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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Hot Wheels - 7. Nocturnal Emisions

Andrew does a lot of "growing" in his most explosive encounter with Everett. WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A GRAPHIC SEXUAL ENCOUNTER.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you get that feeling. As a young man, I know how to control myself, but the brain is just so cunning... I slid my hand under my blanket, and looked over at Marco who was sleeping across the room. Touching myself felt so good, and I didn't know it could get any better.

Everett walked into my room and shocked the hell out of me.

"Everett? You can walk?" I asked, blinking my eyes in disbelief.

"I told you that sharing your bed has been making me better," Everett said as he quickly got into my bed.

"Now be quiet," Everett said as he lowered his head, he stuck it under my blanket and started stroking me. After a few seconds I felt something different. It was wet and much better.

"Everett... what are you doing?" I asked. I told myself I didn't care what he was doing, but not even I could fool myself.

Everett came up for air, and wiped his mouth, which had a bit of saliva on the side of it. "Do you like it?" he asked, and went right back.

"Everett I'm... I'm gonna... "

I let out a cry as I jumped, sitting up in my bed in a pitch-black room. I felt my blanket wet, as sperm trickled down the side of my legs almost reminiscent of the nights I spent masturbating at home. Everett wasn't in my room.

"Oh shit," I said as I realised what happened. I had my first ever wet dream. My body was telling me something I already knew. I want Everett, but I feared that my out bursts might continue, causing me further embarrassment. To be so exposed, it's something new to me... If I freak out about this, how will act around Everett when the time comes?

I went on feeling ashamed for the rest of the day. Having to carry my sheets and pj's to the laundry room down the hall was somewhat mortifying, but nobody seemed to notice. I only saw Everett later that day when class was over.

"We go together... like a hand in a glove!"

"That's cheesy," I said to Everett as I strolled him out onto the field.As we made it to the field I saw some of Marco's jock friends fooling around like they usually do. I felt a slight bit of nervousness rising in me.

"Okay... we go together like bees and honey," he said and I couldn't help but laugh aloud.

"No, that's even worse," I said, not giving into him.

"Okay then, we go together like a dick in an ass." He stated bluntly.

"Geez, that's so vulgar Everett!" I was trying not to laugh, and trying to keep that blatant image out of my head - but boy, was it hard, and I mean the other 'it.'

"Vulgar? Oh you haven't seen vulgar." Everett began running his fingers down my shirt, when I stopped and stood in front of him.

"What's wrong with you? There are people all around," I said, making sure to cover my erection with one of my textbooks.

"Sorry Andy..." Everett said, a bit seriously now. "I'm having one of those days... but I hope you don't expect me to restrain myself from being affectionate in public."

"I... It's all a bit fast for me Everett..." I said, hoping he'd understand.

"I'm not gonna hide Andy," Everett said, taking my hand. Some of Marco's friends were staring at us. For a minute I wanted to pull my hand away but instead, I held onto it a bit tighter.

"We'll take it one step at a time," Everett joked. "Or in my case, one turn of the wheel at a time."

Out of the blue, I said, "I wouldn't mind a little ride on the Everett express."

"The Everett express ain't free. You gotta pay up boy," Everett said in a fake country accent.

"Ha-ha... you are probably the kind of guy that's gonna have a cabin in the woods, where you only want to do one thing." I joked, but Everett suddenly seemed to be in a deep trail of thought.

"You know we could do that! We'd call it Cabin Everett." He looked way too pleased with himself.

"Sigh," I said aloud, instead of making an actual one.

Everett looked a bit disappointed. "What? Did I do something wrong?" he said, letting go of my hand.

"No, not at all, but I just realised, I have a few tests to study for." I was hoping Everett would try and make me stay, but he didn't.

"We both do," Everett said.

He pushed himself back towards the dorms, and I followed. I noticed how Everett's bag hanged from the back of his wheelchair and I took it off.

"What you doing, silly?" he asked.

"I'm suppose to be carrying your books for you... it's the boyfriend thing to do," I said, as we silently smiled at each other and parted ways when we made it to our building.

When I got to my room, Marco was on his bed with headphones. I decided to ignore him and continue on with my own business.

After a quick shower, I began studying at my desk, but eventually Marco started talking to me.

