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Lie Your Butt Off

ethan thorn

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There was a knock at my door, I didnt answer but I got up to see who it was. 3 little girls maybe 13 14 years old with backpacks, either thier selling girlscout cookies or they just got out of school and looking for mischief. I wasnt intrested in either so waited for them to leave but watched one purposely leave a note on the ground. A min or two later I opened the door and read the note. It was a sheet of addition homework, but on the back in a shaky hand was written, "HELP my name is bobby and ive been kidnapped by the guy living at 1360 watwood rd." I was utterly shocked to see my own address there, this note was prepaired ahead of time, WHY. Haveing no clue who this Bobby person is or why I was being targeted by this practial joke, I dropped the note, closed the door and ran up the stairs to see if I could see the girls somewhere on the street doign something else. I couldnt see a thing but no more then a min passed when I heard a rattleing at the front of my house. They were trying to open my garage door! There was no lock on it but the garage door opener kept it firmly in place. I Knew I had to dissuade these girls befor they tried to break in another way... I threw on some shoes and ran out the back door, hopping the fence into my neighbors yard. After crossing his yard I came out the front on the far side of his house. I grabbed up a wood hatchet and started walking towards them. When they saw me they were scared, but tried to ack like they belonged there. "were just lookign for a friend, dont mind us". My simple reply "Sorry girls but if your lookign for Bobby your too late, weve already eaten him. He was quite tasty, but if you would like to come inside im sure we could fatten you up too." they were backing up as I said it, but they didnt break and run away screaming until I lifted up the hatchet. :pickaxe:




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It follows me. I cant tell who or what it is but it's following me and I can't help but run. Oh I trip and it looms over me with its jagged teeth and foul breath. "Do you Fear me?" it asks, before it ..... Save me or I will never be seen again


The ghost of Green

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I wish I couldnt lie as well as Aleric... but since you didnt like my story, screw you im outa here, since I have a life Im going back to it.









please leave your message at the mask, hell get back to you

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Please every one scream at me i love it.







And i did like you little story seems you have the abilty to write it was worht a good laugh. BTW how did bobby taste wish you would have saved some for me. :evil:

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