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Game of Love - 9. Chapter 9: Eric's return has Giada and Trevor on hot seat. Will their plans push through?

Thanks guys and don't forget to drop comments.

Kim was looking at herself in the mirror, checking if her makeup was on point. She had an important meeting online meeting with some partners abroad and she needed to look her best because her beauty is what she held in high esteem most, and of course, her kids too.

Suddenly, she heard a knock and she glanced towards her door, wondering who had come to disturb her.

“Come on in!”

The door opened revealing a quiet-looking Trevor. He was dressed in a yellow t-shirt, brown skinny jeans and sandals on his feet. His hair was made into a gorgeous ponytail that made him look beautiful. But something about the way he was looking bothered Kim a bit and she got up from her chair and started walking towards him.

“Hello, Trevor!” She greeted happily. “What brings you here? Sergio is at the office.”

Trevor wanted to say something but instead, he broke down and started crying. Kim was shocked when she saw that. She quickly rushed to him, wrapped her arms around, and made him sit on the bed. Then she cupped his cheeks and started rubbing his tears but he wasn’t stopping.

“Trev, what’s wrong? Did someone die?”

Trev shook his head, sobbing. “Maybe that would have been better, mother.” He paused and just stared at her. “Can I call you that?”

“Of course!” Kim smiled. “You can, sweetie! I am gonna be your mother in law soon and you’re already like a son to me.”

Trev got emotional and started crying. “Thank you so much, mother! You’ve got no idea how good this feels to me. Thank you.”

“But you’re still crying.” She held his hands. “Tell me what’s wrong. I am your mother, aren’t I? You can tell me everything.”

Trevor lowered his head as he slowly rubbed his tears. “Mom, have you ever been so scared of losing the one you love before?”

Kim frowned, wondering where all this was going. “I used to be afraid of losing Harry when he was still alive all the time. I am afraid of losing my children as well. Why?”

Trev’s breaths quickened. “Well, that’s because I am also afraid of losing, Sergio, mother. I am really afraid and I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“What are you talking about, you crazy boy?” Kim laughed, shaking her head. “You won’t lose Sergio. You two love each other and you’re getting married soon. Is that why you’re crying?”

Trev sniveled, staring at Kim. “I don’t know how to tell you this, mother, but I can’t keep quiet anymore. I didn’t want you to find out about this but I can’t keep it to myself anymore.”

Kim frowned. “Trev? What the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s Sergio, mother!” He cried loudly. “He… he…. I think he is cheating on me. He is having an affair.”

Kim raised her eyebrow and then she burst into laughter, touching her chest. “My son?” She laughed even louder. “Come on, this is Sergio we’re talking about. He would never cheat on you. I know my son better than anyone.”

Trev cried. “That’s what you think, mom and I understand your point. He would but not unless the whore that had once made him cheat on me is trying his best to seduce him again. I am telling you the truth and… and…” He couldn’t say it before he started crying again.

Kim was no longer laughing. She rather started getting mad. “Please, tell me you’re joking, Trev because I don’t find this funny anymore.”

Trev took his handkerchief and started rubbing his tears. “I wish I was, mother. But I am telling you the truth.”

“Who is this person?”

Trev cried even more. “It’s Eric Hernandez.”

“What?” Kim gasped. “That’s impossible! Eric and Sergio do not know each other and I am sure they’ve only met once that day at the restaurant.”

“How I tell you this, mom?” He sobbed. “But it’s not the truth. Those two have known each other for years now. They were at the same school five years ago. That was when I was abroad studying. I found out that… that Sergio had been cheating on with that boy when I returned. The bitch had cast a spell on him while in school.”

Kim’s eyes were wide open and her mouth was gaping.

“When I asked Sergio’s friends about it, they told me that the boy had been following him around like a dog for months.” He cried. “He tried all he could until he used charms on him. They started seeing each other and when I returned and found out about everything, my relationship was in jeopardy with Sergio and…”

“Trevor, please, tell me you’re just pulling my leg?”

“I am not.” He shook his head. “The boy ran away after I found out that he’d been using voodoo on my boyfriend. Sergio’s life was almost destroyed and…”

“Trevor!” She was breathing hard. “You mean, all that happened in school? I don’t believe it.”

“You have to.” He sniveled. “Do you remember the incident that happened to me five years ago a few days after I returned?” Kim nodded. “He was the cause of all that. I almost lost my life and now… now I feel like history is about to repeat itself. I am scared of losing the man I love. I am scared of losing Sergio, mom.”

He covered his eyes and started crying.

Kim’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. Her hands clenched into fists and her mood got ruined. It was impossible. Her son was not that kind of man, no! He was a very faithful man. She’d seen it in all the years.

“If you still don’t believe me then…” He paused and took a deep breath. “…remember what had happened at the event. Did you notice Sergio’s mood change or anything?”

‘Son, are you alright?’ Kim remembered the question she had asked when she saw him being quiet and confused. ‘You don’t look okay?’

‘Just tired.’

“And what about that day at the restaurant?” He asked.

Kim remembered how suddenly his mood had changed the moment Eric had arrived. She also remembered her son checking out Eric as he left. But she had thought it was just a harmless look but…

“He poured a drink on me just to ruin our plans that day.” He cried. “He’s back now and he’s been following him again. I reached my saturation point when I called him a few hours back and that bitch answered his phone. They were having sex and…”

“Stop it!” Kim pounded her fists on the bed, furiously getting up. “No! I won’t allow that to happen. Sergio is my only son and I won’t allow his life to be destroyed like that. No! But Trev…” She turned and looked at him. “…why are you only telling me this now?”

Trev got up and rubbed his tears. “Because I was scared and I thought my love for Sergio would be enough to destroy whatever spell that boy had cast on him. I thought whatever they had wasn’t gonna continue, mommy, but I was wrong. I think that boy managed to seduce him and… and…”

“I won’t allow that to happen!” Kim snapped, breathing like a monster. “I will never allow that boy to succeed. No!”

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you.” He cried. “But Adrianna knows about this too.”

“What?” She snarled, clenching her fists. “I can’t believe this.”

“I am so scared.” Trev broke down again and was about to fall to his knees when Kim gripped him and held him tighter. “I can’t lose him.”

“Shhhhhhh…” Kim soothed, rubbing on his shoulder. “I am right here, honey! I won’t allow my son to go astray. Even if it’s the last thing I do, you’ll be married to my son. I swear!”

An evil grin appeared on Trev’s face and he almost burst into laughter.

‘Now Eric, I would love to see how you’re gonna fight this storm that I have set for you.’ He thought as he rubbed his tears from Kim’s back. ‘You thought you are smart but I have brought the person you cannot defeat in this game. This old woman will be the key to making sure you’re paralyzed in this game. Good riddance!’

He closed his eyes and hugged her tighter, giving a fake cry.


Giada got up to the floor, still holding her cheek. She had tears in her eyes because that slap had stung unlike anything painful she’d received before. Her heart raced in fear and she knew she was screwed. But she wasn’t gonna give up.

Eric looked fierce, dressed in all black with his hair tied in a ponytail, and that look on his face, priceless and sexy.

“How dare you!” Giada snarled.

“Shut up!” Eric warned, raising his finger. “Shut the fuck up, you stupid whore! Did you think I am stupid? I am not stupid and I will always be a step ahead of you, do you understand?”

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Giada snapped. “You should have asked before you did anything. That man…” She pointed angrily at David who was still shocked. “…that man just tried to take advantage of me. He tried to ra…”

“Oh cut the crap!” He threw his arm. “You think I don’t know you by now, Giada? I know you better than you think I do. And why are you the only one who is undressed? Why were you on top of him? He’s fully dressed and I know the both of you. I trust David. He can never do such a thing and not with an overused woman like you.”

Giada’s heart lurched and her body shook in fear. She was in a complete state of panic and her hands were cold and clammy. She was frightened down to the soles of her feet. Her throat tightened and more tears formed in her eyes. She knew she was screwed. How the hell did he even find himself there, she thought?

“What’s wrong?” He chuckled bitterly. “Cat got your tongue? You can never fool me, Giada because I know what kind of woman you are. You’re hungry for power and status and you’re willing to do anything to get those two things.”


“Me what?” He chuckled. “Should I call security and everyone in here to defame you?”

Terror thundered down on Giada and her throat tightened.

“What happened to the almighty Giada, the queen of the city?” He teased, face-palming in shock. “What happened to all that love that you say you have for your husband? Did it all suddenly vanish? What happened to the virtuous woman? Did she suddenly turn into a whore?”

Giada shook her head and Eric started getting close. She was breathing hard and she felt like she was gonna collapse.

“That… that’s not true!” Giada pointed shakily at David. “This man tried to… to… to rape me. I was only trying to…”

“Really?” Eric crossed his arms over his chest getting closer to the woman that was only a few seconds away from peeing her pants. “Alright then. We’ll let the police decide what the truth is and what’s a lie, right?”

Giada held her breath, a tear rushing down her cheek. She shook her head. She had never felt so scared before. She was shaking like a leaf.

“What?” He shrugged, his face getting stern again. “Won’t you say something now? You were almost raped and you should be jumping with joy that you are gonna get justice.”

Giada was now sweating. She was in hot soup.

“I can’t believe this!” Eric snapped, stamping his foot on the floor. Giada almost collapsed because her heart pounded violently. “It is clear that you were trying to get to David while he was trying to get away from you. Women like you are a disgrace to other women and the entire world. Women like you are the reason why other women in the world have lost their husbands, their boyfriends, and the people they love. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

Giada tried to get even further away but she hit the wall and couldn’t move anymore.

“You are a married woman and yet, you want to fuck with another man? Disgusting!” He grimaced, shaking his head. “How I wish the entire world could see how disgusting you are, the real woman behind all this makeup. And maybe I should just do that. I should expose you and ruin your reputation just like you did before. You are a fan of ruining reputations aren’t you?”

“E-e-eric, please!” She put her shaky hands together. Her entire face was wet like someone had poured water on her. “I-I-I beg you.”

“No!” He rested his hand on his hip, screaming on her face. “I don’t need your apology or your pleas. Because I am pretty sure that if it was someone else in your shoes right now, they’d have gotten it big time. The news would already be in China.”

