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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Troublemaker - 16. Chapter Sixteen



Last night was…damn. So explosive. Electric. It was so fucking enlightening; an experience that opened my mind to newly beholden knowledge. And that knowledge was that sex with men and with Todd was mind blowing. What I just described may have sounded like I was exaggerating, but those words perfectly captured what I felt when I was with him.

I already knew Todd had more experience than me in the dating scene and presumably with sex as well. However, I was not prepared for how assertive he was in the bedroom. I also couldn’t forget that moment when he wrapped his lips around my dick; I almost lost my breath. And the way he teased and nipped at my foreskin wasn’t something I thought would be such a turn on before. Todd had this way of making me discover new things about myself, and knowing that he cared about what I wanted and didn’t push me to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with was the cherry on top.

I woke up to find Todd resting his face against my chest and my arm wrapped around his shoulders, and I couldn’t think of a better sight to awaken too. I didn’t know the exact time, though the gentle glow of sunlight peeking through the window curtain indicated that it was the early morning. I left my phone in my jeans that were discarded on the floor, and I didn’t want to jostle Todd from his sleep just so I could check the time. I didn’t have work today anyway, and I hoped he didn’t either, so we could spend more time together, maybe even go for round two and shower together afterwards.

A small niggling in my mind told me that I might be getting attached too quickly, and that I needed to give Todd some space or else it would soon lead to Todd wanting to end things. I pushed that unwanted thoughts away, but the worrying it evoked still lingered. I didn’t want to think about the possibility of Todd deciding to end what was happening between us, which was just another sign of me getting attached too strongly and too quickly.

Sighing, I tilted my head and inhaled the scent of Todd’s hair that was a blend of a fruity scented shampoo and one that I was distinctly him. I relaxed a bit and just enjoyed the peacefulness of lying in bed with him, while I still could.

Some time passed, and I almost drifted back to sleep when Todd moaned. I opened my eyes to see him blinking with his hair adorably mussed.

“What time is it?” Todd asked.

“I don’t know the exact time, but it’s definitely the morning.”

Yawning, he snuggled his face on my chest. “Thank God I don’t have to work today. Do you?”

“Nope. I’m completely free.”

“Wonderful. My friend probably sent me the enhanced photos. I’ll get right onto completing that template I made and posting the image online.”

“Cool. But you don’t have to do that now, right? I want you to leave this bed yet,” I said, gently squeezing his shoulder.

“I don’t mind staying here with you for another hour or two. You make the best snuggle pillow.” Todd pressed a light kiss on my skin. “I was also thinking you can look at the progress of the art piece I’m working on. Your suggestions really helped me out, and I would like your opinion on it.”

“Sure. If it helps you.”

“Of course. You are my muse after all.”

I chuckled and returned to snuggling with Todd.

Eventually, Todd said he had to use the bathroom, and I followed him since my bladder was almost protesting to be emptied. After that, we decided to shower together that led to round two with frantic kissing and Todd getting on his knees to suck me off again. We both climaxed with Todd’s hand stroking our dicks together like last night, but with me pressed against the shower wall and warm water cascading on our naked bodies.

After another amazing orgasm, we kissed until the water started to run cold. We dried up and headed back to Todd’s room where he tossed me some of his clothes for me to borrow. They were a bit of a tight fit, being one size too small, but I preferred this compared to wearing my clothes from last night.

We moved to the kitchen where Todd started cooking some eggs sunny-side up, while I sat at the kitchen island. Despite the light crackling of the cooking oil, I could hear a faint snoring that must’ve belonged to Dillon. Hopefully that was a good sign that he was still sleeping when I cried out back in the shower. I didn’t want to be a disruptive houseguest.

A few minutes later, Todd presented two plates of nicely cooked eggs along with toasted wheat bread and a smattering of our special sauce. I started digging in, while he grabbed his tablet and phone from the living room.

“Yup. Just as promised. Take a look at the enhanced photo. Looks good, right?”

I looked at the screen of his phone and was impressed by how high quality the picture looked as if it was captured originally by an expensive camera.

“That’s impressive. Thank your friend for me.”

Todd tapped his thumbs on his phone and smiled. “Just did.” Sitting down on the stool next to me, he said, “Want to see what I created so far? I can wait until you’re finished eating.”

“You can show me now,” I said, placing my fork down.

