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Bound & Bound – the Curse and the Captives – - Story Statistics

  1. Bound & Bound – the Curse and the Captives – 4. Novels Long-Term Hold

    By AC Benus, in Fiction. 12/27/2014 (Updated: 07/28/2015)

    Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, General Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Historical
    Sub-genres: Suspense, Adventure, Comedy Modern, Drama, Non-Contemporary, Horror - Modern, General Romance, Light Mystery
    • mind control
    • sorcery
    • were-creatures
    • vampire
    • philosophy
    • love

    Emeric's life sucks; he's unhappy, drifting, lonely and sad. Things go from bad to crazy with the opening of a set of secrets that no one could have prepared him for. He quickly wonders whom he can trust, who is working for 'them,' and why this misfortune fell upon his shoulders in the first place. A twisting thread through history pulls him tighter and tighter, and eventually, either he or the binding may snap.

    • 41 Chapters
    • 156,175 Words
    • 1 Recommendation
    • Mature
  • Between and
  1. 40. Chapter 40: Denouement
    • 3,271 Words
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