Do you know the tone of voice someone has when they have to ask you for a favor, but they really don't want to? That was Marco as he spoke to me. "Andrew..?"

I actually did not want to answer him, so I said in a way that expressed my annoyance with him, "Marco."

"Fuck it," he said a bit softly.

"Fuck whatever you want," I snapped at him. "Just stay away from me."

"I need help with English," he said. And, although I despised him, I thought I couldn't let him struggle.

"Okay," I said, giving in.

And with that, Marco jumped up, and got a book from his bed.

"Soooo... ah-ha!" he said, as he came to sit next to me. "Here, this is kinda difficult to understand." He flashed a boyish smile at me.

"I see... it's quite difficult," I said, neglecting the fact that I had done it in high school, and it wasn't that hard.

"Hmmm... That smells nice, what is it?" Marco looked straight into my eyes.

"Uhm... body spray?" I said, uncomfortable with him inching so close to me.

Marco got so close, his shoulders rubbed against mine and he placed his hand on my leg, squeezing it.

"Everett is my boyfriend!" I yelled out, hoping he'd not try to kiss me.

Marco sounded bitter as he spoke. "I know... I mean, I heard. You guys haven't been very discreet."

"So you have to understand, you can't try and woo me anymore Marco, it's highly inappropriate." I knew I sounded a bit too geeky.

"Do you love him?"

Before I could answer, I felt my face getting hot. I realised I was blushing. I told him quietly, "I do."

"Then I won't bother with you; I can't love you," Marco said as a final insult.

"I'm gonna go ask a girl to help. They are so much easier." He stood flexing his muscles. He was such an ass.

Marco only came back later that night, looking like a walking beer can. When I tried to get under the covers, Marco thrust his pelvis against my butt, and I froze for a second.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I yelled, as I turned and got up into Marco's face.

His hands caressed the side of my face, as he whispered "God you're so sexy when you're angry." He forcefully planted his lips onto mine. We fell over, and Marco overpowered me, pinning my hands to the bed, so I acted quickly. I jammed my leg up in full force as it was spaced between Marco's own legs, he let out a pained cry, and startled me.

He painfully limped to his bed. "Fuck, Andrew!" He glared at me.

"I've had it. I can't go on like this!", I yelled but it fell to deaf ears. I turned my back and vowed myself that I'll have to make a plan so that I don't have to spend another day with him.

Later that night, I woke up sweating. I glanced and saw Marco was asleep. Something moved between my legs from underneath the blankets; Everett came up for a breath of fresh air.

"Did I wake you? Sorry, I tried being quiet," he said, and he went back down.

"Shit. I'm dreaming again," I said to myself, while Everett continued to give me my best dream sex ever, but before I knew it, I woke up.

It was a sight to be embarrassed by. I clenched my penis as the sperm continued to oozed out. I had somehow kicked off my boxers, and I was lying naked on top of my bed, covered in my own semen. I felt ashamed of myself for letting this happen again as I tiredly made my way to the shower. I was so tired that I had to sit on the floor of the shower. And then, I went back to bed.

"Fucking yourself in your sleep, huh? Boyfriend's dick broken like the rest of him?" Marco said, still half asleep.

I didn't go back to bed, out of fear that it might happen again. I've never been a very sexual person; yes, like every teenage boy I masturbate on a regular basis, but this was just so new to me. I think knowing that I have somebody to have sex with has somehow elevated my sex drive, but deep down I know I didn't want to have sex with Everett, not yet.

You can imagine how difficult it was looking at Everett the next day, to make it even more difficult, I was alone with him in his room.

"So where is Dave?" I asked, looking around.

"I don't know, probably hanging somewhere," Everett said, as he read through a textbook and I stared at the ceiling, lying on his bed.

For some reason I felt the need to ask Everett a question I really did not want to know the answer to.

"Everett, are you still a virgin?"

Everett glanced over at me, gave me a funny stare, and burst out in laughter.

"Oh," I said, feeling betrayed even if I had no reason to.

"I've had a boyfriend before. We had sex... he was my first..." Everett said as he rolled his wheelchair towards me. He started rubbing my leg. I felt the blood rushing to my you-know-what.

"Why do you ask?" Everett's hand came closer and closer to my zipper.

I stammered, extremely quickly: "I was just wondering, because I know you're older, and I had an idea, you might have already had sex."

