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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Troublemaker - 25. Chapter Twenty-five



Sitting in a room and waiting for my therapist to talk to me wasn’t something I thought I would ever do. The air conditioning, comfy chairs, or the nice array of magazines could distract me from the knowledge that I was going to dump all of my baggage, trauma, and depression at whoever man, woman, or person decided to listen to. Or I could just say everything was fine and move on. Both were strong possibilities. Either my therapist would pity me and my situation, or I was just going to waste their time, while they could be helping someone else who was in dire need of a listening ear.

The door next to the reception window opened, and I was afraid of my therapist appearing before my dad could arrive. Yes, I said that correctly. My own father agreed, though reluctantly, to meet with me and have a two-to-one therapy session. He was stunned at the idea when I brought it up the day Anthony was released from the hospital, and of course he said that we could mend our relationship “without the interference of a third party.” I somehow managed to convince him to at least give this therapy idea one chance, and if the first session didn’t work out, I’d at least know that we tried.

However, the appointment was nearing, and my father was still a no-show.

Thankfully, the person who appeared at the door was Sabrina who was escorting out a client who shook her hand before leaving.

Sabrina spotted me and said, “Oh, hey, Todd! Glad to see you! How’re you doing?”

“I’m a bit nervous if I’m being honest… Never been to therapy before.”

“A totally normal feeling to have,” Sabrina said with a smile.

“It’s a shame you couldn’t be my therapist.”

“Yes. Unfortunately, since we know each other personally prior to you getting an appointment, it wouldn’t be ethical of me to be your therapist. However, I can assure you that Mrs. Bridget Vance has two decades of experience and is more than capable of listening to whatever you have to say… Oh, speak of the Devil. Here she comes.”

A brown-haired, middle-aged woman appeared with a bright smile on her face.

“Hey, Bridget! I was just talking to your newest client about you.”

“Oh, really?” Bridget said before extending her hand out to me.

Shaking it, I said, “Only good things. I’m Todd.”

Sabrina waved her hand goodbye before returning to her office.

“Nice to meet you, Todd. Just call me Bridget,” she said, still smiling brightly. “So, are you ready to come to my office and start our first session?”

I looked at the glass-door entrance and sighed before saying, “My dad’s going to a no-show unfortunately.”

“That’s not a problem at all. We can still talk one-to-one.”

I nodded but just as I began following Bridget through the door’s threshold, a ringing sound was heard. I turned to see my dad and smiled.

“Sorry! There was a car accident, and I had to take another route to get here,” Dad said.

“No worries at all! Come follow me,” Bridget said.

I patted Dad’s back, thanking him for showing up, and we both followed Bridget to her office that was designed with neutral browns and beiges that made the interior warm and inviting. A rainbow flag along with a few other pride flags hung on the wall where the wall met the ceiling, and I knew that my dad and I were in safe hands.

Sitting on the couch with my dad, Bridget gently closed the door and sat in her chair. She laid back, crossed her legs, and offered us a warm smile.

“So, how may I help you both today?”

I looked at my dad who smiled and nodded towards Bridget. I nodded back and started talking. And boy, did I talk. An hour’s worth of talking to be precise. But not just me; my own dad, the king of keeping his feelings to himself, talked too, and so did Bridget as we chatted together, and even cried a little, which Bridget supplemented with a box of tissues that I was very grateful for.

After that hour passed, my dad and I thanked Bridget for the session and right after scheduled another appointment with the receptionist. We then exited the building and stopped by my car.

“Well, that was good, right?” Dad asked with his hands in his pockets.

“Yeah. I think so,” I said. “Thank you for coming. I know talking about feelings isn’t really your thing.”

“You can say that again… But I’d do anything for you, Todd… I’m sorry again for the way I was treated over the years, and how I didn’t recognize your identity as a gay man. I just thought of myself and how that impacted me, and that was very wrong of me.”

Damn. I never thought I would hear my dad apologizing and owning up to his mistakes, let alone even talking about them with a therapist. Then again, crazier things have happened in this world, and I felt like this moment was the beginning chapter of mending our relationship.

