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Scott- Making Amends - Story Statistics

  1. Scott- Making Amends TJ Long-Term Hold

    By JayT, in Fiction. 09/24/2017 (Updated: 09/24/2017)

    Genres: Comedy, General Fiction, Romance
    Sub-genres: Comedy Modern, Drama, General Romance
    • teen
    • gay
    • under 18
    • school
    • anal
    • oral
    • coming of age
    • friendship

    Making amends to someone is more than simply telling them "I'm sorry." It's acknowledging your flaws to someone that you wronged, admitting exactly what your wrongs were, and promising that person you will live your life trying your hardest to not hurt someone else like that. You're promising them you will try to live a better life. After Scott hurt TJ, his life quickly spiraled out of control. Now, he has an awesome sponsor, an awesome boyfriend (who is his sponsor's younger brother), and working The Steps (until he reaches The Eighth Step). Will he find the strength to try and contact TJ again to make amends for what he did?

    • 1 Chapters
    • 8,208 Words
    • Mature
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  1. 1. Chapter 1
    • 8,208 Words
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