“Please…” She muttered.

“I would have loved to disgrace but I won’t do that.”

Giada felt like she was able to breathe.


“Don’t thank me yet!” Eric warned, pointing angrily at her. “This is just a warning and I won’t repeat myself. Stay away from David, our companies, and our business. If I see you trying to get close to him or even trying to play smart with me, I will destroy, Giada and I am not threatening you. I am giving you a promise and you know me, Giada. I don’t fear anything or anyone. I am ready to destroy you just like that.” He snapped in her face making her gasp in fear.

“Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind.” He gestured.

Giada dropped to the floor, picked up her blouse, and put it on as quickly as she could. Then he took her heels and started running away from there like the hounds of hell were after her.

“And Giada…” She stopped but didn’t turn to look at him.

He walked to her and stood right behind her. “Always know that I’ll always be a step ahead of you. I’ll be watching.”

Giada just walked out of there in fear. Eric sighed, fighting his tears. That had been really hard. He just remained standing there until he felt hands on him. He turned and smiled sheepishly, looking at David. The man could tell that he wasn’t happy.

“Thank you so much, Eric!” He held Eric’s hands and kissed them. “Anyway, how were you so sure about my innocence?”

“Because I trust you, David.” He said with a genuine smile. “And thanks for telling me that Giada had asked you to meet her. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened?”

“But why did you hesitate to expose what she did?” He asked. “I would have supported you because what she tried to do was wrong.”

“No, David!” He shook his head. “If I had tried that, you would have been dragged to the ground with her. I know Giada and she wouldn’t have gone down without you. That’s why I couldn’t do anything. My hands were tied.”

David smiled, caressing Eric’s cheek. “You’re really like a son I never had, Eric. Thank you so much.” He smiled brightly. “Let me go and fix myself so that we can get out of here.”

Eric nodded and watched at David's left. He lost the smile on his face, clenching his fist.

“Consider yourself lucky this time, Giada.” He muttered. “Otherwise, if not for David’s reputation, I would have destroyed you today. But I promise you that you’ll go down soon. I swear.”

That was a vow.


“Please, just take these things to my room,” Sergio instructed, handing the bag to the guard. “Be careful. I don’t want anything to break.”

“Yes, sir!”

Sergio made his way to the living room with his mind on the phone. He was really tired and just wanted to sleep. But he still had something important to do. He threw himself on the couch, crossing his legs and yawning.

Sergio was typing a message when suddenly, his phone was snatched from him. He quickly raised his face to stare into the angry eyes of his mother. He was shocked and wondered what could have gone wrong.

“Hello, mom!” He greeted, rising from the chair. “I am sorry that I am home late. The meeting took longer and…”

“The meeting?” Kim chuckled bitterly. “Or was it the cheating session that took longer?”

Sergio was beyond shocked when he heard his mother’s tone and most especially what she said to him. He couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head. He found it funny that his mother had said that to him.

“What’s wrong with you, mom?” He chuckled. “Are you sure you’re…”

“Sergio, don’t take me for a fool because I know where you are coming from.”

“The office!” He shrugged. “Of course, you should know because you knew about the meeting.”

“Oh, we’re playing the dumb game now, huh?” She laughed. “Okay, pretend not to know what I am talking about. How long has it been going on? How long have you been sleeping with that bitch?”

“Mom?” Sergio couldn’t smile anymore. He was staring at his mother with a blank face. “What are you talking about?”

“Eric!” Kim snapped. “How long have you been sleeping with him?”

Sergio’s heart gave a sharp pound and he felt cold. How did she know about Eric, he thought?

“Mom, I have no idea what you’re talking about!” He said sternly. “Eric and I are not doing wrong. We’re just friends.”

“Oh, so you’re admitting that you’ve been seeing that bitch, huh?”

“Mom, please!” Sergio’s voice rose a bit. “Please, do not call him that because he is not. And who told you about this? Why is your blood so hot?”

“How dare you!” Kim screamed, pointing angrily at him. “What right do you have to talk to me in that tone and all because of that whore?”

“Mom, I told you that he is not…”

“Shut up!” Kim smacked him across the face hard that it sounded like something broke.

Sergio was beyond shocked. He pressed his hand on his cheek, lowering his head. That had never happened before. His mother had never slapped him before. That was the first time and it hurt like hell.

“Mom!” Adrianna gasped as she rushed to her brother. She was in shock too. She held her brother, shielding him from her mother. “Why would you slap Sergio like that?”

“And I will slap you too if you don’t stay out of this.” She yelled. “You knew about your brother screwing that whore and yet you kept quiet. No son of mine is gonna be a Casanova. Not in my house, do you understand?” She warned.

Sergio raised his face and stared at his mother. “Why don’t you go ahead and slap me again?” He laughed, tears welling up in his eyes. “Maybe that’s what I needed all these years, mom, a slap. Maybe I deserve to be slapped more often.”

“Stop talking nonsense and listen to me.”

“But I didn’t do anything wrong?” He said, his voice rising slightly. “Eric and I are just friends. Yes, I’ll admit that I do love Eric but he doesn’t feel the same way about me. Never have I had anything sexual to do with him ever since he returned. In fact…”

“And what about five years ago?” She asked angrily. “Didn’t that bitch seduce you? Didn’t you sleep with him?”

“Mom, please, don’t conclude about what you don’t know.” Sergio pleaded. “I beg you to…”

“Shut up!” She yelled. “I don’t care about your past but no son of mine is gonna be a Casanova. You’ve said something but listen to what I have to say. Whatever you had to do with that boy, I want it to end right now. You’re getting married to Trevor in 17 days and you better focus on that. Do I make myself clear?”

“But mom, why should you force him…”

“Don’t make me angry!” Kim warned her daughter. “I have tolerated both of your nonsense for too long. I don’t wanna talk about this ever again.”

With those words, she stormed out of there like the hounds of hell were after her. She was so mad. Sergio stared at his mother as she left and furiously rubbed the tear that was making its way down his face.

“Sergio, I am sorry for…..” But Sergio stormed out of there, rushing up the stairs. “…Sergio!” She shouted. “Sergio!”

Adrianna was really mad. She threw things that were on the table angrily.

“What kind of drama is unfolding now?” She groaned. “I am sure it’s because of that desperate excuse of a guy that came here in the afternoon. He told something to mom and I’ll make him pay for it. I swear.”


“Oh come on,” Trevor laughed at the top of his voice. “You know me. Of course, my wedding is in 16 days and I need you to be there.”

‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’

Trevor was chatting with his friend abroad.

“Of course, you wouldn’t.” He laughed. “And you wouldn’t even make an excuse because our engagement has been the talk of the country. It was all over the internet.”

‘Yeah,’ He sighed. ‘I saw it and I’ll be there even before the wedding day, I promise.’


He cut the call and was just there smiling, staring at his picture with Sergio about two months ago. It had been a hit and they had been kissing. He remembered the moment, how horny he had been, and how they had madly made love. Hmm, he blushed when he remembered how passionate that day had been.

He was still day dreaming when suddenly, he heard the door opening furiously and an angry voice. He lost the smile on his face, glancing towards the entrance. It was Giada and she had just given one of the maids a hot slap. She was on the floor bleeding from her forehead.

Trevor got worried and he rose, staring at his mother as she headed towards where he was. She looked mad and her right cheek was swollen. Come to think of it, Giada looked like she had just survived an accident.

“Mommy!” He gasped, his eyes widening. “Are you okay? What’s going on? Were you attacked?”

He tried to touch her but she retaliated. “I am okay.” She was being rude.

She threw her bag to the floor, shaking off her heels. Then she started moving about from side to side without saying anything. Trevor didn’t know what to do. He just watched her, getting a little scared. Could it have been that someone had attacked her?

‘Always remember that I’ll always be a step ahead of you.’ Eric’s words rang through her. ‘Get the fuck out of here!’

Then came the slaps that made her feel that he was ripping her very skin. She groaned in fear, pulling on her hair.

“Son of a bitch!” She screamed, throwing everything on the table to the floor. “You stupid bitch!”

“Mommy!” Trevor gripped her shoulders and shook her. “What’s going on with you? And what happened to you? Is it…” He gulped. “…is it Eric? Did he do this to you, mommy? Tell me.”

Giada took a deep breath, trying to gather her confidence but she was too scared to do anything.

“Forget about me, son.” She tried to smile but failed. “How was your day? Was your plan successful?”

Trevor smiled, taking a deep breath. “Everything was successful, mom. I am sure that as I speak, Mrs. Alvarado has already taken action. In this game, I am gonna win because I know I have the greatest weapon, Sergio’s mother. I am gonna use her to make sure that Eric doesn’t breed any more problems for me.

I know that when she gets angry, she always gets her way.” He laughed. “It’s only a matter of time before I get married to Sergio and finally secure a place in that house. I already convinced her that Sergio and Eric are having an affair. The rest will be done by her.” He held her tightly but not a single smile.

“And what about you, mommy? Did you succeed in the plans you had today?”

Giada remained silent. ‘I don’t want to see anywhere near David, our companies or our business. If I see you, I’ll destroy you.’

“Eric has made everything impossible!” She muttered. “He’s everywhere and now I am sure that he is doing something to destroy our family and our company.”

“What? That…”

“Listen to me, Trevor!” She gripped him almost to the point of pain, staring into his eyes. “There’s only one thing left to do in this case.”

“What’s that?”

“You need to get married to Sergio at all costs.” She said hoarsely, shaking him angrily. “Back then, I was only scared of losing my husband and my family breaking. But now, Eric is threatening to rip my business off its foundation and I cannot allow that. He has proven that no matter what I do, I am never gonna get into D&E.”


“You need to do this efficiently.” Giada roared. “All the very best! Trevor, our only option is your marriage to Sergio. If this marriage happens, you can’t even begin to imagine just how powerful and influential we’ll become. We’ll be able to put up a good fight and we’ll get rid of that boy for good.”

“But mommy…”

“I have lots of expectations from you. Don’t disappoint me.”

Trevor smiled, nodding. “Don’t worry, mom. I have fulfilled all your expectations till today. And this is what will happen in the future too. You just wait and watch. In less than two weeks, I shall become Trevor Alvarado, the one and only son in law of the Alvarado family. I shall not disappoint you.”

