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Take me to Your Leader - 13. Take Me Chapter 13

13 - Lucky for some...
Last Chapter of Book One.
Book Two will follow sometime down the road...

I was a little surprised as I arrived at the Embassy entry portico to find all 12 staff members including Mary and Lance Abbott, lined up to wish me a welcome home. “Welcome back sir, just leave your luggage and your vehicle, and we will take care of that for you,” Hugh said to me as he gave me a short bow and I handed him the vehicle keys.

I thanked everyone for the welcome back before I headed inside, down the passage, and across the courtyard to the other side of the building, where I took the lift up one level and I collapsed into a comfortable lounge suite in the living room and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I found a blanket over me, and I could hear some soft chatter and the occasional noise coming from the kitchen area.

“Ahh, he is finally awake, would you like a cup of tea?” I heard Mary ask me, “Yes please Mary, that would be delightful,” I replied as I yawned and stretched before sitting up. A few minutes after Mary had delivered my cup of tea, Hugh made an appearance. “Sir, you and Ms Henderson have been summoned to Tethys, and the Star Cruiser is ready when you are to take you there. I will be remaining behind to keep an eye on everything here, and I have packed a fresh suitcase for you, for when you are ready,” Hugh announced to me.

“But first, you need to have a shower, change and eat some dinner before you go,” Mary said to me from the doorway, and right on cue, my stomach growled wanting food, at first I groaned before I smiled as I stood up and headed upstairs to my suite. About 45 minutes later, I returned downstairs where Hugh was waiting for me, holding my packed bag and an information folder, just as Ms Henderson arrived, with a briefcase and packed bag in hand, “Ready when you are sir,” she said to me, looking a little nervous about this trip into space.

During the long journey to Tethys, I slept most of the way, waking up when Roberto came to inform me that we were about an hour before landing at Tethys, and I headed to the bathroom for a quick shower and change into a dress uniform ready for the official reception I was expecting to receive. “When I returned to the main executive lounge, I stopped short when I saw the expression on Roberto’s face.

“News from Earth sir… Mr Hugh has reported that he has received an email from the Governor General of Australia, whatever that is… stating that he is demanding a meeting with you,” Roberto informed me which made me groan in annoyance that I was in space and not home in Sydney, where I should be dealing with things like this. “Ok, when I get a moment, I will have a video conference with Hugh to find out what is happening,” I replied.

When I stepped out of the cruiser with Ms Henderson beside me, I stopped just outside the door when I saw the reception waiting for me… 4 security guards and two officials. “Oh, oh! This is not good, whatever is happening on Earth, they have heard about it here already,” I said quietly to Ms Henderson. “Why is that, Your Excellency?” she asked me in response, “Because of an official reception, which usually entails a whole company of guards and a handful of officials plus the Saturn District Governor and the Tethys City Administrator, I get just this… so something must be very wrong,” I replied.

Terb Sua… your presence is demanded in the Council Chamber immediately,” the official said to me, skipping my official title altogether, which had me very worried. “Excuse me sir, but why didn’t he address you, properly?” Ms Henderson asked me, “You noticed that too… Yes and it means that there is big trouble ahead for me,” I replied. “You Ms Henderson shall follow this gentleman to a waiting lounge until your presence is required,” the official added, as she started to follow me. “Don’t worry, you will be well looked after until we meet again,” I said to a very worried-looking Ms Henderson, before following the official out of the Landing Bay towards the Tethys Council Chamber.

For over three hours, I was questioned by the council, which included a video link with Hugh back on Earth, where it was very late at night there in Sydney. I reminded the council that it was them that wished to make the initial contact with the UN Security Council and that as shown on a replay of my address to the UN, I had done everything correctly and not caused any issues by saying anything that was not true and correct. The meeting was adjourned so the council could deliberate on what to do next, and over two hours later I was summoned back into the council chamber, not highly stressed out and not knowing what the hell was about to be decided regarding my future, and this time, Ms Henderson was joining me as we faced the Council.

“Ms Henderson, we understand that you have many Earth years of experience as a politician and a diplomat?” Revilo Leri – the Lord Ambassador asked. “That is correct, My Lord Ambassador, 16 years as a Federal Politician, of which two-thirds of that time – 10 years as a Minister, and the past five years until recently as the Foreign Minister, and before going into politics, I was a Barrister for DFAT which is short for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,” Susan Henderson responded.

“The council has decided, that you Ms Henderson are to become the official Ambassador to Earth for the Amixorpian people, and we will be spending the next few weeks giving you additional training in the area of Amixorpian History, Traditions and Culture, as well as additional training with advanced technology tools that you will be issued, before returning to Earth to take up your new role,” the Lord Ambassador informed us, “What of the former Ambassador, my colleague and friend here?” Ms Hendersn asked about my future. “We have come to realise that although he is very wise and talented for his age, he is still a very young man, who needs additional training in diplomacy and life skills in general.

