Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Tales of the Underground: Crestfallen - 4. The Decision
For me fighting is a drug of its own. It’s funny, I was a total pussy as a kid, but the second I found out what it meant to fight…the glory…the pride…the adrenaline, well after that they couldn’t stop me from swinging.
I winced in pain as the needle wove in and out of the thick cut above my left eye. “Oh come on Taylor” Henry provoked “You’re really gonna be a baby about a few stitches.”
“Shut up” I opposed with slight agitation in my eyes. I tried to wipe away some of the blood from the side of my face but the trainer knocked my hand away, worried I would mess up the stitching.
“Aidan, stop fidgeting” he lectured “Every single time you get stitches you can’t sit still.”
“You knock someone out then stay perfectly still while someone pushes a needle in and out of your skin, it’s not all that easy” I defended
“So overdramatic” he sighed rolling his eyes. I faked a smile and he gave me a good punch to the arm. Finally after what seemed like an eternity he lifted up the free end of the bright green stitching, tied it into a knot and cut the excess loose. “Congratulations, you’re free. Don’ to do anything stupid to reopen it, I’m not stitching you up again anytime soon”
“Oh no whatever will I do” I teased standing back up. My trainer turned and gave me a good shove to get my away from him “Love you too” I called out as he turned his back to me.
It wasn’t out of the ordinary for everyone to drive each other crazy at the gym. I’ve been coming here since I was just a kid, the trainers and coaches are more like family to me then a team. I strolled up to the wrestling team confident with what I had put on display.
“Good fight Aidan, but why didn’t you jump on him while you had the shot?” Jack prodded “Looked like a moment of weakness.”
“I’m stronger on my feet” I answered standing my ground “This kid has a reputation of thrashing people with his ground game. I can’t risk that to prove that I can wrestle”
Jack shook his head not completely satisfied with my answer “So I’m taking that as a no to the wrestling team.”
“I didn’t say that, I’m just saying I have there’s no reason to risk my record” I raised my hand and wiped away some of the blood that was left on my face “I’m willing to wrestle as long as I can still fight here in the cage.”
Jack’s eyes grew as doubt filled his face “I can’t see coach letting you do that. Wrestling requires your full dedication, not to mention no ref is ever gonna let you wrestle with stitches.”
I shrugged my shoulders “I was born to be in the cage, it’s non-negotiable” disappointment slowly spread through the team “I’m sorry, I guess you do have your answer”
As I started to walk away he reached out and grabbed my hand, but I quickly pulled it away. “Wait, why don’t you try to talk to coach about it tomorrow during lunch. I’m sure you guys can figure something out.”
I nodded with his words “I’ll see what he says”
“I’ll put in a good word” Jack said leading the team towards the exit
I was forced to dodge a series of head rubs and bat packs as they left. “He hates to be touched you lugheads” Ivy yelled watching them leave
“What is she your head of security?” Brooke teased watching the dynamic of my friends
“She might as well be” I sighed
“I like that title! Does it mean I can finally officially be your friend again?” Ivy mocked
“No chance, you’re not tough again” I teased back
A devious look spread across Brooke’s face “I’m telling you just tell mom and dad she’s your girlfriend, they’ll be so relieved they would let you have her over whenever.”
“Hell no!” I spit “They know I’m gay, they can work on dealing with that already.”
She let out a slight laugh “Mom and Dad try and understand their kids? You’re so naïve”
I rolled my eyes “Whatever, Perry is fine with me being gay, aren’t you?”
“Ever since the day you came out sir.” He happily replied
“We won’t know you’re really gay until you get some dick” Henry shouted
As I turned to hide the blush on my face, Ivy reached over and elbowed him in the stomach “Hasn’t anyone ever taught you how to behave properly?”
“Nope” he replied with a grin
“On that note I’m out of here” I announced keeping my head down and heading towards the door. Perry and Brooke followed, acknowledging that I had clearly been pulled out of my comfort zone. “He’s so freakin lewd” I sighed climbing into the back seat.
“He’s your best friend” Brooke mumbled taking her normal seat in the passenger’s side. Perry nodded his head as he started the car. “You know you don’t have to so weird about sex.”
“Ughhh stop” I insisted growing more uncomfortable “I just don’t want to talk about it okay?”
“Alright” she shrugged “You’re too innocent”
“There’s no such thing” Perry defended “Master Aidan is still only 15. He’s a gentleman. He has no business talking about such topics.”
“Yeah no business” I echoed to get under my sisters skin
“Focus on that bright green shit on your face” she shot back with a mocking smile
“I picked the color thank you very much”
“You’re obnoxious” she sighed as we finally pulled through the front gate and down into the garage.
I jumped out of the back seat, ready to finally call it a day. As I walked through the basement, I heard the clash of a glass against the counter and eagerly made my way to the kitchen to finally talk to my dad for the first in days.
As I walked up to him he raised one eyebrow out of curiosity “Shouldn’t you be like in bed or something?”