“Thanks for coming again, Dad,” I said and extended my hand out.

Dad grabbed my hand and shook it once, and then pulled me into a hug, which was a pleasant surprise. It was handshakes or nods of recognition, never hugs, not even during my high-school graduation as my class’s valedictorian.

“I love you, Todd. I always will.”

“Love you too, Dad.”

We patted each other’s back and went our separate ways, Dad promising to meet me here again for another session in two weeks.

I felt lighter than air on my drive back home. My dad was finally accepting my identity, which made me feel so damn happy. I also was contacted by the same art curator who organized the art exhibition that displayed my art and asked for another submission for another show coming next month. The show was going to have fewer submissions showcased, but double the amount of people will show up, and thus my work will receive more exposure. I already had a boost of followers on my social-media accounts, and I anticipated another wave of new fans after the next exhibition. And that was how I was making money since I got fired weeks ago. Accepting commissions and being paid for my work was enough to pay the bills and some revenue left over that I will pay for some online art courses to improve my skills even further.

The biggest supporters were my best friends, Dillon and Channing. Also Barrett who was like my muse whenever I had some art block that I needed help removing. His advice to enhance my art commissions were very helpful, and I couldn’t wait for him to arrive at my place later today for another cooking lesson and perhaps some dessert afterwards. Wink, wink.

I hummed the song that sang from my car’s radio as I approached the parking lot. My walk had a spring to the steps, and nothing could ruin my fantastic mood…unless that person was Damon Martinez.

The bastard was sitting by my front door while scrolling through his phone. I grumbled, my mood becoming sour as I stomped towards him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded.

“Oh, Todd! There you are!” Standing up, Damon extended his hand out, which I didn’t shake. “Right… Um, I knocked earlier, and your roommate answered. He asked who I was, and I told him my name before shutting the door right in my face.”

“Of course he did. You don't have the best reputation within my circle of friends, even before I got fired.”

“Yeah, about that… I have a proposition for you.”

I took a step back and said, “I’m not working with you again. No amount of money will make you breathing down my neck because I stacked the black bean cans wrong worth it.”

“Well, good because I’m asking something else from you.”

“Like what?”

“There’s a trend growing in popularity lately of businesses sticking their logos randomly around cities that offer great discounts for the first few people who capture the QR code on their phones. And as punishment for involvement in our fight, my granddad made me peel off every sticker you placed around the store.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the image of Damon peeling all those stickers I left behind. He was lucky they were easy to peel off.

“Okay… So, you want me to do what?”

“I want you to design stickers for Marty’s that will have the QR code for the discounts and follow the trend, you know?”

Still unconvinced, I asked, “And how much are you offering in return for my work?”

“Plenty. Perhaps enough to get you back to school and earn your art degree.”

“How did you know about that,” I said, crossing my arms.

“I can’t help but snoop sometimes and… Look. That’s not important. What’s important is that I’m offering you a good amount of money to simply create the advertising for the business. Everything else will be handled by me. I already told my granddad, and he’s on board.” Standing straight, he then said, “So, what do you say?”

I scratched my head, wondering if this deal was actually legit, or if he was somehow punking me.

“I don’t know…”

“Hey, Todd!”

I twisted around to see Barrett approaching me with a brown bag filled with must’ve been the ingredient for the vegan macaroni and cheese.

“Barrett! You’re early.”

“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind. Let’s say I couldn’t wait to see you again… Who’s this?”

Sighing, I said, “This is Damon. You remember me talking about him, right?”

“Oh… I see.” Barrett placed the bag down on the ground and siad, “If you’re here to harass my boyfriend again, I think it’d be best for you to leave now unless you want a trip to the hospital, and as a paramedic, I’ll be glad to take you there.”

Damn, was my protective boyfriend hot!

“N-No! I wasn’t doing that at all.” Clearing his throat, Damon said, “All I asked was that he help me with advertising by creating the graphic designs. Nothing nefarious about it. And he’ll be well compensated.”

