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Make Whole Our Broken Souls - Story Statistics

  1. Make Whole Our Broken Souls Complete

    By bryan90, in Fiction. 03/30/2013 (Updated: 03/30/2013)

    Genres: General Fiction, Romance
    Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
    • teen
    • gay
    • rape
    • philosophy
    • love

    Perhaps the highest form of romance entails not of two complete individuals coming together, but of two who would be completely, utterly and unequivocally broken without the other. Shawn had everything everybody else wanted, but struggled to attain the one thing that would potentially make him happy. Sam wanted nothing of what everybody else wanted, and as such had struggled to resist the one thing that might make him happy. [Part of 'Tales of Love, Tales of Woe' short story collection]

    • 1 Chapters
    • 5,958 Words
    • Mature
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  1. 1. Chapter 1
    • 5,958 Words
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