Sitting in his wheelchair, next to his bed, he answered "Well, if it makes you feel at ease, I haven't had sex in about four years."

You'd expect him to sound sad as he uttered those words, but he didn't. In fact, Everett had the most erotic look in his eyes, and it turned me on even more. What also excited me was that he was now rubbing the inner thigh of my right leg. At that point I hated the denim of my jeans because I wished his fingers were touching my bare skin.

Everett spoke again as he inched up to my thigh, pressing a bit harder. "But with you around, it's a bit difficult to behave, but don't worry, I - "

Everett couldn't finish his sentence, because I had interrupted him.

"Ah," I cried out softly, almost letting out a moan. I felt my eyes shut.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?" Everett asked, lifting his hand for a moment.

I didn't answer. I felt embarrassed. I had ejaculated, right then and there, just from Everett's touch alone.

"What's wrong?" Everett asked once again, as he placed his hand higher. "Oh," he said, and I knew he knew what happened. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to," Everett started, and I opened my eyes quickly.

"What?" I asked. Everett looked down and his face was bright red. I thought I was supposed to be the embarrassed one.

"I need to clean," I felt exposed to Everett. Immediately after saying this, I mentally punched myself. I needed to accept this part of myself as normal, and Everett will get me there.

"No you don't." He said, as he clenched onto my left side and pulled himself out of his wheelchair. He turned his body vertically so that he was now lying on top of me. He stared into me with his deep blue eyes, and he placed his lips against mine, hard.

I felt him growing against my leg, but I kept my hands away from his body. He noticed this and he grabbed them, moving them till they were against his abs. He then lifted himself with his arms at my side. God he was strong. I decided to welcome his gesture and I undid his jeans. Peaking down, I saw the first traces of blonde pubic hair sticking out of Everett's neon green briefs.

"All those push-ups sure helped," Everett said, as he smiled down on me. We didn't do anything more, because we weren't sure that we should. I suppose Everett was for it, and I thought, 'fuck it,' because he told me to undo my pants.

"Sorry, this is difficult for me," Everett said.

"I don't understand," I answered him.

"My legs... they," before he could continue, I rolled him over.

He smiled at me and I sat over him, straddling his waist.

"I love that fucking sexy grin of yours," I heard myself say in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" Everett looked like he was about to have sex for the first time.

I got up, standing with my legs spread over him. I pulled my jeans down and Everett helped me, freeing them over my feet. I got down to my knees and pulled his off too along with our shirts. My eyes caught sight of Everett's erection, as his neon green underwear lined it out beautifully.

"Go ahead," he said, biting his bottom lip.

I sat on Everett's legs and started running my hands over his underwear, grabbing a bit enthusiastically at times. Everett moaned aloud, but he never closed his eyes. I noticed that a dark green area started to appear near the tip of where his penis was.

"I'm getting wet," he said, as he lifted himself up, and I met him halfway to kiss him.

I kept stroking him, but I couldn't bring myself to completely expose Everett.

He started peaking out at the top of his underwear, and I moved down to kiss the part of him that showed itself.

I guess this teasingly agitated him a bit, because he shifted and with one quick movement jerked his penis out of his briefs.

"There you go." Everett smiled at me devilishly.

"Your penis... it's bigger then I imagined." I said it like a fucking geek would after making some sort of scientific discovery.

"Oh Gosh, say dick or cock... the word 'penis' sounds so un-sexy." Everett laughed, stroking himself in front of me.

"I like dick better," I said, blushing as I thought about it.

"I know you do, so there you go!" Everett said, smiling proudly.

"You have a big dick, and I want it." I shocked myself, and regretted those words. My innocent nature was embarrassed to let the sexual animal inside of me get out.

"Oh God, I have corrupted you." Everett smiled proudly, rubbing himself more enthusiastically.

"Let me," I said, and he placed himself in my hand. I started jerking him, and it felt really good.

"Take yours out and do us both," he said, almost out of breath.

I did as he instructed, and started stroking us both with my one hand. In the meantime, Everett started sucking the fingers of my other hand.

I felt Everett lifting his back, he was nearing his orgasm, and from what I've learned by watching porn, I started wanking faster.

"YES... YES... yes.... aaaah"

Everett came, and boy he had a huge load. It even managed to land on his chin.