Barrett looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “So? What do you think? Are you going to take this offer?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. It could be a good opportunity.”

“It’ll be a great opportunity,” Damon inserted.

I looked Damon sternly in the eyes and said, “Alright. You have a deal. However, if I find anything sketchy, I believe I have the right to bail. Got it?”

Damon nodded. “Completely understand.”

I looked back at Barrett who offered me a thumbs-up and said, “Okay then. I guess we should exchange phone numbers, so you can keep me updated.”

“Don’t worry. I already have your number,” Damon said, causing me to raise an eyebrow. “Uh, I pulled up your old application. That’s how I also found your address.” He cleared his throat.

“Ask me next time if you need any personal info from me, okay?”

“Yes! Totally.”

I just nodded and extended my hand out. “Well, I’ll wait for your call.”

“Yes! You won’t regret this,” Damon said, shaking my hand. “If you hadn’t admitted to my granddad about the stickers, I would’ve been the one fired. So, this is my way of thanking you.”

I offered him a smile, and Damon left with a spring to his steps.

Looking at Barrett and said, “As if this day couldn’t get any better.”

“Oh? So, the therapy session with your dad went smoothly, I’m assuming.”

“Smoothly wouldn’t be the word I’d used… More like promising. Very promising.”

Barrett hugged me firmly. “Proud of you, babe.”

I snuggled into him. “Thank you.”

Pecking me on the cheek, Barrett then said, “So, are you ready for your next cooking lesson?”

“If it ends the way the last lesson did, hell yeah I’m ready.”

Barrett snickered and lifted the brown bag from the ground as I opened the front door with my key. Inside, we were introduced to Dillon who sat on the living-room couch as he watched a rerun of Superstar.

“Hey, Todd. Hey, Barrett. I heard some commotion from outside? Is everything okay?” Dillon asked, his eyes glued to the television screen.

“Yup. Better than okay actually. I got a new job offer.”

“That’s great!” Turning his head, Dillon said, “What’s in the bag?”

“Just some ingredients that Todd and I are going to mix and bake for a vegan macaroni and cheese,” Barrett said as he walked to the island.

“We’ll mostly be in the kitchen, which is no problem for you since you’ll be at work,” I said.

“No, actually. I asked for the day off.”

I looked back at Dillon who said something that I thought I would never hear. “Really?”

“Yup! And you were right? I have enough vacation days to last me the whole rest of the year. So, I’m spending the rest of today relaxing and watching my favorite cartoon show.”

Barrett looked amused as I looked at him in disbelief, and disappointment since I had ideas of using the kitchen for more than just cooking.

Dillon sensed my change in mood and said, “...Or I can text Channing and see if he wants to hang out at Bottoms Up.”

“If you don’t mind,” I said, feeling slightly bad.

Chuckling, Dillon said, “It’s no problem. I’ll text him now and you two lovebirds can have the apartment for the whole day. Just remember to clean up after yourselves.”

I chuckled. “Thanks, Dill.”

“We’ll leave plenty of macaroni and cheese for you when you come back,” Barrett announced.

Dillon thanked him and disappeared into his bedroom, and Barrett and I began unbagging the ingredients and pulling out of the rest out the refrigerator and pantry.

“I was thinking,” Barrett said.

“About what?”

“You having the courage to go to therapy inspired me to go seek it myself.”


“Yup. It’s group therapy to be specific, for people who’re adopted and been through the foster care system. I think it’ll help me process through all the emotions I still have about my parents. What do you think?”

I hugged Barrett and said, “I think that’s a great idea. I support you all the way.”

“Thanks, babe.”

“So. Want to start that cooking lesson now?”

“Yup. And after that, we’ll have dessert.”

“And by dessert, you mean stripping off our clothes and fucking me on the kitchen countertop, then yes, dessert sounds fantastic as well.”

Barrett leaned forward and squeezed my ass. “I'm looking forward to it.”