Giada smiled and held her son tightly. “I am sorry for yelling at you, my love! I was just scared.”

“I know, mommy!” He just held her tightly.

‘You’ll pay for what you did to me, Eric, I swear. You’re gonna pay with your life for this humiliation even if it’s the last thing I do.’

Giada’s only chance was her son’s marriage and she knew it. She was gonna do everything she could to ensure it happened.


“Oh thank you very much.” Eric smiled, opening the package on the table. “I have received it.”

‘That’s good news.’ The man on the other end chuckled. ‘We wanted you to see it before we release it to the public. And I just wanted to tell you that it’s a master piece of work. We’ve decided not only to put it on the cover of our magazine but also on several billboards. You sir are gonna be our company’s image model.’

“Oh, I am humbled… I…” He gasped. “You have no idea how happy I am.”

‘You’re welcome, sir!’ He said. ‘Do call us back when you’re done checking.’

“I will.”

He put the phone down and opened the package. The moment he did, he almost passed out from the joy of seeing his picture on the cover of the magazine, looking sizzling hot and sexy. He was amazing, that look, the eyes and the smile on his face. He surely knew he’d done a great job.

‘Hot comes to Zelda.’ The magazine read. ‘If you aren’t this hot then you aren’t hot at all.’

Eric shook his head and laughed. He was about to open the magazine when suddenly, he heard his door open and footsteps rushing towards him. He quickly raised his head and found a furiously looking Kimberly staring right at him.

“Sir, I am truly sorry. This woman….”

“It’s okay, Reina.” He dismissed. “You can go back to your duty post.”

Eric looked at the woman and wondered what the hell she was doing there. But of course, he didn’t want to assume things so he rather just smiled.

“Mrs. Kimberly Alvarado, to what do I owe this honorable visit?” He asked, wearing a smile. “Please, sit down and….”

“I didn’t come here to sit.” Kim snapped. “I rather came here to warn you to stay away from my son. Do you understand, stay away from my son or you won’t like me the next time I come here.”

Eric was just smiling, staring at the woman. He rose from the chair and just shook his head. “Ma’am, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I am sure that you’re sadly mistaken.”

“Don’t be silly!” Kim snarled, pointing angrily at him. “I know exactly what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to seduce my son, trying to get him to sleep with you. But get this right, Eric Hernandez… my son has a fiancé and he’s getting married very soon. He doesn’t whores hovering around him like dogs.”

Eric had been smiling until she said that. His smile started fading and he started losing it.

“I still don’t know what you’re talking…”

“Stay away from my son. And come to think of it…” She grimaced, staring at him in disgust. “…are you that desperate that you couldn’t find your own man? Or maybe you’re too loose that you couldn’t resist opening your stupid legs to my son.”

“I beg your pardon!” Eric seethed, losing his entire control. He slightly leaned on the table, staring into Kim’s eyes without fear. “Don’t forget where you’re standing. You’re in my office, in my territory. I can have security throw you out of here like an outsider and I don’t give two hoots about the status you hold in society. I respected you enough to let you say whatever you wanted even though you barged in my office like a thief.”

“How dare you!” Kim slammed her fists on the table. “Do you know who I am for you to insult me like that, little boy? I am a very powerful and influential woman. And if you mess with me, I can destroy you just like that.” She snapped her fingers.

Eric burst into laughter, gasping in mock astonishment. “Oh my God, I am so scared. The great Kimberly Alvarado wants to destroy my life. What am I gonna do?” He had that fake pitiful face that pissed Kim to the core.

Then his face got stern. “You can do whatever you want, Kimberly!” He sounded rude.

Kim’s breaths quickened and her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths.

“And besides, it’s not my fault if your son is chasing after me.” He laughed mirthlessly. “I don’t blame him at all. After all, Sergio is a hot blooded man, and, he needs a hotter guy by his side, don’t you think?”

“Stay away from my son. I am warning you.”

“Well, you wasted your time here, Kimberly!” He chuckled, getting away from his table. He moved to her and crossed his arms. “Because I am not chasing after your son. I don’t have time for that. I am too busy running my business. And if your son is chasing after me then, shouldn’t you have been talking to him about this.”

“You arrogant little boy.” Kimberly snapped. “You surely have no respect for your elders.”

“Well, I am sorry. I don’t mean to sound rude but I am telling you the truth.” He shrugged. “You simply wasted your time coming here. Because whatever you’re looking for, you’re not gonna find it here. And I’ll appreciate it if you could please use the door.”

Kim had never felt so disrespected her entire life before.

“Well, listen to me, Eric.” She warned. “I will not let you lead my son astray. I will not watch you destroy him and ruin our family. I’ll get him married to Trev if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Go right ahead.” He held out his arms. “I don’t care about what you decide to do with your son but get me out of it. I am not interested. I am not chasing after your son because if I was then he wouldn’t even be with you right now. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation.”

Kim clenched her fists hard, her body trembling.

“For the last time, stay away from away from my son.” She snarled. “I am warning you for the last time because I will do.”

With those words, she furiously turned and left the office. Eric laughed manically, shaking his head. He had an evil grin on his face. He hadn’t expected Kim to show up at his office, not even in his wildest dreams. Her showing up at his office only meant one thing, Trevor was getting threatened and desperate. He was sure that Sergio wouldn’t have told his mother that. It was all Trevor’s plan.

“Go right ahead, Trevor! You can plot all you want but I’ll always be a step ahead of you. I knew you would pull up a stunt like this but this is even better. Now just wait and watch how I use this against you. You’ll be sorry.”

He chuckled manically and went back to the table to call back the man that had called him. The fun had now ended.


“Hey, you’re not gonna beat me this time,” Adrianna said happily, pressing hard on the game pad. “You were just lucky the last time.”

“Like all the time?” Sergio laughed, staring at his sister. “Just admit that I am king when it comes to this.”

Adrianna laughed. She wasn’t gonna give up although she’d never won against her brother before. The two of them were busy playing mortal kombat on Xbox and they were so happy. They didn’t go to the office and they had had fun together.

Suddenly, the TV switched off on its own and Adrianna gasped. She had just been about to beat Sergio for the first time. She dropped her pad, raising her hands in shock. She was about to curse when suddenly, she saw Kim standing near them with her arms folded, staring at the two of them.

“Mom, why would you do that?” She gasped but Sergio was laughing at the top of his voice, getting up. “I was just about to beat him. You ruined my victory.”

“And you think I care about that?” She yelled. “I don’t give two hoots about that.” She moved to Sergio and pointed angrily at him. “And you, I hope you’re happy that I just got the biggest insult of my life and it’s because of you.”

Sergio frowned. “Mom, what’s this about again? What have I done again?”

“Oh, you’re asking?” She chuckled bitterly. “It is because of you that that bitch you’re sleeping with just insulted me. He didn’t even care about my status and my age.”

Sergio felt a shiver go down his spine and he gulped, his eyes widening. He didn’t get what his mother had said clearly.

“Mom? What are you talking about? Did you go to see Eric? What have you done?” He said in a panicky voice, running his fingers through his hair. “Mom. Why did you go to him? Do you know what you’ve done?”

“I don’t care!” She hissed. “There’s no way I was gonna sit down and watch you sleep around with that bitch.”

“Ma!” Adrianna gasped in surprise. “Why would you do that without even considering the consequences? I thought Sergio told you that he wasn’t doing anything with Eric. When did you start doing things without knowing…”

“You shut up!” She snapped, raising her finger at Adrianna. “Shut up or else, I am gonna get you married very soon before you cause problems for Trevor and Eric. You’re to blame for this.”

“Mom?” Adrianna said with tears in her eyes. “Is that what you want to do to me? Then you can go ahead. I wouldn’t mind since you’ve always not liked me that much. But it still won’t change the fact that what you did today was wrong.”

“Wrong?” She yelled. “What is wrong with a mother trying to protect her child from…”

“From what?” Sergio yelled. “What are you even talking about? Eric and I just solved our problems and don’t create them for me, please. If you’re truly my mother then…”

“I have already spoken.” She dismissed. “You’re getting married to Trevor and that’s final. Today was just a warning but next time, I will do something even worse. And if you care about me as your mother, you’ll end things with that boy right now. Focus on your work and your wedding. Remember that we’ve got an important event coming at the company so focus on that.”

She turned and stormed out of there. Sergio remained standing there like a statue, remembering what his mother had just said to him. He was really scared and his hands visibly shook.

“Sergio,” Adrianna gripped him. “You know what this means right? If mom went to see Eric then she probably caused problems for there. We cannot afford to lose Eric again, especially now that you guys just reconciled. It’s barely been a week.”

“Why is mom doing this?”

“Forget about mom.” She brushed. “Right now, we need to call Eric, and… no,” She shook her head. “We need to find ways to meet him.”

“But Adrianna…”

“I will handle it!” She gripped his arm. “Come on! I have got an idea.”

She started taking him up the stairs.


Eric arrived in the restaurant, looking sexy as hell. He was wearing a beautiful black skinny jean that showed his curves, white snickers, and a white see-through shirt inside with a black blazer. His hair was amazingly made into a ponytail, revealing his face.

A smile popped up on his face when he saw Adrianna waving at him at the far end. He was with Sergio who seemed worried and Eric knew why. He sexily walked towards them and embraced Adrianna before just nodding at Sergio. He sat down and the two of them seemed nervous, especially Sergio.

“Thank you so much for honoring my invitation,” Sergio said abruptly.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Eric smiled. “I believe I had promised you dinner so here I am.”

“Thank you.” Sergio smiled sheepishly. “But I first would love to apologize for what my mother did. I had no idea where she got the idea that you and I were…” He gulped, shaking his head. “…but I am truly sorry.”

Eric laughed, shaking his head. “Come on, Sergio. I have a mother too and I understand.” He raised an eyebrow. “A mother is overprotective of her child and it shows how much she loves you. But I must admit that she’s a tough woman and I admire her. When she came to the office, I was a bit shocked. She’s fearless, courageous, and really beautiful, I must say.”

Sergio was left speechless. That had gone better than he’d imagined. “Are you saying…”

“I am saying I don’t hold anything against her.”