“No…I just got home” I let out disappointed that those were his first words to me “They had to stitch me up so it took a little bit longer then usual to get out of there.”
He reached out to angle my face so he could see the cut but I stepped out of his reach “I noticed that, why are you still getting hit? Are your trainers not cutting it?”
“No dad, that’s the sport, you’re gonna get hit” I started
“For the money I pay you should be much better than that!” he interrupted “I’m going to have a serious talk to one of your trainers about this! How will you get anywhere eating punches?”
“It was an elbow” I corrected with a bit of anger “Like I said there’s nothing they can do, I’m gonna get hit. I’m not perfect.”
My dad rolled his eyes “That’s your problem Aidan, you’re a Taylor. You’re expected to be perfect.” He reached out and gave me a hard shove to the chest “How much money have I spent on you, and you’re still not a man? I mean neon green stitching Aidan? Really? What happened to your dreams of becoming a warrior?” I shook my head not wanting to give him any satisfaction “Fine, ignore me. Just don’t come home crying when you finally lose” he said returning his attention to his cocktail
I sighed and began my way up the stairs. “Hey” Brooke whispered over to me from around the corner
I jumped in fear as she appeared from out of the shadows “Jesus Christ, you scared the shit outta me!”
A small smirk crossed her face “Sorry I didn’t mean to. You had a good fight tonight even if you did get tagged” she comforted
“It’s rude to eavesdrop” I replied frustrated with my pervious conversation “but thanks”
She reached out to tussle my hair but I dodged it and headed towards the bathroom “Are you ever gonna get over your fear of being touched?” she mocked
“Nope” I answered slamming the door behind me.
I took off my shirt and pushed my hand against where my dad had shoved me. I’ll never understand why he has to be such a dick. I’m only 15! I just wanted to talk to him, but of course nothing can be that simple in this family! I turned on the shower and took a deep breathe. Why should I let this get me down? So he can win? Screw that! I waited for the shower to get burning hot before jumping in. The steam and warm water seemed to relax my tense mind, and before I knew it I was back to my easy going self. I bounced out, put on pajamas and made sure to dab my stitches dry. I pushed my face closer to the mirror to get a good look at them. I like the bright color, it’s just so…me. I poked a little above it and was met with sharp pain. No doubt it’s going to swell a bit in the morning, but that’s the payment the sport I love demands. I’m willing to bleed 3 times over to keep fighting. I wandered out of the bathroom humming to myself before collapsing into my bed for another good night’s sleep.
I woke up a little bit before Perry got the chance to wake me, and found that my heart was still beating with adrenaline from the night before. I spent a few minutes shadow boxing in my room before finally throwing on real clothes to start my day. As I ran down the stairs, I heard a female voice freeze my heart.
My mom immediately recognized my light footsteps and turned towards the staircase “Wow, look who’s actually up early for a change”
“I guess I’m just still excited from last night” I said happily taking the seat next to her
“What was last night?” she asked looking over at Perry
He discreetly rubbed his eyebrow in an attempt to signal for my mom to look at mine “I saw that” I sighed
“Saw what sir?” Perry asked returning his attention to his cooking
My mom reached over to angle my face but I lightly pushed her hands away “Why do you have stitches? Kids beating you up again?”
“No…Mom really?” I stuttered “I had a fight”
“Oh, I thought you gave that up” she remarked diverting her gaze away from me
I could feel my face begin to fill with disappointment “No, why would you think that?”
“I don’t know” she answered trying to downplay the situation “I don’t have time to keep up with everything you and your sister do.”
“Well you could at least try” I mumbled under my breath
“Excuse me young man?” My mom sat up straight, and I could tell my comment had hit the wrong button
“Nothing, I’m not hungry” I muttered standing up
“Don’t walk away from me while I’m talking to you Aidan” She reprimanded as I headed towards the basement door.
I closed my eyes and spun back around “Yes mother?”
“Lose the attitude, and behave like the young man me and your father raised you to be” She demanded
“Yes ma’am, may I please be excused?” I forced out
“Yes, but do me a favor and get changed before you leave for school. I buy you such nice clothing and that’s what you wear. If you’re gonna dress like Henry I might as well give you to his family.” she answered turning away
I quickly ran down the stairs to stop myself from saying something I would regret. I walked up to the wall mirror and studied myself. I thought I looked nice, bright colors, designer shirt and pants. I don’t know what she wants from me…I don’t know what either of them want from me. I shook my head before heading over to the couch and lunging onto it. It didn’t take long for me to connect my phone to the nearby speaker and begin blasting music. I must’ve dozed off because I found Perry lightly shaking my foot with a tray of food in his hands.
He gently placed the tray on the coffee table next to me “Master Aidan, you need to eat”
I let out a long groan before finally sitting up “Do I really need to change?”
“I don’t believe so. I think you look fine like that. However I do recommend you change the music” he playfully jabbed
I took a breath and let the sound fill my ears “What’s the matter with my music?”
