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Permanently Black and Blue - 11. Chapter 11


After school, Jesse found Shaun sitting on the curb with his legs stretched out in front of him. Everyone gave him a wide berth out of habit and a group of freshman girls skirted the sidewalk as they rushed past him for the buses.

Jesse padded across the lawn. As he got closer, he realized Shaun was wearing headphones. The high-pitched whine of an electric guitar blared from his earbuds.

Jesse tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey.”

Shaun ripped his headset off and whirled around. His eyes were wild, but slowly, the look of hostility faded. He stood up stiffly. “You didn’t have to fucking sneak up on me,” he grumbled.

“Wasn’t like it was hard,” Jesse laughed. “You were totally out of it.”

Shaun stuffed his CD player into his bag. “I’m not riding the bus,” he said darkly, gazing out at the parking lot where students rushed between the buses, loud and chaotic in their hurry to get off school property. It was a zoo.

“I wasn’t planning on it anyway.” Jesse smiled at him. “You okay?”

Shaun hitched his backpack over his shoulder. “Yep,” he said, but Jesse could tell he was distracted.

They loitered on the front lawn for a moment, waiting for the buses to leave and Jesse tried to cheer Shaun up by bringing up his last class of the day, a subject Shaun didn’t have.

“It’s not fair,” Jesse bemoaned. “I hate government.”

“My GPA was so low; the guidance counselor wouldn’t let me take a full load of classes.” Shaun smirked. “I’m supposed to take it next year.”

“So, then, never, right?” Jesse scoffed. “Screw you, Shaun.”

“Sorry.” Shaun shrugged. “Maybe you should try failing. Everyone lowers their expectations. It’s nice.”

“No.” Jesse stuck out his tongue. “I don’t want to fail. We’re starting our term project. You-pick. A three-page essay or a twenty-slide Powerpoint on the different branches of government. I can’t decide.”

“I’ve got better selections. You-pick. I’ve got one ‘Fuck you’,” Shaun said, “Or two middle fingers.” He held them up proudly in demonstration. The right one was mostly for show. The way his hand was bandaged made it impossible. “What’s it gonna be?”

Jesse rolled his eyes. “You’re no help.”

When the buses pulled out, they started down the lonely, dusty road.

“Are we going to your house or mine?” Jesse asked. He wanted to give Shaun the promised blowjob as soon as possible. He’d been thinking about it most of the day.

Shaun thought for a moment. “My place, I guess. I want to get on my guitar.”

“What about your hand?”

Shaun looked down at the bandaging. “I’ll take it off.”


“It’s my hand. I can do what I want with it,” Shaun said defensively.

Jesse sighed and let it go.

They got to Shaun’s house in fifteen minutes. Shaun went straight for the garage and Jesse followed him like an obedient puppy. As they passed the house, Ruth stuck her head out the kitchen window.

“You’re late,” she bitched. “Where’ve you been?”

“We walked,” Shaun said briskly.

Ruth watched them with narrowed eyes as they reached the garage and Shaun paused and fiddled with the latch.

“Keep it down in there,” she said sourly. “You always make such a racket.” She pulled her head in the window and shut it behind her with a snap.

With a huff of frustration, Shaun fumbled the door open at last. He grabbed Jesse’s arm and yanked him inside. “She’s so fucking annoying!” he cried as he slammed the door behind them. He dropped his bag and kicked it carelessly across the room, into the corner.

“She’s trying to be a good grandma,” Jesse said. “I think.”

“She’s being an annoying bitch,” Shaun sneered. “It’s what she does best.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his dark, unruly hair. “Fuck her,” he said, then he stepped across the room and grabbed his guitar. “I’ve got better shit to do,” he muttered, lifting the instrument to his chest with reverence. He carried it to the outlet against the wall and setup his equipment one-handed.

Jesse sat at the desk chair in front of the tool bench and tossed his bag under the table. He spun the chair, so he faced the other boy and watched as he finished with his guitar and set it aside.

Shaun looked critically at the gauze covering his hand as he straightened. Slowly, he began to unravel the bandaging.

“Shaun,” Jesse groaned.

“Shut up.’ The gauze fell away, and Shaun kicked it aside with his boot. His hand was bruised and swollen around the knuckles. The skin was shredded, and he winced as he opened and closed his hand, but he kept doing it. He grit his teeth and wiggled his fingers until they moved with fluidity, then he picked up his guitar again.

Shaun closed his eyes as he slid his fingers along the fretboard and tried a few chords. His expression was pained at first, but as the notes flowed from his guitar and the deep tone reverberated in the room, his expression began to mellow.

Jesse pulled his feet up on the seat and hugged his knees to his chest as he watched. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

“It’s bearable,” Shaun said, then paused to retrieve his backpack. He pulled out one of his notebooks and a pen and jotted something down. He tried another chord, a different melody, and then paused to write something else.

“Can I see your poem now?” Jesse asked.

Shaun looked up in surprise. He finished with the notebook and then reached into his back pocket and fished out a piece of paper. “I’m going to revise it,” he said. “It isn’t a song yet, but once I get the melody down, I’ll know what to do with it.”

Jesse accepted the square of paper and Shaun swept back to his side of the room and grabbed up his guitar. He strummed a few random notes as Jesse unfolded the paper. Shaun’s handwriting was cramped and messy, but Jesse had little trouble reading the verses.


I wake up on a rainy day

And dark clouds hide the blue from your eyes

Angry voices, pounding fists, do I really exist?

Are these voices in my head? Will I ever forget what was said?

I need a way to escape


I cling with my bloody hands

Searching for a way to hold on to you


You cut so deep when you turn around you’re never the same

You’re my switchblade

No stitches will ever fix these wounds


Jesse smiled softly. “When did you write this?”

“After I kissed you.” Shaun didn’t look up from his instrument. “It’s stupid.”

“You really missed me,” Jesse grinned. “You mentioned my eyes.”

“Oh, God.” Shaun rolled his eyes. “Don’t get all emotional.”

But he was. Jesse was touched.

Shaun continued to mess with his guitar as Jesse got up and glided across the dusty, concrete floor. He laid his hand over Shaun’s broken one and Shaun stopped playing and looked into Jesse’s eyes.

Jesse slid his arms around his waist as Shaun shrugged his guitar over his head. Their lips met partway and at first, the kiss was sweet and almost chaste, but when Shaun swiped his tongue along Jesse’s bottom lip, Jesse gasped and eagerly opened his mouth.

Shaun held him close as the kiss deepened. He pressed against Jesse’s lower lip and sucked his tongue as his dick got hard in his jeans.

Jesse could feel it against his thigh. He was hard, too, and desperate to come and he arched into Shaun’s body with a helpless groan.

Shaun drew back. “Jesse…”

“What?” Jesse whined.

“Not now,” Shaun said, then he dropped his arms and gently nudged Jesse away.

Jesse blinked in surprise. Shaun’s eyes burned with lust and he didn’t understand. He quirked an eyebrow in question and Shaun sighed.

“I have to do this,” he said, nodding to the open notebook and the guitar hanging from his neck. He pulled it back in front of him and shredded an insane riff. His fingers flew nimbly across the fretboard and the sounds he made were smooth and rich...and strangely sexual. “I have to get these ideas down.”

Jesse fell back into the desk chair. He could wait…

Shaun strummed the guitar. It was a song, a melody, and he looked up and met Jesse’s eyes as he played.

Jesse stared into Shaun’s dark gaze as he lost track of time. Shaun switched between melodies and chords, testing different sounds and the deep, luxurious sounds of the guitar coursed through Jesse’s body. After some time, his eyelids got heavy and he slumped against the tool bench as he dozed off.

Shaun came to a sudden stop. “Did you hear that?”

Jesse blinked and sat up dazedly. Shaun hadn’t stopped playing in some time, but now he gripped the fretboard with his head cocked to the right. Jesse nervously licked his lips. “No? I didn’t hear anything but your guitar.”

The side door to the garage burst open and Brian charged into the room. “Shaun!”

Shaun unstrapped his guitar and collected him in his arms. “What are you doing here?”

“There you are, Jesse.” Monica stepped into the garage before Brian could explain. She wore her nicest scrubs today. They were a pretty lavender color and fit her nicely in the butt. She had her phone gripped in one hand and Lissa pinned against her chest with the other. The baby was red-faced and unhappy. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

Shaun and Jesse shared a brief look.

“Hey, mom,” Jesse said cautiously.

“What’s going on?” Monica asked. “Sam’s been on his own with the kids for hours.”

“I’m sorry,” Jesse said, but he didn’t get up. He felt like he’d just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “I must have lost track of time.”

“You promised you were coming over tonight,” Brian whined from across the room and Jesse’s gaze drifted in his direction.

Shaun set him on the floor with a sheepish look on his face. “I got caught up practicing. It wasn’t intentional.”

“Wow, you have a real guitar,” Brian said. “It’s so cool.”

“Yep,” Shaun chuckled as he picked up his instrument and showed it off.

“How many songs can you play?” Brian asked in awe, stroking the guitar’s sleek black surface with a finger.

“I can play any song I want.” Shaun smirked. “If I’ve heard it before.”

“Can you play Baby Shark?”

Shaun scratched his chin in thought. “Never heard of it.”

“Jesse,” Monica huffed as she tucked her phone into her bra. “I need to get back to work and I need you at home.” She moved the baby onto her shoulder and rubbed her back, but Lissa began to cry in earnest. Monica bounced her, but that only heightened Lissa’s agitation. “Quit playing around. Let’s go.

Brian flinched at Monica’s tone and curled in on himself. That was a sure sign Monica had recently lost her temper. He cowered against Shaun’s legs and hid his face.

“In a minute.” Jesse frowned. “We’re about to finish up.”

Jesse!” Monica snapped and Lissa wailed in her arms. She clicked her tongue impatiently. “Grab your stuff and let’s go.”

A fire lit under Jesse’s ass as he glanced at Shaun. His expression was neutral, but he had a hand on Brian’s shoulder, and he squeezed it comfortingly.

“I need a minute, mom.”

Jesse!” Monica hissed as the baby’s cry became earsplitting. “I don’t have time for this!”