“Mom is just overreacting.” Adrianna sighed frustration. “And it’s all because of that desperate wannabe high fashion model. I felt bad and…”

“Come on, Adrianna!” He chuckled, shaking his head. “You’ll be a mother one day and you’ll understand her. I am not mad at her and you’ve got nothing to apologize for. And come on, I thought we came here to have dinner and enjoy ourselves. I still would love to know more about you, Adrianna.”

Adrianna laughed. “Well, what’s to tell? I am Adrianna as you know, 21 years old and….”

Adrianna continued talking while they ordered dinner and just laughed like friends. Sergio was no longer feeling nervous. But he couldn’t tear his eyes off the sexy boy. He looked handsome and God, Sergio was wondering what would have happened if he’d found Eric at the airport five years ago. Would they have been together? Would they have been married with a kid or two by now? There were a lot of questions running through his mind.

But he didn’t wanna be caught staring so he joined in on the conversation and in just a few seconds, the three of them were laughing like long-lost friends. People that heard them couldn’t help but watch. Three very famous people eating together and just laughing. It was a beautiful sight to see.

‘Wow, you really did that?” Eric asked, shaking his head at Adrianna. “I can’t believe it.”

“Trust me,” Adrianna chuckled. “Sometimes I act crazy but only when necessary. And you, Eric, tell me something interesting that you did while you were in school, something that almost got you into trouble.”

Eric took a sip of his champagne and he folded his arms.

“Well, this happened when I was in high….”


Suddenly, Eric stopped when he heard a familiar voice behind him. He felt his body tense up and he just sat without saying anything. Just at that time, he saw Trevor rushing to Sergio and he kissed him intensely, right on the lips.

Sergio was beyond shocked when he saw Trevor there and even more when he kissed him. His heart started racing and his mood somehow got ruined. His nerves got the best of him and he got a heavy feeling in his stomach. He didn’t even close his eyes when Trevor was kissing him and didn’t even respond to the kiss.

“I missed you so much, baby!” He moaned as he placed another kiss on his lips.

Then he rubbed on his lips and turned to face Adrianna who was visibly boiling in anger. “Adrianna, sweetie.”

He perked Adrianna happily and then turned to face Eric who was smiling at him, a genuine but filled with mock smile. “Mr. Hernandez, how are you?”

He pecked both of his cheeks, chuckling nervously. Then he took a chair and sat close to Sergio, coiling his arms with his. He was staring at Eric, showing him that Sergio was his but Eric was looking at him without even feeling threatened.

“What are you doing here, Trevor?” Adrianna asked rudely. “I don’t remember giving you an invitation.”

“Oh, well, actually I came here to get something and the entire day I have been dying to be with my husband to be so when I saw him I decided to join.”

“Well, as I said…”

“You won’t understand, Adrianna.” He chuckled, rubbing on Sergio’s lips. “My place is by my husband’s side. That’s called love. You always want your better half to be by your side.” He chuckled mockingly, now staring at Eric. “And thanks for keeping my husband company. I appreciate but you didn’t have to because that’s my job as his fiancé.”

Sergio was getting upset. “Trev, stop it! Eric was not doing anything wrong. We called him here to hang out.”

“I didn’t say he was.” He chuckled. “But just look at it this way, back then it used to be you and me. Then there’s this new boy in town and suddenly there’s a friendship between the two of you. People might take it the wrong way if you ask me. I am your fiancé and we’re getting married in less than three weeks. You’re supposed to be found with me and no offense but…” He disgustingly looked at Eric. “…not with Mr. Hernandez here.”

Eric chuckled, rubbing on his temple seductively.

“Sergio, it looks like your fiancé here is being sentimental.” He said, still wearing a smile. “And I can’t help but think that he’s feeling threatened by my presence.”

“What?” Trevor shook his head. “Please, Eric, don’t go ahead of yourself. I am just saying that I am happy and I’ll stay happy if you stay here strictly because of friendship or business. Nothing else.”

Eric raised an eyebrow, breathing in deeply.

“You didn’t have to beat around the bush.” He said, his face getting stern. Even Trev’s face was now stern. Then he laughed. “Don’t worry about anything, Trevor. I never mix business with pleasure just like I do not mix friendship with pleasure. Do you understand?”

Trev gripped hard on the table cloth. Truly, Eric had no shame and he was gonna deal with him.

“Hahaha…” He laughed nervously, shaking his head. “…oh you’re so cute.” Then he turned to Sergio and just smiled. “Babe, I was thinking maybe we should get out of here and go somewhere romantic. I miss you so much and I just wanna be with you.”

“Really?” Adrianna took in a sharp breath. “You found us seated here, having fun and that’s what you came to say? Trevor, don’t spoil my mood.”

“Well, I believe I wasn’t talking to you.” Trevor tittered. “I was talking to my husband to be and you don’t have any right to interfere when two lovers are talking. Do you understand?”

“Well, he’s my brother and I have every right…”

“It’s okay, Adrianna,” Eric said with a sigh. “He’s right. We don’t have to interfere between two lovers. I think it’s best if I just leave. Thank you so much for inviting me. I had a wonderful time before all this.”

He was about to get up but Sergio grabbed his arm and stopped him.

“Eric, please, don’t.” He pleaded. “I am not going anywhere.” Then he looked at Trevor who was looking mad. “Trevor, can we do this another day? I had invited Eric here and it will be really rude to…”

“No!” Trevor said simply, tapping his fingers on the table. “I am not leaving from here, booboo. You can’t just dismiss me simply because you wanna spend your time with this boy seated here. I am your fiancé and I have every right to demand your attention no matter who…” He grimaced, staring at Eric. “…you’re talking to. I hold much more importance.”

“I have no time for this.” Eric got up, sighing.

“Don’t you dare stand while I am still talking here!” Trevor snapped, rising from his chair. He was mad.

“Trev, what are you doing?” Sergio muttered, holding his hand.

“Leave me!”

“Sergio, perhaps we can have dinner another time when your boyfriend will not be acting like a crazy psychopath.”

Trevor groaned, slamming his fists on the table. He got the attention of most of the people in that restaurant.

“You’re a snake!” Trevor barked, surprising Eric. “A tease and a cheap whore that is….”

But before Trevor could finish his sentence, Eric took a glass of wine and threw the wine on Trevor’s face. Trevor gasped and then started panting, breathing like a woman in labor. His heart started pounding so much that it felt like it was gonna rip out of his chest. Sergio was surprised while Adrianna was laughing her lungs out. She found it fun.

“Watch your words, Trev, because they might lead you into more trouble!” He warned. “And next time, know your place.”

He furiously turned and walked out of there, leaving Trev on the verge of crying. Tears welled up in his eyes and he got so embarrassed when he realized that all eyes were on him. They were all staring at him, some of them laughing and others taking pictures.

“Did you see that?” Trev yelled, facing Sergio. “And you just watched while that whore embarrassed me.”

“What did you want me to do, huh?” Sergio snapped. “Did you fucking want me to applaud you for your performance?”

“No! I think he wanted us to bow.” Adrianna said harshly. “All he ever knows how to do is cause trouble. You’re lucky I am not Eric because if I was, you’d be on your way to the hospital in an ambulance. I don’t tolerate nonsense and let me warn you, Trevor. Stay away from whatever business I am involved in. Maybe Sergio might be able to tolerate your stupidity but I don’t.”

She furiously picked up her handbag. “Let’s go, Sergio. And you can enjoy your evening.”

She started heading outside. Sergio gave him a long angry look and then left.

“Sergio!” Trevor cried, stamping his foot on the floor. He was really mad.

Everyone was staring at him and he looked like a mess. “What the fuck are you all staring at?” He snapped at the people that were watching. “Don’t you have anything to do?”

But all they did was laugh at him. Trevor couldn’t take it. He stormed out of there cursing loudly at everyone that was in there. That had been embarrassing.


Trev came out of his room, toweling his wet hair. He only had a towel around his waist. He walked to the mirror and checked himself in there. He looked good but he was still mad because of what had happened at the restaurant. He’d thought of embarrassing Eric in front of everyone but had ended up being embarrassed himself. He was really mad.

“Just wait and watch, Eric.” He muttered. “I’ll make you pay for everything. I swear.”

Suddenly, the door to his room opened and his happy mother emerged. She was holding a black garment bag and he wondered what was in there. She happily placed the garment bag on the bed, staring at it like she was guarding it with her life.

“Ma!” He frowned as he rushed to her. “What’s that?”

“This, my beautiful son is what you’re gonna wear to a very important event tomorrow evening.” She said, smiling brightly at him. “You’re gonna be the star of the night and I assure you that many men will have their eyes and Sergio will get so jealous that he’ll have no choice but to be by your side the entire evening.”

“Tomorrow?” Trevor frowned. “What’s gonna be there tomorrow, mommy?”

“You’ve forgotten?” She chuckled, a frown appearing on her face. “Tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of Alvarado Jewelers.”

“Oh my God,” Trev gasped, covering his mouth. “It’s tomorrow? How could I have forgotten? I had been planning for it for a long time. It’s because of that stupid Eric and his unending drama.”

“Eric?” Giada was no longer smiling. “What are you talking about? Did that dirty whore do anything to you?”

‘Oh God, no!’ Trev thought as sweat broke on his forehead. ‘I cannot tell mommy what that bitch did to me today because she’ll shout at me for failing. I have to lie to her.’

“No!” He chuckled nervously. “No! Err…. I was just talking about everything that he’s been doing so far. It’s just gotten to me and…”

“Don’t!” Giada cupped his face, shaking her head. “Don’t lose your head, Trevor! Our main focus right now is on your marriage. Our company sales are getting worse by the day. We need to speed up this wedding if necessary because the more we delay, the more that idiot will try to stop it.”

“He won’t!” Trev shook his head. “I promise!”

“I know.” Giada kissed his cheek, holding him tightly. “My son is gonna look so beautiful tomorrow night and I can’t wait to see Sergio’s eyes when he sees you. He’ll be so mesmerized.”

Trevor smiled and felt his heart begin to race. He was just so happy that he was gonna be with his man the entire time without any disturbance from the stupid Eric. It was gonna be time to make hot love the entire day.


Sergio was standing with a group of powerful older men and women that seemed to enjoy his company. He had a smile on his face the entire time he was talking to them. They were all congratulating him on the job he’d done in taking the company to the top and also on his upcoming wedding.

