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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
The situation on Keswick Island is true and current.
This story is my view on a solution that would please all involved.

Lord Edwin - 1. Lord Chapter 1

After a few months of cruises around the Strahan area, I decided that I needed a change, but with my responsibilities in Tasmania, I was very reluctant to just fly off to Scotland and spend some time there. Instead, I decided on having an extended holiday onboard my new yacht, with just the crew on board.

I discussed this with Mum and Brad one evening while having dinner in town, and Mum said that she has had enough travelling for now, and she is very happy with life in the lifestyle village. I suggested that while the yacht and I are away, maybe I could buy one of the houses in the lifestyle village, and gift it to Charles and Elizabeth Dawson, so they are not all alone at the remote Manor, and Mum thought that it was a wonderful idea.

As I was preparing to leave the restaurant, to return to the yacht, my mobile rang, and the caller ID informed me that it is Cousin Robert calling. “Good evening cousin, how are things at the top end of the world?” I asked when I answered the call, and Robert laughed.

“Good, as far as I know, I am currently in Singapore, dealing with a new project, that you may be interested in getting involved in,” Robert replied, “Oh, is that so? Go on, tell me more,” I replied surprised. For the next ten minutes, my cousin told me about his newest project, which involved the purchase of a large 55 metres long and 18-metre-wide barge, that can carry anything up to 15 tonnes per square metre in weight.

Robert explained that the barge was already located in Newcastle, on the East Coast of Australia, and he was negotiating the purchase from Singapore, so he was a little closer to the area to do the deal, without causing any issues with the media, as well as having a short holiday.

When I asked, what exactly the project is that requires such a huge barge, Robert mentioned has a large crane onboard, and that now that the purchase has been completed, he was ready for the next stage of the project, which is to assist with the construction of better infrastructure on the 51-acre section of a small island, located 24 kilometres East of Mackay, Queensland.

“Wait a minute, has this got anything to do with a very controversial decision made by the state government to sell a long-term lease to a Chinese development company, that has been causing some major issues on the island?” I asked my cousin. “It is good to see that you are keeping up with current events in Queensland, and yes this is about Keswick Island just east of Mackay.

The State government has taken back 50 acres of the 290-acre land and coastal lease, which covers section 6 - the proposed marina in Horseshoe Bay, plus sections 5 & 7 - the Airfield and coastline, and its numerous buildings, which include an airport terminal shed, two large storages sheds, and a maintenance shed, three small sheds, and the old boat ramp, which is not in good repair. I have offered to pay for the construction of a new boat ramp and a proper jetty for boats and yachts to stop by for a day visit, at the south end of the runway.

The project would also include extending the airport runway from 500 to 750 metres long, resealing it and installing emergency night lights. Upgrading all the buildings and the roads in that designated area, and also installing a barrier along the east side of the runway, to protect it from rough seas and winds,” Robert informed me.

“That sounds like a very expensive project, and I am guessing you are wanting me to be there to supervise the project on your behalf?” I asked, “Yes, that is correct, and to make sure that the developers, don’t get up to any mischief while the work is been done,” Robert responded.

“Is there a safe anchorage somewhere around the island?” I asked, “yes, on the far southwest side of the island is a secluded bay, with a small bay, that will be well out of the way and out of sight of the developers,” Robert replied, which made me laugh.

A short time later, I called a meeting of all crew on the upper deck saloon. “I have agreed to do a project for my cousin the Earl, which will mean good news and bad news. The good first… the location is the Cumberland Islands, just North-East of Mackay in Queensland.

The bad is that our destination and our presence there may cause some issues with the main lease holders on the island. Our job will be to monitor and report the progress of the project and if need be, report any interference and we may receive from the leaseholders,” I announced.

“Let me guess, would the island be named Keswick by any chance?” Ashton asked me, and I chuckled, as looks of shock could be seen at the recognition of the island name. “Yes, we are going to Keswick Island. With all the controversy, the Queensland State Government has reclaimed 25 acres of the lease back from the leaseholders and changed that bit of land to State-owned commercial land, and Lord Robert has accepted the challenge of building improved facilities on that site, which we will be monitoring.