Commander Terb Sua will be travelling on the next ship back to the homeworld at Alpha Centauri B to complete this training, and he will return to Earth in two Earth year’s time. He will be given a chance to meet with you several times before your return to Earth, and in that time he will write a letter to his family for you to forward on to them… That is all for now, Council is in Recess,” the Lord Ambassador announced, before standing, and we bowed as he and the other council members exited the chamber.

“Are you ok with all of this Brett? If you want, I can ask that you be returned to Earth as a civilian, and that way you can continue your studies and be free of all of this,” Ms Henderson asked me. “I have considered that, but I need more time to think on this, and I have over two weeks before I leave for Tethys, so I will let you know my decision before you return to Earth,” I replied.

Having just been demoted, I was allocated a standard guest suite, while Ms Henderson was allocated an executive suite in another part of the city. Once I had settled into my new digs, I went for a walk around the city, and while there I did a bit of shopping for clothes and other bits and pieces that I would need during my stay and my journey to the Homeworld which will be a first for me and anyone from Earth, to be travelling to another solar system, which I was not sure I wanted to do.

Over the next three weeks, I did some additional Space Fighter Training, since I hadn’t done any piloting of an aircraft or spacecraft in a while and it appeared that I had not lost any of my piloting skills at all, as I completed several patrol missions with a squadron and as 2IC of this squadron, now that I had a higher rank than before. As I was doing this additional training, I found that I was enjoying my time learning new skills and this made me decide to continue my training at the homeworld, even though it was so far away from home on Earth, and I would be leaving Tethys a day after Ms Henderson leaves to return to Earth, as the new Amixorpian Ambassador.

I had sent a recorded video message to Hugh, to let him know that I would be away for a year to do some additional training, and I decided not to tell him that I would be doing this in another solar system way out into space, and I asked him to not to worry about me, that I would be kept busy and I am looking forward to the challenges ahead. I also informed him that Ms Henderson would be replacing me as the Amixorpian Ambassador to Earth and that she would be returning in a few days.

A few days after returning to Earth, Ms Henderson sent an email to the Governor General of Australia in Canberra, requesting a meeting with Her Excellency to discuss her recent demand to speak to the Amixorpian Ambassador to Earth, stating that she was a representative of the Embassy, due to her many years of political and diplomatic experience in the past. It was agreed that Ms Henderson could see the Governor General if she could get to Canberra at 9 am the following morning, which she accepted the appointment time.

The next day, dressed in a formal suit, Susan Henderson sent an email to the Governor General’s Office in Canberra, asking if Her Excellency was ready for my appointment, and it was almost ten minutes later, that response came to say that she was ready now, and what was I approaching Yarralumba Government House, and that her name was listed at the security gate for entry. Susan Henderson laughed at this response, now having experienced teleporting several times, she was ready to do it once more as she tapped her watch, and moments later she was standing in the office of the Governor General.

“Your Excellency, I am…” Susan began to say before she was interrupted by a short scream, which brought two staff members rushing into the office. “How the hell did you get in here Ms Henderson, and why are you here? We are expecting the Amixorpian Ambassador?” one of the staff members said on seeing Susan standing there. “As I was about to say, I am Susan Henderson, newly appointed Amixorpian Ambassador to Earth,” Susan announced to the Governor General and her two staff members.

“Nonsense, take me to your leader...” the Governor General demanded, “As you wish Your Excellency,” Susan replied as she tapped her watch again, “No wait…” Governor General called out, but it was too late, and they disappeared from the office.

Copyright Preston Wigglesworth All Rights Reserved Aug 2024
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Cliffie Alert. At the lead-in to this chapter, @quokka dropped a Spoiler Alert 🚨, if you will. Get your rock climbing ropes and crampons ready... 

13 - Lucky for some...
Last Chapter of Book One.
Book Two will follow sometime down the road...

"Sometime down the road" is about a vague as you can get Preston. Care to drop some hints, like before the next 'Blue Moon', or before St. Swithun's Day, or next Equinox?

Have you, like all good authors do (or should according to Rowling), already completed Book II and sending it out for Beta and Eds* to review, revise, suggest and polish? Outline only and waiting to colour inside the lines? Your muse(s) went out for coffee and haven't returned?

Enquiring minds want to know.

* As an Ed, this can be a daunting task. It's not just grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. Continuity plays a major issue in fiction, perhaps more so than non-fiction writing.

Looking forward to Book II, plus whatever else is pending. :read:

Edited by Anton_Cloche
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It was a wonder they picked him being so young as the ambassador in the first place, but he willingly accepted and seemed to do a decent job.  Added diplomatic training could not hurt, and more education on another world would be of benefit as well.  Looking forward to the next book.

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11 hours ago, Philippe said:

As the old saying goes…be careful what you wish for! Haha poof

“Poof”? Is the story gay?   🤪😆😂

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15 minutes ago, quokka said:

“Poof”? Is the story gay?   🤪😆😂

Well perhaps, when the Amixorpians take the Governor General’s earth words literally; after his first ever teleport, he is heard saying…fuck me! Is that so gay? 😛 

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