Sergio was dressed in a beautiful black designer’s suit with a red shinny shirt inside. He had black shoes on his feet and his hair was gelled to perfection. He was looking very handsome that night and no man in there could compete with him.

S&A hotel hall was fully decorated beautifully with the most wonderful decors and by the best events management company. Many powerful and influential businessmen were invited and were seated on a wonderfully made silver chair. There was slow gorgeous music that was playing, making the mood of the people in attendance to be lit. There was food, drinks, and everything else to make people enjoy. Everyone that had attended the party was either a businessman or a celebrity. They had all come to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Alvarado Jewelers, the biggest in the entire company.

There was food, drinks, and everything else to make people enjoy. Everyone in attendance was dressed their best but no man could beat Sergio. Adrianna was looking sexy in a lovely bodycon black bandage dress that made her look sexy. She had her hair in a textured half-up, her makeup was on point and she was carrying a beautiful silver bag that made her look like a rich man’s daughter. On her feet were beautiful, silver high heels from Eric’s new collection. She was a bomb.

Kimberly was wearing an elegant lace evening long dress that made her look young and sexy. Her hair was made into curls and her blue makeup looked lovely on her. She had black high heels on her and she was very happy.

“Wow, young man.” One of the men said, happily shaking Sergio’s hand. “You’ve made us proud. You’re are just like your father, maybe even more. You’re a tough and powerful business man. And who would have thought that you’re only 25? Have you considered ever becoming a politician?”

Sergio chuckled. “Not really? But I don’t know. I just like being a businessman than a politician.”

“But you would make a very good one.” They laughed. “You’re very successful and soon, you’re gonna be marrying a very successful boy from a powerful family too. You’re gonna be the power couple. You should consider it.”

Sergio chuckled nervously. “Yeah, we’ll see in future,”

They were still talking when suddenly almost everyone drifted their attention to just one spot. Sergio slowly turned to see what had taken the attention of the men he was talking to and froze with what he saw.

Trevor was coming towards him with a smile on his face, waving at everyone that watched. He looked sexy in a pure white shirt that was tucked in a blackish/greenish designer’s trouser that got everyone’s attention and black and white stripped shoes. But what caught the attention most was the beautiful sexy snake pattern blazer that he was wearing.

He truly took the night and Sergio couldn’t help but admire him. His hair looked shiny and beautiful, made into a braided ponytail. God, Sergio was taken by storm truly. The cameramen were busy taking pictures of him as he walked to his lover, smiling at him.

And then there was Giada who was dressed in a sexy red dress with a long slit and golden high heels. Her hair was made into a sexy vintage bun, smiling at the people while holding on to her husband who was wearing a shiny blue suit. Of course, they had to look their best because that was gonna be their son’s in-laws and theirs too. She went to Kimberly and pecked her, smiling like she was in heaven.

Trevor could tell that Sergio was wowed by his beauty and he couldn’t help but blush as he approached his fiancé. Reaching him, he raised his face and stared into Sergio’s, blushing even more. And when Sergio smiled, his heart nearly jumped out of his chest.

“Wow, you look beautiful, Trev!” He said in a voice that he couldn’t even recognize.

“Thank you so much!” Trevor bit his lip, smiling seductively. “I did it for you. It’s all for you.”

He wrapped his arms around Sergio’s waist and caught his lips in a powerful kiss, a really surprising kiss, right in front of everyone. It was long, passionate, and sweet. By the time they were pulling away from each other, almost everyone was clapping and whistling. It felt like a dream but it was actually. Since Eric’s arrival, Trevor had never felt so close to Sergio before. Now he was sure that Sergio was meant to be his, forever.

“Aren’t you two sweet?” A woman commented, holding her chest. “You remind me of a love I always wished I could have when I was your age.”

Trevor blushed, coiling his arm with Sergio’s. Both of them looked so sweet.

“Well, that’s why I always say that Sergio and I were always meant to be.” He leaned on Sergio’s arm. “He makes me so happy and we can’t live without each other.”

“And you’ll always be happy together,” Kim commented as she came closer to them together with Giada, both of them smiling. “People travel miles and miles to find what you two have. May no one cast an evil eye on you two tonight!” She hugged them both.

“I think you two should create a youtube channel.” Another woman commented. “Like there’s just a lot of questions that I have to ask you.”

“All in good time, Mrs. Johns,” Giada said with a smile. “Let them get married first and then I promise that they’ll let their fans have what they’re asking for. But tonight, it’s about this anniversary and the two of them.”

They all laughed because they were very happy. Nothing could go wrong. The Alvarados and the Sandovals looked good together and their bond felt stronger than before. Trevor had his hands on Sergio the whole time as they talked with the people there that congratulated them.

Everything was going just fine when suddenly everyone heard a bit of noise behind. It was like everyone was trying to see what was going on. Sergio slowly turned to see what was going on but he couldn’t see anything because cameramen had formed like a circle around and all he could hear were cameras shuttering.

Everyone was wondering what was going on. They were all staring in one spot, wondering what the hell was going on. But then, the cameramen moved and they all saw what was going on, a really beautiful angel stood there, smiling and waving at people. He was looking so beautiful that he instantly took the hearts of many in that room.

He was dressed in a beautiful, sexy looking white shirt that was see-through from the belly button downwards and it was tucked in an expensive-looking skinny trouser that showed his curves. On his feet were black and white designer’s shoes and they were the most beautiful shoes they’d ever seen.

He had what looked like a blazer but it wasn’t a blazer. It had like a knee-length tail behind and it was all see-through. It looked amazing on him and he looked classy and sexy. He had his hair in voluminous curls and that smile on his face was captivating.

Seeing him, Sergio’s heart began racing and without even realizing it, a smile popped up his face. He was instantly excited because that was a surprise. He hadn’t expected Eric to come to his party and of course, not looking as sexy as he was.

A scowl appeared on Giada’s face and her fists clenched. She swallowed down her frustration as a fresh swell of rage rose in her like a tide. But at the same time, she was scared because she knew what he’d done the last time they had encountered.

Sergio gulped as he uncoiled his arms from Trevor’s, adjusting the button on his jacket to make himself look more presentable. Trevor’s heart broke by that act alone. He began staring at Sergio as he’d just grown another head, tears welling up in his eyes. Adrianna saw what Sergio had done and she held in her laugh. Both Giada and Kim saw it too.

“What the hell is that boy doing here?” Kim muttered, clenching her fists. “I’ll show him his place today, I swear.”

She started rushing towards him and stood right in front of him. She was staring angrily into his face and was about to open her mouth but…

“You’re finally here!” Adrianna rushed to him and hugged him tightly. Then she placed a kiss on his cheek. “I have been waiting for you for so long, Eric!”

Kim retracted. She just started staring at him angrily.

“Mom, I invited Eric here.” She said, coiling his arm with his. “He’s my date tonight. And I think he looks amazing, don’t you think?”

Kim rolled her eyes, taking a sigh.

Eric leaned forward and pecked both her cheeks, smiling brightly at her.

“Mrs. Alvarado, thank you so much for inviting me to such a wonderful event. I am honored.”

Kim gave a fake smile. “You’re welcome. After all, who wouldn’t love an opportunity like this?” She didn’t wanna cause a scene and ruin her party. “But just remember that you’re a guest here and I expect you to act like one.”

Eric chuckled nervously. “Kim, you’re just too nice. Thank you! Shall we?” He coiled his arm with Adrianna’s and the both of them started walking towards where Sergio and the rest of Giada’s gang stood.

When he reached there, Giada rolled her eyes angrily, crossing her arms on her chest. That was the height of it. Sergio walked slowly towards Eric, smiling brightly at him. Trevor felt like he’d just been humiliated again. Everyone was watching them.

“You look beautiful!” He muttered, almost blushing. “And thank you for coming here. I am really happy.”

“You look good too, Sergio!” His eyes lit up, almost cutting through Sergio’s very soul. “And I would love to congratulate you on your success. It’s been a long way.”

“Well, not really!” Sergio chuckled nervously. “I just took over almost five years ago. My parents are the ones that made it this successful.”

They both laughed, just staring at each other like there was no one there. Trevor’s heart was only a few seconds away from ripping to shreds. His eyes burned with anger, rage, and hatred. He wasn’t gonna let Eric steal his moment again. No!

Trevor quickly rushed to Sergio and coiled his arm tightly, bringing him closer. Then he chuckled teasingly, giving a warning to Eric with his eyes. Eric didn’t miss that warning and he just laughed it out.

“Well, looks like your date thinks you’re abandoning him.” He said softly. “And I don’t wanna leave my beautiful date alone.” He looked at Adrianna and smiled. “Shall we, my beautiful one?”

“Sure!” Adrianna nodded. “I would like to introduce a few people who’ve been dying to meet you.”

The two left talking and smiling brightly. Sergio’s mind was taken by Eric. Although he was with Trevor at that very time, his mind and heart were with Eric. He kept glancing in his direction, getting jealous when he saw men looking lecherously at him. He just wanted to go and hold him tightly and tell them that Eric was his but he couldn’t.

“Bae?” Trevor said in between clenched teeth, raising his brow.

Sergio smiled sheepishly, looking at Trevor but that didn’t stop him from glancing in Eric’s direction. God, the way Eric was smiling at the people he was talking to, Sergio just wished that was him in front of the boy, looking into his eyes. He got so jealous that he started losing concentration.


“Nice meeting you too!” Eric said, putting his hands together. “Excuse me for just a bit!”

He started heading to the restroom with a smile on his face, greeting people on the way. He had almost reached the door to the restroom when suddenly, he felt someone hold his hand. He quickly turned and got the greatest shock of his life.

He felt a flicker of irritation and he quickly withdrew his hand. His breaths quickened and he lost the smile on his face, staring at the man that had tears in his eyes, one of the men that he hated the most in the world, his father.

“Eric, my son…”

“Don’t call me that!” Eric spouted, shaking his head. “Don’t you dare call me that? I am not your son.”

“Eric, please… hear me out.” Brice pleaded, getting closer but his son only got further away from him. “I know that you hate me for all the things that have happened to you and your mother. And I know I am the one to be…”

“You’re the one to be blamed?” Eric’s voice slightly rose. “You’re the one to be blamed? Of course, you’re the cause of all our pain.”