I bit my bottom lip, my fingers skimming down Barrett’s muscled torso. “Then let’s get started.”

Dillon soon left to go hang out with Channing at our favorite bar and grill, leaving us to cook alone. We used our time very efficiently with Barrett fucking my ass as the mac and cheese baked in the oven, and as promised, we cleaned up afterwards.

Once the cheesy goodness finished baking, we sat together on the couch and watched a sappy rom-com while we ate our dinner. I was so damn happy to be back with Barrett and that we both were working on being the best versions of ourselves as I rested my head on Barrett's shoulder and enjoyed our date.




Parking my car in the parking lot, I texted Todd that I arrived.

It was just yesterday when I attended my first group therapy session with Cynthia, and to say it was enlightening was a big understatement. For most of my life, I thought my problems and my trauma were unique only to me, but to hear other people talk about their past experiences being in the foster care system really opened my eyes. This session revealed how I wasn’t alone, and I talked as well about my own experience, from my years in foster care to discovering my parents’ deaths and how that truly impacted me.

The session ended with hugs and affirmation that we were in this struggle together, and I actually looked forward to next week’s meeting.

Todd appeared and jogged to my car.

Entering inside, Todd kissed me on the cheek and said, “Hey there!”

“Hey back! Are you ready?”

“Are you?”

That was a good question. We were heading to Andrea’s home where a small get-together was happening. I still hadn’t revealed to her that I was dating someone new, nor did I let it slip that the person I was dating was a man. My stomach clenched a little over the possibility that she wouldn’t accept me and my boyfriend. However, I knew I couldn’t hide our relationship, though Todd was understanding and said that I can tell her whenever I was ready.

I didn’t think I would truly be ready for whatever outcome would happen, but at the end of the day, I would reveal my truth. It was up to Andrea whether she accepted me or not. The chance that she could reject, the closest person I had to a mother, hurt me. But I had to do it. For me, and for Todd.

I looked at him and said, “I am.”

Todd smiled and held my hand as I backed out of the parking space and began driving to our destination. The drive was pleasant with Todd revealing that his new job creating advertisements for Damon Martinez was working out wonderfully, which made me feel so bubbly inside, seeing my man excelling in his craft. He was also planning in the near future to go back to college and obtain his fine art degree and maybe take a couple classes in marketing as well.

Also, Todd had another art exhibition happening soon, and I gladly offered my advice to remove any art block he had, which he had greatly accepted and thanked me with kisses and love.

“Wow! This place is beautiful.”

I was pulling into Andrea’s home that rested in a wooded area that looked especially radiant with the cloudless sky and sunshine peeking through the tall trees from above. I saw several cars had already parked near the front, and I parked my car too, turning off the engine.

Todd gripped my hand. “You got this.”

Breathing deeply, I said, “Yeah. I think I do.”

“Whatever happens, just know that I’ll be there for you.” Todd kissed me.

I kissed back. “I love you. So damn much.”

“Love you too.”

I took another deep inhale before getting out of the car and approaching the party with Todd right by my side.

Anthony greeted us with a wave of his hand while carrying a plateful with the other.

“Anthony. Are you being good?” I teased with a hint of seriousness.

“I am, I am. I’m just lucky this healthy food is actually digestible.” Anthony stuffed his face with some vegetarian chili.

“I’m glad you’re following the doctor’s advice. And it seems you lost some weight as well,” Todd noted.

“Hey, some of the ladies love the dad bod look. But I do feel better overall, and I plan on sticking to my diet as long as I’m here.”

After his heart attack, my best friend was serious about changing his lifestyle such as having a healthier diet and exercising every day. I was proud of him.

Anthony followed us as we greeted some of our coworkers, including Jenny who was serving some of her homemade pandesal that was already halfway gone.

I then spotted Patricia who smiled at me as she approached us.

“Barrett! Great to see you again!” Patricia greeted.

I offered her a hug. “Great to see you too! Where’s Kyle?”