“And I don’t have a life! I’m sick and tired of being responsible all the time!” Jesse snapped. “I need a break…”

Monica’s face darkened and she rubbed the baby’s back in an erratic pattern. “Bad timing, Jesse. This is so not the time to talk about this.”

“You’re right,” Jesse said. “Take Lissa home. Sam can watch her for a couple minutes—”


“Just give me a couple minutes to say goodbye!” Jesse cried. “Fuck! We were right in the middle of something!”

Monica pressed her lips together as Lissa continued to scream. She opened her mouth to reply.

“Who the hell are you?”

Monica’s eyes flashed to the door.

Ruth stood in the gravel just outside, in a pair of house slippers. She had her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

“Hi.” Monica forced a smile onto her face. “I’m Monica. I live next door.”

Ruth narrowed her beady eyes, then nodded at Jesse. “This one’s yours?”


“That explains it,” Ruth said. “And that one’s yours as well?” She nodded at the screaming baby on Monica’s shoulder

Monica grit her teeth. “Yes.”

“Doesn’t look like it,” Ruth sneered. “It looks like you’ve never held a baby in your life.” She stepped into the room and held out her arms. “Let me see the little monster. C’mon.”

Monica shot Jesse a heated look, but she handed over the baby without a word.

Ruth accepted Lissa with a coo and held her securely in her large hands. “What’s she called?”

“Melissa.” Monica used the opportunity to check her phone, then quickly typed out a message as Ruth enjoyed her youngest daughter.

“Poor little Melissa,” Ruth tutted. “How old?”

Monica smiled faintly at her phone as Jesse watched her with suspicion. “Ten months,” she said distractedly.

“There, there, little angel. Calm down,” Ruth soothed as she turned the baby so she was facing outwards, then she folded Lissa’s arms into her chest and cupped her bottom. Ruth bounced Lissa gently and swayed her back and forth and Lissa stopped crying almost instantly.

Monica looked up in surprise.

“I only had the one baby. And then a grandson,” Ruth said. “But I learned how to do this from a lady at church. She’s a baby whisperer.”

“Hmm.” Monica pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’m sorry. I’m really in a hurry.”

“To do what? It’s 7 o’clock,” Ruth cooed sweetly at Lissa and the baby smiled. “Is dinner burning in the oven?”

“No,” Monica said impatiently. “I’m on the clock. I need to get back to work. My son is supposed to be at home, babysitting, but instead he’s here, having a party.”

“Work?” Ruth made a face. “What kind of work?”

“I work at the hospital,” Monica huffed. “I’m a nurse.”

“Fancy.” Ruth brought Lissa to her chest. The baby rested her cheek on her breast with a contented babble. “Well, everything’s under control,” Ruth said. “You’re free to go.”

Monica threw her hands up. “Yeah. Sounds great. Let me just walk off and leave my ten-month-old with a stranger.”

Jesse sighed. “She’s not a stranger, mom.”

Monica glared at him.

“I’m Ruth, by the way,” Ruth said. “Ruth Wilson.”

“Wonderful,” Monica muttered.

“I volunteer in the church nursery on Sundays,” Ruth said. “People trust me.”

“I’m sure,” Monica said, but she didn’t sound convinced.

“C’mon, mom,” Jesse said. “Me and Brian and Lissa will hang out for an hour or two, then we’ll go home. Sam can watch the twins until then. He’s done it before.”

“That’s your kid, too?” Ruth laughed, nodding at Brian.

Monica glanced at Jesse again and slowly shook her head. You are so dead, she mouthed at him.

“You career girls,” Ruth shook her head disapprovingly. “How many kids do you have?”

Monica bristled. “I have to go.”

“Then go,” Ruth said. “There’s the door.”

Monica hesitated. She checked her phone again and groaned. “Shit…I’m late.”

“I promise. Everything will be fine,” Jesse said earnestly. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll keep an eye on everyone.”

“Fine. Whatever.” Monica tossed her phone in her purse and moved quickly to the door. “Everyone better be in bed when I get home,” she said over her shoulder.

Jesse nodded and Monica hurried out the door.

Brian relaxed against Shaun’s side once she was gone. Jesse let out a sigh of relief. Ruth was unaffected and she swayed from side to side with the baby.

“Can she sit up yet?” she asked.

Jesse nodded.

“I’ll be in the living room,” Ruth said distractedly. “We’re going to lay a blanket on the floor so we can practice pulling-up. Doesn’t that sound nice?” she said to Lissa.

As soon as they were alone, Jesse spoke up. “My sister’s safe with her, right?”

Shaun rolled his eyes. “Fuck off, Jesse. Yes. My grandma loves babies.”

“Sorry.” Jesse laughed. “I just… You know.”

“Yeah. I know.” Shaun’s expression soured. “She’s a bitch.

“Shaun?” Brian tugged on the older boy’s sleeve.

“What’s up?” Shaun’s expression changed as he knelt down to speak with the toddler.

“Can we watch one of your movies?” Brian asked.

“That’s a good idea,” Shaun said. “Let me put this stuff away and we’ll go to my room.”

Brian bounced up and down in excitement and Jesse smiled at him fondly. He grabbed his bag and got up to join the other two as Shaun unplugged the guitar and set it gingerly in its case.

Jesse hadn’t completely got out of babysitting, but maybe that was a good thing. Brian needed his attention. They’d cuddled most of the night after Shaun had left, but Brian craved his presence like a drug. Guilt filled Jesse’s heart as he stepped up beside the toddler and carded his fingers through his fine, blond hair. He’d totally forgotten about him. Again.

Shaun finished putting away his equipment. “Let’s go,” he said as he picked up his backpack.

“Shaun?” Brian shyly stretched out his hand and Jesse’s heart melted when Shaun smiled and took it with his own, much larger grasp

“That was pretty brave of you, standing up to your mom,” Shaun said as he led Brian out of the garage.

“Yeah.” Jesse pulled a face as he followed along. Shaun didn’t even know the half of it. Jesse would get hell later when Monica came home. “It won’t do any good though. I still have to babysit.”

“Well, you’ve gotta start somewhere, right?” Shaun chuckled. “You’ve been such a little bitch your whole life, babysitting for free and shit. People do that for a living, you know.”

Jesse laughed.

They slipped inside and Shaun toted Brian across the kitchen. “I’d better take you to meet my grandpa. He’ll be offended if we don’t say hi.”

They went into the living room and found Eli sitting on the couch. Ruth and the baby were on a blanket in front of the TV. She’d propped Lissa against the couch beside Eli and was coaxing her to hold onto the edge.

Eli held Lissa’s little hands. “What a cutie, “he said with a large smile that displayed his missing teeth.

“That’s it, keep holding on,” Ruth encouraged with a chuckle. “You’re a strong little mite.”

“Hey,” Shaun said as he stopped beside the couch. Brian hid behind his legs and peeked out shyly.

“Now who’s this?” Eli spotted the toddler and his grin widened.

“I’m Brian,” Brian said in a tiny voice.

“Nice to meet you, Brian. I’m Eli.”

“Can I borrow your TV?” Shaun asked. “We’re going to watch a movie in my room.”

“Sure,” Eli said.

Shaun let go of Brian’s hand and ruffled his hair. “Let me go grab it.” He started down the hall and Brian got close to Jesse in his absence.

Jesse put a hand on his shoulder. “He’ll be right back.”

“How many siblings do you have, Jesse?” Eli asked. “I hope you’re not too offended, but Ruth and I were gossiping a little. We never did get a chance to meet your family.”

“No, it’s okay,” Jesse said. “Well, there’s Brian and Lissa. They’re the youngest. And then there’s Sam, he’s in middle school, and the twins, Tyler and Allison. They’re in the first grade. They’re all at home.”

“Five brothers and sisters.” Eli whistled.

“I hear that all the time,” Jesse laughed. “But it’s pretty normal for me.”

Shaun’s voice came from the back of the house. “Shit.”

Jesse looked down the hall as Shaun maneuvered a mid-sized tube TV out of the master bedroom. “I’d better help him,” he said, drawing Brian out of the room. “Excuse me.”

“Enjoy the TV,” Eli called after them.

Dammit!” Shaun had made it across the hall but was stuck in the doorway to his bedroom. “I can’t see what I’m hitting!” The corner of the TV was wedged into the jamb and Shaun struggled with the large hunk of plastic in his arms.

Jesse pushed Brian out of the way and ducked under the TV to guide it through the door. He added a little pressure along the right side of the set and it finally slid through.

“Thanks,” Shaun trudged into the room as he looked for a place to set his burden. “Clear that shit off my dresser. I have to put this fucker down.”

The bed was made, and Shaun’s clothes hung neatly in his closet. The room was relatively tidy, but there was a stack of notebooks, a couple CDs, and a collection of guitar picks cluttered on top of the dresser and Jesse quickly gathered the items into his arms as Shaun stepped forward and slid the TV onto the surface.

“Fuck,” Shaun huffed. “That was heavier than I thought.”

Jesse glanced at the TV as he set Shaun’s belongings in a neat stack on the edge of his side table. The TV had a DVD/VHS combo under the dusty screen. It looked ancient.

Shaun plugged it in. 12:00 blinked in digital green on the DVD panel. He didn’t bother to change the time. “Okay, you idiots ready?” he asked, then strode to the bookshelf next to the dresser and pulled Predator off the top shelf. There wasn’t a book in sight. Every shelf was filled with DVDs and CDs. He put the disk into the DVD tray and sat on the edge of his bed.

“Brian’s got first dibs on the bed!” Jesse threw the toddler on the mattress as the movie loaded on screen.

Brian giggled as he sprawled across Shaun’s big bed. “Why are we over here today?”

“Shaun’s starting a band so he’s working on some new songs,” Jesse said as he pulled the toddler’s shoes off and tossed them on the floor.


“Shaun’s going to be a famous musician one day,” Jesse said dreamily as he kicked off his shoes, then hopped up on the bed next to the little boy. “Like those people we saw on the music awards the other night.”

Brian’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Really?”

“He’s pulling your leg,” Shaun snorted.