“My son…”

“Don’t call me that!”

“I am still your father.”

Eric chuckled bitterly, fighting his tears. “Let me see,” He raised his chin, acting like he was thinking of something. “Some years back I found out that someone that I loved so much, someone that I trusted and called my hero was nothing but a fraud. He lured my mother into a trap and used her love against her.” He gave a half shrug. “Obviously, I have to be okay. Isn’t it how I should be?”


“You lost the privilege of calling me your son years ago when I found out the truth about you. To me, I have no father and whatever he was in the past to me, it was all burnt in the fire that he had set for me.”

“Son, please!” Brice put his hands together. “I know I had hurt you and I have realized my mistakes. Believe me, for the last five years, I have spent most of my time looking for you. I had even hired a private investigator.”

“For what?” He grimaced. “What were you looking me for?”

“To mend my ways and to…” He paused and took Eric’s hand, rubbing it sweetly. “…make up for all those years and the pain that I had caused you. Believe me, there’s nothing I regret more than not giving you the love you deserved.”

Eric took in a deep, harsh breath, withdrawing his hand angrily.

“Don’t touch me, Mr. Sandoval!” He said hoarsely. “We’re in public and there are people around us. They know exactly who you are. You’re a prestigious and powerful family.” He gave an evil grin. “You don’t want your illegitimate son to ruin your reputation or your perfect family. Go to them and be with them.”

Brice felt a tear go down his cheek and he didn’t even rub it.

“But it’s still not complete.” Brice sighed gloomily. “There’s still a big part missing in my life, you! I understand your pain and…”

“No!” Eric snarled, tears welling in his eyes. “No, Mr. Sandoval, you don’t understand pain. You will never understand what I was going through. Do you know the pain of struggling each day knowing you could have a better life if your father decided to support you? Do you know the pain of losing a father while he is still alive? Do you know the pain of seeing your mother suffer just make sure you have a comfortable life?”

Brice lowered his head as a sharp pain passed through his body like a powerful wave. He groaned softly, more tears making their way down his cheeks. He didn’t know how to answer that question and he couldn’t look at his son anymore.

“No, Mr. Sandoval, because the only thing you know how to do is cause pain.” He huffed, raising his finger. “You’re an expert at that and you deserve an award. Your son died many, many years ago. The person you see now is different and he has no father.”

“Eric, I know that you’re now different and I am the happiest person for you,” Brice said softly. “You were able to achieve what I couldn’t help you achieve. I should have supported you and that’s my fault.”

“No, I didn’t need and I don’t need it now.” He wanted to go away but he turned and faced his father. “I should thank your wife for the final blow that finally made me flee this city like a lost dog.”

Brice quickly rubbed his tears, a frown appearing on his face. “Giada? What are you talking about?”

Eric chuckled bitterly. “Oh, she didn’t tell you. Why am I not surprised?” He laughed, getting closer. “She’s the reason why I fled this city. She’s the reason why I almost thought of taking my life and she’s the reason why I almost lost my mother.”

“But Giada…”

“I don’t have time for this.” He dismissed. “Maybe you should go and beg for forgiveness at the church. God might just forgive you but as for me, forget about it. And don’t ever show your face to me, Brice!”

He furiously turned and rushed into the restroom, leaving Brice standing there like a statue. Brice just wanted to break down and just cry. But he couldn’t afford to mess up and create a scene at the party. He slowly rubbed his tears and walked away. Maybe Eric needed some time to heal. He was gonna talk to him again. He wasn’t gonna give up.


“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to this wonderful event.” The master of ceremony, a tall dark man spoke with a smile.

Everyone started clapping happily. The stage was set up beautifully with many decors and beautiful flowers. There was a huge banner hanging on top with golden words, ‘Alvarado Jewelers 30th anniversary’ printed on it.

There was a huge screen behind which showed their products and there were a lot of beautiful paintings that showed off diamond necklaces, rings, and other pieces of jewelry that they were specialized in. Everyone was happy to be a party of it.

“And before we begin, I would love to invite our company’s president, Mr. Sergio Alvarado to come and say a few things.”

Everyone started clapping as Sergio made his way to the stage with a smile that seduced everyone in that vicinity. He took the microphone and watched as all eyes got fixed on him. He somehow got nervous.

“Thank you so much!” He hollered. “When I took over the company from my mother five years ago, I never actually thought that in five years, this company would rise so much. I thought I was too young, too naïve and too playful.” He laughed together with everyone.

Then his face got stern. “But as they say, no one can reach their destination alone. This company is successful and is today celebrating its 30th anniversary because of support from everyone in here and not in attendance.” They all cheered. “Today I am standing here as one of the youngest most successful businessmen because of my family and their support.

But most of all, I would love to thank someone that has changed me, someone, that is very close to my heart. Without him, I wouldn’t have probably turned into the man that I am today, sensible and mature.”

Trevor blushed where he stood and he started acting like a bride on her nuptial night. He rubbed his temple as his smile grew even bigger. Giada, squeezed his shoulder, giving him the thumbs up.

“When I met him, I was just a playful boy, so young and so careless. But his love changed my way of thinking and gave me a new direction. Although I had messed up at some point, I became a better man, a better business man, and a better person. This person has contributed a lot to the growth of this company indirectly and I love him so much.”

The whole place went lit with cheers, whistles, and claps. That had been amazing and emotional too. Everyone kept on staring at Trevor but the only one in that room who knew what was going on was Adrianna. There was no way Sergio was talking about Trevor.

“And finally, I would love to thank my second family, all the employees of Alvarado jewelers. You guys are amazing and without you, there wouldn’t be this company. Thank you!”

Everyone clapped as Sergio gave the microphone to the MC and stood by his side.

“Thank you so much and now for the special announcement.” The MC said, gesturing to the security people.

At that same time, the stage opened up, and out emerged a really beautiful diamond necklace that caught the attention of everyone in that room. They all gasped, holding their chests while their eyes almost popped out of their sockets as they stared at the elegant beauty that had just emerged. It was in a glass but the beauty couldn’t be masked.

‘Wow, it’s beautiful!’

‘I want it!’

“Ladies and gentlemen, this beautiful diamond necklace that you’ve just seen was made by Mr. Sergio Alvarado himself just for this special event. And for the first time, we’re going to have an auction right here.

This fine piece of jewelry you see is not only beautiful but it’s also very rare and very expensive. But tonight, you’re gonna be the ones to decide the price at which it will be sold at. The necklace will only be sold to the highest bidder and all the money we’re gonna raise in this auction is gonna go to charity”

Everyone was cheering again, their hearts racing.

“But that’s not the most interesting part.” The MC announced, making the hearts of everyone to race. “Mr. Sergio Alvarado himself has agreed to go on a date tonight with the highest bidder.”

The whole room suddenly went crazy with cheers. Many people in there knew exactly what that meant. A date with Sergio Alvarado was gonna be a dream come true. They were all so happy.

Meanwhile, Trevor who had been smiling suddenly lost the smile on his face. Irritation pricked at him while he stared at all those lecherous faces in there, eye fucking his husband to be. He balled his fists, his breaths quickening. His anger spread through him. He hadn’t known about that and he wasn’t gonna allow it. He glanced at Kim and she just shrugged, smiling at him.

“Bidding will start at 25, 000 dollars!”

“25 000 dollars!” A woman with red hair hollered, getting up from her feet. She had her eyes all over Sergio and she was probably dreaming of fucking him.

“50 000 dollars!” Trevor hollered, chuckling to himself. There was no way he was gonna allow Sergio to go on date with someone else. Never!

“Whoa! Looks like his husband to be is not giving up easily!” The MC chuckled. “50 000 dollars going once…”

“65 000 dollars,” The same woman announced.

Trev grimaced, giving her angry eyes. ‘Bitch!’ He said under his breath.

“100 000 dollars!” He shouted.

“250 000 dollars!” A man who looked to be in his 50s shouted.

“Wow!” The MC announced. “This is getting interesting. 250 000 going once, twice…”

‘500 000 dollars!” Trevor shouted, shaking his head.

“Wow! If you want this jewelry and this man, you’ve got to go higher than that because his love won’t leave him.”

“750 000!” Another woman hollered.

“1 million!” Trev wasn’t gonna give up.

“1 million going once, twice…”

“5 million dollars!” Came a voice.

Everyone gasped, taking a long look at the man that had just said that. Trev felt his heart pound painfully when he saw Eric standing there, smiling brightly. His resentment grew inside him like a tumor. His edge of irritation had returned.

Giada fought the chaos of her rage and Kim was a ball of pure anger. Everyone else was just smiling.

“Wow! The highest bid yet and it came from none other than our fashion god!” The MC announced.

Sergio felt his heart race with joy and he couldn’t help but smile. That day just kept on getting better and better. He started praying for a date with Eric and he prayed to the heavens to help Eric win. Not even in his wildest nightmares had he thought Eric would do that.

“Going once….”


“15 million!” Eric announced before Trev could even finish his sentence.

Trev felt a vortex of anger swell inside of him and he looked at Eric angrily. Both their eyes met and he felt like rushing there and killing him with his bare hands. Eric had a mocking smile on his face.

“This bitch!” Trev groaned, glancing at his mother. “I won’t allow him to win this night. He won’t ruin my perfect night!”

“So going once…”

“16 million!” Trev hollered, smiling in mock at Eric.

“20 million….”

“23 million!” Trev chuckled, making everyone gasp. That was a little too much even for that necklace.

Trev knew he’d won when he looked at Eric and saw that defeated look on his face.

“Going once, twice, thr…”

“70 million!”

Trev gasped, losing the smile on his face. He looked at Giada and the woman just stared back at him. He was so scared and he started staring at Eric like he wanted to murder him right there. He looked at Sergio and saw the guy with a smile, staring at Eric like he wanted to devour him.

“70 million dollars. Going once, twice…. Sold!”

Everyone started clapping loudly except for Kim and Giada and her son. They were staring at Eric while he just smiled brightly. How rich was this boy was the only question going through everyone’s mind? Trev felt tears build in his eyes and he frowned, his fists trembling uncontrollably.