“He’s over there playing with the dogs.”

She pointed at one of the larger oak trees, and I saw my cousin playing with his dog, Max, and Andrea’s dog. I chuckled at them circling around the tree, clearly having fun.

“Oh, and are you Todd?” Patricia asked.

Todd nodded. “Yes, ma’am. And you must be Barrett's aunt.”

They shook hands, and I was so happy to know that Patricia accepted my relationship with another man.

I visited Patricia prior to this get-together, and as promised, she told me so much about my mom and dad while going through various photo albums. This moment allowed me to be closer with my parents even though they were not on this world anymore. I also accidentally let it slip that I had a boyfriend when she asked if I was married, but Patricia just smiled at me and continued flipping through the photo album. She later said that my mom would’ve accepted my sexuality, and that little bit of knowledge made me happy.

Patricia handed us paper plates and told us to dig into the buffet that was resting on the foldable table.

As we filled our plates with food like it was Thanksgiving, I heard someone call out my name.

I turned to see Cynthia walking towards us, looking a bit frazzled like always. “Cynthia! Hey!”

“I hope I’m not late. I brought some coffee-flavored cookies,” Cynthia said, placing the tray of goodies into the table.

“No, you’re fine! Meet my boyfriend, Todd.”

Cynthia grinned and shook Todd’s hand. “Great to meet you finally! I’m sorry that I look a little disheveled. I’m not a morning person, hence the two cups of coffee I drank before coming here.”

“No worries, and it’s great to meet you too!”

“Ooh! Who made these?” Anthony asked.

Cynthia twirled around and said, “Oh, they’re mine! Go ahead and try one.”

“I wish I could. But I’m watching my diet after I had my heart attack,” Anthony informed with a frown.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry at all. My cookies are made with whole-grain oats, almond milk, and other ingredients that promote heart health. I promise it won’t kill you.”

Anthony still looked hesitant, whether for his health or for the healthy ingredients of the cookies. But he picked one up and took a bite. His eyes widened, and he hummed in delight.

“Wow. These are actually really good!”

“Why thank you! It’s my own recipe. I’m Cynthia, by the way.”

“I’m Anthony.” He shook her hand.

“Oh! You’re Anthony! Barrett told me all about you.”

“Hopefully only good things,” Anthony said, eyeing me.

Cynthia giggled and batted her eyelashes. “Do you want to try another one?”

Nodding, Anthony and Cynthia began talking, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“You think Anthony and Cynthia are interested in each other?” Todd asked with a smirk.

I chuckled. “Oh, no doubt.”

“Barrett! Todd!”

I looked towards the house where Sabrina and Vanessa came out through the front door.

“Hey, you two! Long time, no see,” I said.

“Yeah, we were inside, helping Andrea with the pie,” Sabrina said before hugging me and then Todd. “You guys remember Vanessa, right?”

“Yeah, of course!” I said, shaking her hand and Todd did the same.

“So, you guys are dating, huh?” Vanessa asked.

I looked at Todd and said, “Yes. Yes, we are.”

Todd grinned and pecked me on the cheek.

“So cute!” Sabrina said. “Vanessa over here isn’t much into PDA.”

“It’s nothing against you or our relationship. I just don't want people getting the wrong idea,” Vanessa said.

“Like what?” Sabrina said with crossed arms.

“Like oh-ho! Look at those two girls kissing! I wonder what they’re like in bed,” Vanessa said with a deep voice.

Sabrina just rolled her eyes, and Vanessa sighed before giving her a smooch on the lips.


Sabrina smiled and held her hand. “Much.”

“I’m still surprised you two are dating now,” I said.

“Well, let’s say someone coming out as bi inspired me to ponder my own sexuality.” Sabrina winked.

“Well, I’m glad to be of service.”

All four of us laughed. We then chatted for a few minutes and caught up with what was going on with our lives.

I finished my plate and was about to go for round two when I heard Andrea’s voice calling out.