“No, he’s not.” Brian’s forehead wrinkled in confusion.

“I meant that he’s joking,” Shaun said. “He’s pulling your leg.”

“Maybe one time we’ll bring you to a show, Brian,” Jesse said. “So you can see Shaun play on stage.”

“Wow, that’d be so cool,” Brian gushed.

Shaun turned back to the TV with a scowl. He sat on the end of the bed, between Jesse and Brian, and selected ‘play’ on the menu with the remote.

Jesse had seen Predator at a friend’s house a million years ago, so he wasn’t especially thrilled to watch it again. The interaction between Shaun and Brian, however, was worth it.

Shaun didn’t move from the end of the bed and Brian laid out beside him on his stomach with his legs in the air. Shaun put a hand on the little boy’s shoulder when he started asking his never-ending questions and he left it there as the movie played out.

Brian wasn’t afraid of the alien monster at all. He cheered along with Shaun as Arnold Schwarzenegger kicked some serious ass. Jesse sat back against the headboard and watched his two-favorite people with a smile. He was a little jealous; Brian was in his spot, but it was a good sort of jealousy. Shaun showered the toddler in attention and Brian was blossoming from it.

Jesse was so grateful Shaun had opened his heart to the little boy. He gazed affectionately at the side of Shaun’s face as the movie ended.

Brian perked up immediately. “Let’s watch another movie!”

“We won’t be able to finish it,” Jesse warned. “We have to go in an hour.” It was almost nine. If they got home by ten, Jesse would have enough time to get everyone changed and in bed before Monica came home.

“Alright, you heard him,” Shaun said, then got up to peruse his movie collection. “One more movie. What are you in the mood for? Another action flick? Horror? Sci-fi?”

“Scary!” Brian cried, then rolled over and dangled backward off the bed. “Scary, scary, scary!”

“How about Texas Chainsaw Massacre?”

“Shaun!” Jesse cried. “You’re going to give him nightmares!”

“Nuh-uh.” Brian stuck out his tongue.

Shaun was already switching the disks. “You’re tough, aren’t you, Bri?”


Jesse shook his head. He didn’t think it was a good idea, but he used the opportunity to secure a spot next to Shaun. He scooted to the end of the bed and gathered Brian into his arms. “I’m going to cover your eyes if you get scared,” he teased and practiced covering the toddler’s face with a hand.

“Stop!” Brian batted Jesse’s hand out of his face but settled against his side right after. His little body was heavy and Jesse mentally cheered. Brian was getting sleepy.

Shaun backed up as he navigated the DVD’s menu. He hit play as the backs of his knees hit the mattress and he sank onto the bed, right beside Jesse. Their thighs pressed together warmly.

Jesse had never seen the original Texas Chainsaw. The movie began with a block of yellow text, read by a creepy male narrator, explaining what they were about to watch was based on a true story.

“This is a terrible idea…” Jesse hugged Brian close.

“Just relax,” Shaun muttered.

The credits rolled over images of decomposing corpses and Jesse immediately covered Brian’s eyes. “Great,” he muttered, and Shaun snickered.

The movie began and a van of hippies picked up a weirdo on the side of the road. Jesse rubbed Brian’s back in a soothing rhythm as the weird hitchhiker and the hippies chatted about the town they were driving through. He was desperate for Brian to go to sleep. He wanted to avoid a sleepless night of childish nightmares and he couldn’t concentrate on the movie.

Twenty minutes passed as Jesse stroked his fingers through Brian’s fine, blond locks and scratched his scalp in the special way he liked. The hitchhiker started a fire in the van and the hippies kicked him out.

Jesse looked down into Brian’s face and the little boy was fast asleep. “What a relief,” he muttered, then snatched the remote from Shaun and turned the volume all the way down. “Violent action movies are one thing. Disturbing torture-porn is another.”

Shaun snorted. “Torutre-porn?”

“You know, knives and whips and blood mixed with sex,” Jesse grumbled.

Shaun struggled not to smile. “Never heard of it.”

“I’m just waiting for one of the girls to start flashing everybody.” Jesse transferred Brian to a spot at the top of the bed, between the pillows. “That was a bad movie to watch before bed.”

Shaun looked over his shoulder at the toddler. “He’s hilarious,” he said fondly. “I knew he’d like Predator.”

Jesse relaxed as he watched Shaun gaze at the toddler. He’d watched Brian sleep a million times before and thought it was sweet Shaun was enjoying the view, but he was horny. He’d waited patiently for this moment all day long and he wanted to have some fun.

“Come down here,” he said as he moved to the foot of the bed and stretched out his legs. He smiled enticingly at the other boy. “You’re too far away.”

Shaun frowned. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting ready to suck your dick,” Jesse said casually.

Shaun got off the bed and crossed his arms. “We can’t.” He glanced at the sleeping toddler. “We’ll wake him up.”

“He won’t wake up.” Jesse unzipped his jeans and pulled out his dick. He was half hard already and fisted himself and rubbed the lengthening shaft to get the rest of the way there.

Shaun bristled with indignation. “My grandparents are in the living room!”

Jesse caught Shaun’s belt loop. “They won’t come in,” he said, tugging him to the edge of the bed. “Let me make you come.”

Shaun sighed and unzipped his fly. His hair fell into his face as he pushed his pants to his knees, then spread his thighs.

Jesse’s eyes dropped to Shaun’s thick, lovely cock and he laid on his belly and wrapped his fingers around the length as it began to fill with blood. Shaun’s cock was level with his mouth, and he stroked it warmly with the fat, pulsing head aimed at his lips.

Shaun reached full hardness in less than a minute and he gripped the back of Jesse’s head with insistence. “I thought you were going to suck it?”

Jesse smiled and licked his lips. “I’ll take care of you.” When they were nice and wet he guided the excited tip of Shaun’s cock into his mouth.

Fuck,” Shaun groaned as Jesse took him deep into his mouth and caressed the shaft with his tongue. He tightened his fingers in Jesse’s hair as Jesse moved his head up and down and experimented with the pace.

Shaun’s shallow breathing and the gentle sound of Jesse’s sucking mouth were loud in the little room. The noises increased as Jesse pushed himself to go faster and he was thinking about turning the movie back on for background noise when Brian stirred.

Shaun froze with his hand in Jesse’s hair. “He’s waking up!

Jesse kept Shaun’s dick in his mouth as he glanced back at the toddler curled at the head of the bed. Brian buried his face in the pillows once more then went still again.

Shaun relaxed and brushed Jesse’s hair out of his face. “Better make it quick,” he murmured, and Jesse bobbed his head and went back to the sucking. Shaun grasped his head with both hands and pushed himself into Jesse’s mouth. He was being gentle, but he quickly took over the pace and Jesse took the hint. There was no guarantee they wouldn’t be interrupted. They had to hurry.

Jesse pushed a hand under his body and grabbed his own excited cock as Shaun ramped up his efforts to come. He opened his throat to accept more of Shaun’s thrusting length and worked his arm frantically underneath him as he pulled himself off. Shaun moved in and out of his mouth as Jesse moaned deep in his throat and slobbered around his dick. Jesse’s cock slicked his palm. It was juicing and his hand glided along the shaft with ease.

Shaun watched him with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. His dark eyes were half-lidded, and his breathing was erratic. He fisted his fingers in Jesse’s hair and began to drive his hips into his face with force.

Jesse gagged as Shaun’s cock invaded his throat, but at the same time, his cock twitched like crazy in his hand. He groaned and his eyes rolled back in his head as he lurched ever closer to orgasm. HIs throat was raw, and his lips were being bashed repeatedly, but he loved it. The rough treatment was agreeing with him.

Shit.” Shaun threw a hand over his mouth and bit down as come erupted from the tip of his cock.

Jesse shuddered in pleasure as semen coated his tongue. It tasted even better than the first time. It was a warm, salty snack and he fisted his cock faster and faster as he drank it down. When he tumbled over the edge, Shaun’s spent cock slipped from his lips and he buried his face in his dark, curly pubes. He muffled his cry against Shaun’s moist flesh as he came.

Shaun pulled his pants up, then stumbled to the edge of the bed and sat wearily. He scrubbed a hand across his face. “Fuck.”

Jesse sat up lazily and put himself away. He scooted closer and cuddled into Shaun’s side. He started to put a hand on Shaun’s thigh when he realized he still had a sticky mess between his fingers. He briefly considered his options before he gave into impulse and used Shaun’s T-shirt as a hand towel.

“What the fuck?” Shaun elbowed Jesse in the ribs, then plucked the wet stain away from his body. “What was that for?! Gross.” He huffed and ripped his shirt over his head.

“Sorry.” Jesse laughed. “What else was I supposed to do with it?”

“Hmm, I don’t know.” Shaun tossed his shirt in the clothes basket, then strode to the closet. “Maybe you could have asked for a fucking paper towel?”

“Yeah, but then you would have left the room,” Jesse pouted.

With his back to Jesse, Shaun sorted through a library of dark tees and flannel button downs. The muscles in his back were long and powerful and Jesse gazed at the smooth, pale skin on his shoulders and upper back. It was one of the only places on his body, save his face, that wasn’t covered in scars.

Shaun picked a hunter green thermal and pulled it over his head. The show was over. Jesse beckoned him back to the bed with a finger.

Shaun scowled, but he came back and sank onto the bed. He turned and looked deep into Jesse’s eyes. “You’re really good at sucking dick.”

“Thanks.” Jesse smiled.

“That’s why I let you get away with that little trick,” Shaun said, his eyes flashing. “If you’d used too much teeth or hadn’t swallowed, I might have punched you just now.”

“Fuck you.” Jesse snorted. You wouldn’t hit me. You love me.”

Shaun looked away, his jaw working.

Jesse’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. He didn’t know why he’d just said that. The silence stretched… “Um, sorry,” he said awkwardly. “I didn’t mean—”

Shaun sighed. “Jesse, I—”

There was a knock on the door and the boys split apart. “Are you decent?” Eli asked.

Shaun scowled at the door. “Fuck off, grandpa.”