Todd placed his tablet in front of me, and I gently held the device with two hands as I gazed at his work in progress. It was of his mother wearing a rainbow-colored shawl from the waist up while holding what assumed was her pregnant belly while smiling

“Wow. This already looks amazing, Todd,” I said, looking closer to see all the details.

“Thanks. I based it off of a photo of my mom when she was pregnant with me. The shawl is supposed to be composed of stickers that observers can peel off and flip to see words underneath.”

“I really like that.”

“Yeah, but I want to take it to another level. I also want to reveal an image underneath where the stickers were placed, but I’m having trouble with what that could be.”

I hummed in thought. “What have you thought of so far?”

“Just an image of me as a baby. But that won’t convey the message I want people to see, that my mom wasn’t just my mom, but also my supporter and superhero as well.”

I smiled, truly admiring his love for his mother and how he wanted to continue her existence through his art, to showcase to everyone that her support and love made him to be the person who he currently was.

A possible idea lit in my mind.

“I may have an idea of what you can do. Just a suggestion of course.”

“Lay it on me.”

“Well, maybe depict yourself as a child rather than a baby–Or as a preteen. That was when you came out to your mom, right?”

Todd nodded.

“So, you can do that and show that you’re hugging her while wielding a rainbow cape of your own.” Todd looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. “Just something that could work.”

Todd grinned and kissed me on the lips.

He then rested forehead against mine and said, “That’s a fantastic idea!”


“Yes! You did it again, Barrett.” Looking into my eyes, he sighed happily. “You’re going to be one of the first people to see the final piece before it gets showcased in that art gallery… Do you want to be there when it happens?”

I nodded and kissed him. “No way I’m missing that.”

We kissed a few more times before returning to our breakfast. Todd was already doodling sketches while eating with his other hand, and I was very glad that I could help him with his art. I could see great things happening for him with this upcoming art gallery being the catalyst to his future success.


Time flew by fast, and I was already getting ready to go to the art exhibit where Todd’s masterpiece will be showcased along with the works of other talented artists. I kept retying the necktie while standing in front of a mirror in my bedroom, struggling the entire time despite watching a few videos on YouTube on how to do so.

“Having trouble?”

I looked at Sabrina through the mirror as she stood at the doorway, wearing a very elegant cocktail dress. Her hair was also volumized with waves and her makeup was on point as well. She looked ready to surround herself with other fancy and elegant people, while I tried for the umpteenth time to get the knot right.

I dropped my hands in surrender. “I might need a little help.”

Sabrina giggled and approached me. She quickly undid my lame excuse for a knot and meticulously started tying the strip of fabric with her hands that were neatly painted on her filed fingernails.

“Something tells me you don’t usually dress up for formal occasions,” Sabrina teased.

“What gave that away?” I joked.

Sabrina smiled and shook her head. “Thankfully for you, I’m an expert.”

“I haven’t seen you in a necktie before.”

“No, but making knots into bracelets during my time in the girl scouts comes in handy every once in a while,” Sabrina explained, tightening the knot.

I looked back at the mirror and was very satisfied with what was probably the Windsor knot.

“Looks perfect. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. And though I haven’t seen you in many suits before, you definitely look like you’re ready to pose for a photoshoot.”

I chuckled and took another glance in the mirror, appreciating how well the outfit fit on my body.

“I don’t think Todd has seen me in a suit before either,” I said.

“Oh, then his jaw is going to drop when we show up to the art show like you walked straight out of a men’s fashion magazine.”

I was happy that Sabrina approved of me dating again. I didn’t even tell who I was seeing specifically, but she put the pieces together whenever we chatted on the phone and Todd was a subject I always brought up. I looked forward to when Sabrina started dating again too, especially since I felt guilty for continuing our relationship even though we were no longer romantically attracted to each other. She assured me that this guilt was unfounded and that she was still happy with me as a good friend.

“We still have thirty minutes to kill before we head out,” Sabrina said as she lightly twirled the skirt of her dress.

“We can head out once Anthony arrives.”

“Uh. He’ll probably show up late and in the same suit he wore to senior prom.”

I chuckled at Sabrina’s less-than-positive comment about my best friend.

I only planned to take Sabrina with me, already asking Todd if that was okay. He approved since the two of them were always on friendly terms. But then Anthony had to call the day of the event, asking if I wanted to join him at a sports bar and stuff ourselves with chicken wings and fries. I told him that I was going to the art show, and the mentioning of Sabrina caused him to ask if he could tag along. Well, he invited himself was the more accurate description despite telling him the venue would likely only serve small hors d’oeuvres and not anything resembling buffalo wings. Though a bit disappointed, he kept insisting until I relented and told him to come to my house right before five in the evening.

