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  1. I read "50 g butter" as 50 gallons of butter and was like "ummmm that sure most be tasty then"
  2. Yes! Yes! Yes! He'd be naked since we wouldn't wanna get his clothes dirty, would we Yes! Yes!
  3. It's hard and you're not alone There are other people like this awesome guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95WenuM8-68&feature=feedu Hope you find tons of support and love here.
  4. Nothing more is needed.
  5. Be a girl and be his type.
  6. It has nudged it here and there .
  7. Yes, we are still together. I just thought it's more of a "about me" post. He'll have his own "about me" page where he'll discuss he's own GA profile. P.S. I always did find you a puzzle. A straight 70 year old man advising queerlings.
  8. The quiz said I was an Owl. So if the Animorphs apocalypse comes, I call dibs on Lacey! I said it first! So y'all are warned! Now Lacey, turn into a pretty spider, not an ugly one, umkay. Preferably a cute jumping spider.
  9. Hello, Here in the GA (yes, yes, the wonderful land for all people). I agree that the community is a wonderful group of individuals and that we should welcome all the new members. Although I haven't been on much these past months, I hope to make more frequent visits. For those of you who don't know me, it's your pleasure to meet me. *snickers* Fiiine. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Camilo (middle name) and I go by Cam or Camilo. I am gay (very much sure about that). I joined GA about 2 years ago when I was an immature 17 year old queerling. For the first three months I was obsessed with GA, I would log into the site every single day after school and go on GA chat. I posted tons of stuff (mostly in the games and humor forum, which do not count toward post counts - injustice-). Through that first year, I learned a lot about myself and had many conversations with wonderful people. From very crude sex lessons, to flirting texts, to exchanging music, and much more. Last year, I started college and transitioned into this wonderful place full of queer people. I have made tons of friends and have matured (that is correct). When I started my coming out process, I was unsure of what I was attracted to so I set my "sexuality" option thingy to bisexual. After many months in GA and many stories and conversations, I looked over that "sexuality" option and giggled (yeah, me, bisexual? *gikkles*). My point is, for many of us, this place is a great way to accept and realize things. So if anyone queerling or any queerlong (If queerling is for young people than maybe queerlong is for old people?) needs any advice or someone to talk to, hit me up!
  10. Well well, she finally shows herself. You know, 2 YEEAARS! and you never showed me a photo! 2 YEARS! I thought I was your favorite *goes and cries in a corner* Oh what's that I hear? You are moved and sadden by the injustice you've treated me with... and you want to make it all better. Why of course I accept your offering! Yes, yes, I'll accept that family photo of you with your cute children in return. By e-mail, you say? Okay Okay, I'll wait for it patiently
  11. The Fly! I watched it when I was a little kid and it scarred me! Can't even imagine watching it again.
  12. I take your question to be a gay story on the internet, so my response will be about gay stories I read on the internet. As for me, I like to read stories that make me happy. I tend to focus on romance between two male characters and for which the romance is the plot. Usually stories that are about other things like scifi and fantasy and mystery don't interest me (unless they're really really good). I continue reading a story past chapter one is the personality of the characters does not annoy me. Hey, I'm very picky! If I find a story that I like I won't stop reading it day and night until I finish it! Also, If I find a story but it's going in a direction that is gonna cause me unnecessary emotional pain and angst (that I've already experienced in another story) I stop! Like this one awesome story on GA that I really liked and then realized that the guy was gonna fall in love with his sister's longterm boyfriend. It was on GA and I just couldn't take it! I saw the pain of the sister and just knew it would be painful and eeeh. Anyhow, it's just the way I read gay stories online - they're like comfort food that you love to stuff yourself with.
  13. Conceited much? *rolls around laughing cuz he know it's true*
  14. Clearly not enough fun... hair isn't messy enough....
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