Eli came into the room and smiled when he saw Jesse and Shaun sitting close on the bed. His eyes flashed to Brian, asleep on the other end, then back to the teens. “What are you boys up to?” He glanced at the TV as Leatherface chased a girl with a chainsaw. It was muted, but the girl was screaming her head off. The scene was incredibly surreal. Eli sniffed the air. “Smells like sex.”

Shaun’s face turned a brilliant red.

Eli turned his gaze onto Jesse. “You’re mom’s here.”

Jesse’s stomach dropped. He checked the digital clock on the bedside table, but it was only 9:30. Monica didn’t usually come home until 10. Confused, he stood up. “I guess I’d better go,” he muttered.

“Bye,” Shaun said bitterly.

“Thanks for letting us stay,” Jesse sighed. “Brian loved the movie.”

Shaun nodded, but he wouldn’t meet his eyes.

Jesse knew he wasn’t going to get a goodnight kiss, so he took one instead. He leaned in and pecked Shaun on the cheek, right in front of his grandpa. When he pulled away, Shaun’s face was a shade or two redder, if that were possible. Jesse smiled at him sheepishly. “Love you.”

“See you tomorrow,” Shaun grumbled.

Jesse rounded the bed to collect the sleeping toddler. He looked up as he stopped beside Brian. Eli watched them in amazement and Jesse had to fight back a smile. Shaun, on the other side of the bed, was hiding another furious blush. “C’mon Brian,” Jesse said, nudging the little boy. “We’ve gotta go.”

Mmph.” Brian tunneled under the pillows.

“Brian,” Jesse said in a firm voice. “Mom’s waiting for us.”

Brian made another sound of protest, but he rolled out of bed, grumbling under his breath.

“What’s that?”

“Can’t we sleep over?”

Jesse laughed. That wasn’t a bad idea, but: “Mom would never allow it. It’s a school night.”

Brian pouted epically and hung his head as he sniffled with disappointment.

Jesse stepped into his sneakers then helped Brian with his as the little boy cried despondently. His eyes were glassy and red. He was tired. “Alright. No more tears.” Jesse lifted the toddler onto his hip. “It’s time for bed.”

“I don’t want to go to bed,” Brian whined, but his eyelids slid halfway shut as he rested his head against Jesse’s shoulder.

“I think we’re all going to bed, little guy,” Eli said pleasantly as he started for the door. “I know your mom certainly is.”

Brian groaned.

Jesse met Shaun’s gaze as he followed Eli to the door. Shaun’s eyes were intense, like every other part of him. A warm tendril of affection curled around his heart as he stepped out of the room. Already… he missed him.

Monica and Ruth were in the kitchen. Lissa was still in Ruth’s arms, being bounced and cooed to and Monica checked her phone as she stood waiting. When she looked up and spotted Jesse and Brian in the door, she tucked her phone away with a huff.

“There they are,” she said, nodding over Ruth’s shoulder. The old woman turned her head and met Jesse’s eyes with suspicion.

Jesse stopped short.

“I thought the three of you had passed out cold,” Ruth said slowly. “Everything got so quiet all of a sudden.”

“Nope. We’re awake.” Jesse fidgeted as Ruth looked him over.

“Doing what?


“Well, thanks for watching the baby,” Monica butted in. “It was fun talking, but we’d better get going.” She pried Lissa from Ruth’s arms and the baby immediately began to fuss.

Ruth’s expression soured as the baby was taken from her. “She messed her diaper. I didn’t have anything to put her in.”

Monica patted Lissa’s bottom. “Didn’t I leave—?” She cut a heated glare in Jesse’s direction. “No, of course I didn’t leave diapers.”

“I used an old dish towel and safety pins,” Ruth said as she watched Monica and Lissa with disapproval. The baby had her fingers caught in Monica’s ponytail and was pulling and pulling her arm to get free, but Monica didn’t react.

“Sorry about the inconvenience,” she said.

“Don’t mention it.”

Monica signaled for Jesse to come and, reluctantly, he stepped closer. “Thanks Ruth,” she said as she took Jesse’s arm and pulled him to the door.

“I’d be happy to do it again,” Ruth called after them. “The only time I’m not here is Wednesday and Sunday and I’m at church. I could take her along. It’s no problem.”

“Yes. Alright,” Monica said quickly. “Goodnight!”

Once they were alone on the porch, Monica yanked her hair out of Lissa’s hands. “This is ridiculous, Jesse. I give you as much free time as I can, but I need your help after school with the kids.”

“I am helping!” Jesse cried. “I always help!”

“This isn’t helping,” Monica hissed. “This is a waste of time!” She spun on her heel and stomped across the porch and Jesse followed her with a sigh, down to the driveway where the van was parked. He got in the front seat and pulled Brian into his lap.

Monica got behind the wheel and positioned Lissa on her knee. She got her phone out and balanced the baby with one hand while she checked it for messages. There was a long pause as they waited for her to type a reply. Lissa babbled in Monica’s lap and Brian squirmed in Jesse’s.

“C’mon, mom,” Jesse sighed.

Monica tossed her phone on the dash. “Oh, you’re in a hurry now?” She shifted into reverse, then backed down the narrow, gravel lane. She stopped in the middle of the dark, empty road and clenched her hand on the steering wheel. “I was late getting back from my lunch break.. And then they sent me home an hour early. They said I was distracted.”

I wasn’t distracting you.” Jesse looked pointedly at the phone. He knew he should be quiet, but Monica was up to her usual shit again and he was already sick of it. “I was doing exactly like we agreed,” he said. “I was going to leave Shaun’s around ten and get the kids in bed before eleven.”

“We agreed you’d watch the kids during the week—"

“I know what we agreed, but I guess I didn’t realize my life would be totally on hold while I did it!”

Monica rolled her eyes.

“I can’t do anything unless I double check with you first.” Jesse glared out the window at their dark house across the field. “But even when I do, I don’t even get to enjoy myself because I’m worried you’ll pull another trick with the overnight daycare and scare the shit out of Brian!”

Monica laughed. “You act like I’m abusing him.”

Jesse hugged Brian to his chest. “Neglecting is more the word I was looking for.”

“And your always so attentive,” Monica snapped, then shifted the van into drive. “Sitting in your room, smoking weed every night.”

Jesse glared out the window.

We have a deal in place,” Monica stepped on the gas and crept down the road toward the house. “Help me with the kids until you graduate then maybe we can figure something else out.”

Jesse grumbled under his breath.

“Was that a yes?”

“Yeah,” Jesse said unenthusiastically. “I’ll be here.”

“Don’t pull this shit again, Jess,” Monica muttered as she steered the van into the driveway and parked by the garage. “I expect you to be here tomorrow when I get home. There’ll be consequences if you aren’t.”

Jesse got out without replying and took Brian inside. He rushed him through a bath while Monica got into sweats and laid the baby down for the night. In their room across the hall, the twins played with their Nintendos. Jesse didn’t know if they’d had baths, but they were in PJs and that was good enough. Sam was in their bedroom playing on his phone. Jesse had peeked in on him, but they hadn’t spoken yet.

“Jesse!” Monica’s voice came from the next room.

Jesse glanced at Brian, but the toddler was busy playing with the bath markers. Jesse got off the toilet seat. “I’ll be right back,” he murmured.


Jesse walked into the nursery. “What?”

Monica had a hand over her mouth and was laughing so hard, it was silent. Lissa was on the changing table with her onesie unbuttoned and there was a thick hand towel fashioned around her bottom with large safety pins holding everything in place.

Jesse’s face broke into a smile. “She wasn’t kidding.”

“That woman is unbearable!” Monica cried with laughter. “And she smells like roast beef!”

Jesse’s smile fell away. “She’s nice enough.”

“Jesse,” Monica sighed. “It’s great your friend’s mom is willing to watch the kids…”

“Ruth is Shaun’s grandma.”

“Whatever,” Monica said as she unfastened the safety pins. “I don’t like the look of her, and I don’t want her around the kids. Please, just be here tomorrow. Sam can’t do this on his own.”

Jesse rolled his eyes. “I said I’d be here.”

“Good.” Monica smiled faintly. “Then everything’s right as rain.”

“Brian’s sleeping in my room again,” Jesse said bitterly. “We’re going to bed when he gets out of the tub.”

“Sounds good,” Monica said as she undid another pin. She pricked her finger. “Ow! Jesus, this thing is a death trap!”

Jesse went back to the bathroom and helped Brian get out and dry off. They went to Jesse’s room and found some sleep pants for Jesse and an undershirt for Brian.

Sam looked up from his phone as they were dressing. “I didn’t think you’d show up.”

“Mom dragged me home,” Jesse said as he helped Brian pull the undershirt over his head. “Maybe I’ll get some free time this weekend.”

Sam laughed dryly. “Maybe.”

Jesse hit the lights and carried Brian up to bed.

“I’m sorry you have to watch me all the time,” Brian said in a little voice as they got under the covers.

Jesse sighed. “It’s not your fault, buddy. I’m just frustrated that I have so little time to myself.”

“Time to yourself?” Brian pouted.

Jesse smiled at him. “What I meant was, Shaun’s going to be really busy with his new band. I want to be there with him and I don’t know if I’m going to have the time.”

Brian thought for a long moment, then looked up at Jesse with his big, blue eyes. “Are you and Shaun boyfriends?”

“Yes,” Jesse said, then he kissed the toddler’s forehead when he burst into a grin. “I love him,” he whispered against his downy skin. “He means everything to me.”

In the bunk below, Sam snickered under his breath and Jesse bristled. He pulled back and glanced over the edge of the bed, but he couldn’t see anything but Sam’s legs.

“You should marry him,” Brian said in a serious voice and Jesse turned back and blinked at him in bemusement. “Then he can be in our family for good. And we won’t have to leave him behind,” Brian said confidently.

Jesse smiled and tucked the little boy under his chin. “That’s a good idea,” he said, hugging the boy tight to his chest. “But I don’t think anyone’s getting married anytime soon.”

“Alright,” Brian whispered.

“Try to get some sleep,” Jesse said. “It’s late.”

“Okay.” Brian settled against Jesse’s chest and closed his eyes.