“Yeah!” Adrianna shouted. “You the boss, Eric! You’re the man!”

“Wow! That was quite a race, wasn’t it?” The MC gasped. “Who would have thought that we’d reach as far as 70 million? The charity organizations are going to appreciate and help me welcome Mr. Hernandez to the stage with a round of applause.”

Everyone started cheering.

Eric gracefully walked to the stage, glancing at the man that was smiling brightly at him. He embraced with the Mc before he stood with Sergio who looked at him with eyes of love. And it was not only Eric who saw the way Sergio was staring at him. Even Kim and Giada saw it too. Trevor wanted to cry but he felt a hand rubbing on his shoulder. It was Kim.

“Wow! Mr. Hernandez, I don’t even know what to say to you!” The Mc gasped. “That’s quite a lot of money you’ve spent today. Would you like to say something?”

Eric got the microphone from the MC and smiled. Everyone just went crazy.

“Well, thank you very much. I don’t mind spending so much because it is a very beautiful piece of art. I know that diamonds are a girl’s best friend and I was willing to spend any amount to get this beautiful piece of art for a woman who has always been with me through tough times, my mother. But aside from that, I am ready to spend my money on my obsession.”

He tilted his head and glanced at Sergio who was staring at him. Trevor couldn’t help it. A tear went down his cheek and he quickly rubbed it. His night had once again been ruined but he wasn’t gonna give up that easily.

“And that is charity.” Eric continued, smiling at the crowd. “I am ready to do anything to see that children are in school and well-fed and I know that 70 million is gonna help them a lot. Thank you so much!”

Everyone started clapping, shouting that they loved him so much. He went and stood beside Sergio, coiling his arm sweetly with his. Sergio felt like he’d just been connected to a powerful cable of electricity. Their eyes locked for a moment and the both of them blushed.

Eric waved at the people and the two of them went from the stage, greeting the people that congratulated Eric for winning the bid. Some of the people even went to the extent of telling them that they looked good together, which killed Trevor. He was only seconds away from crying.

Kim couldn’t take it. She furiously went to the two of them and pulled her son away slowly, smiling at the people that watched. She didn’t want to create a scene and possibly a scandal. She chuckled nervously, staring at Eric.

“May I have a word with you?” She asked, still wearing a smile. “In private?”

“Sure!” Eric nodded.

He followed her away from everyone and found her waiting for him with a frown on her face. When he reached there, she just kept on staring at him without saying a word. He knew she was mad because of what he’d done but he didn’t simply care.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Kim barked, lifting her hands. “I tolerated you coming here uninvited but I won’t tolerate you flirting with my son while his fiancé is watching. What did I tell you when I came to your office the other day?”

“What are you talking about?” Eric gave a half shrug. “I am not flirting with Sergio. I just liked the necklace and was ready to get it at any cost. I would have still bought it whether it came with Sergio or not. You’re a business woman so you know what I am talking about.”

“Cut the crap!” Kim snapped, jutting her hip. “If you think I am allowing you to go on a date with my son then you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Who says I wanna go on a date with him?” Eric asked, giving a mocking smile. “I am not interested in the date. Whatever I said is the truth. All I wanted to do was help out and…”

“And who said we needed your help?” She yelled. “We were doing fine.”

“Well, Kim, I didn’t say I was trying to help you.” He slightly raised his voice. “I was just trying to help the children that this money is gonna go to. And if you think….”

“Then get the fuck out of here!” She gestured, breathing like a predator. “You’ve done what you wanted to do here so get out. Leave us to enjoy the rest of the night in peace. This is very important for me and we do not need….”

“Gosh! I got you!” Eric raised his hands like he was surrendering. “You don’t have to act like an insecure wife. Sergio is your son and not your husband. He knows what he wants.”

He shook his head in frustration and quickly turned, leaving Kim stunned and looking mad. She couldn’t believe he had just said that to her. But she didn’t have time to be mad. She had a party to finish.

“Eric!” Adrianna gasped when she saw him. She had a frown on her face. “What did mom say to you?”

“We were just talking.” He lied, still wearing his smile. “And I have to leave. I have already done what I probably came to do here. Enjoy the rest of the night.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

He started leaving but Adrianna gripped his arm and held it tighter. She felt terrible.

“But what about your date with Sergio? Don’t you think….”

“No, Adrianna!” He chuckled softly. “He’s got Trevor with him. Besides, it wasn’t really about the date. It was about charity and I am content with that. Thanks for your invitation. I had a great time.”

Eric left as quickly as he could. Adrianna stood there, just watching as he left the premises. She was sure that her mother had said something to him that made him leave like that. She didn’t appreciate it one bit and her mood was ruined.

Adrianna felt a hand on her shoulder. She quickly turned and found Sergio looking at her with a sexy smile.

“Hey! What are you doing here? The party is over there?” He gestured. “Let’s go. I think you owe me a dance.”

Adrianna’s mouth shook. “He left!”

Sergio giggled. “What are you talking about? Who left?”

“Eric!” muttered. “I don’t know what mom said to him that made him leave.”

“What?” He gasped, his smile starting to fade. “Eric left. When?”

“A minute ago!”

Sergio took a deep breath and started rushing outside but before he even went further, he heard Kimberly’s voice.

“And where do you think you’re going?”

He quickly turned and found Kim coming towards him together with Trevor and Giada. They were all looking mad.

“Mom!” He sighed in frustration. “What did you say to him? What did you tell Eric that made him leave?”

Kim chuckled bitterly. “Nothing that wasn’t true. He doesn’t belong here. No one wanted him here. He was just a trespasser and he took it like a man and left.”

“Mom, how could you?” He furiously rushed to her, totally losing his temper. “When did you turn into this woman?”

“The day I found out that that bitch has been chasing after you like a dog in heat knowing fully well that you’re as good as a married man!” She yelled, stamping her foot on the floor. “Look at you. You have your fiancé with you and he didn’t even care about that. He shamelessly came here, dressed like a whore simply to come and seduce you. I can never allow that.”

“Well, you’re wrong!” Sergio was seething. He was mad at his mother. “Eric is not chasing after me. If you wanna blame someone then blame me. I am the one chasing after him.”

Kim felt like she’d just been hit by lightning when her son said that. Trevor couldn’t hold himself anymore. Tears flooded his face and he began sobbing. It was the most painful thing he’d heard from Sergio.

With a slight nod, Sergio stormed out of there and went running after Eric.

“Sergio!” Kim screamed at the top of her voice. “Come back here, Sergio!”

But he was gone. Trevor couldn’t take it anymore. He ran away from there, covering his mouth while he cried like a baby. Giada went after him and Kimberly just remained standing there, asking herself what the hell had just happened.

“When did I lose my son?” She muttered. “When did he start acting like that?”

“The question should be, when will you lose your son, mommy?” Adrianna said hoarsely. “What you’re doing is only driving him further away from you. And if you still care…”

“Shut up!” Kim barked, stamping her foot angrily. “Shut the fuck up and I don’t wanna hear another word from that stupid mouth of yours.”

“It’s fine!” Adrianna angrily dropped her hands. “You don’t have to worry about that because I am done. Enjoy the party all alone!”

She furiously turned and left the party. Kim remained standing there and she didn’t even realize she had tears in her eyes. And no matter how much she suppressed them, they still came flowing. She rubbed them slowly, balling her fist.

“You’ll pay for these tears, Eric!” She vowed. “You’ll pay!”


Trevor slowly opened the door to his mansion and he started heading in slowly, walking like he was in so much. There were tears on his face and he felt like someone had placed him in the middle of a fire. His skin was melting away.

He could remember the way Sergio had been staring at Eric, the way he had gone after him. He had dressed up the way he did for him but now, everything was ruined. Trevor hugged himself as cold passed through him, bringing a pain that sheeted through him with a terrible intensity.

“No!” Trevor yelled, his angry voice filling the entire house. “No! You can’t do this to me.”

He started throwing away everything in his way, cushions, vessels, anything that he could get his hands on. But it wasn’t helping him. It even worsened the situation for him. He took up a cushion and ripped it to pieces, throwing it away. He was acting insane and so loud that the maids couldn’t help but watch from afar.

Giada came running inside with tears in her eyes. She dropped her bag to the floor and quickly held her son. But he wouldn’t calm down. He started retaliating but Giada held him even tighter, rubbing on his back.

“It’s okay, sweetie! I am right here. Mommy is here.”

“It was supposed to be my night, our night!” Trev cried. Pain felt like a sharp-toothed creature eating him from the inside. “It hurts, mommy. It was supposed to be my night but he ruined it for me. That bitch ruined everything and he knows that I love Sergio so much.”

“Baby, you don’t have to cry.” She soothed. “You haven’t lost anything. We’ll be victorious, trust me. I have a plan.”

Trevor raised his face and looked into his mother’s eyes. He stood crying and just stared at her.

“What are you saying?”

“You don’t have to shed tears, my baby.” She tried to smile but it failed terribly. “Mommy will always have your back. You’ll be married to him, I swear on my life. Trust me. I have got it all figured out.”

Trev cried even more and held Giada tightly. She kissed his head and held him tightly.

Meanwhile, Brice had been standing, watching as his son cried. He had tears in his eyes but he couldn’t do anything. He started heading towards the staircase but Giada spotted him.

“I hope you’re happy now, Brice!” Giada said harshly. “Your illegitimate son just ruined my son’s night. And what were you saying the other day, he would never do that. You saw it, didn’t you? That bitch….”

“Giada, please!” Brice muttered. “All of us have had quite a rough night.”

“All of us?” Giada raged, furiously getting up and rushing to her husband. “All of us? You’re the cause of what my son just went through tonight, you and that bastard son of yours. He insulted my son and yet you just stood there like a stone watching the whole thing.”

“Giada, please, just take care of our son. He doesn’t need this.”

“He doesn’t need this?” Giada barked, hitting her husband on the chest. “Yes, you’re right about one thing. He doesn’t deserve what that bastard son of yours…”

“And what did Eric do that you’re accusing him of this?” Brice snapped. “What the hell are you talking about? Eric never did anything wrong tonight. He bought a necklace and I never saw him go on a date with Sergio.”

“Really?” Giada chuckled bitterly. “You’re the only one that is blind here. Your son knows nothing but to cause pain to this family, especially my son. He is crying because of him.”