“The pie’s finally ready!” Andrea exclaimed as she walked to the table and placed the steamy dessert onto its surface. “Dig in, everyone! Oh, Barrett! You’re finally here!”

I approached Andrea and hugged her. “Great to see you again! And the pie smells amazing.”

“Oh, it’s just something I scrapped together. Oh, and you must be Todd. Barrett said so many good things about you!”

“He did, did he?” Todd asked, smiling at me.

“Of course! Being a successful artist isn’t something to be humble about,” Andrea complimented. “Do you have a girlfriend or wife to speak of?”

Todd’s eyes widened, and he looked at me for an answer.

I cleared my throat and said, “Actually, Andrea… He has a boyfriend.”

“Ooh! Well, that’s nice. Who’s the lucky man?” Andrea asked, seemingly unperturbed.

Okay. This is your chance.

Holding Todd’s hand with one hand and my locket in the other, I said, “It’s me, Andrea. I’m the man who’s lucky to be Todd’s boyfriend.”

Andrea looked down at our linked hands and at me before retreating back into the house.


I looked at Todd who said, “I’m sorry, Barrett.”

I just nodded, and I looked around to see everyone else silently expressing their sadness over Andrea’s reaction.

I just thought that after everything, she would accept me for who I was, but it appeared I was wrong and–

“Say cheese!”

I was temporarily blinded by a flashing light, and I blinked before I saw that Andrea took a picture of us with a camera.

“Andrea?” I said, confused.

“I had to grab my camera and capture this moment,” Andrea said cheerfully.

“Wait, wait! So, you’re okay with me being bisexual?”

“Of course, I am! Why wouldn't I be?”

“I-I thought when you went back to the house, you…”

“Oh, I’m sorry, honey! I didn’t mean to scare you,” Andrea said and hugged me.

I hugged her back, and a rush of relief flooded my systems as Andrea’s acceptance was something I really wanted. Andrea was there for me ever since I moved into her home despite my initial stubbornness and refusal to believe that I could be cared for and loved. And now that I knew that she loved me unconditionally truly was just the icing on the cake.

We eventually released each other, and Andrea said, “Now that’s out of the way, how about you two hold hands again, while I take some pictures, huh?”

I looked at Todd who grinned back at me and did just that. Holding each other’s hands, Andrea snapped several more pictures of our love, and then moved to taking photos of Sabrina and Vanessa as well as everyone else.

The get-together resumed with people enjoying the food, including the pie that disappeared after only ten minutes. I chatted with my coworkers who all gave their support to my relationship with Todd as well and smiled upon seeing Anthony and Cynthia still chatting and smiling at each other.

This day couldn’t have gotten any better. But it did.

The once rising sun started lowering its body to the horizon, and the sky turned from a light blue to a more darker, muted color that signaled the ending of the day. Almost everyone returned home with full stomachs, only leaving Andrea, Todd, and me to clean up after the party.

Lacy rested her golden body on the living room, exhausted from playing with a hyper Chihuahua, while I carried the empty dishes once piled with food to the sink where Todd was.

“That’s the last of them,” I said.

“Cool. I’ll get the rest cleaned and dried,” Todd said.

“You sure?”

“Yup. You can return the favor later when we go back to your place.” Todd winked.

I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. “Looking forward to that.”

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, so I could get a quick rest from all the walking and other activities I did earlier in the day. I spotted Andrea turning the pages of a large book, and I approached her.

“What’re you reading?” I asked and sat down next to her.

“Oh, nothing. It’s just…”

Curious, I looked at what she was holding and saw that it was a photo album. With closer inspection, I saw various photos of me in various stages of my life, including my graduation picture from both high school and college, me holding Lacy when she was just a puppy, and a picture from today, of me and Todd holding hands.

“Oh, wow. I didn’t know you had all these pictures,” I said.

“I do, enough for a whole album… I’m sorry I didn’t show you before. I didn’t want to embarrass you, thinking I’m getting overly attached.”

I just smiled and said, “Maybe at the beginning, but I think I grew past being embarrassed that my mom loves me.”