Jesse stroked his hair until he fell asleep. It didn’t take long. Once the toddler was asleep, he watched the boy restlessly. He was frustrated and antsy and he couldn’t sleep. He gazed at the toddler curled at his side as half-formed thoughts ran through his mind.

Below them, Sam played with his phone for another hour or so, but eventually, the glow of his screen shut off and he rolled over.

Jesse laid in the dark until his eyes finally drifted shut.

The next two days were tedious, and he had an excellent opportunity to practice his patience as he muddled through school. There were no changes there. Kyle was still MIA and the entire student body hated his guts.

When class was over, he and Shaun skipped the bus and walked home together. Both nights they spent a few hours in the garage while Shaun practiced. Both times Jesse hoped for sex and both times he was disappointed.

He left before Monica came home with the kids because he had to, but Shaun stayed with his guitar. He was hard at work composing songs and once he got started, he didn’t stop until his broken hand cramped up and he couldn’t stand the pain anymore.

Thursday night, Jesse was stuck at home all night. Monica didn’t return until late and everyone was tucked in bed. Jesse didn’t get up, but he was waiting for her.

It sounded like she was on the phone with someone. It was almost midnight and Monica giggled girlishly as she came up the stairs.

“Don’t make me laugh right now. I just got home.” Jesse could hear her clearly through the door. “I’ll wake up the kids! That’s why.”

Monica’s voice faded as she reached her bedroom, two doors down from Jesse’s and she shut the door with a snick.

Friday night was a little different. Jesse still had to babysit until close to 10, much too late in his opinion, but when Monica came in the door, phone in hand and busily texting, he was ready to go.

“I’m going to Shaun’s,” he said.

Monica didn’t look up from her phone. “Have fun.”

Jesse didn’t waste any time. He’d already put Brian to bed. He wasn’t happy, and he probably wasn’t asleep, but Jesse needed a break. He slipped out the door and left his family with a sigh of relief.

The night air was muggy and sweet. The sound of chirping crickets assaulted Jesse’s ears as he hurried through the tall grass separating his lawn from Shaun’s. As he neared the garage, the whine of Shaun’s guitar cut through the crickets. A complicated series of notes rang through the night and excited goosebumps popped up along Jesse’s skin.

He slipped into the garage.

Shaun leaned over his guitar as his fingers flew across the fretboard. His feet were spread, and his hips moved subtly with the rhythm.

“Hey,” Jesse squeaked.

Shaun looked up and smirked, but he didn’t stop playing. It was warm in the little room and a thin trail of sweat slid down his brow as he aggressively strummed the instrument.

Jesse bit his lip. Shaun looked like pure sex. His cock twitched with interest as he studied Shaun’s strong arms and the hard line of his powerful body. He wanted to fuck.

Shaun’s fingers stopped on the fretboard and he pulled the strap over his head. He set his guitar aside and paused to write something in his notebook. “Your mom finally let you go?”

“She just came home,” Jesse said.

Shaun tossed his pen down and stepped across the room. He stood toe to toe with Jesse and looked down into his eyes. Blue met black and Jesse nervously licked his lip. Shaun’s eyes zeroed in on the tiny, pink muscle and he watched it’s retreat with narrowed eyes.

“Can we go to your room for a while?” Jesse asked.

“We can’t have sex tonight,” Shaun said firmly, and Jesse’s heart fell.


“Because my grandma’s on the warpath again,” Shaun grumbled. “She’s been in to nag me thirty different times about that fucking baby.

Jesse furrowed his brow. “What?”

Shaun huffed. “You can come in for a while, but don’t press your luck, Jesse,” he bit out. “If my grandma catches us fucking around—”

“I won’t do anything,” Jesse said adamantly. “I won’t touch you at all. Scouts honor.”

Shaun’s eyes flashed. “Alright,” he said tightly. “We can go in.”

Eli sat in his chair in the living room with the paper in front of him. He looked up as Shaun and Jesse came into the room. “Evening.”

“Hi,” Jesse said. “Sorry it’s so late.”

“It’s Friday night.” Eli folded his paper and set it aside. “All the cool people are out.”

“I don’t know if I’m cool.” Jesse sheepishly rubbed his neck. “I just got off kid-duty.”

Eli chuckled as Ruth bustled into the room from the back.

“I called your mother yesterday and left a message,” she said briskly. “She didn’t call me back.”


“I called the number I had for Old Welch,” Ruth said. “It’s still the same, right?”

“I...I guess.”

“I offered to babysit again.” Ruth put her hands on her hips. “It’s silly your mother’s paying all these daycare fees when I’m available and I live right next door.”

Jesse sneaked a look at Shaun, but he was no help. He had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

“My mom’s schedule is pretty crazy,” Jesse said quickly. “She probably doesn’t want to take advantage of you.”

“That’s ridiculous. I’m trying to help her out,” Ruth snapped. “She’s being rude.”

Jesse fought not to laugh. Ruth was inarguably the rude one in this situation.

“I should go over there tomorrow morning and give her a piece of my mind,” she muttered under her breath, then turned and drifted down the hallway. She disappeared in the master bedroom, shaking her head.

“Ignore her.” Shaun took Jesse’s arm and led him down the hall after the old woman. They entered Shaun’s room and shut themselves in and Jesse breathed a sigh of relief. The distinct lack of parental figures, annoying little kids, and moody teenage brothers raised his spirits immensely.

He fell back on Shaun’s bed and kicked his shoes off. “I’m sick of dealing with parents. I just wish we could be alone.” He stared at the ceiling for a moment, then sat up and looked across the room.

Shaun watched him warily.

“I really want to kiss you right now,” Jesse whined.

Shaun’s expression soured. “Well, you can’t.”

Jesse licked his lips. “I want to suck your cock, too.”


“And to be honest, I want you to suck mine, too.”


Jesse studied Shaun’s embarrassed face, starting with his deep, expressive eyes, then he traced the prominent slope of his cheek down to the strong line of his jaw. His eyes kept moving until they settled on Shaun’s lips. They were wide and sensual, and Jesse couldn’t stop thinking about how soft and warm they felt against his own.

Shaun took a shaky breath and his gorgeous lips parted. “Jesse, I—”

The door burst open and Shaun jumped to the ceiling.

“…turn down a free babysitter,” Ruth said as she muscled into the room. She was totally oblivious to the scene unfolding before her and Jesse sat up and moved to the edge of the bed as she continued. “Does she think she’s too good for me or something?”

“What?” he asked.

“Your mother,” Ruth repeated, enunciating her words clearly. “I don’t understand why she would turn down a free babysitter. I take care of children all the time. I’m not a pedophile, if that’s what she’s thinking,” she spat.

“I don’t...nobody thinks you’re a pedophile,” Jesse said gently. He didn’t know how to handle this. He didn’t know what to say. My mom hates you? She thinks you smell like roast beef? That’d go over nicely.

“I can make a list of references if it’d help,” Ruth grumbled. “Half the town has kids in Sunday school. I’ve watched all of them at least once.”

“I really don’t think that’s necessary.”

Ruth narrowed her eyes. “I’ll call her again in the morning. Maybe she forgot to call me back.”

“I wouldn’t try until after noon,” Jesse said awkwardly. “Morning’s are hectic at my house.”

Ruth nodded shortly and backed out of the room. She shut the door behind her.

“See,” Shaun said once they were alone. “I told you she’s in a mood.”

Jesse fell back against the mattress. “I’m so tired of the adults,” he said gloomily. “I want to suck your dick. Everybody needs to go away.”

Shaun leaned casually against the dresser. “How much money would it take to get out of here? Realistically?”

“A lot.” Jesse laughed humorlessly. “Exact figures don’t really matter at this point. Since we have no income and we smoked up what little savings we had.”

Shaun scowled at him. “How stupid of us.”

“We’d have to get jobs,” Jesse said, ignoring him. “Both of us. That’s the only way it would work. Maybe we can get hired at the same place over summer break.”

Shaun wrinkled his nose. “I’m not getting a job.

“How are you going to support yourself then?”

Shaun frowned and started to say something, then promptly shut his mouth.

Jesse crossed his arms. “You haven’t even thought about it have you?”

“I have to!” Shaun snapped. “I guess I thought my earnings from Execute Invasion would be enough.”


Shaun looked down at his swollen hand. Jesse caught him wincing at times, but he was using it like normal now. “I guess I’ve got to make this stupid project with Ben work,” he said slowly.

“It’s not stupid,” Jesse said. “It’s only been a few days, but the stuff you’ve been coming up with is amazing.”

“Nothing but ideas,” Shaun muttered. “That’s all I have.”

“Oh, is that all?” Jesse laughed. “I think you’re trying to write an entire album. You did a lot of good work this week. Give yourself some credit.”

Shaun shook his head. “It’s not good enough. Nobody’s going to be impressed.”

“I’m impressed.”

You don’t know anything about music,” Shaun snapped.

“Yes, I do,” Jesse said easily. “I know that you’re an amazing guitarist and when you play…you’re sexy as hell.”

Shaun barked a laugh. “That’s bullshit.”

“Your music is raw. It’s passionate. It’s from the heart,” Jesse said. “I’m being serious when I say you’re talented. I knew from the first time I met you that you were different, but it wasn’t until I heard you play that I knew why.” He smiled gently. “You’re a rock star. It makes perfect sense. You’ve got the origin story and everything.”

Shaun chuckled. “Do I get to save the world on my day off, too? I’m not a fucking superhero, Jesse.”

“Mmm.” Jesse licked his lips. “You’re my superhero.”

Shaun bared his teeth in a grin. “I should hold you down and fuck your mouth. That’s about the only thing it’s good for.”

“You’re mean,” Jesse whined, but then stretched back on the mattress with a little moan. “But I agree. You should fuck my mouth.”

Shaun’s eyes burned and he took a step closer to the bed when the door burst open for a second time. “What the fuck?!” Shaun whirled around.

Ruth raised an eyebrow as her gaze slid from Shaun, red-faced with fury, to Jesse, sprawled across his bed. Jesse sat up again and nervously pushed his hair behind his ears as Ruth’s gaze lingered on him. “What are you two up to?” she asked suspiciously.