The Earl has recently purchased a large barge, that will assist with transporting supplies and equipment to the island for the three-month-long project. We will be monitoring everything and transporting supplies when needed from the mainland. Any questions from anyone?” I announced.

After a few weeks of preparation, which included getting my manor staff settled into their new home in the lifestyle village town, the crew and I set off on board the yacht north up the west coast of Tasmania, across the Bass Strait, and up the East Coast of Australia to Mackay. The 2,900 kilometres or 1,626 nautical mile journey would take us approximately 5 ½ days to complete the journey, with a short stop at Devonport and Port Macquarie to restock on supplies.

When we arrived at the Mackay Harbour Marina, James took the yacht directly to the assigned bay, that he had arranged earlier in the day, which is one of the larger bays for larger yachts like ours. Once we were secured to the jetty, I announced to the crew that they all have 48 hours of shore leave, and I asked them to have a good time but stay out of trouble.

I insisted that Hunter also have some time onshore, and I assured him that I would be with James and that we would be both fine on board the yacht, so reluctantly Hunter decided to go and do some shopping. An hour later with all the crew onshore, James locked up the yacht and we relaxed in the upper deck saloon, watching an old western movie on the large screen television.

After the movie ended, we headed up to the top deck to watch the sunset, and enjoy a few drinks on the aft bridge deck, when my mobile beeped with a text message. “Nice evening to watch the sunset and have a few drinks on the bridge deck…”

The message was from Robert, but what puzzled me was what it said. “Anything wrong?” James asked me when I frowned at my phone with the strange message, then a second message arrived. “Stop frowning, it brings on wrinkles early…”

“What the heck, the messages are from Robert, but I just can’t work out…” I had been interrupted by my mobile ringing, “Hello Robert, what do you mean by those messages?” I asked puzzled, and we heard Robert laugh. Come on cousin, think about it for a moment, and when you do, both of you come over and join me at the restaurant,” Robert said before ending the call.

I looked over to James, and as I did, behind him on the balcony of the top floor of the Mantra Hotel, just a few hundred metres away, I saw Cousin Robert looking at me, smiling, giving a short wave, then heading inside. “Well, I will be darned, Robert is here in Mackay, I just saw him on a balcony of the top floor of that hotel. He has invited us over for dinner,” I said to James, who looked around, but Robert had gone inside by then.

Half an hour later, showered and changed, we walked over to the hotel and entered the restaurant. “Good evening gentlemen, do you have a reservation?’ the restaurant hostess asked when we arrived, “Yes, we are expected, we are joining Mr Lindsey for dinner,” I replied, hoping that Robert had booked a table using his surname, and not his title. “Ah yes, the gentleman from Scotland, this way please,” the hostess replied.

“James, Edwin, so nice of you to join me,” Robert said to us as we arrived at his table, which was set well away from the rest of the diners. Once we had ordered drinks, the hostess set off to get them, leaving us to chat in private. “This is a bit of a surprise, when did you arrive?” I said casually to my cousin.

“Early this morning, via Brisbane, so I have had a chance to have a bit of a look around, and luckily the media have not caught on that I am back in Australia,” Robert replied, “My Lo… I mean sir, are you staying with us on the yacht? If so, I will need to get the suite ready for you,” James asked. Robert smiled.

“No formalities on this trip please James, I am just a Scottish tourist on this trip,” Robert replied, “Yes sir, I mean Robert,” James replied. “I decided to come and speak to you both, as I have another bit of news for you both.

Copyright November 2022 All Rights are Reserved, Preston Wigglesworth
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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I expect there will be some 'problems' with the 'developers' / 'other occupants' on Keswick Island, that Edwin and Sir Robert will be dragged into. 

Given the acrimonious state of affairs between China and Australia this will continue to occur. Whether with so-called "private companies" or as in this circumstance "developers", ALL must report back to Chinese  government 'handlers'. It is the nature of the beast when dealing with a dragon who believes a 'lease' is in fact them taking over and  'owning'. The very idea that some "western" entity is overseeing them is an affront.

🚨 Alert! 🚨

       Game Stay GIF by Digi

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