I realized what I just said, feeling completely natural for me to say. Andrea noticed this revelation too, and she hugged me tightly.

“I’ll always be there for you, and I’m so happy that you came out to me and that you’re finally in love. That’s all a mother could ask for from their child. I love you.”

I sniffled. “Love you too, Mom.”

I sensed Todd, and I looked at the archway that connected the living room to the kitchen and saw him smiling at us.

“I’m done with the dishes,” Todd said.

“Oh, good! Come sit with us, honey. I have so many photos I want to show you of Barrett,” Andrea said.

Todd strolled through the room and sat next to her, while I sat at the other side. We chatted over every photo, each one a snapshot of my memories with Andrea and to the life that I led now.

Todd and Andrea laughed together at one photo of me with a grumpy face, while holding a certificate for “Most Improved Student” I was given by a teacher during my junior year in high school. Seeing my mom and boyfriend laughing with each other, though at my expense, made me so, so damn happy. I once believed I was incapable of being loved, the foster care system ingrained that into me. But now, at this moment, I knew I was wrong as I joined in the laughter and felt loved.

Both from Andrea…

And from the love of my life who gave me a knowing wink.






“Bottoms Up!” we said in unison and clinked our jugs together.

I enjoyed the cool sip of my frothy beer with Barrett’s warm arm around my shoulders as he drank his non-alcoholic water.

Today was yet another Friday when my best friends and I hung out at Bottoms Up and enjoyed our ice-cold drinks while catching up on what was happening with our lives. However, this time I included Barrett into the mix, and he melded into our group better than I expected, much better than our first encounter at this bar and grill.

So much has changed since that night. The most notable part was that Barrett and I were a couple now, boyfriends, lovers. Whatever people referred to their relationship to their romantic other, that was what we were. Looking back, I was surprised how much has changed between me and Barrett, from me resenting his supposed hatred of me to us falling in love. One worry that I had was that this attraction, this love would gradually fizzle away, but I was still crazy about Barrett months after our first date, and I knew Barrett felt the same. Maybe there will come a point when our relationship will face roadblocks, when Barrett’s two-week-long absence nearly broke me, but I had a feeling that we would work through them together and continue our journey as a couple.

Other things have changed for the better as well. My dad and I have continued family therapy with Dr. Bridget Vance, and our relationship was slowly but surely rebuilding with each session. No longer did my dad question my decisions regarding my future or my sexuality. Instead, he became a stronger advocate for me just like Mom was when I first came out. Dad’s bottling of emotions still needed work, but I knew he was committed to further improving himself because he loved me as his son.

Anthony was also doing better. After his heart attack, I was worried about him continuing his less-than-healthy lifestyle of ordering pizzas, burgers, etc. But he surprised me with his change in diet. Though he did indulge himself every now and again, he improved the way he ate significantly, much thanks to my boyfriend who introduced him to very healthy meal options that still tasted great and were much more beneficial and forgiving to his heart. The support of Cynthia, his new girlfriend, also kept Anthony on the right path, and I knew I wasn’t going to get rid of him any time soon, which was a major win.

Barrett also continued going to the group therapy meetings every Wednesday afternoon as a way to process his trauma involving his experience in foster care and his deceased parents. Barrett was much more open with me about his feelings related to his past, which I listened to after his meetings that I greatly appreciated rather than him closing himself off and feeling like he was unlovable. In addition, he was creating a new bond with his aunt and cousin, visiting them every now and again to get to know them better as well as his parents through photos and memories that his aunt had of them.

I was so proud of Barrett’s growth, especially Andrea who will be surprised soon with the adoption papers from Barrett. I had no doubt she would sign the forms and officially become his mom, a role she committed to ever since he moved into her home all those years ago.

“So, how’s everyone been since we last caught up?” Channing asked before taking a drink of his beer.

“Eh, same old, same old. Can you believe there’s a small outbreak of gonorrhea in the nursing home?” Dillon said. “Like how does that even happen?”

