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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Clovers End - 12. Plastic Memories

Mama Rosario P.O.V

"The Clovers. They're here." Rachel responds. She readjusts her posture, tightening her stance, her eyes read fear but her body language echoes aggression. She's gearing for a fight, even though she's afraid. This is a woman, strong and powerful, willing to do anything to defend what's important to her, even though the ever impending possibility of defeat looms over us like a pregnant cloud, threatening to pelt us with it's icy spawn of ill preparation, she stands admirably firm. Everyone knows we're severely outmatched. Determination seems to be the commonality entrenched within us, pouring outwards in waves of sheer will power, clinging onto the hope that this alone will suffice.

The banging stops. Silence holds us, even the room itself refuses to speak, too fixated on the dead air left behind, keeping us on the edge of our toes, we wait apprehensively, nervously for the next indication of their movements.

"One More!" commands the voice of an unseen female. With a signal utterance, the door explodes in a flurry of splinters, leaving a jarred entrance, to which a slender female, wrapped in leather, ensembled by a moss green cape bearing the clovers sigil, enters .

"That's better. It really opens up the place." she smirks devilishly.

"The natural light really does something for these drab, dusty walls " she says as she walks over, running a gloved finger along caves craggily precipice. She's followed by probably a dozen aids.

"Men at ease." she orders as they file around her, coming to a halt.

"Alex. Get behind me." James whispers, instinctively pulling him close.

"Oh no. Please don't do that. I'm only here to talk." she says, almost sounding earnest.

"If you just wanted to talk, why are you bringing strange men into Mama Rosario's house?" I speak up in opposition.

"Don't mind them, although they're elite trained soldiers, they won't do anything unless I say so." she exclaims excitedly.

"So, y'all think you can come to Mama's house and intimidate us?" I ask.

"Precisely but I'd appreciate it if you shut your trap, you old coot. I'm here for him." she gestures in the direction of Alex which causes James to growl aggressively.

"It's okay." Alex whispers, gently peeling himself away from James's touch.

"Aaaw. Little Alex has come play, done hiding behind the abomination are we?" she snickers.

"I'm not in the mood for your fun and games. Who are you and what do you want?" Alex states.

"You don't remember me? I'm a little hurt. It looks like your boyfriend does though." she gestures to James whose face is locked in a grimace.

"I was there when you two met, when your parents died and I was at the children's home you lived in years after the ‘car accident’." she gestures quotation marks.

"The car accident?" Alex repeats.

"Oh yes. Your parents didn't just drive of that cliff when you were 6. We were in pursuit after years of trying to tail them. We were meant to retrieve both you and your mother but sadly one of our cars accidentally knocked yours of the road, sending it hurtling into a tree. You were unscathed but your parents." she chuckles "They were a little, how do I put this... messy."

"To make a long story short, the authorities got to you before we could." she seems to be titillated by his response. Alex shudder violently, he clenches his fist showing the whites of his knuckles. Hot tears begin to irregularly drip down his face.

"All those years of suffering. Endless days where I could do nothing but watch other people experience the love I was deprived off. I had to wait 12 years to even find out who they were and it was all because of you." his voice gets louder with each word that angrily spills of his lips.

"Guilty as charged." she relishes the moment "Now guards take him."

"Not if Mama have anything to say about it." I say, sending a cacophony of purple energy in their direction.

I yell behind me "Rachel take him and leave. There is a tunnel through there on the left that leads into the woods."

"Got it" she grabs his arm and drags him out. James lingers behind almost as if he's trying to offer help.

"You. Get out of here. Mama don't need no dead weight" I contest. He lifts his hand to protest but I abruptly shoo him off. Before he disappears behind me, I say calmly "Take care of him. Won't you?".

"I will Mama Rosario. You can count on me." He says solemnly.

"There's a good boy. Now go." I instruct as he vacates the premises.

I turn to face the immediate threat. She trembles fearfully. It looks like I knocked that smug look off her face. She looks at the fallen soldiers strewn around her.

"You don't look so hot deary." I exclaim cockily.

"How?" she bellows rearing her weapon at the ready.

"Are you a God descendant ?" she stammers. Her green cloak flaps aggressively in the manna coursed air.

"No. I'm his Grandmother. As my daughter in-law you should know that.” I smile knowingly, mentally apologizing to Alex. I don't know how much longer I could have kept this facade up. It just wasn't the right time. I didn’t think he would ever have answered my call either. He's a Good kid. Got a good heart too. I’m proud of how he turned out.

When my son and Diana left, I wished to still be a part of his life. He is my first and only grandchild afterall. I used to visit him in his dreams. I lived for those moments. This was early in his life and not often, just enough to make sure he was alright, wherever he was.

After his parents 'passed', it became too dangerous to contact him. I wished to protect him. As such, I cast a spell. I sealed those memories and everything related to our world too, altering the few that I could. With how things turned out, I wonder if he was better off not knowing. Was it really for his own good or my own?

Regardless, there she stands before me. The mother of my grandchild, wife to my son.

"Diana is dead!" she exclaims, visibly shaken.

"Even though we've both changed on more than just a physical level, I can still make out the remnants of her in your aura. You cannot hide who you are, who you were. Those tricks won’t work on me. What happened to you? I didn't think you'd ever join them." I respond angrily

"You know nothing about me." she retorts.

"Clearly not. I would like to know one thing. Is my son still alive?" I ask hopefully, fearing I already knew the answer.

"No." she states. My heart drops, needless to say I somewhat maintain my composure. Pain seems to flashes across her eyes and for a second she almost resembles her old self. Perhaps she can be reasoned with.

"You don't have to do this." I say.

"Shut up you old bitch. You don't know how much I have to. Not just for me but for the both of them." She roars.

"In that case, I forgive you. I'm sure Alex will too but I can't let you through. The road to your salvation is wrong. I cannot let you do this to yourself or them. This is not what Alatar would have wanted." I say, more at ease.

"Get out of my way!" she screams.

"So be it!" I exclaim. I won’t hold it against her. I can tell she’s been through much.

This is my last stand. I can feel every fiber of my being screaming. I'm too old for this shit. The best I can do is buy them some time. The purple aura pulses around my hands, gathering like moths to a flame. It rolls vibrantly, culminating in waves of untamed energy. I look to the exposed ceiling, the night sky flares dramatically. A single tear falls down this crooked face, dripping to the floor.

"I'm sorry Alatar," I shudder under my breath, "I wasn't strong enough to protect him. Please forgive me. At least I'll be able to join you in the afterlife. He may look and act like my memory of Diana but he still has the same clumsy willfulness as you" I smile peacefully, gathering all the courage I can muster.

"Evacuate!" someone calls.

"It's too late for that!" I say strongly, releasing the gathered energy in a violent, explosive blast. The walls protest, cracking along the seams. The entire mountain crumbles, caving inwards to produce a valley of dust. I close my eyes, embracing the light.

My sweet son. How I longed to see your face again.

Copyright © 2022 Wolffang; All Rights Reserved.
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