“Don’t point a finger when you’re not so innocent, Giada.”

“What?” She gasped.

“Yes! What did you do to Eric five years that made him flee this city?” Brice asked harshly. “Why are you the only complaining that he is hurting you and Trevor? Why does he hate you so much?”

Giada felt a cold shiver enter her and her eyes darted from left to right. Adrenalin pumped through her body and she felt her heart pound violently in her chest.

“W-w-what are you talking about?”

“Let me tell you something Giada, I know I made a mistake and I don’t like seeing Trevor suffer. What happened to him was not okay tonight but listen to me carefully…” He warned, raising his finger at her. Sweat broke off Giada’s forehead. She was scared. “…Eric is my flesh and blood whether illegitimate or not. I love him as much as I love Trevor. I shouldn’t find out that you had hurt my son five years ago.”

Giada felt numb. She was panicking.

“Brice, are you accusing me of hurting him? I am your wife.”

“Go and tend to our son.” Brice seethed, furiously dropping his arms. “I don’t wanna discuss this.”

He rushed upstairs, leaving Giada standing there in fear. God! Why was everything getting worse, Giada thought as she rubbed the sweat off her forehead? And how did he know about this? She felt sucked and she had thought he was gonna confront her.

‘Oh my God,’ She thought. ‘How the hell did he find out about five years ago and what had happened to Eric? Could Eric have told him? No! Eric hates him as much as he hates me. He couldn’t have told him. Whatever happens, I will not let Brice find out the truth because, with the way he talks about Eric these days, he might leave me.

And even at that, I have to do something that will permanently make him see Eric like a bad son again. With the way things are going, he might wake up one day and decide to give Eric part of his wealth. I cannot allow that to happen. I have to do something.’

Giada took a deep breath, trying to look okay. She went back to her son to soothe him.


The car door opened and Eric got out. He was looking down. His mood was off and he had no idea why. His conversation with Kimberly had probably caused it all. The woman hated him a lot and he wasn’t supposed to care. So why was he down like that?

He started heading towards the entrance of his house but suddenly, someone started knocking abruptly on his gate and he stopped and his mind went to the gate. He watched as the guard opened the gate and got a shocking surprise when he saw Sergio running inside like a mad person, heading towards him.

He frowned. “Sergio?” He gasped. “What are you doing here?”

Sergio took a deep breath, leaning on his knees. He was just so tired.

“I am sorry.” He apologized. “I had no idea that my mother would act that way. Please, forgive me.”

Eric chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “Is that why you came here? You shouldn’t have left the party just to come here. What will the guests say?’

Sergio shook his head. “I don’t care about them, Eric.”

“You should.” Eric was still surprised. But there was something about Sergio’s presence that got him excited. “I am okay. Your mother just wanted to talk. That’s all. The reason why I left is that I didn’t have anything to do anymore there. It was your family time and I had to leave.”

Sergio chuckled nervously. “I know my mother and…”

“Sergio I am fine. Please, go back to the party. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”

Eric turned to leave but Sergio’s hands were fast to grab his hand and pull him back. He was about to say something but the next thing he felt were Sergio’s lips smashing on his. It was a great surprise and he was shocked. Maybe time stopped when Sergio’s lips met his, but the sensations he felt only intensified. Eric’s heart pounded in his chest as his knees got weaker. He wanted to pull away but he couldn’t.

Sergio on the other hand hadn’t expected to kiss Eric but God, his lips felt so amazing. His whole body tingled, the feel of Eric’s body so close to him felt nearly forbidden and like an imagination. He claimed his mouth, hungry and intense, sucking on those soft lips that he’d missed so much. God, how could something be so sweet, Sergio thought as his lips danced on Eric’s, moaning softly.

Then after what felt like hours, Eric quickly put his hands on Sergio’s chest, slightly pushing him away. But that didn’t stop the kiss but it slowed down, becoming tender and infinitely more. It was like they were getting to know each other on an intimate level. Eric was breathless and dazed, unprepared for all that. But his body ached for more of Sergio. He couldn’t resist.

Just as quick as the kiss had started, Sergio pulled away. And when he stared into Eric’s eyes, he felt nervous, scared, and happy at the same time. A lot of questions ran through his head and he had no idea the answers from Eric’s eyes. Did he like the kiss? Did Sergio cross his limit? Was Eric gonna slap him? But none of that happened. The two of them just stared at each other, breathing heavily.

“I… I am so sorry.” Sergio apologized. “I… I… I don’t know what came over me. Fuck!”

He quickly turned and raced out of there.

Eric just watched as the man fled like the hounds of hell were after him. He slowly moved his fingers to his lips, rubbing on them. Suddenly, quiet contentment spread through him and his joy unfolded like a flower, elevating his mood. He didn’t even realize he was smiling. But all that was playing at the back of his mind was the kiss.

What had just happened?


Kimberly was moving angrily from side to side with her fists clenched. She was breathing harshly, feeling the need to smash something. She was angrily glancing towards the entrance from time to time, hoping her son would just pop in. How could he have done this to her? He had ruined everything.

Adrianna was seated on the staircase, watching her venting mother. She brushed her palms together, praying in her heart that Sergio wouldn’t return any time soon. Fuck! Sergio, where was he, she thought as she got nervous?

Kim groaned and that was when she saw him, making his way into the house with a smile on his face. He looked like a man who had just come from having the greatest sex of his life, which made Kim feel a flicker of irritation. Anger thrummed through her veins and she shook from the very intensity of it.

Sergio on the other hand was paralyzed with happiness as the image of the kiss he had shared with Eric a few minutes back played at the back of his mind. He was smiling at himself and felt like his feet barely touched the ground. God, after so long, he finally kissed those lips again, sweeter than ever. He wasn’t worried about their next encounter although he knew that he had probably messed up.

“I feel…”

Sergio trailed off when he saw his mother standing in front of him, giving him her look of resentment. He knew it very well, those harsh breaths that could burn you if you were near… the killer eyes she was giving him and the nose flare of total anger. He started losing the smile on his face, feeling his heart pound in his chest.


She held up her hand, gesturing for him to keep quiet.

“You’re back? Why are you back?” She gesticulated. “Why didn’t you just sleep there as well? You might as well park your bags and leave this house. Go and stay with that whore! Go and fuck each other until you’re tired.”

“Mommy?” He was shocked. He’d never heard his mother use such language before. “Why are you talking like this? I know I left the party unfinished but it’s not Eric’s fault. I was the one that followed him. I wanted to apologize to him and…”

“I have tried talking to that boy but he paid a deaf ear.” She seethed. “I tried with you but it seems you’re too blind to see that that boy is using charms on you. When did you suddenly become this irresponsible man? This is not my son standing here because my son would have listened to me.”

“Mommy, try and understand…”

“You left the party and your fiancé, the boy that loves you and went after…” She grimaced. She didn’t even know what to call Eric. “….that that thing.”

“Mommy, Eric, and Sergio are just friends,” Adrianna said as she got up. “You’re making a big…”

“You shut up!” She warned. “Shut the hell up or you won’t like what I’ll do to you.”

Then she looked at her son.

“I simply don’t know when my foolish son became this whore of a man!” She snapped, surprising her children. “I have talked to you severally but you seem to be having trouble listening. You’ve been doing whatever you want but you listen to me…” She warned, pointing right in his face. “…get prepared to get married to Trevor…”


“I didn’t finish!” She yelled. “You need to start getting ready because the wedding is no longer in 15 days.” She paused and watched as he remained like a statue. “You’re getting married to Trevor in the next 5 days.”

Sergio felt like a cold wind went right through him. He felt like his heart stopped beating… he couldn’t breathe or do anything. He just stared at his mother, his eyes getting wider and his jaw almost dropping. His skin tingled and muscles became rigid. He was a statue.

‘You’re getting married to Trevor in the next 5 days!’ Kim’s voice echoed in his head.

“What?” He gasped in a shaky voice. He was scared. “What are you saying, mommy? Why would you change the date to my wedding and…”

“Get used to it!” Kim said hoarsely. “I thought I could reason with you but it looks like you’re not thinking straight. So if I were you, I would start preparing for my upcoming wedding.”

“But mom, why would you do this to him?” Adrianna rushed to where the two stood. “Marriage isn’t a joke and you should have asked him first.”

“He’s my son and I can make decisions for him since he seems to be thinking with his dick!” She yelled at a startled looking Sergio. “So he better start preparing for his wedding. I have already sent word to the media and they’re gonna publish it in the newspaper tomorrow.”

She moved closer to her son, pointing angrily at him. “And don’t you dare mess this up, Sergio, because you’ll regret having me as a mother.”

She quickly turned and left. Adrianna held on to her brother’s arm, resting her head on his arm. She felt terrible and couldn’t help but shed a tear. Everything was going so very wrong.

‘You’re getting married in the next five days.’

Sergio felt like he was dreaming. Was this it?

To be continued….

Copyright © 2020 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Bravo for Eric, Brice and Sergio are fighting for their independence from the manipulating mothers and Travis; the triad. That leaves Giada, Travis, and Kim in full panic. It’s hard not to feel bad for Sergio despite him toying with Eric before. It appears Sergio has truly grown since that misguided game of emotional destruction of 5 years ago.

Now the turning point nears, as the clock has been set to a five day count down. It seems Eric is willing to trust Sergio ago, but will Sergio exert his independence from the triad of Giada, Kim, and Travis. Brice will hit a big decision point soon, but the reality check will be finding Giada and Travis needing to beg forgiveness for too much; forgiveness may be years in the making. Likewise, Brice may first need to prove himself to Laurel, and then he may have a chance at reconciliation with Eric.

What a wicked web of hate, and deceit. 

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These mothers are incredibly busy in their son’s lives! Go Eric! Great chapter! Thank you. 

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...You know I understand respecting your parents but I also know respect must be earned. In the “witch” department Kim could give Giada a run for her money on a good day and if I were Sergio I’d be tempted to tell her she could go choke on a few of their precious diamonds. Ugh, he needs to grow a spine where mommy dearest is concerned. I especially don’t like the way she treats Adrianna but at least Adrianna won’t balk at telling her off even if it doesn’t do any good.

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