Perry shook his head “Sir, I can’t even tell what type of music it is”
“It’s power metal” I answered, Perry scrunched his eyes brows confused by my answer “You know like folk metal”
He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head still unclear by my answer “Sir, for such a gentle person I have no idea how you got into such rough music or such a rough sport for that matter”
“I’m not gentle” I replied starting to get defensive
Perry let out a quick laugh but tried to cover it with a cough “Eat your breakfast sir, we need to get going”
I couldn’t help but smile at our exchange. I shoved the breakfast down my throat as quickly as possible and met Brooke and Perry at the car. I climbed in the back and stuffed my headphones in to drown out any small talk. I figured I had done enough talking for the morning.
“Don’t forget you have training afterschool sir” I heard Perry yell in an attempt to overpower the music in my ears.
I raised my hand to signal I heard him, and kept on moving. I navigated through the new school as I stayed in my own world. As I packed my bag I saw the now familiar red blur in my side vision but kept my eyes locked on my task. I don’t need another dance with the devil, not right now anyway. I headed off to class, finally pulling the music out of my ears. Class went by just like any other day, except this time I had to constantly explain the stitching above my eye to all my teachers. My classmates are used to it. We’ve all stayed in the same crappy school system since we were kindergarteners, but to the teachers this was ground breaking. Every time I would tell a teacher I fight MMA I would get the same response, “But you’re kinda short, and you don’t seem like a violent person.”
I guess I should be more used to it by now, but it always bothers me. So what I’m short? I can still take down people double my size, and since when can nice guys not like to fight? That whole preconceived notion of nice guys finishing last, well I’ll let you in on a little secret…It’s bullshit! It’s something douchebags say because they know most nice guys will listen to them. Well not me! I’m determined to be successful and be a nice guy, even if it kills me!
As the lunch bell finally rang I headed down to the athletic offices and took a minute to collect my thoughts. I can do this I reminded myself.
“Coach Hayes” I said knocking on the small office door
“Aidan “Static” Taylor” he called out “Just the man I wanted to see. So I take it you’ve made your decision.”
I shook his hand, and took the seat across from him “Yes and no” I began “I want to wrestle for your team, but I’m not willing to take time out of the cage”
“So that’s a no?” he asked trying to understand what I was saying
“No, I just need to be able to do both. Like maybe I can come to wrestling practice 3 times a week but all the other days I need for MMA.” I elaborated
“Aidan, that’s a lot. I don’t know if I can make that happen. Just look at that stitching on your eyebrow, they would never let you wrestle with that” I watched as he mowed things over in his head
“I’m sorry but like I told Jack I was born to be in the cage” I felt my heart begin to race as I spoke from it “I can’t really put it into words…it’s just where I feel at home…where I can actually feel like my soul coming alive. I would love to pick up wrestling I mean it can only help me in the long run, I’m just not willing to part with that safe space for it.”
“Not at all? Not even if I offer to part you with Eli Warren for the varsity mentor program?” He looked up from his work into my eyes to see if that would spark something
“Why would that make a difference?” I asked trying to hid the blush forming on my face
“I’ve heard you have quite the crush on him. One of the wrestlers saw you and him hashing it out in the hallway the other day. Now I don’t know much about gay relationships, but I’m willing to bet they’re similar to straight ones. We’re dicks to the people we like when we can’t confess it to them.” He gained confidence as he saw he had me rattled “Even aside from the crush it makes the most sense, he’s the only other kid in the whole sports program who was a varsity athlete his freshman year, who else to tell you about the pressure of it all.”
He narrowed his eyes to put more pressure on me “I’m sorry, but that doesn’t change anything. I don’t know what the wrestler thought he saw, but I don’t have a crush on anyone here.” I replied getting myself back under control “Excuse me if I’m coming off as rude, but I can only wrestle if I fight MMA too” I saw him consider it one last time “I can even tape over stitching, the refs would never know.”
“You drive a hard bargain kid” he finally responded extending his hand “Welcome to the team, practice starts next Monday. I expect you to be there Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. No excuses, no being late, and no back to back fights ever. You fight in the cage one week and you’re not wrestling that week. Is that understood?” I nodded with his words “And I would appreciate it if you had your fighting team get in contact with me, so we can talk about the best way to keep you healthy.”
“Thanks coach” I responded with a smile beginning to spread from ear to ear “Just one last thing” His eye brow raised as he waited for one last condition that could ruin the whole deal “Don’t match me with Elijah Warren. I want nothing to do with him”
“Aidan…” he began
“No, seriously he’ll be a distraction” I insisted
“Alright, I’ll talk it over with the coaches and see. The Varsity mentor list goes out tomorrow. Maybe I’ll just partner you with Jack or something”
“Thanks coach” I said smile returning to my face, I jumped out of the chair, shook his hand and made my way to the lunchroom.
Finally I’ll get to have a jacket of my own! I get to be a varsity wrestler and an MMA fighter! I get to practice all week! I get to practice all week? What did I just get myself into?
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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