Channing groaned. “How about we avoid anything involving elderly people bumping uglies, okay?”

Barrett and I chuckled and raised our glasses to that.

“How about you two? How’s the couple’s life treating the both of you?”

I smiled. “It’s been fantastic, actually. Becoming Barrett’s boyfriend has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Barrett agreed, snuggling his face against my neck. “You becoming my boyfriend is the best decision I ever made.”

“Ugh. If I wanted to watch two people being all lovey dovey, I’d watch a rom-com,” Channing complained.

“Don’t knock it until you try it,” I recommended before landing a kiss on Barrett’s lips.

“Not for me. It’s the Campbell’s curse. Not a single Campbell has ever had a lasting relationship that didn’t end in divorce. That includes my grandparents, parents, brother, and sister who, may I remind you, was left at the goddamn altar.”

I remembered that day. Dillon and I were invited to the wedding of Channing’s younger sister that was themed after a Disney princess movie. Every piece of decor was themed after a different princess from Snow White to Rapunzel, and it should’ve been the happiest day of Everleigh’s life. However, right before her soon-to-be husband said “I do,” he froze before bolting from the wedding like he was on fire. The only good thing that came out of that day was that there was enough wedding cake left over to take home.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ve heard this before,” Dillon interjected and sipped his beer. “Maybe you could be the one to break the curse.”

“Hell no! I'll be single for the rest of my life, and I’m okay with that.”

“Sounds lonely,” Barrett said.

“Hey, I’m single, not celibate. I can still have fun with guys without the commitment, marriage, and all that crap… Speaking of which, I think I found my next target.”

I followed Channing’s gaze and spotted a burly man who looked to be around his mid-thirties as he walked to the bar counter. I looked back at Channing who was eyeing the man like a dog to a juicy steak.

“Hey. No hooking up, while we’re hanging out,” Dillon protested

“Oh, come on. Does that rule even apply anymore? Todd’s completely smitten with Barrett, and you’re too busy ever to hook up. Besides, you know I have a weakness for older men with dad bods.”

Dillon sighed and said, “Fine. Go. But next time we hang out, keep it in your pants.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure this guy will be up for another round.” Channing winked and left our booth to flirt with the man.

Rolling his eyes, Dillon said, “So, do you guys have anything planned soon?”

“Yeah, we plan going to that hospital-themed restaurant again and–”

A ringing sound of the Superstar’s theme song played, and Dillon cursed as he pulled out his phone.

“Sorry. Let me take this real quick.”

Dillon answered his phone, and after a quick back and forth, he sighed and said that he was coming.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I have to go to work. The nursing home is understaffed again, and my manager needs me there,” Dillon said somberly.

“Hey, what happened to the rule of not working, while he hung out,” I teased.

“Sorry, Todd. But I have to.”

I waved at my hand. “Nah, it’s cool. You go ahead and work. We can catch up next time.”

Dillon nodded and said goodbye before leaving the bar. I looked back at Channing who was flirting up a storm with the man who was clearly interested, and I knew he was not coming back to our table.

Normally, I would’ve been annoyed or even depressed at my friends’ ditching me, but Barrett was still by my side and gazing at me dreamily.

I kissed him on the lips and knew that everything was going to be alright.


The End

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Chapter Comments

5 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

He changed his name when he realised he did NOT have 666 carved into his head.

I just thought we were playing with the different variants of the Greek Damon; Damien, A French twist? Ironic the meaning “to tame or subdue” but he was no whisperer! Perhaps he is not an ABBA fan and  “Shout” was on his mind.

Mtv Dance GIF by Tears For Fears

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16 hours ago, Cane23 said:

I know I'm on @Summerabbacat's territory here but cannot resist it! 😁


If you select a song as glorious as this one I am more than happy to share "my territory" with you @Cane23. Philly soul at its very best, however, I thought it might be a little "too disco" for you. I have quite a few albums by The Three Degrees amongst my collection. Fantastic harmonies and such style. Stunning.

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