“We’re talking about band stuff,” Shaun snapped. “Leave us alone.”

“You and your band…” Ruth muttered. “When are you going to start living in the real world?”

“Maybe when you get a life and stop trying to control mine!” Shaun yelled. “Get out!”

Ruth sneered and left the room without comment. She left the door open and Shaun slammed it behind her, then leaned against the wood with a scream of frustration.

“Fucking bitch!

“Yeah.” Jesse laughed uncomfortably. “Maybe we’d better give up on the romance.”

Shaun closed his eyes. “I told you she was in a mood. When are you going to listen to me when I say shit?”

“I’m horny! I can’t help myself!”

Shaun shook his head. “I’m putting in a movie.”

They watched an old movie and talked on the bed about practice tomorrow. Shaun was curious about the girl, Gretchen, but he was already convinced she wasn’t any good.

“I’ve never met a girl who knows metal,” he said. “Maybe she was good on the drums in high school or something, but I don’t think she’ll be able to keep up with me.”

“Don’t be so quick to judge,” Jesse said. “It could go either way. She could be the best drummer you ever met.”

Shaun shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.”

There was a knock on the door and Shaun and Jesse shared a look. They weren’t touching. There was a respectable distance between them.

“What is it?” Shaun called and Ruth opened the door. He frowned. “What do you want this time?”

“It’s getting late,” Ruth said. “I think your friend should get going.”

“It’s Friday,” Shaun gave her a severe look. “He can stay late if he wants.”

Ruth hitched a hand on her hip. “You promised Eli you’d go hunting with him in the morning.”

“Oh,” Shaun said. “Right.”

Ruth glanced at Jesse once more, then she shut the door.

“You’re going hunting again?” Jesse pouted. “How much deer do you need?”

“There’s a big deep freezer in the laundry room,” Shaun said with a shrug. “We like to keep it full.”

“What about practice?”

“Ben doesn’t even want us coming until afternoon,” Shaun said. “We’ll be done before that. Deer are active early in the morning and we usually leave before dawn so we can get a chance to set up before sunrise. We got lucky with that buck the other day.”

Jesse blinked at him owlishly. “Well, have fun,” he said neutrally. He wasn’t in any hurry to go hunting again. He got off the bed and glanced at the TV as he stretched his back out. They were midway through Pet Semetary. “You’ll pick me up before you go to Ben’s?”

Shaun rolled his eyes. “Yes. Of course. I’m not going to forget you.”

“Okay.” Jesse beamed and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Love you,” he whispered against Shaun’s lips.

On the walk home, Jesse fantasized about the weekend. He hoped Ben would let them crash on the couch, like Will had, because he was going to suck Shaun’s dick the second they were alone.

When he got home, the living room was empty. He checked the kitchen on his way upstairs. The light over the kitchen sink was on, but no one was in there either. It was past eleven, but the house usually stayed up late on the weekends. An empty living room made no sense.

Jesse went up the stairs and started down the hall. The door to the nursery was shut and so was the one to the twin’s room. Monica’s room at the end of the hall was shut up tight. Everyone was asleep.

Jesse’s door was partially ajar, and he could hear the TV playing as he approached. There was a lot of bleeping. It sounded like a reality show.

He shouldered into the room and paused.

Sam and Kyle were laying close together on Sam’s bed. Kyle’s leg rested casually on Sam’s, but he sat up the second he saw Jesse and scooted to the edge of the bed.


“What are you doing here?” Jesse snapped

“He’s my friend. I invited him.” Sam blurted as he sat up unevenly and fisted his hands in the blankets to steady himself. “You can’t kick him out. Mom said it was okay.”

Jesse glared at his brother as Kyle reached for something on the floor. It was another bottle of alcohol and he bristled. “Are you serious? More vodka?!”

“I know, I know,” Kyle said as he closed up the bottle. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have, but it’s been a long week.”

You had a long week?!” Jesse’s eyes widened. “And we told you to stay away from him!” He poked a finger at his little brother. “What the hell?!

Pfft! Fuck you.” Sam flipped him off. He started to say something else, but Kyle spoke over him.

“Listen, I can explain—”

“I should get Shaun,” Jesse said darkly. “He’d love to hear this. He’s been looking for you.”

“Actually, we need to talk about him.” Kyle lifted his chin. “That’s why I’m here.”

“Oh, and also to get my little brother wasted,” Jesse sneered. “You couldn’t wait to do that… I wasn’t even gone two hours! How long have you been here?”

“Maybe an hour,” Kyle chuckled. “He didn’t have much. He’s a lightweight.”

“He’s thirteen, Kyle!”

“I’m sorry, okay?” Kyle sighed. “But we need to talk—”

“The last time I talked to you, you told everyone my business!” Jesse yelled.


“No! I blame you for this!” Jesse poked a finger at his face. “This is all you!”

Kyle pressed his lips together. “Maybe we should have this conversation somewhere else.”

“Oh you want to go somewhere else?” Jesse asked. “Then what the hell are you doing in my bedroom?!”

“I invited him!” Sam shouted. “You’re not the only one who gets to have friends over!”

“Fuck you, Sam! I told you he got me beat up and you invite him over?!” Jesse shoved his hair back with both hands. “Jesus Christ, Sam!”

“You got beat up because you’re a fag,” Sam sneered at him. “Kyle had nothing to do with it.”

Jesse dropped his hands in amazement. “He’s the one that told everyone!”

“Maybe in your fantasy world, he did.” Sam didn’t look impressed. “But I’m the one who started the rumors.”

Jesse fumed as Kyle took a sneaky swig from his bottle. Sam’s face lit up and he scooted to the edge of the bed as he reached for a drink.


Jesse lunged for the bottle and ripped it out of Kyle’s hand. “Does mom know you’re in here getting drunk?” he snapped.

“Dude, she’s been on the phone since you left,” Sam laughed. “You already had the babies in bed. She told me to take care of the twins, then locked herself in her room.”

“Maybe she doesn’t care, but I do.” Jesse shook the bottle. “Cut it out. You’ve had enough.”

“I hate you.” Sam’s face twisted. “You’re so fucking bossy all the time! Why can’t I have any fun? All I do is go to school and come home to babysit. I’m fucking sick of it.”

Jesse sighed and set the bottle on the dresser. “Sam… I—”

“Shut up!” Sam yelled. “Save it. I don’t want to hear any more of your bullshit!”

Jesse pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fuck,” he muttered. He was a fucking Nazi. He knew exactly what Sam was talking about.

“Sam.” Kyle shifted his fingers through his golden locks. “Thanks for having me over, but your brother and I need to speak. Let’s do this again some time.”

“That isn’t happening.” Jesse vehemently shook his head. “If I catch you here again…”

Kyle held up a hand. “Before you make a bunch of idle threats, maybe you should hear me out.”

Jesse folded his arms.

“Let’s go outside.”

Jesse nodded slowly. “Fine.”

Kyle started to get up and Sam reached for him. “Kyle, c’mon, don’t go.”

“I have to go, sweetie.” Kyle patted him on the head. “But I know you’re bored and lonely. I’ll come back. Don’t worry.”

Sam smiled and gazed after him with affection while Jesse boiled with anger.

“You know he’s a flaming fag, right?” Jesse snapped and Sam looked at him sharply.

“That’s incredibly rude.”

Jesse burst into laughter. “Fuck you, Sam. You’re happily choosing a drug dealer over your own flesh and blood.”

Sam made a nasty face at him as Kyle left his side with a bounce in his step.

“Coming, Jess?”

Jesse gave his brother a disgusted look, then stormed after the blond.

“What’s with the yelling?” Monica stood at the end of the hall with her cellphone wedged between her ear and her shoulder.

“Nothing,” Jesse barked. “Go back to your phone call. I know it’s important.”

“Keep it down, Jesse.” Monica glared at him, then slipped back into her room and shut the door.

“I love family drama,” Kyle said cheerfully as they took the stairs.

“Fuck you,” Jesse grumbled. “What’s your problem?”

“I don’t have a problem.” Kyle laughed. “I’m well adjusted. I’m attractive and fashionable. I’m smart—”

“Would you shut up!

Kyle bit his tongue, but he couldn’t contain his manic grin.

When they reached the door, Jesse opened it for the other boy. “After you,” he said tightly.

Kyle fluttered his eyelashes. “Why thank you.”

Jesse hit the porch light, then stepped outside on the stoop. “So,” he started, letting the door swing shut behind him. They were completely alone and the bare bulb over the front door was the only spot of light for miles. Tiny pinpricks of stars filled the sky above, but there was no moon. “What do you want to talk about? Make it quick. I’m so close to knocking your teeth in right now.”

Kyle pressed a hand to his chest. “Because of Sam?”

Jesse stared at Kyle for a long moment. “Keep going…”

Kyle quirked an eyebrow. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about, Jesse. And Sam and I have a connection. I really don’t see what the issue is.” His lips stretched over his white teeth in a slow smile and Jesse snapped. He punched Kyle in the mouth.

Kyle’s eyes flew wide open as blood dripped from his upper lip.

“You’re a snake,’ Jesse spat. “Just like Shaun said.”

Kyle covered his mouth with a hand and stared at Jesse in horror.

“You pretended to be my friend. You got me to tell you stuff, secret stuff, and then you told everyone,” Jesse said in a low voice. “You deserved that.”

Kyle slowly took his hand away. There was blood on his fingers and his upper lip was already swelling, but he looked alright. He didn’t look anything like Jesse did.

Jesse had a sudden desire to hit him again and he lurched forward, but Kyle’s arms came up and he hit Jesse hard in the chest, throwing him back against the door.

Kyle stumbled and fell off the front step. He sprawled in the grass with a yell. “Argh! Don’t come at me like that!” He pounded the ground with his fists. “I fucking hate that! You already got me once, don’t touch me again!”

“You’re an asshole, you know that?” Jesse huffed. “Do you think I asked for this?” He jabbed a finger at his face. “I was thinking the same thing when Kenny pounded my face in. I didn’t get to puss out because ‘I hated it’.”