I hoped Todd wouldn’t be upset that I brought his brother along, and though Anthony was brash and often talked before thinking, I was sure he would remain respectful when he sees his younger brother’s art on full display and perhaps even understand that art was Todd’s true passion.

With that said, I was going to keep a close eye on Anthony just in case.

Speaking of the devil, I heard the chime of the doorbell, and I walked to the front door and opened it. Thankfully, Anthony wasn’t wearing his baby blue suit with the fake flower sewn onto the lapel from prom, and instead he wore a gray suit that fitted well to his broad body. He wasn’t wearing a necktie and a couple buttons on the collar of his dress shirt were undone, but he still looked very presentable.

“Looking spiffy,” I said, stepping aside to let Anthony inside.

“Thanks. I had to borrow this suit from my dad. It was either that or the one I wore to prom,” Anthony said as he tugged at his cuffs.

“Glad you chose the former.”

“Is Sabrina here?” Anthony asked with a smile.

“Yes, I’m here.”

Sabrina appeared, and I swear my friend’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. His reaction only confirmed my suspicions that he was interested in Sabrina, hence his insistence on coming with us. I didn’t have any problem with him wanting to date my former girlfriend, but I doubted Sabrina would reciprocate his feelings. I didn’t want my friend to get hurt by her rejection, though I wouldn’t blame her since Anthony’s track record in successful flirts was beyond dismal.

“You’re looking good, Sabrina,” Anthony said. “I didn’t know the event was also a modeling runway show.”

I cringed, though the flirt could’ve been way worse.

“Uh, thanks. We should probably head out now. I checked the traffic forecast, and there’s a fender bender that will probably slow us on our way to the event.”

“Agreed. We’re taking my car.” I grabbed my car keys and wallet in the small foyer and opened the door.

“You really do look good, Sabrina. Do you plan on showcasing that outfit after the art show?” Anthony asked as he stepped outside.

“I don’t know. Might showcase it to Vanessa later. She’s always a sucker for a girl in a cocktail dress,” Sabrina said.

She walked past Anthony who looked at me with an arched eyebrow. I just shrugged and locked the door.

At the car, I slid into the driver’s seat, while Anthony opened the door to the front passenger’s seat for Sabrina who got inside the backseat instead. Anthony slumped his shoulders, hopefully getting the hint this time as he took her place at the front.

Thanks to Sabrina who used an app on her phone, I managed to take an alternate route to the event that was occurring downtown. Though the drive took longer, we didn’t have to wait in traffic, while numerous pissed off drivers blared their car horns.

We still had plenty of time to spare as we entered a lobby that had a sleek, modern design and was much bigger than the entire space of Bottoms Up. A good amount of people mingled in the area, all dressed for the occasion. I scanned the area and managed to spot Channing and Dillon. I motioned my hand to Sabrina and Anthony who both followed me to a bar Todd’s friends were at, wine glasses in their hands.

“Hey, good to see you again!” Channing greeted, lifting his wine glass.

Channing wore a blue suit made with a lustrous fabric, a blue embroidered vest, and a bowtie that completed the ensemble that exuded a regal vibe. He looked ready to schmooze it with the elites, his suit looking tailored to his body and posing like he was ready for a photoshoot.

Dillon, on the other hand, chose a much more simple look with a white dress shirt and dark slack, forgoing a suit coat and the buttons undone on his collar. He gave off a more laid back vibe as he greeted me with a wave of his hand.

“Todd is using the restroom. He should be back in a minute,” Dillon said.

“Great. You two remember Sabrina, right?” I said.

Sabrina waved at them, and they smiled back.

“And I also brought Anthony. Todd’s brother.”

I turned to my friend who looked so out of his element with his hands shoved in the pockets of his slacks.

“Hey, Anthony. It’s been a while since I last saw you,” Channing said as he sipped his wine.

Anthony just nodded in response.

“Ah! Here comes the next Michaelanglo!” Channing called out.

I followed Channing’s line of sight and almost lost my breath as Todd scurried to us in a dark suit that fitted perfectly to his lean physique. His hair was perfectly coiffed with a strand stylishly hanging on his forehead like on our first date. He also wore the same thick-rimmed glasses, and the entire look gave off strong Clark-Kent energy.