I was nearing my end and I moved myself closer to him. I wanted to recreate my dream, so I pressed my dick against his lips, and without struggle, Everett started sucking me, he was even better then in my dreams.

I barley made a sound, telling him, "I'm gonna blow..."

"It's fine. I want it," Everett said, and he stroked me until I finally gave in and let him have it, all of it.

Finally, I collapsed onto Everett. I heard and felt his cum squishing between us.

"That was so great." I kissed him all over his face, licking the "gift" he left for me on his chin from when I wanked him.

"Pull the covers over us." Everett said.

"You are the only sex I want for the rest of my life. I love you Andy," Everett said, as he licked my lips.

"I want to stay here and sleep in your bed," I said to Everett in a baby voice.

"I'll see what I can do boo boo," he said, as he threw his head back onto his pillow.

I lay on top of him with my head on his chest.

"Everett..." I started.

"Yeah?" he asked, as he started dozing off.

"Nothing... I love you too."

What I wanted to mention was that he had another erection growing hard against my leg, but I decided to take 'matters' into my own hands. I slithered down to the desired spot and saw Everett's dick was hard and pre-cum already gleamed at it's tip. I felt myself licking my lips and started kissing it as I felt the vains brushing against my tongue. Overwhelmed, I tried everything I could. I wanked Everett while sucking his balls and then switched around, sucking his cock and tugging on his massive sack. I felt myself growing hard too and wanked myself. Everett clenched his sheets as he finally exploded in my mouth, me cumming last.

I snuggled up to him and after a while I grew drowsy listening to the sound of Everett's light snoring. "That's how you sleep after a good orgasm," I joked as I felt myself drifting off, knowing that Everett's roommate was going to find us but I didn't care.

I didn't have a wet dream after that encounter, Everett vowed to always take care of me and I finally accepted that I, Andrew, will enjoy fooling around, with Everett of course.

This took long to write ! I started college and took forever to post, enjoy!
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Damn, it's so hot.

OK, I am officially blowing my cover here and confessing to being the beta reader for this book. The reason, wow – I mean, wow

"Oh shit," I said as I realised what happened. I had my first ever wet dream. My body was telling me something I already knew. I want Everett, but I feared that my out bursts might continue, causing me further embarrassment. To be so exposed, it's something new to me... If I freak out about this, how will I act around Everett when the time comes?"


"I need to clean," I felt exposed to Everett. Immediately after saying this, I mentally punched myself. I needed to accept this part of myself as normal, and Everett will get me there."

You really worked paragraphs like these into gold. They are so beautifully developed from where you left them, and I can see that my comments germinated in your head. That is such a compliment – Thank you. You completed them with minimal fuss, and just focused on the big picture of why Andrew had these pre-sex nerves. We have all been there, and can relate.

Plus, the line: ""Everett is my boyfriend!" I yelled out, hoping he'd not try to kiss me," made me burst out laughing, again. I love that.

Now that I have 'outed' myself as your beta, I can tell you a heartfelt, "I am so proud of you! Well done."

On 08/02/2014 06:26 AM, AC Benus said:
Damn, it's so hot.

OK, I am officially blowing my cover here and confessing to being the beta reader for this book. The reason, wow – I mean, wow

"Oh shit," I said as I realised what happened. I had my first ever wet dream. My body was telling me something I already knew. I want Everett, but I feared that my out bursts might continue, causing me further embarrassment. To be so exposed, it's something new to me... If I freak out about this, how will I act around Everett when the time comes?"


"I need to clean," I felt exposed to Everett. Immediately after saying this, I mentally punched myself. I needed to accept this part of myself as normal, and Everett will get me there."

You really worked paragraphs like these into gold. They are so beautifully developed from where you left them, and I can see that my comments germinated in your head. That is such a compliment – Thank you. You completed them with minimal fuss, and just focused on the big picture of why Andrew had these pre-sex nerves. We have all been there, and can relate.

Plus, the line: ""Everett is my boyfriend!" I yelled out, hoping he'd not try to kiss me," made me burst out laughing, again. I love that.

Now that I have 'outed' myself as your beta, I can tell you a heartfelt, "I am so proud of you! Well done."

haha. Well it's appreciated, ur a great beta thanks!
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