Kyle covered his face with both hands and laid on the ground for another moment. Finally, he rolled over and picked himself up. He gingerly touched his lip as he stepped into the light and looked up at Jesse with his steel-gray eyes. They were hard with anger. “You’re the asshole,” he said bitterly. “Shaun was mine.

“Here we go again,” Jesse sighed. “He’s not yours! He never was!”

Kyle ignored him. “I don’t get what he sees in you. I have money. I have the best parties. I get the best drugs.” He touched his lip again. His mouth was actively bleeding. “Shit! I know how to please a man,” he said forcefully. “I could totally rock his world.”

“Oh yeah?” Jesse was unnerved, but he didn’t want to show it. His hands were shaking, but he curled them into fists. “What do you see in Shaun, hmm? What do you even want him for?”

“Same reasons as you, I’m sure,” Kyle said cryptically. “And he’s got an amazing cock. I don’t think he even realizes how impressive it is.”

Jesse felt his face get hot. “How do you even know that?”

Kyle laughed as he wrapped his arms around himself. “Shaun was a lightweight, too, when he first started drinking.” He smiled fondly up into the sky. “He’s passed out in front of me on a number of occasions.”

Jesse bristled. “You— you took his clothes off?”

“Did you know he cuts himself?” Kyle grinned lecherously. “He’s into some really kinky sex,” he chuckled, and Jesse felt his stomach roll with discomfort. “I don’t know if you’ll be able to keep up with him. You’re so vanilla.”

Jesse felt the blood drain from his face.

“I heard he quit his band the other day,” Kyle said casually. “Is he starting one of his own? It’s about time. That band he was with… they weren’t very good.”

Jesse pressed his lips together. He didn’t know what to say. Kyle was spot on.

“I have connections,” Kyle drawled. “If Shaun was with me, he could play in any bar in Texas. He wouldn’t have to play shitty dive bars anymore.”

Jesse peered at him in the gloom. “Where have you been?”

“I’m sure Shaun thinks I was hiding from him, but my brother had business in Mexico,” Kyle said easily. “I tagged along.”

“Drug business?” Jesse scoffed.

“It was discussed…”

Jesse shook his head. “I don’t know how you know so much or what your connections are, but me and Shaun don’t want anything to do with you. Shaun hates you,” he said. “And I don’t want to talk to you anymore. I don’t fucking trust you.”

Kyle nodded. “I understand.”

“I don’t know why my brother thinks he outted us, but I know it was you,” Jesse sneered.

“I may have mentioned something to Kenny on my way out the door Monday morning,” Kyle grinned. “But I let your brother take the glory.”

Jesse growled under his breath. “I really need you to stay away from my brother,” he said in his most intimidating voice, but Kyle was unfazed.

“I tend to break the rules, Jesse,” he said with a laugh. “Sam has my number. He texts me all the time now.”

“Then block him!”

“I’m not going to do that,” Kyle said with a head shake. “Sam’s emotional. He needs to vent.”

“He can find someone else to talk to,” Jesse said through his teeth.

“Who’s he going to talk to Jesse?” Kyle asked. “His big brother who’s never home, never around, never actually present? His mother? At work all day and then up all-night texting some mystery boyfriend? Who does he have to go to? The twins? Brian? Is he going to vent to the baby?”

“Fine!” Jesse fisted his hands in his hair. “Text my brother if it makes you happy! But if I see you poking around here again, I’ll get Shaun—”

“We need to talk about Shaun.” The smile dropped from Kyle’s face and Jesse thew up his arms in frustration. His hair stuck up crazily.

“We already talked about him! You’re a better catch! You’re a champion dicksucker and you’ve got all the connections! Fine! Great!”

Kyle smirked. “That’s not what I was going to say, but wow. Thanks. I’ll add that to my Grindr profile.”

Jesse laughed hysterically, but really, he wanted to fucking cry.

“It wasn’t that funny.” Kyle planted a hand on his hip.

“Yes it was. It was fucking hilarious!” Jesse cried. “Okay, tell me! What are we talking about?”

“I need you to do me a favor—”

“A favor! You want me to do you a fucking favor?!”

“If you really love Shaun…” Kyle sneered the word. “Then tell him to forget about all this revenge stuff.”

Jesse smiled evilly. “The second he sees you, you’re dead.

“I went by Kenny’s last night,” Kyle drawled. “He wanted to buy.”

Jesse raised an eyebrow.

“His face is destroyed, Jesse,” Kyle said pointedly. “Have you seen him?”

“I haven’t seen him since…” Jesse licked his lower lip. The cut on his mouth was almost healed. It was tiny, but the scab tasted coppery. It was a constant reminder of the brutal attack on Monday. “How bad is he?”

“He’s seeing doctors about his face,” Kyle said. “And he has to get new teeth. I think he swallowed a couple.”

Jesse tasted blood… he’d opened the cut on his lip again…

“Kenny’s parents are pressuring him to talk to the police.”

Jesse stiffened.

“If Shaun comes after me, I’ll get Kenny to go to the cops,” Kyle said. “And I’ll go with him. I’ll corroborate his story.”

Jesse’s stomach dropped. “Then I’ll tell the police about Kenny and Eric ganging up on me!”

“They won’t believe you,” Kyle smiled. “We’ve all been waiting for the day Shaun cracks and kills someone… Kenny’s parents are having a field day. They’re so close to getting the town menace locked away for assault. And don’t fool yourself. Shaun will do time. He’s an adult and Kenny’s messed up enough to warrant it.”

Jesse felt a chill pass over him.

“You’re new around here. There’s no way the cops will take your side over ours,” Kyle said. “You’re Shaun’s gay lover, after all. No one’s going to believe you.”

“I hate you,” Jesse hissed, and he felt like a child. Helpless. He hoped he wasn’t pouting.

“I don’t like you much either,” Kyle said. “But that’s beside the point. Get Shaun to back down and I’ll tell Kenny to give up on the police.”

“I guess I don’t have a choice,” Jesse murmured.

“No. Guess you don’t,” Kyle said sweetly. “Want to shake on it?”

“Not really.”

“I think we should.” Kyle came forward and stood below Jesse in the grass. He held out his hand and grudgingly, Jesse took it. He noticed Kyle’s hand was incredibly soft as they clasped hands and he was annoyed. It made him think about Kyle lotioning himself up before bed, after a shower, and he pulled his hand away and wiped it on his jeans.

Kyle’s lip curled with amusement. “I’d better go. Before I overstay my welcome.”

“Yeah,” Jesse scoffed. “You’d better.”

Kyle turned and strode across the grass. He waved over his shoulder. “Au revoir!” His Cadillac was parked in the shadows, beside Monica’s van and Jesse blinked just to make sure his eyes weren’t fooling him. He hadn’t noticed the vehicle on the way in.

He waited for Kyle to get in his car, then went back inside. He locked the door behind him and went around the downstairs section of the house. He put away a half-eaten bag of chips, washed the last two dishes in the sink, then turned off the lights.

Jesse had almost completely forgotten about Sam and when he went upstairs to get changed, he found the younger teen sitting in the middle of the room, nursing the vodka Kyle had left behind.

Jesse tutted as he pried the bottle from Sam’s hands and took it to the bathroom. He could hear Sam moaning in disapproval as he dumped it down the sink.

“You’re lame,” Sam whined when Jesse returned with the empty bottle. He stashed it in the closet for later. “Kyle’s older brother gets high with him. He’s the one who buys him the alcohol.”

“I don’t care,” Jesse snapped. “Now get in bed.”

“It’s Friday!”

“You’re drunk,” Jesse said. “And if mom finds out, she’s not going to be happy.”

“So?” Sam pulled his legs to his chest and rested his chin on his knees. He hugged himself as he began to rock back and forth. “What’s she going to do? Ground me?”

“If you get in trouble, I get in trouble,” Jesse said. “And I’m not getting in trouble. I have plans this weekend.”

“Oooh, fun,” Sam sneered.

“Get in bed.” Jesse glared at the other boy. “Sleep it off. You’re going to have a major hangover in the morning, but you deserve it.”

Sam grumbled, but he crawled to his bed and climbed up. He kicked the blankets down as Jesse turned the TV off and grabbed some clothes from the dresser. He shut the lights off as he changed and watched Sam burrow into the pillows.

Sam turned his head and glared into the darkness. “I hate you,” he said in a little voice.

“I hate you, too,” Jesse said affectionately, then tossed his day clothes into the dirty pile and climbed up to his bunk. “Get some sleep,” he said.

Sam mumbled something under his breath, but he fell quiet after that.

Jesse was tired, but he laid awake for several hours, staring at the dark ceiling, listening to Sam’s heavy breathing below as he ruminated over Kyle’s words on the lawn.

He’d have to tell Shaun about the confrontation before school Monday. There was no way around it. He wasn’t going to like what Jesse had to say either.

What stuck with him the most, however, was Kyle’s comment.

“You’re so vanilla.”

He remembered Kyle’s offer to teach him about gay sex and he squirmed under his covers with discomfort. He couldn’t stop thinking about Kyle gawking at Shaun’s naked, unconscious body, and by the time he passed out, he was even more anxious than before to see his boyfriend.

The next morning, Jesse woke up in the bedroom by himself. Loud voices floated from downstairs and he got up curiously to investigate.

The voices were coming from the TV. It was on, but nobody was watching it. The baby was in her bouncer and Brian played with Legos on the carpet in front of her.

“Hey,” Jesse said cheerfully. “Where is everybody?”

“Mom’s in the kitchen.” Brian looked up hopefully. “Are you going to Shaun’s house today?”

“No,” Jesse said. “We’re going to another friend’s house.”

“So, I can’t come?”

“No,” Jesse said again. “I’m sorry. It’s not a good idea.”

Brian’s face fell.

Jesse brushed his hair back and bent to give him a kiss on the brow. “I’ll be back in a minute,” he said distractedly, then stepped through to the kitchen.

Monica sat at the table with a cup of coffee in front of her. She was texting again, but she put her phone down when Jesse came into the room. “I was wondering when you’d wake up,” she said. “It’s noon.”

Jesse shrugged. “I was tired.”

Monica cut straight to the point. “What are you doing tonight?”