“You came!” Todd said as he approached us.

“Of course I did. You look great,” I said, my eyes ogling him.

Todd smiled shyly. “You look even better. Hey, Sabrina! And…Anthony?”

I turned back to Anthony who offered a weak wave.

“Hey, little bro. I hope you don’t mind me being here.”

Todd frowned. “No. I don’t mind. You could’ve given me a warning though.”

Anthony bowed his head, and I said, “It’s my fault. I should’ve let you know since I’m the one who invited him.”

Todd looked at me and then smiled. “It’s cool. I’m just glad everyone could make it.”

“Me as well!” Channing said, stepping forward. “Who wants a drink at the bar? It’s on me!”

Todd nodded and got a glass of wine himself, while I asked for a bottle of water, and the two of us then wandered to a different part of the lobby. Sabrina chatted with Channing and Dillon, at one moment laughing and clinking their wine glasses, while Anthony sat at the bar and chugged his wine as if it was a beer.

“You don’t drink alcohol. Why is that?” Todd asked.

I shrugged while uncapping my bottle of water.

“Nothing wrong with that, of course. I’m just curious.”

“I don’t really know. I have a strong aversion to it for some reason. The closest I got to drinking was the rim of a beer bottle at a house party, and I instantly spat it out.”

Todd snorted. “Again. How did you survive four years of college without a single swig?”

“Eh. I studied a lot and didn’t have much time to go out.”

“Dillon was like that but times ten. I had to hide his textbooks and laptop one time so Channing and I could drag him out of the dorms just to hang out at the campus cafeteria.”

I chuckled and then looked around the area. “This place is really impressive. It looks like you made it to the big leagues of the art world.”

Todd shook his head. “This is just the lobby. Your jaw’s going to drop once you see what’s behind the double doors.”

“Looking forward to seeing your masterpiece on full display. I’m honored to have been one of the first people to see it before everyone else.”

I omitted the fact that I used the image he sent me via text as my phone’s background.

“I’m still a bit nervous. I can’t help thinking people are just going to walk past my piece, and that it’ll be overshadowed by the other submissions.”

“Don’t say that. I’m sure it’ll gather a lot of attention, especially since people can interact with it.”

“Yeah. I’ve just got to get a few people to see me peel a sticker off, and then they’ll spread the word.”

“There you go! Just like at Bottoms Up.”

Todd smiled and raised his wine glass, which I playfully clinked with my bottle of water.

“And thank you for bringing Anthony along. We haven’t talked much, and whenever we did, it was always about our dad. He gets on my nerves, but I like that he went out of his way to be here to see my art.”

“Of course. He’s your brother after all. Though I have to admit that he initially came, so he could be around Sabrina.”

Todd turned his head to see his brother alone at the bar and snickered. “Yeah, looks like that’s working out splendidly.”

I squeezed his shoulder. “But I’m also sure he’s here to get closer to you too.”

Todd glanced back at the bar before giving me a firm kiss on the lips. “I think so too."

Copyright © 2024 Superpride; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

What is the other language

I grew up in a French dominant household, though I myself am English dominant.  My mother was born and grew up in northern France, not too far from Paris, where my relatives live; they are French-only speakers.  As a kid I used to feel a bit confused as to what side of the Atlantic I belonged on, but I guess I have finally sorted it out 😉 

Edited by Tris
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15 minutes ago, Tris said:

I grew up in a French dominant household, though I myself am English dominant.  My mother was born and grew up in northern France, not too far from Paris, where my relatives live, as French-only speakers.  As a kid I used to feel a bit confused as to what side of the Atlantic I belonged on, but I guess I have finally sorted it out 😉 

I just looked up ABBA's chart performance in France and for both singles and albums they were not nearly as popular in France as they were in the UK. That should have been reason enough to migrate to the UK. You made the right choice @Tris. I was fortunate to live in their Tropical Loveland where we worshipped them.



Edited by Summerabbacat
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What if Anthony takes exception to their late mother being in Todd's art?

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11 minutes ago, drpaladin said:

What if Anthony takes exception to their late mother being in Todd's art?

That has been bothering me too. The little we know about Anthony, he might be angered that the mother was the focus of the art instead of the father. It would not surprise me, either way.

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On 9/6/2024 at 2:16 PM, drpaladin said:

What if Anthony takes exception to their late mother being in Todd's art?

Especially if he’s been drinking…

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