me up with a woman from his church. But I declined his offer and told him I was already seeing someone. A man to be precise.”

“And did he take it well?”

“He just said he was happy for me and went immediately back to his office.”

Todd scoffed. “Typical. Don’t be surprised he doesn’t talk to you for a month or so.”

“I can handle that; I’m not his son. But you are, and I’m sure it’s hurting you too that you’re not talking with your dad as well.” I squeezed his hand again. “Just give him a chance, Todd.”

Todd muttered something under his breath, but then sighed and said, “All right. Fine. I’ll have a chat with good, old Dad. But I’ll need something in return if that’s going to happen.”

“Like what?”

Todd bit his bottom lip and waggled his eyebrows. “I think you know.”

I laughed. “Are you trying to bribe me, Todd?”

“Come on, Barrett. Don’t you want me to make amends with my father, or do you want to be my only daddy?”

I shook my head. “I’m not that much older than you, you know.”

“I guess role playing as your disobedient child is out of the question… How about just some old-fashioned fucking instead?”

I raised Todd’s hand to lips and kissed it. “Deal.”


I grumbled upon entering the small parking lot of a greasy spoon near the downtown area. I did as Barrett suggested and was going to meet with my dad in an attempt to reconcile and perhaps heal our relationship as father and son. My dad sounded so elated upon hearing my voice again through the phone, and I really did hope we bury the hatchet and be at least be friendly with one another.

So, here I was, a few days after Barrett persuaded me to talk to my dad again, which was exchanged with Barrett ramming his cock inside me so good and earning me a noise complaint from a neighbor.

I texted Anthony who replied back, saying he was a minute away. I then messaged Barrett who texted me a smiley emoji and a thumbs-up. I would much rather be with him rather than here at this littered parking lot of a random restaurant. Perhaps, I could drop by his place again after I was done talking with Dad. I was sure Barrett wouldn’t mind.

I saw Anthony's pickup truck entering the area through the rearview mirror, and I got out of my car. I locked the car door and waved at him as he hopped out of his vehicle.

“Bro! So glad that you actually came!” Anthony said, giving me a firm hug.

“Yeah, I’m here all right,’ I said, hugging back.

“Dad’s already inside. Let’s go.”

I took a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s get this over with.”

Anthony patted my back, and I followed through the glass-door entrance that chimed upon us entering. Inside looked like one of those fifties-style establishments where teens in letterman jackets and poodle skirts would mingle while drinking root beer floats. However, the diamond-shaped tile flooring had many scuffs and the smell of grease thickened the air. Bottoms Up felt way more lively and inviting than this place, but Anthony insisted on coming here since apparently they had the best burgers in the entire city.

I spotted Dad sitting in the far corner of the venue, and he waved at us as we approached.

“Todd! Good to see you again,” Dad said with elation.

“Yeah. Good to see you too,” I said, accepting my hand in a firm handshake. “You wanted to talk?”

“Of course. Sit down, both of you.”

I looked at Anthony who offered me a reassuring smile before sitting in the booth seat opposite from Dad. Anthony sat next to me and immediately perused the menu. A waitress came a couple of minutes later and took our orders. I just ordered a cheeseburger with fries on the side, while Anthony ordered onion rings, chicken tenders, and a large milkshake. I didn’t bother telling him to watch what he ate since I knew he would ignore my concerns about his health. Also, I needed him on my side just in case things went haywire with my talk with Dad.

The waitress returned a moment later with our drinks and Anthony’s milkshake.

After she left, Dad cleared his throat and smiled at me. “So, how’s life treating you, son?”

I shrugged. “Pretty good. Still working at that grocery store and living in the same apartment. Nothing much other than that.”

I held back telling Dad about seeing Barrett since I believed it was a decision we both should agree to before disclosing our relationship to him.

“Todd, tell Dad about your art being displayed at that exhibition,” Anthony said.

Dad’s eyebrows raised. “Oh, what’s that?”

“Nothing huge. An art curator asked if I could create an art piece for his gallery, and I was able to present it at the event.”

“You should’ve seen it, Dad. It was a painting of mom, and it looked amazing,” Anthony said with pride.

“Oh! That’s wonderful. Glad to see you’re enjoying this hobby of yours,” Dad said before sipping his water.

I held back a grimace from my dad saying my art was a simple hobby. What he refused to acknowledge was that I wanted art to be more than a hobby or interest I dabbled in. I desired to create art as a career, to make a living off of it while also spreading my name and message to hundreds, thousands or even millions of people. But just like my sexuality, Dad just saw it as a phase.