Jesse’s heart flipped in his chest. “Why?”

“I’ve got a date.”

Jesse’s knees went weak and he leaned against the counter for support. “Are you asking me to babysit?”

Monica lifted up her coffee and took a drink. “If you’re busy, I can make other arrangements. This guy I’m seeing…” She set her cup down with a dreamy smile. “He’s a doctor and money is no object to him. I mentioned I’d probably have to pay for daycare, and he wrote me a check. No questions asked.”

Jesse sighed. “Wow.”

“I know, right?” Monica grinned.

“More overnight daycare.” Jesse turned away and grabbed the edge of the counter. He’d known Monica was screwing around. All the signs were there… “Brian’s going to be thrilled.”

“It’s just for tonight,” Monica said briskly. “Its not going to kill him. It’ll be fine.”

“I’m hanging out with Shaun tonight,” Jesse said bitterly, then he reached up for the cabinet and grabbed a box of cereal. “So, I guess it’s going to have to be fine.”

“That settles it then.” Monica was already going back to her phone. “I’ll call the daycare later. I’ve got to start getting ready.”

Jesse poured himself a bowl. “Where are the twins?”

“Slumber party,” Monica said. “My co-worker has a kid the same age. They left twenty minutes ago.”

“Is Sam still here?” Jesse got the milk next and added it to his bowl. “He wasn’t upstairs.”

“He went out with a friend.”

“Cool,” Jesse grumbled as he put the milk away and got a spoon.

“Since when does Sam have friends that drive?” Monica asked with a laugh. “That was different.”

“Yeah. Kyle’s certainly different,” Jesse muttered, then got out of the kitchen as fast as he could. He didn’t want to deal with this crap today…

“Will you play with me?” Brian asked in a little voice as he passed through the living room.

Jesse stopped in his tracks and looked down at the little blond. Brian’s blue eyes were fucking huge and he caved. “Okay. Maybe for a little while. But I have to get dressed first.”

He quickly ate his cereal, ducked upstairs to get changed, then returned to play Legos with Brian. Shaun hadn’t given an exact time, so Jesse had no clue when he’d show up. He was getting antsy. He wanted to leave.

“I’m going to take a shower,” Monica said an hour into Lego-Time. She bustled through the living room, then paused and looked critically at the blocks on the floor. “I hope you’re going to clean that up.”

“Of course, I will.” Jesse rolled his eyes.

Monica shook her head, then went upstairs.

Another thirty minutes passed, and Lissa started to fuss. Jesse set her on a blanket and poured a handful of Cheerios in her snack cup. Monica got out of the shower upstairs and Jesse checked the time. It was almost two.

“Let’s make a really tall tower,” Brian said. “Then we can knock it over.”

Jesse forced a smile on his face and helped Brian build a tower taller than the TV. Twenty minutes in and Jesse was struggling to keep the smile on his face. He wondered if Shaun had forgotten him…

Tap, tap, tap

“See who it is!” Monica called from upstairs, followed by the sound of her approaching footsteps. She appeared at the top of the stairs in a bra and a set of hair rollers. “Maybe it’s Cliff. Maybe he’s early.”

“It’s probably Shaun,” Jesse said coolly as he got up, but his heart was pounding in his chest. He hoped to God it was Shaun.

“Just hurry and check.” Monica waved him at the door.

Jesse stepped over the colorful spill of blocks and rounded the couch. He opened the door and beamed. Shaun stood on the front step and his hair looked really nice. “Wow,” Jesse said as Shaun stepped inside. “What did you do to your hair? I love it.”

Shaun glared at him. “Frizz tamer.”

Jesse stepped back and took a better look.

Shaun’s wild, unruly locks hung just past his chin in dark, loose waves. The frizz was completely gone, and it was immaculately clean. Jesse could smell a blend of peaches and Dove bath soap. He wasn’t wearing anything different, a black thermal shirt, camos, and boots, but he had his shirt tucked in, so his trim waist and his firm butt were on display, his boots were clean and neatly laced, and the bootcut camos hit his ankle just right.

Jesse beamed. “You look amazing.

Shaun’s face turned red. “I don’t look any different.”

“Yes, you do,” Jesse said. “I want to kiss you so bad right now.”

Shaun’s eyes burned. “You’re mom’s standing at the top of the stairs.”

“I’m heading out, mom!” Jesse called without looking away from Shaun. He was so enamored with his pinkened cheeks.

“Don’t forget to clean up the blocks,” Monica sang and from the corner of his eye, Jesse saw her move back into the hall.

He sighed. “Totally forgot.”

“Blocks?” Shaun smirked, then looked over the couch and caught sight of the Lego tower in front of the TV. “Oh. I see.”

Brian watched the pair with a tiny smile on his face. “We didn’t knock over the tower yet.”

“Hey, Shaun.” Jesse elbowed the other boy. “Have you ever played wrecking ball?”

Shaun quirked an eyebrow. “I think I know what you’re asking.”

Brian looked confused, so when Shaun stepped around the couch and grabbed Brian by his wrists, he was understandably surprised.

“Are you ready?” Shaun asked, swinging him closer to the Lego tower.

Brian giggled. “For what?”

Jesse stepped back and made room as Shaun swung the toddler in a big circle. He went slow, but Jesse started to get dizzy watching them make so many turns.

“We’re gonna wreck your tower!” Shaun said with a laugh, spinning and spinning, and Brian screamed with joy.


“Nope. We’ll hit something.” Shaun aimed the little boy at the tower of blocks instead. “Here we go!”

Brian screamed as he crashed through the Legos at high-speed. They exploded in a million different directions and Jesse groaned a little inside as he took in the aftermath.

“Again! Let’s do it again!” Brian cried, but Shaun tossed him on the couch with a laugh.

“With what? The tower’s wrecked, little dude.”

“Aww, dangit.” Brian flopped back on the couch with a pout. “That was fun.”

“What a mess,” Jesse said, looking around at the desolation.

“It’ll go faster if we all help,” Shaun grunted, then bent down to start collecting the blocks. “Where do I put these fuckers?”

Jesse grabbed the Lego bin and set it on the coffee table.

Shaun dumped an armload of Legos into the bin. “C’mon, Brian. This is your fault.”

Brian bounced off the couch and kicked into high gear. He ran around the room, collecting blocks in his arms that he then tossed carelessly into the bin. Jesse picked up the few he missed, but he didn’t mind.

They got the living room back in order in a couple minutes. Shaun was right. It didn’t take nearly as long with two and a half people.

“I’m leaving!” Jesse called up the stairs. “The babies are completely alone down here!”

Monica replied, but Jesse couldn’t hear what she said. Her voice was muffled.

“Can’t hear you! Bye!” Jesse shook his head, then turned back to Brian. He pulled the little boy close and hugged him tight. “I’ll see you tomorrow, buddy.”

“I wish you weren’t leaving,” Brian murmured into his hair.

“I know,” Jesse said with a sigh, then he took the toddler by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. “You’ve got to stay at daycare tonight—”

“I hate staying overnight!” Brian whined.

“I know you do.” Jesse rubbed his shoulders. “But I don’t think it’s as bad as you make it out to be.

Brian’s bottom lip quivered. “What do you mean?”

“Because you guys are going to watch movies and eat snacks and you’ll probably get some outside time before it gets too dark,” Jesse said with a comforting smile. “And mom’s going to pick you up in the morning. You are not being abandoned.”

Brian hugged him again and Jesse kissed him on the forehead.

“I would never let that happen,” he said softly. “I love you, Brian.”

“Love you, too, Jess.”

When Jesse pulled away, Brian, smiling shyly, reached for Shaun.

“Me next?” Shaun rolled his eyes, but he smirked as he knelt down and enclosed the toddler in a big hug. “See you around, kiddo,” he said affectionately.

“Love you,” Brian whispered, then held onto Shaun for a long moment.

“I...uh...I mean...me too,” Shaun said quickly, his cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink. Brian let him go and Shaun straightened up and shoved his hair out of his face. “Well, I guess that’s it then,” he said awkwardly and then turned and started for the door.

Jesse, totally enamored, floated across the carpet, and stepped ahead of Shaun and down onto the front step as he held the door. The second Shaun pulled the door closed behind them, Jesse spun and threw himself into Shaun’s powerful arms and stretched up on his toes to claim his lips in a passionate kiss.

Shaun’s hands slid around Jesse’s narrow waist. “We should get in the car—"

“I fucking love you,” Jesse moaned and pulled him back down for another kiss. Their lips slid together, and Shaun eagerly met Jesse’s tongue when he eased it into his mouth. The kiss was perfect, but Jesse’s heart ached. He wished Shaun would say those three little words, simple, but yet so profound it could move entire worlds…

Shaun already had his guitar and his amp loaded in Eli’s car so they hopped in and Shaun started the engine.

Jesse scooted closer and buried his nose in Shaun’s freshly washed hair. “You smell delicious.”

“Stop.” Shaun elbowed him away.

Jesse watched him closely as they backed out of the driveway and started down the road. “Are you nervous?”

“No.” Shaun’s eyes glinted in the afternoon light.

“It’s going to be great,” Jesse said with a little smile. “I know it.”

“Ben’s going to hate me for wasting his time,” Shaun grumbled.

“I don’t think so,” Jesse laughed.

They drove for a few minutes in silence as Shaun steered through town. As he turned for the highway, his fists tightened on the steering wheel. “You have that Google Maps on your phone, right?”

“I’ve got it all, baby,” Jesse joked.

Shaun glared at him, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper. “This is Ben’s address. I already called and told him we were coming I just need to know where the fuck we’re going. I’m getting on the highway.”

Jesse took the note and pulled his phone out of his back pocket so he could get to work.

Copyright © 2024 mastershakeme; All Rights Reserved.
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  • Fingers Crossed 1
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  • Site Moderator

Shaun's assault on Kenny is now twisted by Kyle to protect himself. We're getting a closer look at how Kyle works and it's not good at all.

Ruth made Monica look like an idiot with the baby so Ruth is now persona non grata. Monica is more childish than the twins.

  • Love 3
  • Wow 2
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