I felt a nudge on my arm, and I turned to Anthony who was signaling to me with his eyes to keep chatting with Dad.

Reluctantly, I asked, “So, how’re you doing, Dad?”

“Ah, I’m doing really well, son. The company is continuing to grow. The church I’ve been attending lately is having a gathering soon. You should come with Anthony. I can introduce you to a lovely young woman who seems like the artsy type. I was going to set her up with Barrett, but well…”

I really wanted to tell my Dad to stop setting me up with women, but I kept my mouth shut, knowing it would only lead to another argument.

“Dad. You know Todd’s gay. He’s not into women,” Anthony said.

I looked at Anthony, surprised to hear him defending me as he eyed our dad seriously.

“Well, things could change,” Dad said, laying back. “Look, Todd. I’m just saying don’t count all your chickens before they hatch. You might think your only option is meeting someone at a seedy gay bar. But I assure you that if you find the right woman, you will most likely forget about your attraction to men and become a devoted husband and father.”

This time I grimaced. “Dad, I can be a husband and be married to a man. It’s legal now.”

“And what about kids? Are you going to pop them out your butt?”

I gritted my teeth. “I’m not really interested in having kids. And if I were, I can adopt, or have a surrogate. This isn’t the fifties, Dad.”

“I know that, son,” Dad said, leaning forward. “But what will people say to me when they ask if you’re seeing someone or planning on getting married? That you’re with a man and wasting your life away dancing in a club and doing drugs.”

“Dad…” Anthony warned.

I shook my head. “Okay, first off I don’t go out clubbing, nor have I done drugs. Don’t stereotype me. And secondly, this isn’t about you. So your son’s gay. Big deal. Just tell them that and go about your day. What I do with my life doesn’t have to have any impact on you whatsoever.”

Dad looked at Anthony. “And you’re okay with this?”

“I am, Dad. Always have. I understand you’re concerned about Todd’s future and all, but he’s not doing anything dangerous or illegal. Just let him live his life and love whoever he wants to… Mom did.”

“Don’t bring your mother into this,” Dad warned.

“Why not? She accepted Todd for who he is. So, why can’t you?” Anthony asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Your mother was a very loving and kind person. But I think she misplaced her heart.”

“No, she didn’t, Dad,” I said as anger and hurt rose inside me. “She loved me.”

Dad just sighed and took another drink, as if my defiance was little more than a nuisance to him.

“Here are your orders!” the waitress said, taking our plates from a large platter and placing them on the table. “Enjoy!”

“Let’s just eat and talk about this afterwards,” Dad said as he snapped his cloth napkin and placed it on his lap. “This phase you’re going through, Todd, will only lead to ruin.”

I rolled my eyes, already exhausted by this conversation. “Screw you.”

“Hey! Don’t badmouth me like that!” Dad exclaimed.

I rose from my seat. “Or what? I don’t live with you anymore. I have my own place and my own income. I don’t need you in life judging me and making me feel worthless.”

“Stop acting like this, Todd. You’ll grow out of this. I know you will. You just sit down and enjoy your food with your family.”

“This is who I am, Dad. Nothing’s going to change that. So, either take it or leave it.”

Dad just bowed his head and didn’t say anything.

Accepting that as his answer, I scoffed and left the booth and exited the restaurant.

“Todd! Wait up!”

I twisted around and looked at Anthony in the parking lot. “I knew this would end badly. He doesn’t give a shit about my feelings.”

“...You’re right… He doesn’t,” Anthony said, shoving his hands in my jean pockets.

My brother surprised again by not defending Dad’s actions.

Anthony sighed. “I’m sorry, Todd. I thought Dad would finally let up and just accept you…but I was wrong.”

I stepped forward and offered my brother a half hug. ‘It’s all right. I’m used to it.”

“Just know that I’ll always have your back. Just like Barrett’s. I love you, man.”

I gave him a small smile. “Love you too, Anthony.”

“Where are you going?”

“Back to my apartment…or Barrett’s place.”

“Cool. I’ll keep talking to Dad and see why the hell he’s so stubborn.”

“I doubt it’ll lead anywhere, but thanks. See you later.”

“Yeah. See you later, bro.”

We gave each other a proper hug and pats on the back before Anthony dragged his feet back into the restaurant, while I got into my car and drove the hell out of there.

Copyright © 2024 Superpride; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Todd at least made the attempt at an olive branch. His father really doesn’t seem to care about supporting this son, even emotionally.  Such a shame. What will he do if Barrett and Todd tell him they are dating?   Fire Barrett? Then where will that leave Anthony?   This could really go sideways if the old man is not careful.

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